The performers came one after another.

Finally it was Cen Chen's turn.

Cen Chen's appearance belongs to the fresh and clean type, but today's stage style is particularly contrasting. He wore a black suit shirt and black pants, with several buttons unbuttoned to reveal a sexy Adam's apple, and a silver earring on his ear.

This outfit did not look strange on him. On the contrary, the moment he appeared on the stage, the scene burst into shouts.

Countless mother fans screamed that their sons had grown up, and some people found that maternal love had deteriorated.

The accompaniment sounded.

Cen Chen held the microphone and sang and danced.

"Take off the dust on my leather shoes, even if I didn't get my hair done, pursue unusual beauty, and appreciate my own invention."


"AB and CDEFG, I'll give you a copy of my EP. I said don't love me. I can't stop my personality charm. Don't think about this problem."


Cen Chen's voice is very suitable for singing clean songs, but the song "Mr. Elegant" brought today does not feel out of place when singing.

He was at ease on the stage.

The magnetic and low-pitched subwoofer sounded through the microphone, and the fans who heard the song blushed and their hearts beat fast.

On the stage, Cen Chen held the microphone with one hand and untied his loose tie with the other hand, which caused everyone to roar.

Qin Yin's eyes flashed with a slight shock. She didn't expect Cen Chen to bring such a surprising contrast.

In order to prevent the young Cen Xi and others from hearing unhealthy content, she lowered her head and seriously told them to cover their ears.

"Ahhh, husband!"

"Husband, please face me!"

"Cen Chen! You are so handsome!"

Sure enough, Cen Chen's fans went crazy, and even fans of other trainees wanted to cheat after listening to this song.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also instantly turned into perverts and all kinds of yellow garbage emerged in an endless stream.

[My husband has grown up. Relieved.jpg]

[Don't shout upstairs, do you know how long Cen Chen coaxed me with little Cen Chen in the quilt just because of your husband? It made my back ache. ]

[Sister, I advise you not to be so absurd. ]

[What should I do? I feel that my maternal love has deteriorated. I was a mother fan at the beginning, but now I want to flirt with him like a beast. ]

[This is the comment area, not the no-man's land. Please wear your pants consciously. Your pants are flying on my face. Cover face.jpg]

After Cen Chen's performance, several trainees' performances ignited the audience.

After everyone's performance, the trainees who remained in the finals stood on the stage.

At this time, each trainee's face was more or less nervous, and the high-definition camera clearly captured their expressions.

Qin Yin sat in her seat, and the little guys around her were all excitedly shouting to vote for Brother Cen Chen.

She and Shen Linxi did as they wished, and both of them voted for Cen Chen without hesitation.

The atmosphere during the voting session was extremely tense. The audience sitting nearby were also tense and couldn't help but pray in a low voice that their idols would make a successful debut.

"The voting time is about to end. Audience friends on the scene and netizens watching the live broadcast, please give your precious votes to the contestants you support."

"Now enter the countdown."

"10, 9, 8..."




"Voting is over, the voting channel is closed."

As the host's voice fell, the voting channel was completely closed at the last moment, and no more voting could be done.

The microphone was handed over to Lu Zezhou by the host.

He was wearing a trendy boy group outfit today, with unruly light blue hair, as if he had walked out of the second dimension.

"Hello everyone, I am mentor Lu Zezhou. There are a total of 5 places for the group of "Idol Debut". Now I will announce that the fifth place winner is——"

He lowered his head and opened the envelope.

"Xiao Xiao, congratulations."

The boy called Xiao Xiao was full of excitement, and his good friends came forward to hug him and congratulate him.

"Xiao Xiao!"

"Dragon into the sky! Xiao Xiao, you are the best!"

Lu Zezhou's voice continued to announce.

"Fourth place, Tong Yao."

"Third place, Lin Bojun."

"Second place, Meng Hanjian."

"Next is the first place, who will win?"

Cen Chen, whose name had not yet been called, stood upright on the stage, his face tense, his heart beating violently.

Will he be the first place?

Or will he miss the debut position by one place?

Lu Zezhou opened the envelope to reveal the answer, "The first place in the final of "Idol Debut" is——"

"Shengshi Entertainment, Cen Chen!"

"Let meLet's congratulate him with the warmest applause!"

Lu Zezhou said, raising his hand first to applaud, and then the stage erupted in deafening applause. Cen Chen, who was standing on the stage, had red eyes.

"Cen Chen! Cen Chen!"

"The sea of ​​stars is vast and boundless, Cen Chen! You are the most dazzling star in the sea of ​​stars!"

"Ah, brother is great, brother is a big star!"


The audience burst into shouts, supporting Cen Chen all the way and watching him walk to today. No matter how difficult and dangerous the difficulties were, they did not stop him. He stood up stubbornly from where he fell.

Cen Chen held the microphone and faced the audience. He saw the fans waving cheering sticks, forming a dazzling sea of ​​stars at a glance.

"Thank you... Thank you everyone, thank you for the fans' unswerving support and my family for giving me courage. The person I want to thank most is my boss, Qin Yin, the chairman of Shengshi Entertainment. "

"Sister Qin, I wouldn't be who I am today without you. I am especially grateful to Sister Qin for pulling me out of the mud and sending me to another bright road. In the days to come, I will encourage myself even more and try not to disappoint Sister Qin!"

Qin Yin sat under the stage.

She looked at the radiant boy standing on the stage, and in a trance, the scene of the skill [Knowing the Pearl with Wisdom] rewarded by the system when she saw him in the live broadcast room emerged in her mind.

Perhaps she signed him for the sake of profit.

But how can someone like Cen Chen, who has a pure heart, not move people?

She opened her red lips lightly, "You are my pride. "

You will be the pride of Shengshi Entertainment in the future.

After treatment, Cen Xi's face has only a little red birthmark left. Her little face is full of smiles and she keeps shouting "brother is the best". When she is tired, she drinks two sips of Coke and continues shouting.

To show their friendship, Wen Jinyu and Wen Haoran also waved their hands to cheer for Cen Chen.

"Cen Chen is really good."

Shen Linxi, who has silver hair, gently wiped the stains on Wen Haoran's lips, looked at Cen Chen who won the first place, and then looked at Qin Yin.

He raised his eyebrows.

Mr. Qin has a good eye and did not make a mistake.

Shen Linxi said, taking out his mobile phone from his pocket. After he contacted the people in Times Square, a photo of Cen Chen and a message congratulating him on his debut soon appeared on the huge screen in the square.

This scene was photographed and sent to the Internet. Countless netizens were curious and began to discuss which rich woman was so generous.

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