#SunnyBoy's debut night exploded the stage

#Explosive! Sunny Boy, the light of domestic boy groups

#A rich woman booked the venue in Haishi Times Square to congratulate Sunny Boy's Cen Chen on his debut

#Cen Chen's acceptance speech for his C-position debut

The boy group talent show created by Echang at a huge cost has officially come to an end. There are reluctances and regrets, but everyone still dispersed.

The debuted members were named Sunny Boy, which means "sunny boy". Next, they will form a limited group to carry out activities in China.

This night, the Internet was flooded with entertainment news about the formation of Sunny Boy.

The morning sun shines on the earth and illuminates everything. Qin Yin rested today and did not go to the company.

She sat in the small pavilion in the garden, wearing a retro palace-style white dress, leisurely enjoying the rich and delicious morning tea cooked by Chef Bao.

Unlike the bright sunshine in Haishi, at the same time, a heavy rainstorm broke out in He Province.

"Hua La La --"

The sky was gloomy, dark clouds were pressing down on the city, and the sky seemed to have a huge hole that could not be blocked at all, and the rain fell in a drizzle.

The rain was fast and fierce, and soon the drainage system in the city was overwhelmed and could not cope with it. The flood quickly submerged the calves and knees in a short period of time, and the rain was not reduced but still increased.

Not only that, many cities and counties in He Province experienced water and power outages, and the National Typhoon Defence Headquarters immediately launched a level 3 emergency response for flood control.

The water level rose higher and higher, and a slightly thin figure standing in the water could be washed away immediately.

The high river water submerged the car, and it was a mess. The flood could rush the car to an unknown direction at any time, and the people in the car faced extreme danger.

People had to abandon their cars and flee.

"Child, there are children in the car. I can't swim. Who can save me?"

A young mother opened the sunroof with her child in her arms and stood on the roof of the car, helplessly asking for help. She was already wearing thin clothes in the summer, and now she was drenched by the heavy rain and was cold all over. She had no other clothes to cover her child.

"There are children there, go there!"

"Hurry! It will be troublesome if they are washed away!"

The strong citizens in He Province can swim, and they consciously formed a rescue team. Seeing the mother and child trapped on the roof of the car, they stepped forward to help without hesitation.

Such phenomena, brave and fearless rescue, were staged in many cities and counties in He Province, explaining that natural disasters are ruthless but people are kind.

The floods in He Province were rampant, and the disaster was quickly publicized and became a hot search on major video software, and was also broadcast in real time on the news station.

Qin Yin picked up a piece of soft and glutinous taro cake from the fork and took a bite. The taste of taro filled her mouth, and then she took a sip of milk on the table.

She took out her mobile phone to watch the video.

As soon as I entered Douyin, I saw a piece of news about a major disaster with more than 50,000 likes and comments.

"At 6:11 am on August 20, many cities and counties in Hebei Province were hit by heavy rainstorms. The day was instantly like night, with lightning and thunder in the sky, bridges collapsed, floods flooded and submerged traffic, urban traffic was interrupted, and water and power outages occurred in many places. The land was devastated and shocking."

"According to the meteorological station, heavy rainstorms will continue in the next few days. The heavy rain in Hebei Province this time will be a year's precipitation. Experts preliminarily estimated that the property losses caused by this flood disaster are as high as 100 billion."

"The National Typhoon Defence Headquarters quickly launched a level 3 emergency response for flood control and dispatched armed police and fire rescue to ensure the safety of people's lives and property."

Seeing the serious situation in Hebei Province in the news, Qin Yin's eyes were filled with worry.

Click to enter the comment area.

As expected, I saw netizens praying, hoping that the rainstorm would end soon and that the people in the place where the rainstorm occurred would be safe.

Qin Yin stood up and went back to the room to change clothes again. Without calling the driver Qi Ruanruan, she hurried to the company with the car keys.

After entering the office, she immediately called Shen Linxi on the internal line before she had a good rest.

"Mr. Qin."

"Special Assistant Shen, please handle it. Transfer 200 million from my personal account to the charity foundation in Hebei Province for disaster relief."

Shen Linxi also saw the news and was not surprised by Qin Yin's statement.

If you are poor, you can take care of yourself, and if you are rich, you can help the world. Mr. Qin's heart has always been soft, not a cold and ruthless capitalist.

"Mr. Qin, is this donation in your name or in the name of the company?"

Qin Yin said decisively, "Company."

"Okay, Mr. Qin."

Shen Linxi nodded.

He contacted the charity foundation in Hebei Province, discussed the donation, and then took out his mobile phone to find the marketing account to expose the news. Those who work in the entertainment industry have more or less the mobile phones of major marketing accounts and paparazzi.Contact information.

The 200 million donated by Shengshi Entertainment is not leaves, this money is real, so after donating it, people should know that this can also increase the company's reputation.

Mr. Qin's original intention was to help the people of He Province, but the donation was indeed real money, and this operation is normal.

Not long after the news of the heavy rain in He Province broke out, news about celebrities and some large companies donating began to appear on Weibo and other software hot searches.

#Explosion! Huo Group donated 300 million to help He Province

#Lu Zezhou donated 5 million

#Taxing Women's Shoes donated 10 million

#Huikang Pharmaceutical donated 8 million for disaster relief

#Boiling! Shengshi Entertainment donated 200 million to rescue flood disasters

#Sunny Boy member Cen Chen donated 2 million

[Damn, worthy of being the richest man in China, the Huo family donated 300 million to help He Province, what a malpractice! ]

[Our Zhou Zhou has always been very keen on charity. He donates part of his salary from filming to children in mountainous areas every year to help them go to school. I hope that when haters criticize our Zhou Zhou in the future, they will think about how much you have donated? Stop telling me that celebrities make more money and their millions are the same as ordinary people's hundreds. Whose money is blown by the wind? ]

[Our Chen Chen is also great. He just made his debut as a group and hasn't started making money yet, but he donated money to help Hebei Province. ]

[Which company is "Shengshi Entertainment"? Awesome! The richest man donated 300 million and Shengshi donated 200 million. I have to say that this move is not something that can be done with money alone. Both courage and kindness are indispensable. ]

[Does this company sell any products? Go ahead and do a live broadcast on Douyin for everyone to see. If the quality is good, you can get some money back. This time, many large companies donated less money than Shengshi Entertainment. 】

【Your expectations above will be dashed. Shengshi Entertainment is an entertainment company and does not sell goods. However, you can follow their official Weibo account. Shengshi’s artists Cen Chen and Lin Jiaying are both worth following. 】

【I am from He Province. Thank you very much for your help. We have already dropped supplies on the rooftop by helicopter. 】


The fact that Shengshi Entertainment donated 200 million yuan, which is close to the amount of the richest family in China, the Huo family, has been spread by countless netizens and everyone is talking about it with relish.

There are also some online keyboard warriors who take advantage of the situation to belittle "Shengshi Entertainment" for showmanship, false compassion, and hypocrisy... Those who made these remarks were directly sprayed into sieves by other netizens with sharp eyes.

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