Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 205 Medivh’s Crystal (9/10, please subscribe)




Li Yunze used Ash Messenger to chop all the bones on the Skeleton Mountain into powder. The ash messenger burned by fire is different, the holy light is more dazzling and dazzling, and it can be used to grill fish more in the future.

Wherever the holy light goes, there is no scum left behind.

All the bones were cleaned up. Just as a smile appeared on Li Yunze's face, the mastermind gave him a surprise.


In the depths of the bone pile, a black figure quickly went to Li Yunze.

Li Yunze felt the intense crisis, and immediately understood that if he was hit, he would definitely die.

"Holy Shield Technique!"

Do not hesitate to use Invincible to block the fatal blow of the shadow.

The scream was miserable, and it was even more infiltrating. The black shadow was knocked into the air by the holy light of the Holy Shield technique, and hit the wall heavily, cracking, followed by the figure with the bones falling apart.

Li Yunze took a closer look, and it turned out to be a monster with a skeleton model, with a level of 45. Fortunately, he opened Invincible in time, otherwise he would definitely be killed instantly.

This 45-level skeletal mob was very afraid of the Holy Light, and was suppressed by the Holy Light.

It was repulsed by the Holy Light, hit the wall, and suffered heavy damage. The bones on its body began to crack little by little, and then fell apart.

"Just 1 point of blood."

Li Yunze was pleasantly surprised. The Ash Messenger in his hand slashed towards the skeleton mobs that had not yet risen from the ground without hesitation.

1 point of blood, as long as it hits, you can kill. The level gap between the two sides is huge. According to the level of the game, it is suppressed at level 26, and the hit rate is only 1%. Moreover, it may not be able to break the defense.

However, Li Yunze is a high lord, naturally restraining undead creatures. The Ashen Messenger in his hand is able to kill all evil in the world and is the nemesis of the undead.

The status of the high lord and the blessing of the Ashbringer made Li Yunze have a very high probability of hitting this level 45 skeleton. Although it can't break much defense and can only barely deal a few damages, this skeleton monster only has 1 point of blood, and it can be killed on hit.


Li Yunze must kill this 45-level skeleton monster before the end of invincibility, or he will die.

The first attack, missed.

The second attack still missed.

When the invincibility was about to end, the skeleton monster got up and flew towards Li Yunze again.

At the moment, Li Yunze's ash messenger changed into a thorn and pierced into the bone.




A normal attack that pierces the bone monster's chest, inflicting 2 damage on it and clearing its health bar.

"Almost capsized in the gutter."

The skeleton Death gave Li Yunze a lot of experience, and his level jumped from level 26 to 76% to level 27 to 34%.

After gaining experience, the representative was completely dead, and Li Yunze sighed in relief: "The warlock player in the previous life, why didn't he mention this?"

In fact, it was not the first warlock player who discovered this secret in the previous life. During the interview, he deliberately didn't mention it, but it seemed unnecessary to that warlock player. It was really unnecessary. When the secret was discovered, the warlock player was already level 70, a level 45 skeleton monster with only 1 point of blood, he could die with a single finger, which was not worth mentioning.

That warlock player is not worth mentioning, and he almost killed Li Yunze. If he hadn't been invincible, he would have been beaten for the first time when he was attacked.

It is always a good thing to solve the blame without being second. In order to prevent another level 45 monster from flying out of the bone pile, Li Yunze did not rush to search, but stood in place, waiting for the invincible CD.

Just wait, it’s not less than 60 minutes, and it’s safe to say that it will take longer to die once.

Li Yunze didn't wait, but summoned Vanessa out. It's good to have an entourage. Even in the tomb, there will be someone to accompany him.

Li Yunze is estimated to be the first player to take his sister to the grave.

Vanessa came out, looking at the depressed environment around her, her eyebrows frowned: "Master, where is this place?"

Li Yunze sat down to rest and regained his strength: "Under Karazhan, where Medivh did his experiment."

Vanessa looked at the bone mountain that was destroyed by Li Yunze ahead and fixed her gaze on the level 45 mobs that were killed: "This was killed by the master?"

Li Yunze grinned: "How about, your master is amazing."

Vanessa turned to look at Li Yunze, showing her admiration: "I can't beat this skeleton. The master can defeat it. It's better than Vanessa."

Li Yunze got up, walked in front of Vanessa, and touched her head: "Wait for you to be high, such a skeleton, one at a time."

Vanessa enjoyed Li Yunze's favor, and nodded and said: "Vanessa will grow up and protect her master."

With Vanessa accompanied, 60 minutes passed quickly, the Invincible CD turned for the better, and Li Yunze walked into the Skeleton Mountain.

There is no danger, Li Yunze is too worried, too stable.

Steady is not a bad thing, in case you really die, exploding equipment is a small matter, and running a corpse can make people cry.

"Master, what are you looking for? Vanessa help you."

Vanessa had no fear of Bone Mountain, and went inside to search together.

Li Yunze said: "A purple crystal."

Although the Bone Mountain was destroyed by Li Yunze, the entire Bone Mountain was really big. After most of it turned into powder, it was still a mountain.

The two of them kept rummaging in the bone mountain.

"Purple light!"

Li Yunze's eyes lit up, and a purple light was found in the corner.

I hurried over and cleaned the bones and powder around the purple light. A purple crystal was inlaid in the corner.

Li Yunze used the Ashbringer to pick the purple crystal. The artifact is a artifact, and it can be used as a tool.

The Ashbringer touched the purple crystal, and the purple crystal fell.

Li Yunze knelt down and picked up the purple crystal.

"Acquired: Medivh's crystal."

Medivh’s Crystal (Special)

Medivh was underground in Karazhan. After ten years of research, he obtained the power crystal.

(This crystal is powerful and has unknown power, please use it with caution.)

"This is it."

Li Yunze was overjoyed and recalled in his mind what the warlock player who obtained this crystal said in the interview.

"Medivine is one of the most powerful wizards in human history. He has the ability to predict the future. He knew that he would die, so he conducted research and passed on his power to continue to protect the world of Azeroth."

"The crystal I used gained Medivh's power."

There is no need to point out. In fact, everyone has seen his power in the pvp competition of the sixth anniversary carnival of "Glory" and knows what kind of powerful power he has obtained from Medivh.

It is precisely because of this that with this interview, Li Yunze will know the real secrets hidden underground in Karazhan.

"Karl's ability to rise at the sixth anniversary of the glory carnival and be promoted to the eighth-ranked player in the glory depends on the power he gets from Medivh."

The warlock playerID is Karl. Now this ID is unknown, and his name will not be familiar to everyone until a few years later.

Everyone is familiar with him at first, not because of his strength, but because he is the number one explorer in the "Glory" game.

That's right, he is just like Xiao Tuanzi, a player who focuses on professional skills.

Xiaotuanzi focuses on mining, Carl focuses on exploration.

However, because of getting Medivh’s crystal and gaining the power inside, Carl jumped up during the sixth anniversary carnival of "Glory" and became the top player in the game.

It can be imagined how powerful Medivh’s power can be to make a player who focuses on exploration and never plays pvp, transforms into a top player in the game.

Li Yunze took a deep breath and used Medivh's crystal under Vanessa's gaze.

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