Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 206 Second Class: Guardian of the Astral Realm (10/10, for subscription)

As the guardian of Azeroth, Medivh controls the ability to warp time and space. He is an archmage and a powerful astral wanderer.

There are many magical elements in the world of Azeroth, the most common ones are: Arcane, Fire, Frost, Shadow, Sacred, Nature, Thunder, Gale, Earth, Tide and so on.

Among all magic elements, the rarest, most mysterious, and most powerful is: time and space.

In the background history of the game, the master of time and space is called: Astral Wanderer.

There are only a handful of astral wanderers. Medivh is not only an archmage who controls other elements, but also an astral wanderer who controls time and space elements.

He is the most talented magic genius in the background history of the game, knows all elements, is a god-level mage among humans, and a ceiling among human mages.

His birth is destined to not be ordinary, because he carried the mission. His mother, Aegwynn, was invaded by the soul of Sargeras when he was the ultimate boss Dark Titan Sargeras in the background story of the seal game.

Aegwynn didn't know that there was the soul of Sargeras in own. He gave birth to Medivh after having a night with Stormwind Palace Archmage Ellen, and transferred her power into Medivh's body.

When Medivh became an adult, the power passed to him by Aegwynn was awakened, and Sargeras' vicious soul occupied Medivh's body when Aegwynn was pregnant. Medivh's power awakened, causing his soul to be corroded by Sargeras. He relied on powerful power to fight against Sargeras' soul, temporarily suppressing Sargeras' soul.

So, in Medivh, there are two souls. He can be the strongest mage in the human world, the guardian of the world. It can also be Sargeras, the most evil ultimate boss in the game background story.

Li Yunze thought of the ninth anniversary of "Glory", the official Medivh story, and couldn't help but sigh: "This is the strongest man in the world with a dual soul. He is already the ceiling of the human mage, plus the soul of the ultimate boss of the game. He doesn't want to die, no one can kill him."

For a long time, the player thought that Medivh was really killed, but he was not. He left in suspended animation and has since disappeared, becoming a "legend of the past".

On the tenth anniversary of "Glory", the Burning Legion controlled by Sargeras, the ultimate boss of the game, once again invaded Azeroth, and there are legends about Medivh. Therefore, many players believe that only when Medivh appears again can they be completely defeated and even killed Sargeras.

Li Yunze said to himself: "When Medivh appears again, maybe the glory will come to an end. If he appears, he must have found a way to completely eliminate Sargeras. If the ultimate boss of the game is killed, the glory will be the same as the previous one. Like other games, it slowly ends. There will be other new games that will play glory. However, that is the era of other people, not mine. My era belongs to glory."

Li Yunze's era belongs to "Glory", or "Glory" is his era. At least in the next ten years he knew, Medivh did not appear again, the ultimate boss Sargeras did not personally invade, "Glory" is still the world's most online player game.

Li Yunze used the "Medivine Crystal".

"Congratulations, get Medivh's power and start the second profession: Guardian of the Astral."

Second career!

Sure enough, Li Yunze got the second job Carl obtained in his previous life, guardian of the stars.

The reason why Medivh was doing tragic experiments underground in Karazhan was actually for the continuation of Azeroth and was forced to do so.

He used experiments to temporarily suppress Sargeras' soul, thereby stripping out the power of justice in his body. In this way, a player who gains this power in the future can replace him and continue to guard Azeroth.

Medivh is an astral wanderer and guardian of Azeroth, and his experiments have created a new profession-guardian of the astral.

This is a unique profession, and it is truly the only hidden profession. It is precisely because the power is so powerful that it is difficult to control that Medivh’s introduction of crystals will be reminded in red letters.

Li Yunze's High Lord is not strictly a hidden class, but an epic-level transfer class of 110 Paladins. In the face of countless hidden professional players in the game, the advantage of the high lord will gradually be weakened as the level increases, and the advantage will be completely lost by the 110th level.

"Finally got a real hidden job."

Only when Li Yunze started the second career as Guardian of the Astral Realm, he was considered a real hidden career. With dual professions in hand, he can continue to maintain an advantage over everyone, and will not be suppressed by other hidden professions along with the level of Ascension.

"Change career, guardian of the astral world."

Li Yunze couldn't wait to check the attributes of the guardian of the astral world.

"Warning: Due to the player's lack of power, they cannot fully control the power of the Astral Guardian. Within 168 hours, there is only 1 hour of opening time."

"The player wants to completely control the power of the guardian of the astral world, please continue to improve your own strength."

A system reminder came that the power of the guardian of the star realm was too strong, and Li Yunze's current strength could not be controlled for long.

168 hours is a week, and a week can only be turned on for 1 hour.

"Karl is at the Glory Sixth Anniversary Carnival, it seems that it can be opened for 2 hours."

Li Yunze flashed quickly in his mind, about Carl's memory. The reason why Carl won the 8th place in the Glory Sixth Anniversary Carnival was because the opening time was too short.

Carl himself is an ordinary warlock by profession, and after the end of the star guardian state, he will naturally become an ordinary person.

However, in just two hours of opening time, he got the 8th position. The power of the Guardian of the Astral Realm is as powerful as one can imagine.

"The 7th Anniversary of Glory Carnival, the opening time of Carl's Astral Guardian, was ascension to 3.5 hours, and his ranking rushed from 8th to 6th."

"The 8th Anniversary Carnival of Glory. For some reason, Karl didn't attend and was absent from the 8th Anniversary Carnival."

"The 9th Anniversary of Glory Carnival. Carl participated in the carnival again. The opening time of his Astral Guardian skyrocketed to 10 hours. With the opening time of 10 hours, his ranking rushed to the top three, along with Fengguo Wuhen and Hanjiang Guying. , Is known as the Big Three in the game."

Unfortunately, at the 10th Anniversary Carnival of Glory, Li Yunze was reborn before he had time to participate. I don't know how strong Karl was on the 10th anniversary.

Li Yunze remembered what Feng Guo Wuhen said: "If you give Carl 24 hours of opening time, he is invincible, and Han Jiang and I are not his opponents together."

However, the rebirth of Li Yunze in this life is like a butterfly fanning its wings and changing the course of the game.

Hanjiang Guying did not obtain the Aegwynn Orb, he is no longer the nemesis of the law system, and his ranking in this life is destined to not reach the height of his previous life.

The power of Medivh was acquired by Li Yunze, and Carl could no longer become the guardian of the astral world. He was destined to be the first person in his exploration profession for a lifetime.

"Carl only became the guardian of the astral world in the fifth year of the game. It took 4 years to 12 hours for Ascension. I became the guardian of the astral world just one month after the game started. I have more time to go to Ascension. opening time."

This is the advantage of rebirth. Li Yunze has five years longer than Carl out of thin air. The 24-hour opening time that Carl did not realize in the previous life will be realized by Li Yunze.

The 24-hour guardian of the astral represents: invincible.

Temporarily calming down his excitement, Li Yunze began to check the attributes of the guardian of the star realm, the second job, his greatest support in the future.

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