Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 211 Grim Batol

The megalithic dam was built by dwarves and is one of the most magnificent spectacles in "Glory". This dam built in Rock Lake is more than twice the size expected. Originally, most of the wetlands were underwater. The completion of the dam allowed the appearance of a wetland plain.

Li Yunze came to Selsamar, a town on the shore of Lake Locke. He didn't stop, just walked through the town, and wrote it down so that he could use the time-space teleportation later.

In the middle of Loch Modan is a huge lake, Loch Lake. This lake occupies half of the map, and the scale is no less than the Water Stop Lake.

The megalithic dam is at the northernmost part of the lake. The entire Loch Modan is higher than the wetland in the north. Before the dam was built, half of the wetland was submerged under the water.

From Selsamar to the giant stone dam, according to the awake nightmare speed, it can be reached in half a day, and this speed is just enough to catch up with Liu Feng.

"Yeying, help me check Liu Feng's coordinates."

Li Yunze didn't fully believe in Su Ling. Along the way, he often asked Yeying Meteor to help find Liu Feng's coordinates.

Night Shadow Meteor has props to find the player's coordinates. The number of searches is unlimited, and the number of teleports is limited: "He is in Loch Modan xxx, xxx."

Yeying Meteor didn't ask why Li Yunze kept searching for Liu Feng's coordinates. This was her, indifferent to matters that had nothing to do with him.

Liu Feng's coordinates are in the direction of the Jushi Dam. Li Yunze can now be 99% sure that the information provided by Su Ling is correct.

Su Ling, this woman, Li Yunze now thinks about it, it's really scary. For the life I want, if I don't meet my expectations, I will stabbing a knife in the back.


Li Yunze laughed at himself. How could he have been blind before and fell in love with such a woman: "In the first 20 years, I lived as Illidan, blind and fell in love with the wrong person."

Immersive game, half a day passed very quickly, unknowingly Li Yunze has come to the megalithic dam, you can see one of the most majestic buildings in the history of this dwarf architecture.

"Shao Feng, you finally came."

"Little fairy, you want to kill me."

It was late at night, and Liu Feng couldn't wait to grab the green tea in a hidden corner of the huge stone dam.

Liu Feng nibbling on Green Tea: "How does it feel to be with the old man recently?"

Green Tea smiled: "The old man has been fascinated by me. He wants me to sleep in every day, so I haven't had time to play games recently, and his level is only 20."

Liu Feng sneered: "The old man gave birth to more than 20 illegitimate children, and every one of them wanted to grab the family property with me, and didn't look at their humble births and compete with me for anything."

The Liu's consortium behind Feng Yun Tian, ​​only Liu Feng was born in the main room, so even if he is a straw bag, he is still the chairman of Feng Yun Tian.

Green Tea giggled: "If I'm pregnant with the old man's child, I won't have to give you a Little Brother."

Liu Feng disdain: "Just the old man, can he still fight with you? The child you will have in the future can only be mine."

Green tea licked Zhu's lips: "Fighting with me below him is far less powerful than Feng Shao. Fighting with Feng is earth-shattering, memorable and unforgettable forever."

Liu Feng's eyes were cold: "When the old man dies, the entire Liu family belongs to me, and I have the final say under the wind Yun Tian."

Liu Feng and Green Tea hook up together, and let Green Tea seduce Liu Feng's relatives. One wants to control the Liu family, and the other wants to become the mistress of the Liu family.

Green Tea Ceremony: "Shao Feng, my people have found Grim Batol, but the entrance there is occupied by a group of dragons and it is difficult to get in."

Liu Feng's quest for the ring of courage requires him to go to Grim Batol in the wetlands: "Where is the thief?"

Green Tea shook his head: "No, the dragon people and Soaring Dragon there are too high-level, sneaking will be found."

Liu Feng's IQ suddenly went online: "You will ask me here. It will definitely not be a mere date. You must find a way to enter Grim Batol."

Green tea kissed Liu Feng: "Feng Shao is really smart, he deserves to be the man I like."

Liu Feng enjoyed the admiration of green tea very much and was very proud.

Green tea left Liu Feng’s embrace and turned to point to the north of the dam. The north of the dam is wetland. The drop is very large. Below the dam is a lake. Where does the water in the lake flow to the wetland: "Look at the peak, in the direction of my finger. It’s Grim Batol, just below the dam."

Liu Feng looked down, the drop was at least a kilometer, and he would definitely die if he jumped from here: "You want me to go down from here?"

Green Tea nodded: "Yes, as long as you go down to the lake below the dam, from the east side of the lake, you can bypass the dragon man and Soaring Dragon on the road and directly reach the gate of Grim Batol."

At a height of one kilometer, without special skills or props, it would be miserable to jump down.

Green Tea knew Liu Feng's worries, and continued: "Feng Shao is to enter Grim Batol. It's okay to die once. If Feng Shao ran the corpse back to resurrect, can he just go ashore to Grim Batol?"

A word to wake up the dreamer.

Liu Feng was overjoyed: "Haha, that's right, as long as I run the corpse once to die, I can get there smoothly."

Green Tea reminded: "We have done a test and died in the lake below. It will be resurrected in the wetland. You need to run back from the main entrance of Grim Batol to resurrect the corpse. It will take about an hour."

Liu Feng said: "One hour will be fine, as long as I can enter Grim Batol, you will be the biggest hero."

Green Tea immediately stated: "Green tea is willing to go down first. I will run the corpse. After I am resurrected, Feng Shao will jump down. This way I can directly resurrect Feng Shao, and the items dropped by Feng Shao will not be brushed off."

Liu Feng is very satisfied with Green Tea's statement. He is the best product. If one of them explodes and gets wiped off, the loss will be great: "When I finish the task, I will definitely fight you down."

Green tea smiles: "Green tea is looking forward to a decisive battle with Feng Shao."

Green Tea said, climbing up the retaining wall of the dam, ready to jump from here to make way for Liu Feng. In order to become the future mistress of the Liu family, she doesn't mind sacrificing in the game.

Behind the green tea are guns and the rose guild. This is where she is better than Su Ling, so Liu Feng abandoned Su Ling and chose to hook up with her.

In Liu Feng's mind, Su Ling has now completely lost its use value, like a pile of rubbish, which can be thrown away directly.

When Li Yunze arrived, he heard the dialogue between Liu Feng and Su Ling: "It turns out that the mission of the ring of courage is related to Grim Batol."

Li Yunze looked at the green tea climbing on the retaining wall of the dam, how could she give her a chance to jump off.

Switch astral guardian.

Green Tea jumped, and then... she didn't fall down.

Green tea found that he couldn't fall down, and was shocked: "Be careful, Shao Feng, the soul drifter is here!"

The body of green tea began to drift into the dam uncontrollably.

Get things from the air, the initial skill of the guardian of the astral world.

Use time and space power to levitate an enemy into the air for 5 seconds, and then throw the enemy to a designated location. The landing of the target will stun the surrounding enemy units, and the main target will suffer a lot of damage.

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