Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 212 Red Dragon Queen

Li Yunze used the space-fetching skills of the Astral Guardian to pull back the green tea that had jumped into the dam abruptly, and then threw it on top of Liu Feng's head. When the green tea fell, Liu Feng was dizzy.

The time of vertigo was enough for Li Yunze to cut back to the lord.


Li Yunze flashed to Liu Feng when he was using the Uncontrollable Skill. The husband attacked Liu Feng with a crusade attack, and at the same time he killed the green tea with only half blood on the side.

The 20-level green tea didn't even have the ability to resist, so it died completely, leaving a Magical Robe exploded from her on the ground.

Li Yunze was not interested in watching. Losing Magical Robe's green tea corpse, a whole set of skills quickly hit Liu Feng, trying to kill him in seconds.

Although Liu Feng became a Death Knight, his technology has not improved much. It's good to be equipped well, but he couldn't resist Li Yunze's terrifying damage, and his blood bar was quickly emptied.

"Congratulations on your killing, Alex Tester of Valor, you have obtained the qualification for Alex Test of Valor."

After killing Liu Feng, Li Yunze heard the system prompt, and he received a brand new mission "Alex Courage Trial".

"Diamond necklace."

Li Yunze did not immediately check the content of the mission, but squatted down to pick up the equipment exploded on Liu Feng's body.

A 20-level physical diamond necklace, produced by the Great Water Prison in Stormwind City, with very high attributes and powerful special effects. The main additions are attack strength, crit rate and hit rate.

Li Yunze was kind enough to equip the necklace. His 10-level gold quality necklace was outdated a long time ago, and now he uses a 15-level platinum necklace.

Liu Feng deserves to be a treasurer. Every time he kills him, he explodes better than some bosses.

Li Yunze looked at Liu Feng's body and was considering whether to explode everything on him: "This guy shouldn't be stupid enough. Give me a chance to guard the body."

According to Li Yunze's understanding of Liu Feng, now he must be scolding his mother in the cemetery, and then summoned the people who came down angrily.

The moment Liu Feng was killed, he received a system prompt. His Alex Courage Trial mission failed. The identity of the tester was taken away by the Soul Drifter. To regain the identity of the Tester, the Soul Drifter must be killed.

"Soul Drifter, Soul Drifter, Soul Drifter, Soul Drifter every time..."

Alex’s Courage Trial mission is a special mission, and the final reward is special equipment.

Now that the special mission is taken, Liu Feng's mentality is directly blown through: "If you don't kill the Soul Drifter, I swear not to be a man..."

Unfortunately, "Glory" is fully controlled by the main brain, and Liu Feng cannot find Li Yunze's true information through the official buyout as in previous games. If he could know Li Yunze's true identity, he would definitely kill him immediately and blow up Li Yunze again.

The green tea ceremony standing beside Liu Feng: "Feng Shao, I have summoned everyone to the dam."

"Do not!"

Liu Feng's eyes were red and he lost his senses and ordered: "Everyone will go to Grim Batol and stop the Soul Drifter from entering."


Green tea wants to discourage.

Liu Feng was furious: "I don't want anyone to disobey my orders."

Green Tea didn't dare to speak any more, so she had to do it, and she couldn't help but lament that this time the guns and roses will be lost very badly.

Most of the members of Guns and Roses were at the entrance of Grim Batol in the wetlands. They wanted to reach Grim Batol's gate as quickly as possible to stop Li Yunze, so they had to force their way.

However, the entrance to Grim Batol was occupied by a group of red dragons, and there was a Soaring Dragon. To break through the encirclement, he had to pave the way.

Green Tea couldn't believe how much the guns and roses would lose this time. Maybe all the people were killed and still unable to break through the Red Dragon's line of defense.

However, in the heart of Green Tea, as long as they can obtain sufficient benefits, everyone in the guild is a pawn that can be sacrificed.

Li Yunze picked up the equipment dropped by the green tea, threw it into the backpack without looking at it, and then checked the "Alex Courage Trial" mission.

Alex is actually the name given to the mastermind by the game company. The so-called Alex trial mission is the mastermind's trial mission.

"All dark gold equipment, the prefix is ​​Alex."

Li Yunze thought of having seen a few pieces of dark gold equipment in his previous life, all of which were prefixed with Alex. This means that during game development, all equipment used for testing is named after the main brain.

Perhaps it is the dark gold equipment, named after own, and the main brain finds them from the deepest database and turns the test equipment abandoned by the game developers into dark gold equipment.

Liu Feng has a god-level game login card, and it is not surprising that he received the task of dark gold equipment. It's just the dark gold equipment task, the setting that the killed task will be taken, it should be deliberately done by the main brain. It must hope that the equipment named after itself, the owner is the most powerful player in the game.

"Grim Batol."

Li Yunze didn't expect that Alex's test of courage needed to go to Grim Batol.

As a rebirth, Li Yunze is no stranger to Grim Batol.

In the background of the game, there are three groups of dwarves, Bronzebeard dwarves, Dark Iron dwarves and Wildhammer dwarves.

The main city of the Bronzebeard dwarves is in Ironforge, the main city of the Dark Iron dwarves is the Blackrock Abyss under the Blackrock Mountain, and the main city of the Wildhammer dwarves is Grim Batol.

In the background of the game, after the civil war of the three dwarves, the defeated Wildhammer dwarves migrated north, passed through the gate of Dan Ogaz, and built their own kingdom on the summit of Grim Batol.

In the subsequent Dark Iron Dwarf raid, although the Wildhammer Dwarf won the victory, Queen Morjad, the wife of the Dark Iron Dwarf King Thaurissan, died in the Battle of Grim Batol. Before she died, she gave Grim Barto's curse of eternity.

The Wildhammer dwarves have since fled their cursed homeland because of the horror they witnessed in Grim Batol, and will never return.

"The current Grim Batol should be the territory of the Dragonmaw clan."

Li Yunze searched his memory and calculated according to the time stage of the game. Now Grim Batol is occupied by the Dragonmaw clan, not as seen on the surface of the player, but by a group of red dragons.

In fact, after the Wildhammer dwarves left Grim Batol, the Dragonmaw clan of the orcs took over here.

The chief of the Dragonmaw clan, the notorious warlock Nekruz, used an ancient artifact called the "Devil Soul" to control the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza and her Red Dragon clan.

Nekruz uses the Red Dragon Queen to establish a secret force in the Wildhammer Fortress Grim Batol. He plans to use this force and the powerful Red Dragon Legion to launch a new war against the Alliance, thereby reuniting the scattered orc tribes and continuing their conquest of Azeroth.

"The Red Dragon Queen Alektasar, at this time, should still be imprisoned in Grim Batol."

Li Yunze looked at Grim Batol under the dam. Could it be that Alex's trial of courage had something to do with the imprisoned Red Dragon Queen?

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