The requirements of the first player in the game, few casual players can not be unmoved.

Purple Qi from the East did not hesitate and agreed to Li Yunze's invitation from the mercenary group.

Li Yunze stretched out his right hand to Purple Qi from the East: "You are welcome to join the mercenary group. You can bring some friends into the group to play together."

Purple Qi from the East is a friend Karl. He joined the Fearless Mercenary Group. Karl will also be Li Yunze's pocket.

In the future, the Fearless Mercenary Group will become a Fearless Guild. It needs talents in all fields, such as Purple Qi from the East and Carl. The more the better.

With new members joining, the internal chat channel of the Fearless Mercenary Group immediately became lively. The last time a new member was added was at level 15. It has been a month since now.

"Welcome welcome, the Fearless Mercenary Group welcomes you to join." This is Chun, and she is now the team treasure of the Fearless Mercenary Group.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Buns came to sell a show again: "Haha, Purple Qi from the East, I like the name, purple in purple, brother, do you want to pick up soap together?"

Timo is not meow: "Welcome new friends to join, please ignore the slut above. He was kicked by a donkey in his head when he was a child, which is not normal."

Four seasons: "It's not easy to add new people. This brother is a thief. The pvp technology must be very powerful. Do you want to play with the flag?"

Hanjiang Guying: "I just made a bubble, you continue."

Yeying Meteor: "Put the flag?"

Seeing so many celebrities, Purple Qi from the East was quite excited. He decisively refused the invitation to plant the flags of the Four Seasons and Yeying Meteor: "I don't know how to pvp..."

Just kidding, with his half-hearted pvp technology, he wants to plant a flag with two god-tiers, which is purely looking for abuse.

I think Purple Qi from the East is humble throughout the year: "Brothers don't worry, we often plant flags inside, so it won't hurt our peace."

Li Yunze stood up and said: "He really doesn't know how to pvp, so don't embarrass him. Don't you think that this name is familiar?"

Purple Qi from the East did not become famous in "Glory". In the last game "Magical Beasts", he was also the famous single-swipe god-tier in the game. He contributed half of the extreme single-swipe teaching in the game.

"Listening to the commander, this name is indeed a bit familiar."

"Wait, Purple Qi from the East, I'm going, isn't it the number one thief in the Magical Beasts game."

"Yes, the first single god-tier in the Magical Beasts game is called Purple Qi from the East. It is said that there is no copy that he can't do alone."

After Li Yunze's reminder, everyone immediately remembered where Sacred is Purple Qi from the East. He is not only a single god-tier, but also a wizard who is good at spotting loopholes in game dungeons.

Runaway Barbecue Bao said: "Brother, it's amazing. You can just swipe the dungeon alone. It's not bad, it suits my appetite. Shall we go to the dungeon to pick up soap together?"

Qiye Rejuvenation: "If you forget love, you can become stronger."

Purple Qi from the East's reputation mainly comes from single-swipe, everyone who knows him actually understands, this guy doesn't know how to pvp at all.

Now that he knows that he can't pvp, and Yeying Meteor loses interest in flagging him throughout the year.

"Leader, I will add a friend to the group later." It was not Purple Qi from the East who said this, but the cat of be lazy.

Li Yunze said: "No problem, we don't have many people in our mercenary group. You have friends, so you can join in as long as you think it's suitable."

Be Lazy's cat said: "My friend is a very powerful legal player. He has changed his job to a hidden profession."

Hidden occupations.

Li Yunze immediately became interested: "What is his ID?"

Be lazy's cat said: "Two and a half hangers."

Two and a half hangers, one of the top ten masters in the game circle, is the first batch of hidden professional players in "Honor", shines during the first anniversary carnival, and ranks in the top 20 of the game rankings.

At the tenth anniversary of "Glory", he was still ranked within 100.

"It turned out to be the second half, haha, quickly add him in."

There are so many friends throughout the year, and Erban Diaozi is one of his friends: "Maomao, are you just the childhood sweetheart of Erban?"

"Ah, the cat is the second half of the childhood sweethearts that Big Brother often mentions?" Qiu asked in surprise.

Be lazy's cat said shyly: "Yes."

Laughing all year round: "Unexpectedly, my younger siblings are by my side."

If Li Yunze remembers correctly, the hidden class of the second half is the star wizard, which is the hidden class of arcane wizards.

The astrology mage is a bit similar to the astral guardian, but it is a weakened astral guardian, and should be regarded as an enhanced version of the arcane mage.

Purple Qi from the East, Carl, Erban Diaozi, and the Fearless Mercenary Corps will have 3 more members, from 22 to 25.

25 people is not enough, the ultimate copy of the first expansion, Karazhan crypt, but a team copy of 40 people.

The head of Li Yunze, Alexander: "Everyone still has friends, so you can recruit more people."

From 28 to 45, at least two or three months, Li Yunze still has time to recruit people.

After the Karazhan catacombs are attacked, you must prepare for the next expansion. At that time, the upper limit of the level will be opened to level 60, and there will be more 40-person team dungeons.

For better development, Li Yunze will establish a guild at that time.

Purple Qi from the East is at level 26. It is not suitable for leveling with Li Yunze. He has a task on his body, and Li Yunze is not allowed to take him to do the task alone.

"When I go back, I will add Cal to the mercenary group." Purple Qi from the East said before leaving.

In order to recruit people, Li Yunze set up recruiting permissions for everyone, not afraid that everyone will add too many people, but this group of people will be lazy, and no one will be recruited.

The head of the group is under a lot of pressure, and the head is suffering.

Separate from Purple Qi from the East, Li Yunze has no need to stay in Wuyaling. The monster here is around level 26, which is not suitable for him to upgrade.

Monsters above level 28 in the Dusk Forest are in the Ogre Valley in the southern part of Raven Hill, where the level of ogres is between 28-30.

Waiting for people throughout the year, training there, Li Yunze decided to go there to upgrade the monsters.

There is no need to meet them, the Ogre Valley is large enough, and the number of level 28 players is now scarce, so there is generally no looting.

Li Yunze first used time and space teleport skills to reach the entrance of Crow Ridge, and then summoned a sober nightmare, heading south to the Ogre Valley.

The race of ogres is almost everywhere in Azeroth. Although this kind of monster is powerful, it also has its own characteristics.

A lot of money.

That's right, ogres should be looting often, so they lose a lot of money and are loved by players.

What should I do if I have no money?

Go and fight the ogres.

What if you are unhappy?

Then go fight the trolls.

The lucid nightmare speed made Li Yunze quickly come to the Ogre Valley. After he clocked in here, he could directly use the time and space teleportation next time he came back.

Li Yunze glanced at his experience that was about 30% short of leveling up: "If you have 30% experience at level 1, you will be upgraded to level 30 in two days."

Li Yunze's current experience is the same as Fengguo Wuhen, it depends on him and Fengguo Wuhen, who will become the first player to reach level 30 in the game.

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