Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 236 Level 30!

As soon as you enter the level, it is like the sea, and entertainment has become a luxury since then.

After 15 hours a day, Li Yunze was there to farm ogres, with the help of Vanessa and the Faerie Dragon, he was very efficient in spawning monsters.

The only fly in the ointment is that it is now close to level 30, and the benefits of the second unblocking of the Ashbringer are almost exhausted. However, the Ashbringer is a divine weapon after all, and the attributes of the second unblocking are actually similar to the level 30 diamond weapons. The main reason is that it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality.

"You must try to unblock the Ashbringer."

If you want to have fun, you have to let the Ashbringer unblock it for the third time.

Li Yunze killed all the eighteenth generations of the ogre ancestors in a day and a half. When the ogres here saw him, they all wanted to kneel and beg for mercy. Uncle, if you kill it again, we will be extinct.

At level 29, the Astral Guardian finally reached level 20.

The level 20 guardian of the star realm did not disappoint Li Yunze. He added another skill, which was to change his position.

Transposition (active): first-level, 50 yards cast range, 100 Magic power consumption, 5 minutes cooling time.

You can exchange positions with the target. After the position is changed, the damage suffered by the Astral Guardian will be applied to the changed target in the same amount for 60 seconds.

During the repositioning period, every time the Astral Guardian damages a critical strike, the repositioning time will be reduced by 10 seconds.

This skill, in heads-up, is very disgusting.

Change your position. If your opponent attacks you within 60 seconds, you will be bounced 100% damage and hit yourself.

What's more disgusting is that you can stand in a special position and change positions with others, and then pit them.

For example, if you change your position at the moment of jumping off a cliff, the other party will greet you and the whole family.

For example, at the moment of entering the portal, you change positions with the tribe player, and then entering the tribe player will enter the portal and greet your whole family.

Of course, the strongest thing about transposition is in pvp. After transposition, it is equivalent to forcibly increasing the damage rebound for 60 seconds. Although the amount of damage should be received, the opponent will receive the same amount of damage, which will prevent the opponent from attacking easily.

"This skill is most suitable for grabbing treasure chests."

A picture appeared in Li Yunze's mind. A player was about to drive into the treasure chest, and was suddenly shifted and changed its position. The treasure chest became his. The picture must be very funny.

Astral Guardian level 20, Li Yunze put on the level 20 legal system gold equipment that he had prepared long ago.

Excessive equipment, gold quality is enough, anyway, it will be eliminated within a week.

If other players knew that Li Yunze used the golden equipment that everyone could hope to make up, he would definitely be envious of the separation of the masses.

Vanessa's level, as well as Ascension, is already 28.

The level of the Faerie Dragon has reached level 18.

"When I am level 30, Vanessa should be level 29, and the Faerie Dragon should be level 20."

Li Yunze is very much looking forward to whether the level 20 Faerie Dragon will increase skills.

It turns out that he was right again.

When Li Yunze chopped down an elite ogre little boss, his level reached 30.

Moreover, it is the first level 30 player in the game.

Feng passed Wuhen's current level, only 96% of level 29.

"Congratulations to the player Soul Drifter, successfully upgraded to level 30, obtained the achievement, and leveled the madman."

"The game version will be updated online. The updated content players can be inquired by email. More new gameplay methods are waiting for you players."

The world announcement came, and Li Yunze once again became the focus of the game.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun: "Haha, the boss is cheating, it's worthy of my thigh, and I was the first one to rise to level 30."

Four seasons of the year: "Soul is fine, level 30, I only have 88% experience at level 29 now."

Timothy is not Meow: "You're really bad captain, you sneaked up to level 30 with us behind your back."

The second half: "Congratulations to the dumplings, once again force the wind to pass Wuhen."

Two-half Diaozi and Karl joined the Fearless Mercenary Group a day ago, and now there are 25 people in the Fearless Mercenary Group.

Little dumpling: "Oh, I dug a gold ore."

Xiao Tuanzi is still like that, only caring about mining. In her world, there is only the cutest ore. She doesn't care about the first person in the game.

Li Yunze was the first to rise to level 30. Hei Sanye, Feihua Xueying, and Gucheng of World War I sent congratulations one after another.

It's level 30, and the Ashbringer hasn't unblocked yet. Li Yunze is about to summon the suture monster: "Xueying, you bring people to Yese Town. Don't bring too many, just bring the main force."

Phoenix's main group, plus the main group of beating the kindergarten, and the fearless mercenary group, are enough to kill the suture monster with the help of npc.

"You want to kill the world boss of Twilight Forest?"

The current level 30 world boss has not been killed for the first time, and Feihua Xueying immediately guessed Li Yunze's intentions.

Li Yunze did not intend to conceal her: "Yes, I am going to kill the level 30 world boss in Twilight Forest, and I intend to cooperate with Phoenix."

The 30-level world boss represents the wealth of the 30th level. Feihua Xueying is not certain to refuse: "I will come soon."

At the end of the private chat with Feihua Xueying, Li Yunze talked about beating the children privately: "Take your people and gather in Yese Town."

The violent beating kid has long waited for this day to come: "The boss gave an order, the little brother would dare not obey."

"Everyone in the regiment listens, don't level up first, return to Yese Town collectively."

In order to avoid long night dreams, the best time to kill suture monsters is to fight when the others are not at level 30.

The others are not level 30, and Li Yunze, who has a level advantage, has the highest success rate in taking the final blow.

The world boss is refreshed every seven days, and Li Yunze doesn't want to wait another seven days.

"Hit the boss?" asked all year round.

Li Yunze said: "Yes, fight a level 30 world boss, all come to Yese Town."

"Level 30 world boss, damn, boss, you wait, I'll be back soon." The chased pork bun was very excited.

It’s not good if you are not excited. The last time you fought a world boss, the world boss at level 15 in Westfall was the old blind eye. The world boss at level 20 in Redridge Mountain did not fight at all and was taken by other guilds.

A level 30 world boss, no one will be unimpressed. The Fearless Mercenary Group will collectively stop what they are doing and go to the night town to gather.

Even Hanjiang Guying and Yeying Meteor, who had been acting alone recently, put aside what they were doing and rushed to Yese Town together.

This is the cohesion of the fearless mercenary group, Li Yunze, the first person in the game, extraordinary.

The time to unblock the third Ashbringer finally came, and after gathering the manpower, Li Yunze was much calmer.

He teleports in time and time, and is not in a hurry to return to the night town, first check the skills added by the 20th-level Faerie Dragon.

Fall of the stars: Summon the fragments of the stars to cause continuous damage to targets within 30 yards. The damage can be superimposed. Within the damage range, the damage will increase by 5% for each additional second for a duration of 30 seconds.

This is a group attack skill, and the scope is large, the damage is high, and it is frightening.

Worthy of being a sacred beast, if Li Yunze faced a siege of a bunch of enemies and let the elven dragon release a bunch of stars to fall, he would surely reap a bunch of heads.

After checking the new skills of the elven dragon, Li Yunze used the time and space teleport skills to return to the night town. After everyone arrives in the night town, he will go to the heart of the corpse and summon the 30-level world boss stitch monster in the twilight forest.

Whether the Ashbringer can successfully unblock it for the third time, success or failure depends on this.

Li Yunze must get the final blow of the Stitching Monster. It must be his own hand to kill the Stitching Monster with the Ashbringer. The rest of the team still cannot unlock the Ashbringer with the final blow.

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