Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 237 Phoenix Nirvana

Collection, night town.

Most of the members of the Fearless Mercenary Group practiced in the Twilight Forest and returned directly to Hearthstone to Night Town.

It was a collective return. Even the small dumplings who had been mining outside came back. No one wanted to miss this mercenary group event.

There are now members of the Fearless Mercenary Group.

Li Yunze, all year round, spring, summer, autumn, winter, runaway barbecued pork buns, timo is not meow, Yeying Meteor, Kuona, Hanjiang Guying, windy outside, go home with me, Qiye Rejuvenation, Xiaoduanzi, Li Wenying, Immortal's loneliness, be lazy cat, two-and-a-half hangzi, Purple Qi from the East, Carl, guess what, the following offense, the style of speech.

Very embarrassing, not 25 people, but 24 people.

Xia has been transferred to Nature Guardian and returned, and Nature Guardian belongs to the healer-oriented profession. However, it has the ability to transform into a druid deer form and can use ranged spells to attack.

Healable and exportable, Xia is more suitable as a healer when the fearless mercenary group lacks treatment.

Li Yunze pulled everyone into the team: "Since I finished the prison, I haven't organized a mercenary group activity for a long time. I called everyone to come together tonight to fight the Twilight Forest 30-level World Boss Stitch Monster."

Runaway BBQ Pork Bun is the most excited: "Big brother, where is the boss of the world, I will take it in seconds."

Timothy is not meow: "If you don't brag, the cows in the game can't go to the sky to travel."

Li Yunze said: "The world boss in the Twilight Forest needs to do a task call. I will make the task the last step. When I hand in the task, it will be refreshed. This time the boss battle is a bit special and may be messy. Everyone needs to have it. Prepare mentally."

Four seasons of the year said: "Many guilds rob us?"

Li Yunze said: "All the players in the night town will rob us. This boss will bring a group of elite mobs to attack the city. We need to kill it in the city."

"I'll go, the monster sieges the city!"

Everyone was stunned. This was the first time a monster siege appeared in the game.

"Fighting in the city, doesn't it mean that everyone has a chance to grab it, can you take the boss away?" frowned throughout the year.

Li Yunze shook his head: "No, you need to add a buff to fight this boss, otherwise you can't damage it, and the buff range is limited to the night town."

The face is solemn throughout the year: "That's difficult, there are so many players in the night town, it is not easy to win the boss, and the scene will definitely be at that time, very, very, very messy."

Li Yunze participated in the fight against Stitching Monsters several times in his previous life, knowing how messy it would be. There are at least more than 100,000 players in the whole night town now. Since Yese Town is a safe area, it is very difficult to win the final blow among so many players.

Fortunately, the main brain has calculated the number of players in the night town, and the stitching monster's attributes will be particularly abnormal. The 30-level world boss fights, which is similar to the 60-level world boss. Don't make the Stitching Monster's attributes more perverted. If one player hits one hundred thousand, it won't be squandered.

"I invited the Phoenix Guild to cooperate."

Li Yunze said: "There is also a kindergarten that beats up. You may not know this guild, but it is actually a small guild. The chairman is one of my little brothers."

Xiao Tuanzi said: "Are you beating the three brothers?"

Li Yunze nodded: "Yes, it's the guild established by the three brothers."

Regarding the brutal beating of the three brothers, Li Yunze briefly mentioned to everyone, letting everyone know the relationship between the three brothers and own.

Knowing that Li Yunze had accepted three more little brothers, he hurriedly walked away the barbecued pork buns and cried out unscrupulously: "I am the first pendant for the big man's legs. The three brothers can only be the pendant for my legs, rub the big man's. thigh."

Then, he kicked Li Yunze again.

The organization ability of Phoenix Guild is not comparable to kindergarten, they are directly transmitted to Stormwind City, and then come from Stormwind City.

The current 2 gold transfer fee is nothing for high-end players.

What Feihuaxueying brought was not a regiment, but a major group of one hundred people, plus a 20-person Nirvana team.

"Bring them to meet the world." Feihua Xueying is not only the president of Phoenix, but also the captain of Team Nirvana.

This time Nirvana has 18 main players and 2 youth academies.

Nirvana is the first pure women's team in the game circle. The strength can be ranked in the top ten of the game circle. It is very competitive.

Unfortunately, Nirvana has not won a championship so far, and his best record is runner-up.

One more Nirvana team will have little impact, and Li Yunze doesn't mind.

"This time the world boss, I want the last blow." In this matter, Li Yunze must make it clear to Feihua Xueying that the equipment is not required, and the last blow must be obtained.

Feihua Xueying frowned slightly: "Do you want a world announcement?"

Li Yunze Old Versailles Circuit: "There are too many world announcements. It doesn't make much sense to have more and less last time. I have a mission to get the final blow of the boss of the Twilight Forest World."

Li Yunze directly pointed out that it was necessary to have the conditions for flying flowers and snowy shadows.

Feihua Xueying said politely: "I want all the bosses to fall."

Li Yunze smiled and shook his head: "This is probably very difficult. The boss needs to be summoned. After the summon is refreshed, he will come to attack Yese Town. You can only kill it in Yese Town. There are too many players in Yese Town. It is impossible to ensure that you Phoenix. Get all the drops."

The number of stitching monsters dropped at one time is actually very large, there are thousands of pieces dropped, and they will be distributed according to the proportion of output.

After all, there are too many players in the whole night town, and if there are too many drops, everyone's enthusiasm for participating will be high, and everyone may get a chance to drop. Many players like to guard the Stitch Monster every week, pick up one or two pieces of equipment, and get rich overnight.

However, of all the drops, only one tenth is less than a high-value drop, and most of the others are normal drops.

The epic level 30 equipment can drop at most one piece at a time, and whoever can pick it up depends entirely on luck.

Each head of Feihua Xueying frowned tighter.

Li Yunze had already prepared: "I can give you a level 30 rare elite boss, and there will be a level 30 rare elite boss equipped with epic level 30. That boss needs to do a task call, and I just did the task."

Li Yunze is going to exchange the boss of another mission to Phoenix. Compared with the unblocking of the Ashbringer, the drop of a 30-level rare elite boss is nothing.

If the Ashbringer cannot be unblocked for the third time, there will not be a fourth unblocking, so it is the most important thing to unblock the Ashbringer.

As for beating the kindergarten, there is no need to give them too high conditions. Let them participate in the world boss fight, pick up some drops, and they will be very happy.

Hearing the epic level 30 equipment, Feihuaxueying frowned: "We will do our best to help you take the final blow."

After finishing the Phoenix Guild, Li Yunze went to the Duke’s Mansion. Once the team that beat the kindergarten opened, he immediately turned in a task and summoned the suture monster.

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