Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 401 New Record of 100 Meters

Wen De Sole's bottom line is that there is no bottom line, he constantly refreshes everyone's understanding of the lower limit.

"No wonder the Black Dragon Princess can't let him kneel under his own pomegranate skirt. When encountering such a guy with no lower limit, only the Overlord can bow."

Li Yunze felt that it was because Wen De Sole was so ugly that he made the Black Dragon princess hard to compare, so he became angry and designed to let him be caught by the Black Iron Dwarf.

After defeating a wave of blockers, Windsor walked more slowly. He came to the door of a cell and kicked the cell door open in an extremely arrogant manner: "The power of Stormwind is coming, and you all kneel down. Sing to conquer."

Li Yunze: "#"

Wen De Sole was satisfied after killing all the inmates who had grudges with the help of Li Yunze: "Hahaha...Happy, happy, even if I have been imprisoned for a few years, Wen De Sole is still very brave, it's a storm. The strongest fighter in the city."

Li Yunze: "✘"

After he was happy, Windsor finally planned to leave the Blackstone Abyss: "It's time to leave this gloomy black iron dog hole, let us return to Stormwind City together to expose Katrana's conspiracy and save the ignorance of Stormwind City."

"Boss, there is another group of mobs." Wandering the barbecued pork bun reminded.

Li Yunze looked up and saw another wave of interception monsters composed of a hundred mobs in front of him.

Without waiting for Li Yunze's command, Windsor continued to refresh the lower limit: "I thought of a very important thing. I want to go to the Alliance camp in the Burning Plains. These chasing soldiers will be solved by you. When you are finished, we will go to Stormwind. The city meets."

After that, under everyone's jaw-dropping gaze, Windsor ran madly towards the door of the Blackstone Abyss, as fast as lightning.

"This is Windsor who only walks and goes shopping?"

"This guy is so fast? This f*ck can go to the Olympics. It can definitely break the world record of 8.56 seconds per 100 meters."

"Good guy, really good guy, it's not good to do at this speed, you can make a fortune by running a courier."

The previous data is correct. The 100-meter race in the 22nd century has entered the era of 8 seconds. The speed at which Windsor has just left may even break through 8 seconds and enter the 7-second mark, reaching the predicted level of the 23rd century.

Wen De Sole left, leaving Li Yunze and his party to face the siege of a hundred mobs.

Timo didn't ask Li Yunze: "President, have you completed your mission?"

Li Yunze shook his head: "It hasn't been completed. I guess the rendezvous between Stormwind City and Windsor can be sure to rescue him and complete the task."

Timothy said regretfully: "If it's done now, I will hunt him down now."

Li Yunze smiled and said, "There is a chance."

Li Yunze can be sure that Windsor will go to Stormwind City because he wants to expose the identity of Katrana Black Dragon Princess. In his previous life, Windsor returned to Stormwind City, exposed the truth, and finally awakened Bolvar.

Li Yunze himself is actually happy to get Windsor to expose the identity of the Black Dragon Princess. Only in this way can there be a chance to subdue the Black Dragon Princess and turn her into an own follower.

Of course, Windsor must die in order to mention that it is not Meow's mission.

After clearing all the chasing soldiers, Li Yunze said: "Let's go back to Stormwind City."

Timothy is definitely going to go back. The team has two absolute main output, and it is impossible for others to continue to fight. Instead of this, it is better to watch Windsor's performance back to Stormwind.

Now everyone was suffocated by Windsor's heart, and at that time, I can ask Tim to kill Windsor to calm everyone down.

Hearthstone returned to the city.

Back to Stormwind City, left the station, and came to the most prosperous street in Stormwind City. Everyone looked around and didn't find Windsor.

"Kao, we must have been tricked by this guy. He didn't come to Stormwind at all. He must be afraid of running away, hiding in a place that no one knew."

"Uh, I don't think this is the case. We came back from Hearthstone. Windsor does not have Hearthstone. From Blackstone Abyss to Stormwind City, at the speed of the npc, I'm afraid it will take a few days to get there."

"Sun, you should press him down and press him back to Stormwind City."

After returning to the city, everyone realized the problem. Did Windsor come to Stormwind City so fast?

Everyone was puzzled, but he did not believe that Windsor dared to return to Stormwind. He firmly believed that this b must have escaped, hiding in a mountain and surviving.

Li Yunze thought for a while, based on the memory of his previous life, made a decision: "Everyone first stroll around the city, I will go to the city gate to take a look."

In the strict sense, Windsor is actually a traitor to Stormwind. Although he was dead in the battle report, he is still a sinner who betrayed Stormwind. Even if he returned to Stormwind City, Windsor might not dare to come in, perhaps he dared to come in, but as a betrayer, he was afraid that he would be wiped out by the guards in the Valley of Heroes as soon as he returned.

Li Yunze decided to go to the gate of Stormwind and wait for Windsor, at least to ensure his safety until the conditions for the unblocking of the Ashbringer are completed.

Timothy didn't meow, "I'll go too."

Her purpose was simple. As soon as Li Yunze's mission was completed, she immediately killed Windsor.

Li Yunze and Timothy went to the gate of Stormwind City together, while the others rested in the city.

The two came to the gate of the city and did not find Wen De Sole.

Li Yunze was not in a hurry, after all, it would take a long time for Blackstone Abyss to return to Stormwind City. The unblocking of the Ashbringer is the most important. If the unblocking conditions are not fulfilled, you have to wait. Otherwise, if you miss Windsor back to Stormwind, and the unblocking fails, then the artifact of the Ashbringer will be abandoned.

"All for the artifact."

Li Yunze thought for a while, took out the fishing rod, and then stood on the bridge between Stormwind City Gate and Heroes Valley, and killed the time by fishing for fish in the moat.

It's not that Timo didn't fish. She stared at the gate of the city. "If this guy is killed by someone else and I don't get the god-level skills, I must dig his ancestral grave."

After half a day, there was no movement at the gate of Stormwind.

No, it should be abnormal.

Li Yunze found a guard named Luo Wen at the gate of the city, often spying on himself secretly.

The attire of the guard Lowen is different from other guards. He is not a soldier or a knight. He is more like a legal professional with glasses.

There are weird things, and there must be demons when things go wrong.

Li Yunze decided to find out, he put away his fishing rod and walked to the guard Lowen.

Timothy didn't notice Li Yunze's strange behavior, and wondered: "President, is Windsor here?"

Li Yunze said: "Don't you think that the guard on the side is very weird. He has never appeared at the gate of the city before."

Timothy looked at the guard Lowen and thought about it carefully. It was true. She had never met this npc before.

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