Li Yunze came to the guard Luo Wen, the guard with glasses, when he saw him coming, his expression was obviously stagnant, and his face was slightly surprised.

"Do you know Windsor is coming back?"

Li Yunze asked tentatively. If you ask, you don't lose money, and you don't ask for nothing. If you can get the answer you want, it will be a profit.

Li Yunze’s question was obviously beyond Lowen’s expectation. He was shocked and blurted out accidentally: "It turns out that the letter Wen De Sole gave me is true. He was taken from the Blackstone Abyss. Rescued, we will return to Stormwind City soon."

After saying this, Lowen realized that he had made a mistake. If Li Yunze was on Katrana's side, then Windsor would be very dangerous when he came back, and he might even be intercepted if he didn't return to Stormwind.

Li Yunze got the answer he wanted, his mouth raised with a triumphant smile. The guard Lowen in front of him was indeed the key NPC of the Windsor line, so he pursued the victory and asked: "When will he return to Stormwind City?"

Luo Wen shook his head: "I don't know."

Li Yunze squinted slightly and said in a slightly threatening tone: "Countess Katrana will definitely be very interested in the news of Windsor's return."

Lowen's face sank: "Are you from Katrana?"

Li Yunze shook his head: "I have always been on the side of justice."

What is justice? What Li Yunze expects in his heart is justice. For example, if he wants to subdue the Black Dragon Princess as a follower, then this is justice.

Lowen doesn’t know what Li Yunze’s thoughts are in his mind. In his heart, Windsor represents justice, thinking that Li Yunze is on Windsor’s side: "Marshal Windsor will return to Stormwind soon. I used to be His guards have been helping him secretly investigate the Countess Katrana."

It turns out that this guy is Wen De Sole's guard, no wonder the follow-up mission will trigger the npc.

Li Yunze smiled with satisfaction.

After not waiting for too long, after triggering the follow-up plot, Windsor's figure quickly appeared outside Stormwind City.

"Where did this guy get a piece of equipment and a mount?"

Li Yunze was a little surprised when he saw Windsor who rode a tall horse to the gate of Stormwind City. This guy was wearing a bright armor, and his aura suddenly changed. There was no bottom line when there was no Blackstone Abyss, and there was more to do. The majesty of the marshal.

Timothy was surprised when he saw Windsor's changes, and suddenly felt cold in his heart: "Will the Windsor who has changed equipment become a top-notch npc, can I kill it? "

Thinking of the final result of the previous life's plot, Li Yunze turned his head and said to Timo, "He must die, you remember to go up to make up the knife before he dies."

In the previous life, Windsor will be killed by the Black Dragon Princess, and Li Yunze will let Timothy Meow seize the opportunity to make up for the knife. As for now, it should be impossible to kill Windsor in front of the guard Lowen, not to mention that Lowen is a level 65 elite who is gentle and gentle with glasses.

Timo didn't meow: "I think Windsor is still a yellow name, his level has not changed, he is still level 60."

The level has not changed is a good thing, you can kill, because Windsor suddenly becomes a seventy or eightie boss, then even if you want to make up the knife, because the level difference is too big, the attack can't hit at all.

When Windsor came back, Lowen went up to greet him excitedly, and knelt down on one knee in front of him: "My master, the great Marshal Windsor, welcome you back to Stormwind."

Wen De Sole nodded slightly, then dismounted, handed the horse to Lowen, and then walked to Li Yunze: "We have met friends again, you have not forgotten our agreement, now I have returned the hero, let us go and expose it together. Katrana’s true face has restored Stormwind to its former glory."

This guy is as narcissistic as ever.

Li Yunze wanted to say that labor and management had known the identity of the black dragon princess Katrana, and used your ass to expose it.

Windsor raised his head to look at the statue of Heroes Valley 5 ahead, with a solemn expression: "We can't let the great Stormwind City be ashamed, 5 heroes will guide us."


"The conditions to save Windsor are complete, and the Ashbringer is successfully unblocked."

When the system prompt came, Li Yunze was very pleasantly surprised, and the conditions for the unblocking of the Ashbringer were finally completed.

Gan, the unblocking conditions are complete, and Wen De Sole's next life and death have nothing to do with Li Yunze, otherwise it will be too pitfall, but also to protect his safety and be a free bodyguard.

Now that the Ashbringer has been unblocked, where does Li Yunze care about what Windsor will do next, and where he cares about his life or death, it must be more important to check the data for the fifth time the Ashbringer has been unblocked.

Sealed Ashbringer (Artifact)

Soul binding (non-drop, non-tradable, non-destructible)

Only for the Highlord

Two-handed sword

Damage 3500-4000

+200 strength

+200 Constitution

+200 agility

+200 dexterity

Red Socket: Rare red gems +30 strength, +15 damage

Colorful slot: Rare colorful gems +30 attack power, +1% physical lifesteal

Purple Socket: Rare purple gems +2% critical strike rate, +1% penetration rate.

Slot rewards: attack speed increased by 5% (2 pieces), attack power increased by 20 (3 pieces)

Enchanting: Sacred weapon, so that it can cause additional Sacred damage to the enemy.

Exclusive soul attributes: double the critical strike damage, and have a certain chance to cause Sacred vulnerability to the target

Exclusive soul effects: You gain the Ashes Awakening and Silver Will skills.

Special effect: 15% of damage may be converted into health when hit and transferred to the user.

Special effect: It may impact the target when hit, causing 300 points of Sacred damage to it. If the target is an undead creature (non-player), the damage is doubled.

Special effects: Normal attacks ignore the target's 10% armor value, and skill attacks will additionally impact the opponent, causing additional holy light damage to the target (double effect on undead creatures).

Special effect: When the attack hits the target, there is a 5% chance that you will gain a shield value of 20% of the upper limit of life for 15 seconds.

Special effect: The power of Ashes strengthens you, providing 1% damage bonus for every 1% of health lost, and 1% of lifesucking ability for every 10% of health lost.

"Gradually, people and weapons seem to merge into one, and the name Ashbringer has become a legend. This legend does not only refer to this sharp blade that frightens the enemy, but also the ruthless knight who directs the dance of this sharp blade."

Other special effects (in sealing)

Next release: Level 70, go to the Dark Temple of Outland to meet the King of Outland Devil Hunter Illidan, help him match Tyrande, based on the condition that Tyrande learns to use the Warglaive of Azzinoth, the relationship between the two is The deeper, the higher the Ascension of the Ashbringer after unblocking.

The sixth unblocking condition of the Ashbringer...

Li Yunze was dumbfounded, only 10,000 divine beasts rushed past in his heart.

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