Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 403 Killing Windsor

Bringing together Illidan and Tyrande...

Let Tyrande learn to use an egg knife...

The depth of their feelings determines the Ascension effect of the Ashbringer after the sixth unblocking...

"Mastermind, you are trying to kill me. Tyrande is Illidan's sister-in-law. Although Illidan has loved Tyrande for ten thousand years, Tyrande only regards him as a licking dog for ten thousand years."

"Ilidan's egg knife is a magical weapon, a melee weapon, Tyrande, a priest, how could he practice using an egg knife."

"Emotional depth, what kind of depth? Is it nine shallows or one deep?"

Li Yunze is one of the first two adults. When did Tyrande like Illidan? No matter how Illidan licks, she just enjoys not taking the initiative.

Li Yunze summoned the Elf Dragon: "Unexpectedly, the only hope is that Malfurion derails the Green Dragon Queen. It seems necessary to take the Elf Dragon to see Tyrande, which made her lose faith in Malfurion. "

A good game, abruptly was made into a dog-blooded idol drama by Ashbringer for the sixth time unblocking conditions.

Li Yunze, who had a headache, looked at Windsor on the side, increasingly wanting Timothy to kill him with a single sword, so he would rely on Windsor. It’s not that Windsor does not succumb to the black dragon princess, how can he be caught by the black iron dwarves, and how can there be conditions to save him? Without the conditions to save him, there may be conditions for subsequent unblocking Changed.

Karma is related to Windsor. He is immortal and Li Yunze can hardly dispel his hatred.

Windsor, who didn't know he was being targeted by the two, walked towards the Valley of Heroes.

The guards around him were obviously shocked when they saw him, and they used weapons to aim at him, but none of the guards did it. After all, Windsor was once the marshal of Stormwind.

"Windsor, are you still alive?"

Stormwind Defense Forces high rank commander Marcus saw Windsor with a look of astonishment.

Windsor looked at Marcus: "Marcus, the despicable Countess Katrana must have deceived you and made you think that I was killed by the Dark Iron Dwarf."

Marcus solemnly said: "Countess Katrana told us that you betrayed the Alliance, cooperated with the Dark Iron dwarves, slaughtered the entire camp, and were eventually killed by the envoys she sent."

Wen De Sole laughed sarcastically: "Such a stupid lie, only you will believe it."

Marcus: "The Duke of Bolvar issued a notice of your betrayal of the Alliance."

Windsor: "Stupid Bovar, he can only think with his third leg, being played around by a non-human woman, selling the alliance, he is the biggest sinner in the alliance,"

Marcus reminded: "Borval is the regent."

Windsor handed the two pieces of information to Marcus.

After reading the information, Marcus's face changed drastically, and finally realized that in the entire Stormwind City, only Windsor was alone, and all the others were stupid.

Marcus respectfully returned the information to Windsor, and then knelt down to show respect to him: "Wendsor, you are the true hero of Stormwind, go, go and expose the conspiracy of the Countess, let the storm The city regained its glory."

The surrounding guards saw Chief Own kneeling down, and collectively kneeling down.

"Fuck, what's the matter? Why did the npc kneel for us."

"I'm going, the NPCs in Stormwind have rebelled and were subdued by the Horde?"

"Haha, I must have just killed a few tribes. Even the NPC admires me and knelt down for me."

The NPCs knelt down collectively, shocking the players. Some S2 players deliberately walked among the NPCs to enjoy the NPCs' kneeling.

Li Yunze and Timo didn't look at each other. They didn't expect that Wen De Sole would receive such a high treatment when he came back. It's really a long time to see.

"kill him."

Li Yunze talked about it privately: "Look for a chance to kill."

Timo nodded his head: "For the God-level skill book, you must kill."

Windsor is like a victor returning from the battlefield, walking into Stormwind City from the Valley of Heroes with his head high.

Players only realized it at this time. It was because a player was doing a task that triggered the plot, and then the NPCs collectively kneel down.

As a result, many sharp-eyed players followed Windsor into the city, wanting to see if they missed them, such as quests to reward those who saw it.

"Marcus, take Windsor the Betrayer to me."

Katrana's voice suddenly came.

Marcus stood up and shook his head: "Wender Sole is a real hero."

Katrana was angry: "Marcus, you will become a sinner in Stormwind. When I solve Windsor, I must take you down."

Windsor yelled triumphantly in the direction of Katrana's voice: "Katrana, your last time has come, and I will take the sword of justice to expose your ugly face."

Timo didn't chat with Li Yunze privately: "I received Katrana's voice transmission, asking me to kill Windsor immediately."

Li Yunze could see that Timothy was not embarrassed by Meow. It is impossible for her to kill Windsor at this moment alone. There are a bunch of NPC guards around, and if you really do it, you will definitely be killed by a bunch of guards.

Li Yunze said: "Don't pay attention to her, find a chance to kill again."

Then, Li Yunze received Katrana's transmission: "Your deal with me is to kill Windsor. Why would you let him escape the Blackstone Abyss and return to Stormwind City unscathed?"

In order to make a deal with Li Yunze, Katrana gave him her most precious first drop of dragon blood. This drop of dragon blood did not even have a chance to obtain it.

Li Yunze responded: "He will die, so don't worry."

Katrana: "He will expose my identity."

Li Yunze said: "Stormwind City is all guards, Marcus is on his side, and Berwal will certainly not watch Wen De Sole die in the city. It is not easy to kill him in full view."

Katrana: "I will create opportunities for you."

Li Yunze: "It's best to do it when you enter the palace."

In fact, the guards of Stormwind's palace are not as tight as everyone imagined. There are far more guards in the city than the palace.

"You have been operating in Stormwind City for so many years. I believe there must be many followers who are loyal to you. You should be able to transfer away the defensive power of the palace."

Li Yunze did not believe that Katrana had no follow-up measures.

Katrana said: "I will create the best conditions for you. You must kill Windsor. As long as you kill him, I will give you extra rewards."


"Get the task: kill Windsor."

"Killing Windsor"

Requirement for completion of the mission: Kill Katrana before Windsor reveals the true body of the black dragon.

The mission failed: The Black Dragon Princess will treat you as an enemy and send the elite of the Black Dragon Legion to chase you down.

Successful mission: You will be favored by the black dragon princess and get rewards from her.

(This task can be completed in a team)

"Orange mission."

Li Yunze raised his brows. This mission turned out to be of a legendary grade, and it could be completed in a team, and would not conflict with Timothy's mission.

Li Yunze looked at Windsor ahead, and couldn't help holding onto the Ashbringer.

Legendary mission, Windsor must die today.

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