"How is this boss a dog."

"Fuck, why are there so many dogs in Molten Heart? The ultimate one here is a dog?"

"It's a big fire dog, it's very trendy at first glance. As a hunter, you must catch a dog. When encountering an uneven dog, it bites people."

"Do you eat dog meat?"

"Very fragrant, oh, no, how did the weapon in my hand become a Buddhist scripture, sin and sin."

The No. 2 boss Magmanda of Molten Heart is a huge lava giant dog. The biggest feature of this dog is that it has two heads and is a double-headed lava giant dog.

Touch the dog's head manually, two at a time.

Li Yunze recalled Magmanda's style of play. This boss's style of play is related to its two dog heads. The two dog heads can be regarded as twin bosses, and the two dog heads need to be blasted before they can be killed.

The left side of the two dog heads is responsible for physical attacks, and the right side is responsible for magic attacks.

The player stands on the left side of the boss, and the attacker is the dog's head on the left. The player stands on the right side of the boss, and the attacker is the dog's head on the right.

Two dog heads have the same amount of blood. The interval between two dog heads killing is more than 10 seconds. The surviving dog head will resurrect the death dog head, and then loop indefinitely. Therefore, if you want to kill the boss, you must kill both dog heads at the same time (time interval). Must be within 10 seconds).

The dog head also has a special mechanism. The dog head on the left is immune to physical damage, and the dog head on the right is immune to magic damage. To play this boss, you need to allocate a good team output configuration, and strive to balance. If the physical group or the legal group damages too fast, you need to control the output and wait for the other group to achieve the purpose of killing together.

Killing a dog is not so simple and will be condemned. Magmanda is the pet of Ragnaros, the King of Fire. Ragnaros will be angry when fighting with it, and then send countless smaller lava giant dogs to support it.

About every 3 minutes, there will be a wave of puppies, and the number is about 15 at a time.

Don't think that you can be complacent with only 15 dogs at a time. Each wave of puppies has random physical output or magic output. The physical output is as immune to physical damage as the boss, and the magic output is as immune to magic damage as the boss.

Of course, the attack attributes of a wave of 15 puppies will be unified. If physical and magic are mixed, it will increase the difficulty of the battle several times.

During the appearance of the puppies, Magmanda will go to the four kennels in the four corners of the southeast, northwest, and eat dog food to regain blood. One kennel can restore 5% of the blood volume of two heads, and 4 kennels. That's 20%.

Give Magmanda dog food, the fighting time will be prolonged, and the group will definitely be destroyed. Because Magmanda has half an hour of hard violent time, if you don't kill it within half an hour, its rabies will break out, and any target will be killed.

Hard rage cannot be eliminated with Ningshen shooting, so when fighting, it is necessary to arrange for someone to break 4 doghouses in advance.

The person who breaks the kennel will attract the hatred of the boss. The most suitable for breaking the kennel is the tank profession.

If the kennel is broken, Magmanda will go crazy, which can be understood as the incubation period of rabies, which is stimulated by the lack of dog food. Mad Magmanda will have a large attack power and attack speed. Ascension is a soft rage. At this time, hunters need to shoot Ningshen to calm it down.

Because of the special nature of the battle of Magmanda, Molten Heart No. 1 boss will have to shoot at Ningshen. Without Ningshen shooting to vaccinate Magmanda with rabies, this dog is invincible.

Ningshen shoots with a cooling time of 20 seconds, 4 kennels need 80 seconds, and the puppies are summoned every 3 minutes. There is enough time for the player to break 4 kennels.

Of course, fighting a kennel can't just be a tank occupation, the output will definitely not be enough, and other output occupations need to be arranged for assistance. The assisting output profession needs to control the predominant power in the body, and cannot knock down the final blood volume of the doghouse, otherwise it will become the person who breaks the doghouse and attract the boss hatred. With the terrorist output of the boss, non-tank occupations are targeted by it, and the probability of attacking the street is as high as 99.9%.

There are 4 kennels, and the time for each kennel to break is best controlled at about 30 seconds. This is the time for the hunter to prepare Ningshen aiming to ensure that Ningshen will not shoot empty. Once Ning Shen shoots empty, the tank will have to use a big move to resist the boss for 20 seconds, and drag it to the next Ning Shen abruptly. If the team has 2 Ning Shen hunters, then the battle will be much easier, don't worry about Ning Shen shot empty.

In the Magmanda battle, the doghouse and puppies are only part of the battle. The Hardmode Magmanda also has a dog-leashing battle mode.

When Magmanda’s HP reaches 75%, 50%, or 25%, its hatred will be emptied, and without soft rage, its attack speed, movement speed, and attack power will also be greatly increased, basically Whoever waits for seconds.

At this stage, someone has to stand up and lead the dog leash. There are two iron chains on the left and right sides of the battle arena. Two players are required to operate together. Put the iron chain on Magmanda’s head, the physical dog’s head on the left and the physical dog’s head on the right. The magic dog head pinned Magmanda in place for 20 seconds.

Hold the dog on the leash for 20 seconds, Magmanda will calm down again, and the tank will re-establish animosity.

Without the leash, Magmanda's mad dog mode will not disappear, and the group will be destroyed in an instant.

Let the dog out for a stroll without a leash. The dog can only be slaughtered with tears in his eyes. If you raise a dog in a civilized manner, you must never learn from Ragnaros.

Normal mode does not have a leash. Magmanda in normal mode is a gentler dog. And in normal mode, there are only 2 kennels, and the number of puppies per wave is only 8.

In Li Yunze's view, Magmanda with normal difficulty is a purely gifted boss, and Magmanda with difficult difficulty relies on clear proficiency and clear division of labor.

Two tanks pull two dog heads, and one tank is specially responsible for breaking the doghouse. The tank that breaks the doghouse must be strong, because he has to resist the attack of the two dog heads at the moment the kennel breaks.

The hunter played Ningshen at the critical moment to ensure that he would not shoot into the air.

Physics and magic output each hit their respective targets, and see the breed of each wave of puppies clearly.

Following the output of the tank hitting the kennel, you need to control the rhythm, don't rush to break the kennel.

The most important thing is the two players who are holding the leash. They are skilled in the loop and cannot be empty. You must put the leash on the boss at the first time, and the team will be destroyed if you make a mistake.

"Is the battle complicated?"

Li Yunze doesn't think it is complicated. What really needs to be done is proficiency: "If you die a few more times, you should be able to pass it."

This is a boss that can be stunned by destroying it, but it only needs to be destroyed a few times to get rid of it. It depends on the savvy of each team.

Li Yunze didn't immediately tell everyone Magmanda's play styles. He arranged some tactics and said: "Let's try it out first."

Only by destroying a few times can he have the safest and most correct tactics, and then continue to let everyone skillfully play in the destroyer group.

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