A qualified team must have an excellent Fattan. Many bosses in the game are physically immune and require Fattan to resist.

Fearless has the hardest Fattan in the game, a real man who can conquer Princess Theradras on a ship, and rejuvenate seven nights.

The Elemental Warlock of Qiye Rejuvenation, the resistance of the law system is the highest among all professions. He is obviously wearing cloth armor, but his blood volume is comparable to that of the lock armor profession. Real men have to be hard to the end and resist the boss.

Trying to fight for the first time, when the wind outside finds that he can't build the hatred of the dog head on the left, the group will inevitably be destroyed.

"The dog's head on the left doesn't take physical attacks." He was also helpless what to do with the strong wind outside.

Purple Qi from the East said: "I have tried both dog heads. The dog head on the right eats physical attacks, and the dog head on the left is immune to physical attacks. According to this logic, the dog head on the right should be immune to magical attacks."

Millhouse said: "I am immune to magic attacks on the right, and my hand hurts, so I can't move it."

There was a lot of wind outside: "Change tank."

Everyone looked at Qiye Rejuvenation.

Hanjiang Guying smiled and said, "Qiye, take out your hardness to conquer Princess Theradras, and resist this dog's head."

Timothy is not meow: "Seven nights and seven nights, the whole audience cheers."

Qiye Rejuvenation: "Tonight's dog head, I will fight."

Li Yunze arranged to say: "Whoever you are, physically immune to Qiye Qiye, and pay more attention to Qiye's blood for treatment."

No matter how hard the fatan is, the blood volume is not as good as the orthodox tank, and it needs treatment to be more focused and bloody.

Two dog heads, physically immune to Gootou Qiye Rejuvenation, and magic immune to Gootou Hanjiang Guyingra.

Excluding Qiye Rejuvenation, there are 18 outputs, exactly 9 physical outputs and 9 legal outputs. Li Yunze is a pervert, and one person has 3 legal outputs, so if you want to maintain the balance of blood volume on both sides, you have to adjust the physical output lineup.

To fight a kennel requires output. Tanks alone are not enough. The tank that fights a kennel is Kuona, and Li Yunze decides to do it himself.

Li Yunze can top three by himself, and the output of hitting the doghouse is sure to be enough. Without him in the physical output group, it can also maintain the balance between the output of the physics and the magic dog's head.

Leaning the dog chain, Li Yunze intends to come together with Purple Qi from the East. Purple Qi from the East is the first person to brush the dungeon. The accuracy of the dog chain is absolutely not bad.

However, it has not yet reached the stage of hitting the doghouse and leashing the dog, Li Yunze will not rush to arrange, wait until that stage to make arrangements.

Who can understand the troubles of rebirth, Li Yunze is helpless.

Fighting again, Seven Nights Rejuvenation as Fatan, he had experience of Fattan in the Karazhan crypt, he did not let everyone down, pulling the dog's head was particularly stable.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bao said hehe: "Qiye used to be a professional licking dog, and the skill of squeezing the direction of the dog's head is invincible in the world."

Forgot to love Qiyehuichun and ignore it. If there is a comeback, he might talk about a girlfriend whose parents have died, helping his grandfather sell tea, and also for Little Brother to study abroad and need a lot of money.

Seven Nights Rejuvenation was very stable and did not start to rush the street again. Until 3 minutes later, Ragnaros was furious: "You damn adventurers, you dare to beat my pet dog idea. It is everyone's responsibility to love animals. I want you to pay the price."

Under the fury of Ragnaros, a group of puppies rushed in from outside the cave, the number was 15.

Li Yunze checked the attributes of the puppy. The green dog on his head was a physical attribute and would be immune to physical damage. The blue dog on the top of the head is a magic attribute and will be immune to magic output.

Green dog.

Li Yunze immediately commanded: "The output of the legal system is collectively turned to fire to kill the puppies. The colors of these dogs are the same as the physical dog heads of the boss, and they should be physically immune."

There is no need to stop the physical output from attacking, because the boss gets out of the control of the tank after the puppies come out and runs frantically towards the doghouse.

Hanjiang Guying: "Fuck, this boss has no hatred."

The boss ran back to the kennel and ate up the dog food inside. The two dog heads regained 5% health.

Purple Qi from the East: "Don't let the boss approach the kennel, it will return blood."

Several tanks rushed up together.

However, the boss who has no hatred ignores the tank at all and continues to eat the dog food from the other three kennels.


The blood volume of the double dog head all returned to full, and it was lonely in 3 minutes.

When everyone saw that the boss was full of blood, everyone was stupid and a little discouraged.

Li Yunze did not let everyone give up. Only by continuing to fight can everyone see more skills and stages of the boss: "The tank will hold the boss again, don't panic, and continue to fight."

The legal system output was very powerful, and solved all 15 puppies.

At this time, the kennel was refreshed again, and Li Yunze said, "There are blood bars in the kennel, and Kuona and Yufeng will follow me to break the kennel together."

Whether it is Kuona or Yufeng, in fact, they have the ability to resist a small violent boss, and the output of Yufeng is not high. Instead of being in a daze, it is better to follow the doghouse.

The three of Li Yunze went to fight the kennel, the blood volume of the kennel was not much, Li Yunze deliberately controlled the output, and finally let the two tanks break.

Quona broke the doghouse and the boss went mad and rushed towards her frantically.

Hanjiang Guying looked at the red body of the boss and reminded: "Kuo Na, be careful, the boss is violent."

The light shield around Quona quickly surrounds, and the defense power is greatly improved, and it pounces on ownboss hard steel.

Yufeng admired Kuona very much from the side. Instead, he didn't dare to use only a small skill to compete with the small violent boss hard steel, so he had to use a big move.

Li Yunze immediately said to Dong: "Winter, Ningshen shoots."

Dong reacted immediately, Ning Shen shot and aimed at the boss, then shot out, hitting the target.

The boss in the little rampage was like being given a rabies vaccine, and immediately settled down and returned to his normal form.

Li Yunze gave Dong a compliment, and it was true that the first Benning God shot her.

Hanjiang Guying rushed over with a taunt, attracting the boss hatred back.

Li Yunze said to Kuona: "Let's lay a doghouse."

Kuona nodded and followed Li Yunze to lay a doghouse.

There are a total of 4 kennels, and Li Yunze controls the rhythm for 30 seconds, letting Kuona break the kennel.

Dong's timing was very accurate, and Li Yunze didn't need to remind again, as soon as the boss entered a small rage, she immediately shot Ningshen, and Dong's Ningshen's rules were all right.

Xia said to runaway barbecued pork: "You parallel hunter, learn more and watch."

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bao immediately said that he must perform once when he has a Ning Shen shot. There is nothing wrong with Barbecue Ning Shen.

"The boss has not returned blood."

It was another 3 minutes, the puppies came out, this time there was no kennel, and the boss had nowhere to return blood.

Everyone is happy, there is hope of killing the boss by looking for a match.

This time the group of puppies is immune to magic, and Li Yunze brought a group of physical outputs to solve the group of dogs: "Follow the current rhythm in cycles."

Touching his bald head throughout the year: "Gan's mother is still a powerful soul, and I found the right way to play by hitting it."

Hanjiang Guying: "Break the doghouse, smash the boss's blood-recovery rice bowl, I don't care if the weapon turns into a Buddhist scripture, this dog must die today."

The next test is 75% of the boss's HP. Without a leash, the group will definitely be destroyed.

It is a good thing to destroy the group. Li Yunze can arrange all the boss tactics properly, and then there is the problem of proficiency. As long as everyone is proficient in boss play, killing the boss will be a matter of course.

As for the two dog heads to be killed together, it is easy to guide, and there is no need to pull them out to remind them.

Not surprisingly, today there is a great opportunity to kill Magmanda and become the first team to push away the No. 2 boss of Molten Core.

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