Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 429 \"One-on-one against Li Yunze who is incapable of strength\"

"There was a fight outside, it was fierce."

"what happened?"

"The tribe is mad at blocking the door of Heishi Mountain. We will not let our alliance team into the capital. Naturally, we will not let the tribe be arrogant. So the major guilds organized a bunch of ordinary members to fight back. Now the entire Heishi Mountain has become a pot of porridge. ."

When Li Yunze and others returned to the initial fork in the road, they heard that the guild channel was discussing the battle of Blackstone Mountain. The major guilds of the Alliance and the tribe organized countless players, and large-scale conflicts occurred in Blackstone Mountain.

"The tribe is in a hurry."

He said throughout the year: "The progress of the No. 1 and 2 bosses is completely behind, and the big guilds of the tribe are in a hurry."

All the first kills of No. 1 and 2 bosses came from the Alliance Guild. The tribe’s Grand Guild would naturally be anxious, and Face would not be able to hang up, and there was no way to immediately overtake the progress, so I had to find the Alliance outside the dungeon to fight and vent my emotions.

Wind Avenue outside: "Heishishan has corpses all over the field."

Li Yunze thought for a while and reminded everyone on the guild channel: "Guild members who want to fight the Molten Heart, don't come to fight for now, wait until the battle of Black Rock Mountain is over, and avoid equipment drops."

After reaching the full level, Death will not lose experience, but it will double the drop rate of equipment and backpack items. After being killed, the loss will be very heavy, which is often unbearable by ordinary players.

Of course, there are always some players who want to fish in troubled waters, such as wearing garbage equipment, or wearing no equipment, carrying nothing in the backpack, and going to the field battlefield to pick up the leaks. In the unlikely event that you find one or two valuable equipment and items, you will immediately rise to the pinnacle of your life and marry Bai Fumi.

Li Yunze doesn't want any loss to the members of the guild. It is the kingly way to accumulate strength and wait for the refresh of the first overlord boss next month.

"President rest assured, we will not join in the fun."

"I am completely naked now, and I put my things in the bank, and there is no loss if I pick up a leak."

"Haha, there are too many people, it's not easy to pick up leaks, sometimes just look at the battlefield and you will be second."

Most people in the guild chose to avoid, and a small number of people wanted to pick up the omissions. However, picking up leaks is not so easy. Most people don't wear anything, and they will be killed by a variety of skills that don't know where they come from before they get close to the battlefield.

"Rely on technology to pick up the leaks."

A Bing said: "I found an epic equipment, two rare skill books, three rare gems, four rare blueprints..."

Good guy, it's worthy of being a young boy with poor grades in high school, Ah Bing.

The emergence of Ah Bing caused the guild to boil instantly, so more and more people were going to pick up the leaks.

Li Yunze looked at the lively guild and couldn't help but smile, and then he didn't care about it. Anyway, there will be no loss to picking up leaks. Success in picking up leaks is a disguised blow to other competitors.

"Soul, this newcomer you recruited is really a piece of jade." It was confirmed that Ah Bing had succeeded in picking up the leaks throughout the year, and he couldn't help but praise.

Li Yunze nodded: "We have to work harder."

The 16-year-old is too young, and two years will be the real golden age, and he will be able to play happily with the neighbor's Big Sister sister.

Black Rock Mountain is fighting fiercely, and the competition for the copy is fierce.

The Shengshi Dynasty team, they did not go the wrong way. After the second kill of the first boss, they immediately went to the second boss room to open up wasteland.

"Dammit, this terrible dog head will come back to life."

"Fuck, the last 2% of the blood volume, resurrected, full of blood, hit a fart."

It was very annoying. The Shengshi Dynasty team, who didn't know that the dog head was going to kill together, originally killed one of the dog heads, and the other dog head had only 2% blood left. However, due to the remaining 2% of the blood volume, it cannot be destroyed within 10 seconds, so the knocked out dog head is resurrected with full blood.

Looking at the bloody dog ​​head, everyone immediately lost their spirits and decisively chose to lie down and destroy the group.

Feng Guo Wuhen's face was solemn. After learning that Fearless had killed Magmanda, he was under the greatest pressure: "Collectively stay away from the boss room and die."

The healing is bound to the soul stone, and everyone stays away from the boss room and then is killed by the boss to avoid running the corpse.

Now that he knows the boss's killing mechanism, Feng Guo Wuhen sighed and said in the tone of a military order: "Magmanda must be pushed next time."

The gap, this is the gap between the rebirth and the non-rebirth. No matter how strong you are and how good the technology is, it is impossible to know all the mechanisms of the boss in advance under the premise of experience. Purple Qi from the East can analyze that two dog heads need to be killed at the same time, mainly because Li Yunze has been subtly reminding and guiding the correct boss mechanism from time to time.

"Hahaha, boss No. 2 is nothing but that."

The War City Guild fell to the ground with Magmanda, and everyone in the group was excited.

"Fearless, a small garbage guild, lucky enough to kill Magmanda first. From now on, all the first kills of the bosses belong to our battle city."

The gentleman has a flamboyant personality. The reason why he was able to become the vice-chairman of War City is that, in addition to his extremely strong technology, he is also the nephew of a certain leader of the investor behind War City.

The slender lady did not speak. Although her name and a gentleman were very similar to a pair of cps, in fact, the two were not in a romantic relationship. The IDs of the core management personnel of the guild were all determined by the company.

Young Master Pian Pian said: "Don't be careless, Fearless has won the most dungeon first kills in the last expansion. Their president, Soul Drifter, still occupies the first position in comprehensive strength."

With the accumulation of countless resources, Young Master Pian Pian ranked third in overall strength, even surpassing the isolated city of World War I.

Slender ladies are ranked tenth, and gentlemen are eleventh.

This is the power of money. He spends a lot of money to accumulate resources and smashes all the 60-level epics, top pets, and skill books that can be bought on the three people, creating three top players.

In addition to the three of the core management of the Battle City Guild, there are more than ten, and all of them have entered the top 200.

The gentleman Haojin dismissed Li Yunze's ranking, and the War City Guild would not be afraid and fearless: "Don't let me meet him in the wild, I will kill him when I meet him."

In the minds of many top players, Li Yunze did not have many outstanding results in pvp. Although the arena ranked in the top 100, it was only between 90-100. This is the team's performance, not an individual performance. In the arena and field singles, Li Yunze has no record that everyone can believe in.

Therefore, many top players are quite disdainful of Li Yunze's true strength, thinking that his overall strength is just the advantage of occupying equipment, pets, and skills. After all, Li Yunze has always occupied the first position in the equipment and pet rankings.

Of course, if Li Yunze and Fengguo Wuhen's two battle records are exposed, everyone will find that they are the clown.

Li Yunze is not interested in active propaganda.

Fengguo Wuhen couldn't take the initiative to promote that he had lost twice.

The characters of Yeying Meteor and Feihua Xueying could not be specially promoted.

Li Yunze, who "does not work in singles," has become the target of many people, just like a gentleman who wants to solo him and come to Yang Ming.

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