Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 430: The Boss Has Become A God

Li Yunze, who "singled against technology can't do it," led the team to the front of Molten Core 3 boss Kihenas.

"No, how did the first boss come back to life."

"I'm going, isn't this the No. 1 boss? How come I came here to play the No. 3 boss."

"This...Is it my face blindness or hallucinations, I can be sure that boss No. 3 must be the twin of boss No. 1."

The modeling of Gihenas is similar to that of boss Lucifron. The Naga holding a harpoon, the only difference is that Lucifron is black and Gihenas is red. The two bosses look like they are. twin.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Li Yunze couldn't help but smile. In his previous life, when he met Molten Heart, the reaction of several Naga bosses in the copy was the same as everyone's. That's right, it's a few. There are several Naga bosses in this dungeon. Except for the different colors, the others are almost the same. They are multiple births.

Looking at the two younger brothers around Kihenas throughout the year, he said, "Is this a similar boss, will he play the same way?"

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun: "I think it must be the same. Boss No. 1 brought two little brothers, and Boss No. 3 also brought two little brothers. It is estimated that the battle is the same as the battle of No. 1 boss. Let the little brother be a pig teammate to kill the boss."

Millhouse: "It shouldn't be that. This is glory, not a game of krypton gold pit money. The bosses are all the same, and the krypton gold is in place to open an automatic and easy kill."

Be lazy's cat: "I think it should be a simple battle with 1 boss and 2 younger brothers. This kind of battle is the easiest as long as you kill the younger brother first, and then kill the boss."


Listening to everyone's various analyses, Li Yunze said: "You don't know the mechanism once you hit it."

The fighting mechanism of Kihenas is different from the No. 1 boss. The two younger brothers will not be the pig teammates to pit the boss, but will always strengthen the boss.

This is a battle to disperse.

The so-called battle of dispersal, the two younger brothers will always give the boss a boost state, no upper limit, can always increase. These buff states will make the boss more and more powerful. When the buff state is added to a certain level, the boss will be invincible.

And these buff states can be dispelled by the dispelling skills of healing professions and some legal professions, so they need to be dispelled constantly during the battle to ensure that the buff state on the boss will not be too much.

The dispersal skill has cd, it is impossible to disperse infinitely.

However, the Boss’s two little brothers’ gain skills do not have cds, and they will keep going. The speed of dispersal will definitely not keep up with the speed of the little brother’s gain status. If you want to make the boss invincible, the optical dispersal will not work, so you have to think differently. Method.


It doesn't work, the little brother's state of adding a boost to the boss is instant and cannot be interrupted.

Silence, this can be there. During the silence, the younger brother can't add the boost state to the boss.

However, the cd of the Silent Skill is very long and can only be used to disperse it, and cannot completely contain the little brother's gaining state.

Another point is that although the dispersal is also a second drive, but the output cannot be output or healed when dispelling, which will cause the output to slow down and the treatment will be in neutral, so the dispersal needs to be driven in turns.

"Pump blue."

Li Yunze looked at the Lan Liang of the two younger brothers, and thought in his heart: "Warlock and hunter can both draw, oh, by the way, dark animal husbandry is also OK."

The two younger brothers need to spend mana to cast the gain state, because they are not slow to return to blue, under normal circumstances, they always release the gain state, and there will be no empty blue situation.

If you want to make them empty blue can't release the gain state, you have to use skills to empty their blue.

There are currently three professions in the game, with the ability to draw target blues, one is a warlock, one is a hunter, and the other is a shadow priest. There is no shortage of the fearless main group warlocks and hunters, and the shadow priest also has one. Pumping blue together can make the blue of the two younger brothers of the boss not come up, resulting in Kong Lan unable to continue to release the buff state.

Kihenas, the boss itself is very powerful, without countless blessings, it is a free boss. That being the case, just kill the two little brothers first? No, because the two younger brothers will lock their blood after being hit at 1 point. Those teams that don't know the mechanism often try to kill the younger brother quickly, and then are shamelessly locked into the blood pit until the boss has been blessed with countless buffs, which leads to the destruction of the group.

"Try it once."

I haven't fought, and Purple Qi from the East is not good at judging the combat mechanism of the boss: "In order to avoid running away the corpse, the warlock tied the soul stone to the treatment. When it is about to die, everyone stays away from the boss and refreshes the point to facilitate the treatment of sweeping the floor."

Li Yunze can't directly tell the boss mechanism. Only after playing can everyone understand how terrifying a boss is infinitely superimposed with a boost state: "Okay, try again."

Hanjiang Guying pulls the boss, Kuona and Fengda pull the younger brother outside, and Yufeng gives Hanjiang Guying a second tank, in case they have to change tanks.

4 tanks together, try to die.

The group is destroyed. When the boss is superimposed with about 20 buffs, it becomes a demigod existence. The tank needs to use big moves to resist, and the treatment also needs to use big moves to add up.

When the boost status on the boss exceeds 20, it evolves from a demigod to a true body. I am afraid that Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames, will be screwed if it is not shot by himself.

Becoming a god's boss, even if the tank is fully activated, even if the cure is fully used, it is still unable to resist, only invincible skills can survive for a while.

Tanks lie down in seconds, and then the boss has a group attack skill, collectively lie down in seconds. Fortunately, everyone has been alert and stayed away from the boss refresh point in advance to prevent the corpse from running away.

"I'm going, how come the HP of this boss gets higher and higher?"

"This boss's defensive power and resistance are so abnormal. It can't be touched even if it hits it."

"It's a disgusting injury. I just turned Hanjiang's big move for a second. Hanjiang is the number one tank in the game. He can't resist it. Can other tanks be played?"

"Boss's attack speed is invincible. The harpoon in his hand swings faster than the propeller. I hit it and it was wiped out immediately."

"The speed of movement is also abnormal, at first it was good, and then it took off like wearing skate shoes."

"This is the most perverted boss I have ever encountered since I played Glory. There is no one."

When everyone was waiting for the treatment to resurrect, they couldn't help but complain about the battle just now.

Boss’s gain states include those that increase blood volume, those that regenerate blood, those that increase damage, those that increase defense and resistance, and those that increase movement speed and attack speed.

Anyway, it's how the perversion comes, all the gain states are added, and the boss directly myths.

"There are more than 20 gain states on the boss."

Purple Qi from the East did not disappoint Li Yunze: "The two younger brothers have been adding gains to it, and the speed of the increase is very fast, so we didn't last long before we were destroyed."

Li Yunze nodded: "Ziqi is right. In fact, it is not that the boss is invincible, but the two younger brothers made it invincible. The overall attributes and skills of the boss itself are actually very useless."

Kihenas, the boss, will not be stuck with the player for too long. When the player knows how to play and does not have the blessing, it is the first waste material in the heart of Molten, and the ocean harpoon in his hand turns into a dung fork in seconds.

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