Li Qingyun knew that although he was very popular among the disciples of the Xinglu Family due to his great military exploits, it was still a matter of two minds to actually let the disciples of these families join his sect. Google search reading

After all, joining a sect is a major event in a monk's practice career. Although these young monks are not weak in cultivation, since they practice here and do not go to the front line to fight, it means that they still belong to the candidate generation. There are still parents who are supporting us.

Because of this, they cannot make all decisions by themselves. The wishes of their parents will inevitably influence them more.

As for their parents, if their next generation joins a sect that is not one of the Nine Palaces... they will only think that this is a bunch of kids messing around.

Therefore, Li Qingyun ignored his actions and turned around to leave this place of right and wrong.

He has more important things to do.

He had already made up his mind not to meet up with other members of the Qingshan Sect for the time being, but to go straight to the Military Machine Hall and explain to the Military Machine Hall the situation he encountered during this battle.

Including the Qingshan Legion trapped in the 30th city, the Shi family and the Ji family attacked themselves midway during the large-scale rescue of Ren Hongyuan by the human race.

Of course, there is also the fact that Yue Yan is a spy of the Nether Clan hidden in the middle and upper echelons of the human race.

This news must also be informed to the top management of the human race.

Previously, because of the competitive relationship between him and Yue Yan, he had a private grudge, and it was not certain yet. If he tried to expose Yue Yan, he would definitely fail.

But now, Li Qingyun has made such a great contribution in this war. Although he has not yet been rewarded for his merits, Li Qingyun knows that his status in Zhulong Star Road is no longer the same. Now, if he goes to expose Yue Yan again, It will definitely attract enough attention to conduct a thorough investigation of Yue Yan and find out his plans for living in Jiugong Road for so many years.

Li Qingyun thought like this, made a secret in his hand, controlled the escape light, and flew to the military aircraft hall in the center of the eighth city with full expectation.

As long as these human race worms can be eliminated, then the human race will definitely be able to reduce a considerable amount of pressure on the Zhulong Star Road and lay the foundation for the subsequent counterattack...!

This situation of being suppressed and beaten by the Nether Clan should be changed...

The human race deserves a better future!

In the past, I was powerless, but a king-level astrolabe would make the human race very anxious. But now, Li Qingyun already has a king-level astrolabe.

He alone is enough to change the entire battle situation on Zhulongxing Road!

Thinking of this, Li Qingyun's heart was filled with pride and he entered the Eighth City Military Machine Hall.

The eighth city is a city with several star paths and is located at the rear of the human race. Therefore, a large family has naturally formed here.

The aristocratic family in the eighth city is the Zhang family.

When the waiters in green armor saw Li Qingyun entering the Military Machine Hall, they immediately greeted him. For the golden elixir stage, at most, only waiters in green armor would be used to receive him.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a senior elder of the Zhang family, preferably a commander-in-chief or above." Li Qingyun directly explained the purpose of his visit before the waiter could speak.

The Qingjia waiter was surprised when he heard what Li Qingyun said, but there was no dissatisfaction on his face. He asked cautiously: "Excuse me, your Excellency, do you have anything important to do with me, Mr. Zhang?"

Li Qingyun said: "It is related to military affairs."

What else did the green-armored waiter want to ask? Suddenly, a purple light flashed, and a tall middle-aged man wearing orange armor appeared in front of him.

This middle-aged man has a pale face, thin lips, dull eyebrows, and a pair of cold eyes.

The waiter was shocked, saluted hurriedly, and said excitedly: "The grandson Zhang is here to meet the master of the family!"

Li Qingyun raised his eyebrows. He originally thought that he would first meet a certain Four Elephants elder of the Zhang family, identify himself and explain his purpose of coming, and then he could meet the head of the Zhang family, a leader-level figure...

Unexpectedly, we met directly.

"I, Li Qingyun, have met Senior Zhang. When I come here this time, I have something important to do with the safety of the human race. Please inform Senior." Li Qingyun clasped his fists and saluted the head of the Zhang family.

However, the head of the Zhang family didn't seem to hear what you said, Li Qingyu. He still looked cold and said nothing, and used his spiritual power to directly detect Li Qingyun's aura face to face.

A flash of anger flashed in Li Qingyun's heart, but he quickly put it away because he knew that many people in high positions may develop the habit of disrespecting their subordinates because they have been managing people for too long.

What's more, he is just a little golden elixir now. Although he has some minor military achievements, it is still nothing in the eyes of a leader-level figure like the head of the Zhang family.

What's more, he came here today because he had something important to say. No matter how rude these seniors and experts were, he would be able to finish the matter in the end. No matter how rude these seniors and experts were, it would still be good.

With this in mind, Li Qingyun said again: "Senior Zhang, this is an important time. Can we please change the place to talk."

"Haha..." The head of the Zhang family actually let out a sneer that made Li Qingyun very uncomfortable: "Okay, let's talk about it in another place."

After saying that, he waved his hand, picked up Li Qingyun, and disappeared into the military aircraft hall.

Li Qingyun only felt that an extremely violent spiritual power enveloped him, rushing into the sky at an incredible speed and angle.

Soon, the huge eighth city was in sight, but they were still rising, and the surrounding space had begun to break. The broken space fragments were like blades, stabbing at Li Qingyun.

These space debris are extremely dangerous and can easily destroy the Heavenly Realm!

But the head of the Zhang family had no intention of protecting Li Qingyun, and was still concentrating on rising into the sky.

Li Qingyun gritted his teeth and thought that this must be Zhang Family Master's unique testing method. These senior old men always like to use some weird methods to test the back of their hands.


Li Qingyun suddenly activated the power of his physical body, causing the surface of his body to glow with golden light, and he bravely faced the fragments impacting from top to bottom.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

The space debris hit Li Qingyun's body, making a huge banging sound, like gold and iron hitting each other.

The head of the Zhang family raised his eyebrows, obviously a little surprised that Li Qingyun could guard against the space debris so easily, but soon, the surprise in his eyes disappeared and turned into a color that contained other emotions.

Li Qingyun's heart thumped. At this time, he had already noticed something was wrong. What on earth did this Zhang family leader want to do? ?


The head of the Zhang family waved, and the space in front of them suddenly cut open, and then the two of them entered a huge black vortex.

The originally violent power and space power disappeared, and the two stood calmly in the star path, looking at each other.

"The eighth city has five star paths, which lead to the thirty-third city, the thirty-sixth city, the fortieth city, the forty-fourth city, and the forty-eighth city of the Hades respectively."

"The star path we are on now is the star path leading to the 40th city. It is also the largest star path guarded by my Zhang family."

"That day when Palace Master Ren was in danger, I confronted the leader of the Nether Clan in the 40th city here."

"His name is Bobang. He is very powerful. Twenty thousand years ago, my father died in his hands."

The head of the Zhang family looked at Li Qingyun expressionlessly and said this.

Li Qingyun sneered: "People of the bright side don't speak secret words. Head Zhang, what do you mean? Just tell me!"

The head of the Zhang family showed pain, let out a long sigh, looked at Li Qingyun, and asked softly:

"My Zhang family, my human race, sacrificed so much in order to guard the Zhulong Star Road..."

"And you...why do you want to be a spy for the Underworld!?"

Li Qingyun's mind was like thunder exploding, and he looked at the person in front of him in disbelief: "What did you say..."

"Are you talking about me... a spy from the underworld?"

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