Super Sect Development System

Chapter 539: Ironclad Evidence

"What did you say……"

"Are you talking about me... a spy from the underworld?"

Li Qingyun looked at the head of the Zhang family in front of him in disbelief. His entire face turned extremely pale because of his sudden question.

I am obviously here to expose the spies to you... I obviously hope that through you, I can contact the top brass of the human race and get rid of those worms...

You actually called me a spy?

I am a spy, and I will deliberately repair the king-level astrolabe to change the situation of the human race on the star road?

I am a spy, will I risk my life to save Ren Hongyuan?

I am a spy. I will harass the cities behind the underworld and seize so many cities?

The head of the Zhang family looked at Li Qingyun's pale face, with a sarcastic smile on his lips. He seemed to have determined that Li Qingyun was a spy of the Nether Clan, and he was right at this time.

Li Qingyun knew that he didn't look good now, and would probably be regarded as a panic after being exposed, but he had no way to ease his emotions.

No one can remain calm when they are wronged!

Now, he couldn't even smile to lighten the mood.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, and I will make it clear to you." The head of the Zhang family looked at Li Qingyun with a cold expression, as if he was pronouncing a sentence on Li Qingyun.

"Zhang Tiancheng, are you kidding..." Zhang Tiancheng is the name of the head of the Zhang family, and Li Qingyun glared at him: "I came here to tell you three things.

"Oh?" Zhang Tiancheng looked at Li Qingyun jokingly: "Tell me about it."

Li Qingyun tried hard to adjust his emotions and prevent himself from being irritated by Zhang Tiancheng: "The first thing is that our Qingshan Legion was tripped during the retreat of our human army from the 30th city back to the 20th city. , trapped in the underworld’s lair in the 30th city.”

"That is to say, someone wants to destroy our Qingshan Legion."

Zhang Tiancheng raised his eyebrows: "There are thousands of people in the Qingshan Army. It is impossible for them all to be spies of the Nether Tribe. How can they be decent if they are all killed? The person who did it went too far."

"Zhang Tiancheng!" Li Qingyun said angrily: "Don't label me as a spy until you hear what I have to say!"

Zhang Tiancheng sneered and said, "Then you continue talking and I will listen."

Li Qingyun took a deep breath and continued: "The second thing is that when all the strong men of the human race were rushing to the 20th city to rescue Senior Ren Hongyuan, Ren Ren and I were attacked by Shi Song and Shi Tianlai from the Shi Family. Interception."

"Haha..." Zhang Tiancheng's expression remained unchanged: "Keep talking."

Li Qingyun's heart was already cold. He did not say that Xiong Shan was also intercepted by the Ji family on the road. That was not his own personal experience. It would be exaggerated to say it at this time.

"The third thing is that I want to expose a person. This person is probably a spy hidden among the middle and high-level people of our human race. When I was on the Ancient Star Road, I saw him showing his true form from the Nether Clan. He is the Eight-Jiang The underworld!"

"He is my fellow senior brother... Yue Yan!"

After saying this, Li Qingyun looked at Zhang Tiancheng sincerely and said: "These three matters are of great importance. I can swear on my Taoist heart that every word is true. Even if you doubt me, please inform the higher-ups of the human race about this information." ”

"I can confront Yue Yan!"

However, Zhang Tiancheng remained expressionless.

He said calmly: "There is no need for you to confront Yue Yan. The evidence in my hand can expose all your excuses!"

As he spoke, light flashed in his hand, and an orange jade slip appeared, and he said to Li Qingyun: "This information comes from a human spy hidden in the upper echelons of the Nether Clan. He has been hiding in the Nether Clan for many years, and no one knows his identity. ”

"Half an hour ago, he gave me such information from various commanders on the Zhulong Star Road."

"What information?" Li Qingyun asked anxiously: "Did Palace Master Ren and Dao Master Huyan receive it?"

"Tsk tsk..." Zhang Tiancheng looked at Li Qingyun and sneered: "Are you so afraid that Palace Master Ren and Taoist Master Huyan will know that you are a spy?"

"If I had known this, why would I seek refuge with the Nether Clan? The Human Clan treats you well..."


Li Qingyun took a deep breath, suppressed all the impulses in his heart, and slowly calmed down.

"Go ahead and let me see how you expose me."

Zhang Tiancheng activated the jade slip, and a series of characters flew out.

Although these characters look strange, Li Qingyun can quickly understand the meaning of the characters when he sees them. This understanding comes from the origin of blood.

However, after understanding the message in this jade slip, he became even more excited.

"Well..." Zhang Tiancheng saw that he could read the jade slips, and nodded: "It seems that your bloodline is still human. This kind of characters is subject to certain restrictions, and non-human blood cannot read it."

"Haha...a human race with pure blood actually went back to join the nobles."

Li Qingyun stared with bright red eyes: "Based on this information alone, you can conclude that I am a spy of the Nether Clan and not someone else!?"

"My token also contains a large number of military merit points, which are proof of my contribution to the human race!"

Zhang Tiancheng glanced at Li Qingyun, and read the message on the jade slip with an expressionless face: "Commanders, the will of the Nether Clan has been restless in the past few days, which is probably caused by the breakthrough of a genius from the human race on the Ancient Star Road. The will of the underworld is restless, and the reason why the underworld has sacrificed twenty cities is to let this will of the underworld enter the ancient star road and baptize this human genius. "

"Haha, if I am not mistaken, you are the human genius who the Nether Race will baptize you at all costs..."

Li Qingyun said angrily: "The Hades are willing to give me benefits, why shouldn't I take them!"

"Hmph!" Zhang Tiancheng snorted coldly, and the violent spiritual power around him burst out, and at the same time, he locked Li Qingyun with murderous intent: "Spy! You took the benefits of the Hades, and you still say you are not a spy of the Hades!"

"The Hades gave up twenty cities because of you, so these huge military merits are given to you!"

"Now it has been found out that this is a deal between you and the Hades. I will ask the Military Affairs Hall to take back your military merits!"

"Shut up!" Li Qingyun wanted to say something, but his mouth was sealed by Zhang Tiancheng's spiritual power, and he couldn't make a sound.

"Next, read on."

"Commanders, after hundreds of years of investigation, I have obtained several key information about the spy who infiltrated my Nine Palaces Dao. Please be vigilant."

"First, this person's cultivation is not high, but he is a genius in the Nine Palaces Dao;"

"Second, this person has a strong appeal;"

"Third, this person is related to the King-level Star Plate..."

"This person is further seeking greater influence and paving the way for future plans among the human race. There may be huge plots. I hope all commanders will be vigilant!"

"Didn't you just sacrifice the King-level Star Plate?" Zhang Tiancheng sneered at Li Qingyun: "This time, the cultivation is not high, the appeal is very strong, and it is related to the King-level Star Plate..."

"After this King-level Star Plate has made merit, will it have a huge influence and become a high-level, and then there will be other huge plots and other conspiracies. At that time, it can directly put my human race to death?"

"Is that right?"

"Which one of yours does not meet the requirements?"

"Ironclad evidence!"

"Confess your guilt!"


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