Super Sect System

Chapter 789 The new building Hai Nian Pavilion, an opportunity for spiritual power to enter the seco

While there was still no movement in the Hundred Sect Alliance, Moon Worshiping City was bustling with activity.

Decades have passed since the name of Lingxiao Sword Sect, and not many people have forgotten it. Now there is a force called the Immortal Sect rising up on the site of the Lingxiao Sword Sect. Everyone is very curious about where this Immortal Sect came from.

And as soon as he arrived, he killed a group of casual cultivators who broke into the mountain gate with cruel and strange methods, which made everyone even more curious about the origin of the Immortal Sect. However, although everyone is guessing, no one knows its origin.

As for Wan Changqing and others from the Nitian Sect, after returning to the sect, they were busy preparing to enter the Nanbu Realm and observing the Immortal Sect.

After all, they are all old members of the Lingxiao Sword Sect. Now that a new sect has been established at the site of the Lingxiao Sword Sect, they are all curious about what kind of force this Immortal Sect is.

Within a few days, Wan Changqing thought about paying a visit, but he was not prepared to bring Hao Qing with him.

Hao Qing tried his best to say something bad about the Immortal Sect in front of his sect leader. Who knows if the other sect leader will remember it in his heart?

When Wan Changqing stood at the foot of the Immortal Sect Mountain alone, he did not enter without permission, but chose to wait.

After all, the fate of the intruders from the past few days was still vivid in his mind.

But just after staying for a while, I saw a man coming down the stairs. He had a handsome face and a heroic spirit. Although he was a man, he couldn't help but be attracted to him. When the man walked up to him, he said directly to him, "Sect Master Wan, our sect master has invited you!"

"The master of your sect knows that I am coming?" Wan Changqing was confused.

He had just arrived, and someone came to greet him!

The person who came was none other than Elder Yun Liao.

Yun Liao responded: "Our sect master will naturally know when Sect Master Wan is here."

"The strength of the leader of your sect is really unfathomable." Wan Changqing sighed, because he didn't feel any perception sweeping around him at all. How the other party knew about his arrival was really puzzling.

But he didn't ask any more questions and followed Yun Liao up slowly.

As soon as he stepped in, Wan Changqing felt the extraordinary power of the Immortal Sect.

Below the stairs and above the stairs are completely two worlds.

The most important thing is that this has completely lost the look of the Lingxiao Sword Sect in the past.



They are completely different.

With this doubt and anxiety in mind, Wan Changqing walked to the main hall and was stunned after taking a look at the majestic main hall.

When he was distracted, Yun Liao said to Wen Ping in a pavilion not far away: "Sect Master, Sect Master Wan is here."

"Sect Master Wan, please!"

After that, Yun Liao left.

Wan Changqing immediately looked at Wen Ping, and was a little surprised when he found that Wen Ping was exactly the same as Hao Qing described. Because he is too young, too young to be true.

"Sect Master Wan, sit down..."

Wen Ping said hello.

Wan Changqing strolled over, bowed slightly, and asked, "Do you know me?"

"I know." Wen Ping responded.

Wan Changqing was speechless, because the other party knew him, but he didn't understand anything in front of him.

This is a bit ridiculous.

After sitting down, Wan Changqing could only choose to ask by himself, "What is your name?"

"The surname is Wen."

"Sect Master Wen... let's stop talking. Wan came here today to tell Sect Master Wen something."

"Please say."

"Sect Master Wen, do you know who this Xingjian Mountain belongs to now?"

"Belongs to the Immortal Sect."

Wan Changqing was stunned for a moment, and then asked again: "Then let me put it another way, does Sect Master Wen know who it belonged to before?"

"I know, Red Leaf Gate."

"So Sect Master Wen bought this land from Hongyemen by Hua Baijing?"

Wan Changqing is particularly concerned about this.

Because he also thought about doing this.

This was the original intention of the Nitian Sect when it was established.

However, with the slow development of Nitian Sect, this original intention has been buried by reality.

Wen Ping responded calmly, "I didn't buy it, I just thought it was good here, so I established a clan here."

"Sect Master Wen, are you planning to join the Hongye Sect, or are you?" Wan Changqing asked about the ultimate purpose of this trip.

Because Hongyemen is an enemy rather than a friend to him.

Wen Ping responded, "I can't give an answer to Sect Leader Wan's curiosity."


"Sect Master Wan has asked so many questions, so it's time for me to ask, right?"

"Whatever Sect Master Wen wants to know, Wan will definitely know everything and tell you everything."

Wen Ping asked with a smile: "I want to know if Sect Leader Wan is interested in joining the Immortal Sect?"

Regarding Wan Changqing, he had read his information repeatedly and asked Chen Xie to investigate. The conclusion drawn is that this person is very affectionate. For example, the Lingxiao Sword Sect has been dead for decades, but he is still taking care of this old friend of the Lingxiao Sword Sect, and established the Anti-Tian Sect for this purpose.

In terms of character, Wan Changqing is naturally pretty good. Just because of his love, the Immortal Sect can accept him.

In addition, he has good talent and is halfway to the Unforbidden Realm, so it is suitable for him to join the Immortal Sect.

Because if you want to take over the land of the powerful, it is not so easy to do it yet.

"Sect Master Wen was joking." But Wan Changqing just smiled awkwardly, "Sect Master Wen, the Hao Qing you saw that day actually had no other meaning. He didn't know your identity, so he said that. I hope not Sorry!"

"By the way, there is him. The Immortal Sect also welcomes him to join." Wen Ping suddenly realized.

Not to mention Hao Qing, he would have forgotten this person.

What Wen Ping admires most about Hao Qing is that as an elder, he is willing to bend down and personally accept people.

This is not easy.

Unlike the other Zhenyue Shangjing, it's as if it's worth 2,580,000 yuan.

Wan Changqing was stunned for a moment, knowing that this topic could no longer be discussed, and immediately stood up to leave.

Wen Ping didn't stop him and sent Wan Changqing to the stairs leading to Chaotian Gorge and watched him leave.

When Wan Changqing returned to the sect, the first thing he did was to find Hao Qing.

After seeing Hao Qing, he rolled his eyes and scolded: "Hao Qing, I am embarrassed and embarrassed today because of you."

"What's wrong?" Hao Qing was confused, "Didn't you go to see the leader of the Immortal Sect?"

"I saw it, but you told me again what you said to him that day. Let me join the Immortal Sect, and let you come too." Wan Changqing rolled his eyes at Hao Qing again, "I also convinced you !”

"Haha, can you blame me? It means that my trick of asking people when I meet them has won their hearts." Hao Qing couldn't help laughing.

He was already imagining Wan Changqing's face at that time.

It’s probably embarrassing to death!

Thinking of this, Hao Qing couldn't help laughing again.

Then I remembered that I told the Immortal Sect's leader about the merger, and I couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hahaha... I can't do it anymore." Hao Qing covered her abdominal muscles and almost burst into tears laughing.

Wan Changqing rolled his eyes at Hao Qing as if he were a fool, turned around and left.

He didn't take Wen Ping's words to win over him seriously.

Nor did Wen Ping take it seriously.

After leaving Hao Qing's residence, Wan Changqing came to this hall, full of questions about the origin of the Immortal Sect.

Especially when the other party had already figured him out, but he only knew that the Immortal Sect's leader was named Wen, he had even more desire and impulse to understand the origins of the Immortal Sect.

After returning to the main hall, Wan Changqing asked his elders, "What have you found out about the origin of the Immortal Sect these days?"

Several people looked at each other in confusion.

"No one in the entire Moon Worshiping City knows where the Immortal Sect came from or when it came."

"It's not that we don't want to investigate, but our ability is limited."

After hearing these results, Wan Changqing waved his hands helplessly, "Continue to do your work, remember to keep an eye on the Nanbu Realm in Fengjianyuan, it may open at any time. I will investigate the Immortal Sect's affairs myself."

Just as he was about to leave, Wan Changqing felt a little worried and warned him again.

"Kazamahara must be keeping an eye on me. If something goes wrong, our two years of preparation will be in vain!"

Four days later.

Chen Xie hurriedly left from Jinzhi Building with a brochure and came to Wenping's Tingyu Pavilion.

"Sect Master, I have made a ranking of 72 types of sects in the fourteen cities around Star Sword Mountain. At the same time, I have also made a strength ranking of these 72 five-star forces."

Wen Ping took the brochure handed over by Chen Xie and looked through it.

Chen Xie continued: "For the 72 types of sects, we have combined the achievements of practitioners of all realms in the past 50 years. After comparing these people one by one and analyzing them, we came up with a very accurate ranking. The 72 five-star forces also No exception. Sect Master, if there are no problems, I can print out a large amount today and spread it among these 14 cities."

"Well done." Wen Ping praised, and then added, "Go and change these so-called secret techniques. Release a brand new realm of pulse techniques on the ranking list of this school's pulse techniques."

"Sect Master, please speak."

Wen Ping said: "In the past, there were only these four realms: Beginner, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and Perfection. Then there are the ranks of secret arts. From today on, there will be two more realms after perfection, the ultimate and the transformation realm! The so-called secret arts , it’s just a change after entering the peak-climbing realm.”

"Subordinate, go and change it now!"

"After the modification is completed, spread it directly. Remember to mark the six characters of Immortal Sect Jinzhilou."

"My subordinate understands."

In the evening, after completing the upgrade of some buildings, Wen Ping opened the building list again.

This time, he planned to build a building related to magicians.

The most important thing in the practice of magic is mental power. As long as the mental power is strong enough, powerful magic can be released. So Wen Ping planned to build a building about spiritual cultivation.

Since the development of the sect, such a building has been indispensable.

The art of sword control cannot always stay at the stage of sword control.

The spiritual power of the people within the sect cannot stay at the first stage forever.

Wen Ping started rummaging through the building list.

Followed by asking the system, "System, do you have any recommendations for special buildings for cultivating spiritual power?"

"Based on the current financial resources of the host and the current stage of the sect, it is recommended that the host build it - Hai Nian Pavilion."

After saying this, the information about Hai Nian Pavilion appeared in front of him.

Wen Ping glanced twice and directly chose to build without much hesitation.

The construction price is 5,000 white crystals, so Wen Ping doesn’t have to hesitate.

【Hainian Pavilion】

[Construction time remaining: 10 hours]

After turning off the system prompts, Wen Ping entered the Immortal Forest and started practicing until early the next morning.

At the same time, the construction of Hai Nian Pavilion was completed.

After Wen Ping came out of the Undead Forest, he walked directly to the mage tower behind Yunlan Mountain in Hai Nian Pavilion.

Hai Nian Pavilion is built next to the Master Tower!

Hai Nian Pavilion is no different. It is just an attic, with only one high floor in total. But when you step into its interior, what you see is a huge circular pool without water, surrounded by boundless wilderness.

The bottom of the pool was covered with stones, but these stones emitted light and released spiritual power, making Wen Ping dare not look directly at them. It's like each of their stones is a star.

"System, let me introduce you."

The system responded: "This is the Hai Nian Pool in the Hai Nian Pavilion. It is a container specially used to hold the Wu Nian Heavenly Pattern. The host only needs to spend another 50,000 white crystals to fill the Hai Nian Pool. Wu Nian Celestial Pattern. However, the Wu Nian Celestial Pattern in this pool is only enough to be used 60 times. Each person who enters can stay in the Wu Nian Celestial Pattern for 10 hours, and it counts every ten hours."

"How effective is it?"

Wen Ping is more concerned about this.

The system responded, "The Wu Nian Celestial Pattern is collected from the depths of the starry sky. It can quickly enhance mental power. To put it bluntly, if this pool of Wu Nian Celestial Pattern is only used by three people, it is enough to cultivate their mental power. To the second stage.”

"If you train three people to the second stage of spiritual power, then I will make a profit from the 50,000 white crystal flowers."

The second stage of spiritual power can release fourth-level magic, which can give the Immortal Sect three more Earth-free combat powers.

But who will these three places be given to?

Of course, he doesn't plan to make his own decision, and he won't buy it with Bai Jing in the original mode. Wen Ping plans to distribute these three quotas in another way to enhance the competitiveness of the sect.

Whoever has luck belongs to him!

Wen Ping immediately bought the Wu Nian Tian Wen in the built-in store of Hai Nian Pavilion, then left the Immortal Sect and entered Feng Jian Yuan next to Star Sword Mountain.

Kazamahara Wen Ping's sword passed by once from above. Although there were monsters there, they were scattered here and there. Overall, it is not very dangerous, and Kazamahara is the perfect place to compete for this spot.

After hiding the three tokens for entering Hai Nian Pavilion in three places in Kazamahara, Wen Ping returned to the Immortal Sect's kitchen.

Wen Ping hasn't come to the kitchen to eat for a long time, so everyone knew that there must be something wrong with his arrival.

After the meal, Wen Ping announced: "This time I will give you a chance to play. In Fengjianyuan outside Star Sword Mountain, I hid a total of three tokens to enter Hai Nian Pavilion. The hiding place is not very hidden, as long as If you use your senses to look for it, you will surely find it.”

Wen Ping took out a token to enter Hai Nian Pavilion and placed it on the table for everyone to take a closer look.

Everyone was confused for a moment.

I don’t understand what the sect leader means.

"Sect Master, what is this token for?"

Someone asked.

Wen Ping responded: "With this token, you can get the opportunity to enter Hai Nian Pavilion. It is located next to the Mage Tower. There is a pool in Hai Nian Pavilion, and there is something called Wu Nian Tianwen in the pool. .Absorbing the Wu Nian Celestial Pattern can increase your mental power. Let me tell you, as long as you obtain one of these three tokens, you can steadily increase your mental power to the second stage."

Wen Ping shook the token.

Long Yue asked curiously, "The second stage of spiritual power?"

Looking at everyone's equally curious eyes, Wen Ping explained: "Spiritual power is divided into stages, and you are in the first stage at this time. The first stage of mental power has a limited range of perception, and at the same time, the range of the sword is limited, and even when released, Magic also has level restrictions. But if you can enter the second stage, your sword can kill people dozens of miles away, and your perception can also sense all movements within dozens of miles. The most important thing is , when the mental power enters the second stage, it can release fourth-level magic and control power comparable to that of Earth Unforbidden!"

After saying this, everyone was shocked.

"I go!"

"Sect Master, are you too willing to give up this time?"

A group of people stared at the red token and couldn't move it away.

Wen Ping continued: "Whether you want to follow the magic lineage or not, you can enter Kazamahara and give it a try, but I will only give you five days. After seven days, if a token is not found, then that token It will be invalidated."

[When the rankings are released, what impact will it have?

What will happen to Kazamahara?

Let's see tomorrow. . .

Please vote! ! ! ! 】

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