Super Sect System

Chapter 790 The Immortal Qingyun List is released, and the five-star forces are dissatisfied! (6500

Wen Ping really wanted to give these three opportunities to enter the second stage of mental power for free, but if they couldn't seize the opportunity, then Wen Ping would naturally not be able to give them a second chance for free.

Whether he charges according to the previous method or gives it to new members of the sect in the future, the result he gets is the same - that is, the magic lineage can have a few pillars, which can better display magic to the people of Chaotianxia.

Hearing this, Long Yue on the side asked impatiently: "Can we go to Kazamahara now?"

When she asked, everyone looked at Wen Ping expectantly.

Wen Ping nodded, "You can start at any time."

"Then let's start!" Long Yue was so happy that she wished she could fly to Fengjian Plain immediately.

Wen Ping warned again, "There are only seven days, so remember!"

After saying this, a group of people rushed out of the kitchen.

"Sect Master, we understand."

"Sect Master, you are really too generous this time, I love you!"

While a group of people were running forward, there were still people who seemed to have no intention of going to Kazamahara.

For example, Long Ke, she had no idea and was standing there looking at the backs of Long Yue and the others.

"Don't you want to try?"

Long Ke shook his head, "Wind pulse technique is more suitable for me, and I will soon be able to enter the half-step world. Let's give these opportunities to them."

Although it is tempting to enter the second stage of mental power, Long Ke knows what is more suitable for him.

Wen Ping didn't want to say anything about this.

"If you step into the Unforbidden Earth, you can come to me to buy the Broken Mirror Pill. If you take the Broken Mirror Pill, there is a chance of stepping directly into the Unforbidden Earth." Wen Ping plans to upgrade the main hall and add the Broken Mirror Pill. Dan's purchase quantity.

With the current situation of only being able to buy one Broken Mirror Pill a month, once it is provided to Chen Xie, it cannot be given to anyone else.

Long Ke was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "How much does it cost?"

"We'll talk about it after you've taken half a step into the world."

After Wen Ping said that, he left the kitchen directly.

Long Ke looked at Wen Ping's retreating figure, and then subconsciously looked into the hidden ring.

There are not many white crystals left!

Looks like I have to find a way to get some white crystals!

The next day.

Chen Xie went to Tingyuge and reported the first edition of the list to Wen Ping.

And Chen Xie also gave this ranking a name - Immortal Qingyun Ranking.

The word "immortal" is taken from the Immortal Sect.

The word "Qingyun" is taken from "Pingbu Qingyun".

However, the first edition only has the ranking of schools of pulse arts, but does not include the ranking of forces or the popularity of the realm of pulse arts.

In this regard, Chen Xie's explanation is that everything Jin Zhilou does will cause a sensation for everyone. But this sensation must come step by step, and cannot be too violent all at once, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

After a busy night last night, Moon Worshiping City has basically finished it. The first version of the Immortal Qingyun List has started to spread crazily in Moon Worshiping City, and the speed of spreading is getting faster and faster.

Because Chen Xie found a lot of support!

"Let's go and take a look at Moon Worship City." Wen Ping wanted to see what kind of impact the announcement of the Immortal Qingyun List would have on the people of this world. Is it as expected?

When Wen Ping arrived at Moon Worship City with Chen Xie, he found an endless stream of pedestrians gathered in small groups, holding a blue book in their hands, reading it with gusto and sighing.

"Really or not, although the Qing family's pulse technique Fang Cunjian ranks last in Moon Worshiping City, it actually ranks 60th among the fourteen cities around Star Sword Mountain. There are 12 other pulse techniques behind Fang Cunjian. .”

"I originally thought that the Qing family's Fang Cunjian was the worst among the prefecture-level low-grade sects."

"Behind him are Kongcheng Nong, a sect of the Kong family in Luoshui City, and..."

“I didn’t know until now that the famous Kung family art, Kongcheng Nong, is so mediocre and ranked so low!”

Amid the discussion, Wen Ping slowly walked forward.

In general, the Immortal Qingyun Gang has become well-known in the streets.

Some people questioned.

Some are convinced.

The more natural thing is to eat the melon heart.

However, when meeting people from the five-star forces, the one Wen Ping heard talking about the most was the Immortal Sect.

"What does this Immortal Sect Jinzhilou want to do?"

"The Immortal Sect's Ji Zhi Lou suddenly made such a list. It seems that this Ji Zhi Lou knows us well. From this, it can be seen that the Immortal Sect's desire to settle down in Xingjian Mountain may not happen overnight."

"Who can tell me the origin of the Immortal Sect? The details of our family's sect have been found out, but we still know nothing about the Immortal Sect. Isn't this funny?"

After walking around the Moon Worshiping City and listening to these discussions, Wen Ping asked Chen Xie to go about his own business, while he began to wander around the Moon Worshiping City, wondering if he could meet some shocking people. Wizard.

Then I encountered such a scene.

A half-step unstoppable strongman was sitting in the inn with the Immortal Qingyun List, and said inadvertently, "Shan Family, let's see what else you pretend to be in the future. Your Shan Family's ranking of the death chain is sufficient. It’s five rankings lower than our Cao family’s Luo Rihui!”

At this time, when the strong man from the Shan family who happened to be walking down from the second floor heard these words, he was like firewood meeting sparks.


The Shan family's half-step groundless strongman immediately rushed down and pointed at the half-step groundless strongman of the Cao family, "What are you saying? Pay attention to the attitude of your words. Don't make it difficult for yourself!"

"Oh, it turns out it's from the Shan family. Don't you agree? I've been looking at the Immortal Qingyun Ranking. Your Shan family's pulse technique is not ranked high in the fatal chain." The strong man from the Cao family smiled softly.

"That's better than your Cao family's Sunset Sunlight!"

"Why, are you talking about rankings?"

"Fuck, go out and practice!"

"If you are from the Shan family, you will die if you try it. You have to think clearly!"

The two of them rushed out immediately.

The next day.

Within the Nitian Sect.

Wan Changqing gathered all the senior leaders of the sect together, but this time it was not to discuss issues related to Nanbu Realm. And discussing the issue about the Immortal Sect, because of the emergence of the Immortal Qingyun List.

"Yesterday there was a fight between the powerful men of the Shan family and the Cao family. You should all know this, right?"

Wan Changqing glanced at everyone.

Hao Qing nodded, "Yesterday I watched from the side from beginning to end, and in the end it was the Shan family who lost. The two of them were obviously about the same strength, but after a fierce battle all night, the strong one from the Shan family still lost. What the Immortal Qingyun List did The ranking is really accurate, the Shan family’s fatal series lost to the Cao family’s Luo Rihui.”

"The Immortal Sect's Ji Zhi Tower is really amazing. I didn't expect the ranking to be so accurate."

"What surprises me the most is that the Qing family's art of pulse is not at the bottom."

Everyone, you say something to me.

Wan Changqing raised his hand to stop everyone's discussion and continued: "I don't know the purpose of the Immortal Qingyun List from the Immortal Sect's Ji Zhi Tower, but I saw something very terrifying, that is, the Immortal Sect's Ji Zhi Tower is terrifying. The ability. To be able to accurately rank the 72 types of sects in the fourteen cities around Star Sword Mountain. The information required is extremely huge. This is not something that a five-star force can do, but a top five-star force. , I'm afraid I can't do it, but I did it with the Immortal Sect. This makes me have a feeling..."

Hao Qing rarely asked seriously: "Sect Master, what do you think?"

Wan Changqing glanced at everyone and continued: "I think these 14 cities have already fallen under the eyes of Immortal Sect Jinzhilou. We are like a child without clothes at this time!"

"What do the Immortal Sect want to do by acting like this? Are they not afraid of the five-star forces attacking together?" Hao Qing was confused.

"A group attack? How could it be possible? Who dares to be the first person? The Immortal Sect's Ji Zhi Lou even knows the details of your family's most secret sect's art. Wouldn't it be unhappy if there would be a five-star force looking for him?" Wan Changqing looked serious. , "What we need to do now is to wait and see what happens, and see clearly what the Immortal Sect wants to do, and whether it will have an impact on us. The Lingxiao Sword Sect was living too comfortably at the beginning, so when the enemy came knocking on the door, they It’s too late to know everything. Our Nitian Sect cannot follow in the footsteps, we must take precautions first.”

Hao Qing continued: "Sect Master, why don't you go over first to show your goodwill, and as long as we develop into allies, wouldn't it be fine?"

"What are you thinking about?" Wan Changqing was speechless.

It is still unknown what the purpose of the Immortal Sect's creation of the Immortal Qingyun List is.

At the same time, it is still unknown whether the Immortal Sect can stay stable in Xingjian Mountain.

He rushed over just in case the Hongye Sect came to settle accounts with the Immortal Sect and took them along with them.

What about these disciples of the Nitian Sect?

Hao Qing suddenly said at this time: "Even if no five-star forces dare to go there, I feel that the Immortal Qingyun List created by Immortal Sect Jinzhilou may arouse the dissatisfaction of many five-star forces. After all, the five-star forces are all very powerful. They have dignity, and now a force has suddenly appeared and made a ranking for them. If it were me, I would be very unhappy!"

Wan Changqing nodded, "Indeed... Let's take a look at the situation first and see how the Immortal Sect will take the next step."

Immortal Sect.

While Chen Xie was busy spreading the Immortal Qingyun List, Wen Ping entered Fengjian Plain and enjoyed this "treasure hunt". So far, no one has been able to find a token.

But it was Yang Lele who was walking directly towards one of the tokens.

Wen Ping stared at the sky for a while, but when Yang Lele was about to reach the hiding place of the token, he suddenly changed direction and ran somewhere else, with a look of excitement on his face.

In this regard, Wen Ping could only be speechless.

Just as he was watching, Chen Xie's connection prompt came from the sound transmission stone.

"What's wrong?"

"Sect Master, my people in Moon Worshiping City just informed me that the three five-star powers in Moon Worshiping City, the heads of the Shan family, the Cao family, and the Feng family are bringing many people to the Immortal Sect."

"What do they want to do?"

"They are dissatisfied with their ranking on the Immortal Qingyun Ranking, so they want to attack the Immortal Sect."

"Dissatisfied with the Immortal Qingyun List? It's interesting."

Wen Ping immediately went back with his sword.

When they returned to the sect, the three families had not arrived at the foot of Xingjian Mountain, so Wen Ping went directly to wait halfway.

If you are dissatisfied with the Immortal Qingyun List, you are dissatisfied with the Immortal Sect, and naturally you are dissatisfied with him as the sect leader.

At the same time, the three families flew towards Xingjian Mountain in a mighty manner.

Behind the huge Wing Clan demon, it was rare for the three families to talk about the same topic on the same front.

Shan Hun, the head of the Shan family, had a serious expression, with murderous intent in his eyes, "What a sect with unknown origins, what a sect with unknown origins, what a sect with unknown origins, what a killing chain of my Shan family, what a list of immortal Qingyun list!" "

The head of the Shan family, Shan Hun, has no limits.

He has been the leader in Moon Worshiping City for more than a hundred years, and he has never been so angry because no one has ever ranked his family's sect. It was as if the Immortal Sect was superior to them.

The head of the Cao family, Cao Tianjue, smiled and said, "Brother Shan, why are you so angry? It is a ridiculous thing for a sect of unknown origin to point fingers in front of us. You don't really take it seriously, do you?" "

Shan Hun responded, "I didn't take it seriously, but the people in Moon Worship City and my own people took it seriously. Now I point at the Shan family's life-threatening chain all day long, making it seem like my Shan family's life-threatening chain has something to do with it." How unbearable."

"Who says otherwise? My Cao family's Luo Rihui is actually a dozen ranks lower than the Gu family in Luoshui City. And even if it's really not as good as the Gu family's sect, I don't need his Immortal Sect to point out. He still has Do you really think of yourself as a seven-star force?" Cao Tianjue snorted.

"When I see the leader of the Immortal Sect later, can I kill him directly? I haven't done anything for a long time." The sullen leader of the Feng family, Feng Xiaoguang, said coldly.

"Brother Feng, just do it, we will help you!"

"Yes, we will help you!"

Shan Hun, Cao Tianjue responded immediately, with a satisfied smile on his face.

This is also the reason why the two of them called the advantage away!

Because Feng Miangui is a madman.

As long as there is an opponent, he wants to fight with his life.

The consistent purpose is - to kill the opponent, or to be beaten to death by the opponent.

But at this time, Wan Changqing and others from the Nitian Sect had already rushed to see Wen Ping before the three families.

Wen Ping was lying on a sword in the sky, as graceful as a god. When Wan Changqing and others saw this scene from a distance while driving the Wing Clan monster, they were all startled and couldn't help but look at Wen Ping lying on something.

"That's a sword, right?"

"What a sword!"

Several elders of Nitian Sect were discussing in low voices.

Wan Changqing originally planned to rush to the foot of Xingjian Mountain to watch the excitement, but he met Wen Ping on the way, and stopped in confusion to say hello, "Sect Master Wen, why are you here?"

He felt that Sect Leader Wen in front of him should know about the Shan family and the others, because the Immortal Sect had Jinzhilou.

But why is Wen Ping here?

He didn't understand.

Wen Ping slowly opened his eyes and stood up, "It turns out it's Sect Leader Wan, long time no see."

"Long time no see..." Wan Changqing forced a smile, and then asked, "Sect Leader Wen, are you here?"

Wen Ping responded, "I have nothing to do. Let's lie down for a while."

"Sect Leader Wen is really elegant." Wan Changqing smiled, and just as he was about to speak, Wen Ping suddenly looked at Hao Qing.

Hao Qing even deliberately hid behind him, but he was still seen at a glance.

Wen Ping smiled and said: "Elder Haoqing, you are fine."

Hao Qing walked out awkwardly behind Wan Changqing and responded: "Sect Leader Wen, we meet again. What happened last time, I didn't mean to do that. You don't remember the faults of villains, forget it..."

"I can't forget it." Wen Ping responded.

Hao Qing smiled bitterly and stopped talking.

He is afraid that if he says too much, he will make too many mistakes.

Wan Changqing quickly helped change the subject and asked: "Sect Master Wen, do you know the Shan family and others?"

"Know a little bit."

"Then what are you doing?"

"I have nothing to do. Let's lie down here for a while and ask them why they have any objections to my Immortal Sect's Immortal Qingyun List."

Wen Ping always smiled when he said this, like a chat between friends.

More like a joke.

Just as he was talking, a giant monster in the distance approached.

The giant monster was huge and looked like a dark cloud when it flew over. Behind it, three members of the Shan family came into view.

The people of Nitian Sect were immediately dumbfounded.

Only then did he realize that the Immortal Sect leader in front of him was not joking.

He was really waiting for the Shan family and the others!

Is the leader of the Immortal Sect too courageous?

Wan Changqing was also a little panicked, and quickly led the people back, fearing that they would be affected.

Before leaving, he left a message, "Sect Master Wen, take care!"

But I regretted it after saying it.

With Jinzhilou's methods, the leader of the Immortal Sect wouldn't know how many people from the Shan family would come?

As soon as Wan Changqing left, the Shan family was close.

Shan Hun didn't pay attention to Wan Changqing and the others. He glanced over and focused his attention on Wen Ping in the air. Shan Hun always felt that something was wrong with this young man stepping on the sword.

Flying with a sword?

what's the situation?

"Who are you?" Before Shan Hun could speak, Cao Tianjue on the side asked coldly.

When Cao Tianjue spoke, the huge Wing Clan Demon King at his feet also glared at Wen Ping with a fierce look in his eyes. It seemed that Wen Ping was regarded as a wild dog blocking the road. If it were not carrying Shan Hun and others, it would swallow him up.

Wen Ping responded with a sharp cold look, and at the same time fully activated the second stage of mental power.

The huge mental power followed his gaze and killed him, frightening the big demon of the Wing Clan who was so fierce just now that his wings flapped wildly and the claws under his body kept scratching.

How could the person on the back of this big demon still not understand that the person blocking the road in front of him was an extraordinary person.

The demon king who can scare the unstoppable demon king even half a step away with just one glance must be very powerful.

At this time, Feng Mianguang suddenly asked with a gleam in his eyes: "Your Excellency, you are not from Moon Worshiping City, are you?"

In Baiyue City, the seven five-star forces check and balance each other, which has led to him not having a fight for so many years.

Now he suddenly saw an outsider, and he seemed to be very strong, how could he not be excited.

Wen Ping did not answer, but asked lightly, "I heard that you have opinions about my sect's Immortal Qingyun List?"

A deep smile flashed across the corner of Feng Qianqi's mouth, and then he said: "It turns out he is from the Immortal Sect. It's interesting. It seems that this trip was not in vain. Tell me, what is your name?"

Wen Ping responded, "I am the sect leader of the Immortal Sect. I heard that you all have opinions on the Immortal Qingyun List, so I am waiting for you here. Now the sect leader is here. You might as well tell me what your opinions are?"

Shan Hun snorted coldly and said angrily: "So you are the leader of the Immortal Sect. It's ridiculous. Why do you rank my Shan family's death series? Do I need your finger on my Shan family's affairs?"

"Friend, you are too trusting. You think you are a seven-star force and you can point fingers at the five-star force at will?" Cao Tianjue also responded with a cold word.

The wind on the side disappeared but became silent.

But the knife is out of its sheath!

Wen Ping glanced at the person behind the giant demon, and then began to count, "Three unforbidden lands, 15 half-step unforbidden lands... I have no intention of being an enemy of you, but you insist on making trouble with me. Since you are dissatisfied, Immortal Qingyun List, then I have no choice but to send you to hell."

After saying this, Wen Ping took out his magic wand.

At the same time, Shan Hun and Cao Tianjue also looked stunned.

Everyone thought they heard wrongly.

The leader of the Immortal Sect actually threatened them first.

Feng Mianguang rushed forward full of fighting spirit, and drew a hundred-meter-long sword aura in the sky with the knife in his hand. However, although the sword energy was fast, it still failed. When the sword energy arrived, Wen Ping had already retreated hundreds of meters.

When the wind disappeared and I was about to catch up, the colorful book of wisdom bloomed again.

The whole sky became extremely gorgeous and beautiful.

It’s refreshing to watch.

"What is this?"

"So beautiful!"

The half-step unstoppable strong men on the giant demon's back couldn't help but sigh.

Feng Xianggui turned around and glared at them, and then continued to chase Wen Ping, "Pretend to be a ghost!"

At the moment when he could stop talking, the rich death energy began to ripple in the sky. Right in front of Wen Ping, the fallen angel once again shuttled from the hell of the undead and slowly appeared in the sky of Chaotian Gorge.

The black wings spread high, bringing endless darkness.

In the blink of an eye, it gets dark.

Shan Hun was stunned for a moment and looked intently, "What kind of monster is this?"

"Whatever, let's kill him together!" Cao Tianjue immediately opened his red veins.

The moment the pulse door opened, a red glow rose in the darkness, like the sunset when the sun sets.

It actually drove away the darkness.

"You are quite crazy. We haven't reached your Immortal Sect yet, but you are blocking us halfway. Then I want to see what you are capable of!" Cao Tianjue snorted coldly, and his veins trembled. .

The boundless red clouds immediately pressed towards Wen Ping.

Feng Jiaqi took the lead, and the four golden pulse gates came in response, and then rushed towards the fallen angel with a sword.

"Evil is coming!"

The fallen angel uttered human words, drew out his evil sword from the darkness, and then killed directly.

In an instant, the fallen angel's sword was pressed against Feng Vanishing's sword. The huge death energy immediately erupted the moment it touched Feng Vanishing, sending Feng Vanishing away like a water bomb.

After retreating for nearly a hundred meters, the wind disappeared and then he stabilized his figure.

"It's so strong, I like it so much!" Feng Minghui grinned, and then he lifted it up with the tremor of his veins and struck it with a knife.

The Feng family's pulse technique, Feng Xun Slash!

When the sword fell, the shadow of a golden sword immediately condensed, and then the sword disappeared with the wind and struck the fallen angel. At this time, Cao Tianjue had already killed him, and when he raised his hand, there was a sea of ​​fire, which turned half the sky red.

At this time, only Shan Hun had not made a move, because he thought that Youfeng Xiaoxiao and Cao Tianjue were more than enough.

He is ready to deal with the Immortal Sect's leader!

"Let me meet you for a while!" Shan Hun and his men immediately rushed towards Wen Ping.

At the same time, the people from Moon Worshiping City who had been following behind slowly followed up.

They just wanted to go to the theater.

Look at how the Shan family settled accounts with the Immortal Sect.

But not long after following, I saw the gorgeous Book of Wisdom in front of me, and I was immediately attracted to it.

"Who are you fighting with?"

"Nonsense, if it's not from the Immortal Sect, who is it?"

"I went, that area was all dark... I saw it, that was the head of the Feng family, Feng Guangguang, and the other one was the head of our Cao family, Cao Tianjue. Huh? The man with the black wings should be from the Immortal Sect. Human right?"

"Look at the back, what kind of pulse art is that colorful book?"

"I don't know, it should be released by the Immortal Sect. The origin of the Immortal Sect is unknown, and the pulse technique used is naturally unrecognizable to us... Why is there only one person from the Immortal Sect?"

Everyone looked intently, and then saw Wen Ping behind them, as well as Shan Hun and others who were rushing there.

"There are two people in the Immortal Sect?"

"The two people from the Immortal Sect are so unlucky. They were caught by our family master on the way."

The people in Moon Worshiping City immediately dispersed, looking for a better place to watch, and took out all the tables, chairs and benches.

Because the battles between the Earthly Unforbidden strongmen usually take at least one day.

The battles between the Earth-bound warriors are not often seen in Moon Worship City, so they have to watch it from beginning to end!

When Wan Changqing saw this scene, he scoffed and looked away, and couldn't help but murmured, "What are these people pretending to be? Do they really think it's a show?"

You don't need to look carefully to know that there are many people from Shan's family and his three families among the people watching.

But they actually watched the show leisurely.

If they knew that the Immortal Sect leader deliberately blocked Danhun and the others on their way, would they still watch the show? I guess I can’t even eat anymore!

Hao Qing couldn't help but ask from the side: "Sect Master, what do you think the ending will be like?"

[Everyone, don’t forget to vote. . 】

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