Super Sect System

Chapter 804: The leader is about to lose his head! (6000 words)

As he spoke, the demonic aura exuded by Huai Kong had spread. Even onlookers thousands of meters away could feel this surging demonic aura, and everyone's expressions changed.

The evil spirit is too strong!

They have never felt such surging demonic energy, which is more than ten times that of ordinary demon gods.

"The Immortal Sect actually tamed such a powerful demon god!"

"I'm afraid that these demon gods cannot be tamed unless they are in the realm of Earth Unforbidden. The origin of this Immortal Sect is becoming more and more curious."

"This visit to the Nanhua Gate has hit a brick wall. In the current situation, the Immortal Sect is obviously stronger. Even though Duan Hunshan is invincible in the middle realm, facing a demon god with such a powerful demon aura, I'm afraid it's not Opponent. After all, there is a gap between the human race and the demon race, even if they are of different bloodlines, this is still the case."

Among the people who were discussing, there were also powerful people who were extremely powerful.

From their point of view, fortunately, Nanhuamen is the winner.

If they don't overestimate their ability to find it, it will probably be difficult for them to escape after seeing such a battle.

While the onlookers were discussing, the conversation between Wen Ping and Huai Kong stopped, and Wen Ping returned to the sect with his sword.

Huai Kong, Ghost Rider and Mountain Dog laughed. The three of them stood in the air and began to move their bodies.

Huai Kong took one step forward, and the huge monster body was revealed. The golden monster power reverberated around him, scaring the redbud bird like a frightened bird.


This surging demonic energy made him tremble.

When Duan Hunshan saw this, he quickly patted the redbud bird and said, "Hold on, leave it to me."

The redbud bird nodded, and then looked at the Ghost Rider. Compared to the frightening Huikong, he felt more comfortable with the Ghost Rider burning with cyan flames.

However, the next moment, Ghost Rider suddenly grabbed an iron chain, and the drag chain instantly turned cyan. Then there was a terrifying roar, like a howl from the abyss.

With this roar, the green flames exploded, and the redbud bird just glanced at it and felt that there was something in its body that it was afraid of.

This thing is naturally the soul!

The soul of the redbud bird is trembling!

The redbud bird quickly opened its eyes and looked at the not-so-powerful Mountain Dog. Haha, "A dog has actually cultivated to the realm of the demon god!"


The mountain dog's front paws slammed on the ground, and the green lotus suddenly bloomed, slowly expanding until it expanded to a hundred feet. Immediately afterwards, the mountain dog's body also began to expand rapidly, reaching a height of 100 feet.

When his eyes burning with green flames looked down at the redbud bird, the mountain dog suddenly jumped up and pounced on the redbud bird!

"I'm afraid you can't become a dog!" The redbud bird immediately flapped its wings and turned into purple lightning and rushed towards the oncoming mountain dog. Haha.

One green and one purple collided instantly.


The two hit each other directly with physical force.

Upon seeing this, the other two strong men from Nanhua Gate immediately rushed towards the Ghost Rider. Only Huai Kong and Duan Hunshan were left standing at each other, but both men and monsters were eyeing them, so they might take action at any time.

In a two-on-one situation, the two earth-free masters from Nanhua Gate naturally wanted to resolve the battle as soon as possible. At the beginning, open the vortex diagram and use the outflow pulse technique at the same time.

Amid the pulse energy, Ghost Rider's drag chain kept flying, defusing the two men's attacks.

Suddenly, Ghost Rider's chain flew straight towards a person. The person wanted to avoid it immediately, but found that he couldn't move at all. When I looked at my feet, a green lotus appeared!


Ghost Rider’s latest ability!

It can imprison the most evil people directly in the Hell of the Undead!

Ghost Rider didn't want to play around, and released his latest ultimate move from the beginning.

The green iron chain fell down and tied the man instantly, and then a gap suddenly opened in the sky, and the rich death energy spurted out. The other Earth-bound strongman was so frightened that he hurriedly hid far away.

Not caring that one of their own has been restrained!

The Ghost Rider glanced at the person who was hiding, smiled arrogantly, and swung the iron chain to throw the bound Nanhuamen strongman directly into the hell of the undead. The crack in the sky has just closed!

This scene fell into the eyes of Huai Kong and Duan Hunshan and brought them great shock.

A powerful man with no restraints, just gone like this?

Everyone and the demon looked at Ghost Rider.

Huai Kong may be surprised, but he also knows that this is nothing to the people of the Immortal Sect.

The man in black's methods are no worse than this.

However, the aura in the crack made Huai Kong couldn't help but think of one thing, that is, whether the Black Winged Man came from the same place as the Ghost Rider. The world in the crack!

Just when he was dreaming, Duan Hunshan could no longer stand.

For a sect, the powerful Earth Unforbidden Master is the backbone, and missing one of them will greatly damage the strength of the sect. No one from the Immortal Sect has died yet, but there is no one on their side.

Can this be tolerated?

Duan Hunshan immediately rushed towards Ghost Rider, but Ghost Rider turned around and glared at him.

The green flame burning in the empty eye sockets suddenly released a heart-stopping aura.

Duan Hunshan felt that something in his body was afraid!

However, the Ghost Rider quickly retracted his gaze, because although the soul of Duan Hun Mountain looked delicious, it would never devour souls without Wen Ping's permission.

And just when Duan Hunshan was stunned in the air, Huai Kong's claws had already slapped him.

The huge navy blue claws wrapped in golden demonic energy hit Duan Hunshan's body. Duan Hunshan fell into the mountains at his feet like a meteorite falling from the sky.


After a loud noise, a hundred-foot mountain peak collapsed.

A few breaths later, Duan Hun Mountain flew out of the collapsed mountain, with blood in his mouth.

"Remember, don't be in a daze next time. Your body won't be able to withstand a few blows from me." Huai Kong has strong confidence in his demon power. Even if Hei Shi can't handle it, let alone a human like Duan Hunshan.

Duan Hunshan was horrified at this moment. He never imagined that Huai Kong's blow would be so heavy.

In just one stroke, his spiritual body was damaged by 10%!

The Earth Unforbidden Realm is nothing more than that, right?

"Who are you?" Duan Hunshan felt that such a powerful demon god could never be unknown.

Huai Kong said coldly: "Are you here to chat?"

Huai Kong immediately rushed towards Duan Hun Mountain, his huge body pressing down on it like a mountain.

The demon elixir was outputted with all its strength, and the surging demon power instantly turned into a giant net, covering Duan Hun Mountain overwhelmingly. Duan Hunshan wanted to hide away, but found that he couldn't hide at all. The golden evil spirit actually existed!

It’s not just as simple as being angry!

Using both hands to tear it apart was of no avail. He took out his sword and slashed through the demon power net without any damage at all, because the sword passed directly through it and could not cause any harm to it at all.

"How can it be?"

Duan Hunshan was confused.

Just when he was about to make other counterattacks, the demonic power net had already caught him. Taking him in the direction of Huai Kong, Huai Kong's big mouth immediately opened, and the devouring power was instantly released.

The huge suction force pressed down overwhelmingly, and Duan Hunshan was about to be swallowed directly into his belly.

Duan Hunshan wanted to leave, but found that it was difficult for him to control his body in front of this huge suction force.

"What kind of monster is this?" Duan Hunshan felt scared again.

First time in Kazamahara!

Before that ice and snow!

The second time is now, in front of the huge suction force released by the demon god.

Duan Hunshan knew very well that if he couldn't break free, he would probably be in danger.

At this critical moment, a vine suddenly fell from the sky and immediately wrapped around Duan Hunshan's body, stabilizing Duan Hunshan who had been heading towards Huai Kong.

Followed by the third, fourth...

Until 20 green vines completely wrapped Duan Hunshan, all the green vines worked together to pull Duan Hunshan out.

Huai Kong immediately put away his devouring power and looked at the person commanding Ivy - there was a strong man in the middle realm of the Earth Unforbidden Realm!

This person is Fu Nanhua, the master of Nanhua Sect!

Onlookers were filled with emotion when they saw Fu Nanhua's appearance.

Duan Hunshan's reputation as invincible in the middle realm will definitely not be taken back. In a one-on-one situation, Duan Hunshan actually needed the Nanhua Sect Master to rescue him in person before he could escape.

This strength gap can no longer be described by a little bit.

"Duan Hunshan was defeated so quickly!"

"The strength of this Immortal Sect is truly terrifying."

"But now it's two against one. I don't know how it will end."

"Two against one, it seems that the Immortal Sect is at a disadvantage, but there is no guarantee that the Immortal Sect will have other strong men in the Unforbidden Middle Realm."

Everyone watched quietly from a distance, but found that there was no movement from the Immortal Sect, and no one came out to support.

At the same time, after Fu Nanhua appeared, he did not take action directly. Instead, he made a stop gesture and said, "Let's talk."

However, Wen Ping did not appear.

Fu Nanhua shouted again, but Wen Ping still didn't show up.

Huai Kong immediately grinned and said, "You two also want to talk to the sect leader? Since you dare to knock on the door, you must have the consciousness to die here! No matter who you are!"

Duan Hunshan became angry and immediately wanted to kill him again.

Fu Nanhua stopped him, and then said calmly: "You'd better think clearly, otherwise you won't be able to bear the consequences."

"Are all the people in Chaotian Gorge so naive? They've already knocked on the door, and you still want to talk?" Huai Kong scolded him coldly, and then his huge body pounced directly on Fu Nanhua in the sky.

Fu Nanhua said in surprise: "Oh, it turns out that he is from the world outside Chaotian Gorge, which is really interesting. In that case, let me show you what the real power is... Hunshan, you just deal with that skeleton , and it was left to me.”

"Yes, Sect Master!" Duan Hunshan nodded and did not insist on dealing with Huai Kong together.

Even after seeing Huai Kong’s strength!

This is a strong confidence in Fu Nanhua's strength!

Because everyone knows that he is invincible in the Duanhun Mountain realm, but they don't know that it's just Fu Nanhua who doesn't want to grab this title. In fact, Fu Nanhua was more powerful than himself, so powerful that he was unrivaled.


The four wooden cyan vein gates immediately shook, and the four-whirlpool vortex diagram also began to rotate, amplifying Fu Nanhua Vein Technique.

The first vortex increases by 30%, the second vortex increases by 50%, the third vortex increases by 70%, and the fourth vortex increases by 90%!

A 90% increase!

Almost double!

"I heard that the two realms after the completion of your Immortal Sect's pulse technique are divided into two realms, called the Ultimate and the Transformation Realm. If my calculation is correct, my pulse technique should be in the Transformation Realm."

Fu Nanhua raised his hand calmly, and then green vines whose roots covered the sky and sun rose up from the ground.

A single ivy is a hundred feet wide!

"The Dance of Ivy, King of Ivy!" Fu Nanhua uttered a few words, and the huge green vine rushed toward Huai Kong, reaching Huai Kong's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Huai Kong escaped the first and second ones, but not the last ivy. The huge green vines directly hit Huai Kong's demonic body, knocking Huai Kong into the mountains at his feet.

The moment the huge monster body landed, several mountain peaks were directly crushed and fell into the ground.

Fu Nanhua said: "This is just the ultimate power of the earth-level mid-level sect's pulse technique, and it can't hold on anymore? If I use your so-called transformation power, can we talk about it?"

After saying that, Fu Nanhua laughed lightly.

People watching from thousands of meters away gasped.

Compared with the shock brought to them by the Immortal Sect, what they did not expect was that Fu Nanhua turned out to be so powerful. And he has cultivated the art of pulse to the state of transformation after perfection!

Before the two realm concepts of Zhiji and Transformation had emerged, Fu Nanhua had already cultivated to that realm.

This persistence is too terrifying!

Obviously, in everyone's minds before, perfection was the pinnacle, perfection was the pinnacle!

"It turns out that Fu Nanhua can be called the invincible in the middle realm. I didn't expect that after so many years, he would hide so deeply."

"No wonder Nanhua Sect still wants to be the first person even though they know that being the first person may lead to failure. It turns out that the leader of Nanhua Sect, Fu Nanhua, is so powerful."

Those forces who were waiting for the Nanhua Sect to be defeated all felt that it was a pity at this moment, because the genius who was born with two different bloodlines might not be able to grab it.

However, suddenly someone screamed.

Huai Kong flew back into the sky, seemingly unscathed!

Everyone's expressions changed instantly.

The lost five-star forces had a fire of hope in their hearts.

After Huai Kong flew into the air, he said calmly, "Let's fight. Why are you pretending? Your attack power is pretty good, but you are not even qualified to scratch my skin, so you are still pretending for a long time!"

Huai Kong was overjoyed.

He also didn't know that his monster body was so hard.

But after thinking about the thunder disaster he experienced that day, Huai Kong felt relieved.

He has experienced the world-destroying lightning disaster. Facing the beatings of these two ivy sticks, can anything happen to the monster body?

Seeing this scene, Fu Nanhua's expression was finally no longer so calm, and his eyes looking at Huai Kong became cautious. With a thought in his mind, the green vines continued to fly towards the sky.

However, the result is that no matter how far away he is from the air, he will fly back immediately and unscathed.

Although the Ivy King is powerful, it cannot cause substantial harm to Huai Kong at all.

"Are you tickling me?"

"court death!"

Fu Nanhua cursed angrily, and then his pulse trembled again.

"Aoto Ranbu·Qinghai!"




The earth kept opening huge cracks, and ivy kept spurting out from the cracks. Each ivy was a hundred feet wide. In an instant, the battlefield covered a thousand feet of land!

The place where you could watch the battle safely turned into a battlefield, and the onlookers were so frightened that they quickly retreated thousands of feet!

Fu Nanhua followed and his whole body turned into a huge ivy, standing in the center of all the ivy. Under his command, dozens of huge ivy pressed overwhelmingly towards Huakong.

"Watch me tear you apart!" Fu Nanhua roared angrily.

Huai Kong suddenly smiled bitterly.

Although the ivy just now was unable to cause any substantial damage to myself, it still hurt when I drew it.

Now there are dozens of them suddenly. If the beating continues, no matter how hard the body is, it will not be able to bear it.

Sure enough, after enduring hundreds of beatings, wounds began to appear on Huai Kong's body. Because the huge force kept rushing inside, although it was protected by the demon pill, it gradually felt unreal.

Huai Kong wanted to fight back, thinking about releasing the devouring power, but dozens of huge ivy vines kept beating, giving him no chance to release the devouring power, and also restricted his movements.

"Then let's compare, if your spirit body can last longer, my demonic elixir will have more demonic power!"

Huaikong gritted his teeth and became cruel, ready to fight Fu Nanhua.

This was his first battle in Chaotian Gorge, and the sect leader trusted him so he was allowed to fight. If he failed in the first battle, he would have to defend the demon clan from now on.

Within the Immortal Sect.

Wen Ping stood in the main hall, watching this scene, and a Universe Thunder appeared in his hand unknowingly.

Qiankun Lei, listen to the latest products in a built-in store!

Qing Qian Kun Lei contains the universe. It contains a world-destroying sky thunder. After the explosion, the coverage range of this world-destroying sky thunder is 2000 meters.

1000 reputation per pill!

Extremely precious!

As the sect leader, his privilege is only the first free purchase.

He was worried that he couldn't find a place to try this Qiankun Thunder, but now that he saw this scene, he felt that the opportunity had come.

But we can't throw them out now, let Huai Kong and the others practice their skills and exercise.

Outside the Immortal Sect.

As the battle lasted longer and longer, the balance of victory seemed to have tilted towards Nanhuamenna.

Fu Nanhua had already suppressed the demon god in the Earthly Forbidden Middle Realm, and the skeleton monster was also suppressed by Duan Hunshan.

If the Immortal Sect does not have new helpers, it may be difficult for the Immortal Sect to win this victory.

At this moment, the onlookers are looking forward to the final result, and the five-star forces have mixed feelings. Because their hearts were in a state of turmoil during this period, and both parties kept giving surprises.

"There shouldn't be any more accidents now, right?"

"The Immortal Sect hasn't come out to help yet, so there should be no one left."

Although those in the five-star forces were a little disappointed at losing their peerless genius, they were still very happy to see that the situation was clear.

At the same time, Fu Nanhua was sarcastically asking Huai Kong, "Does it hurt now? Doesn't it still hurt?"

Huai Kong felt angry in his heart, but he could only hold it in.

Are you going to keep saying it doesn't hurt?

But the demon body is already dripping with blood!

At this moment, Wen Ping's voice came from the Immortal Sect, "You all come back."

As soon as the words fell, the Ghost Rider and the Mountain Dog disappeared directly on the spot, making the attacks of Duan Hunshan and the Bauhinia Bird in vain.

Huaikong also wanted to leave, but Qingteng was chasing after him. He had no choice but to change back into his human form, and then successfully returned to the Immortal Sect with the advantage of his small body. Qing Teng who was chasing Huai Kong was photographed on the sect-protecting formation!


There was a loud noise, but the sect-protecting formation did not move at all.

But soon the sky-covering green vines covered Xingjian Mountain, directly wrapping the Immortal Sect's sect-protecting formation.


Fu Nanhua roared angrily.

However, no matter how hard Qingteng tried, there was no movement in the sect-protecting formation.

Wen Ping didn't want to activate the killing array obtained after the second transformation of heaven and earth, but flew out with his sword.

"Please give me a thunder!"

After saying that, Wen Ping squeezed the Qiankun Lei hard, and then threw the Qiankun Lei directly.


The Qiankun Thunder fell into the ivy and exploded.

Fu Nanhua and others had just reacted, but the World-Destroying Sky Thunder had been released, instantly turning everything within two thousand meters into a sea of ​​thunder.

The color of heaven and earth changed at this moment!

Fu Nanhua and others, who were covered by the world-destroying thunder, immediately howled in pain, and their spiritual bodies began to be damaged at a speed visible to the naked eye. The person in the lower realm of Diwu Forbidden was immediately knocked unconscious. In less than a moment, the damage to his fragile spirit body reached 100%, and he lost the power to even open his veins.

Fu Nanhua was not relaxed either. All the ivy was ignited in an instant and then turned into ashes. Fu Nanhua's wood spirit body also collapsed in the thunder sea, and the damage level reached 50% in an instant!

"What's this!"

Fu Nanhua didn't forget to make a sound of surprise when he screamed in pain!

People watching all this from a distance, even from thousands of meters away, feel heart palpitations.

They are also curious, what on earth is this?


People control Thunder?

"Isn't it the Immortal Sect's magic again?"

"I guess it's because the Immortal Sect's magic can control ice and storms. It shouldn't be a problem to control thunder."

"What on earth is this magic that is so powerful?"

"I don't know. If you can find the Immortal Fire Token, you can join the Immortal Sect. You can learn it then."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of those who were not from Moon Worshiping City, and those who did not know that they could join the Immortal Sect with the Immortal Fire Order, instantly changed.

They all started asking the people around them if it was true. After getting the answer, most of the casual cultivators went crazy.

Only then did they realize how stupid they were for not going to Kazamahara to look for the Immortal Fire Token.

Magic is something more powerful than the sect's pulse technique, and now the Immortal Sect is willing to give it up in exchange for the Immortal Fire Token. This opportunity is simply a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity.

At the same time, Huai Kong in the Immortal Sect looked at this sea of ​​thunder, his brows trembled, and he was about to ask Wen Ping, but then he saw the sea of ​​thunder slowly dissipating.

What came into view were several charred figures falling rapidly, the Redbud Bird and the Earth-bound strongman from Nanhua Gate.

"One hit and they all fainted."

Huai Kong sighed with palpitations.

Then, Huaikong looked at Duan Hunshan and Fu Nanhua. Although they did not fall, they were still charred black. Their bodies were flying in the air, and some wounds exposed their pale bones.

Duan Hunshan’s spiritual body was injured—80%!

Fu Nanhua's spirit body was injured - 70%!

Both of them were at the end of their tether!

"It's awesome. It's a range attack, but it can still cause such severe trauma to Fu Nanhua and the others. Even 1,000 is not expensive." At this moment, Wen Ping muttered in his heart, very satisfied with Qiankun Lei.

Then, Wen Ping said: "Practice hard if you have nothing to do. In Chaotian Gorge, enemies like Nanhua are inevitable."

Huaikong lowered his head in shame.

"Sect Master, I won't let you take action next time."

After saying this, Huai Kong suddenly realized that last month he was just a humble Tongxuan realm!

But think about it when you first met the sect master, he was only in the body refining realm, and now he is so powerful.

In comparison, his speed is indeed a bit slow!

"Sect Master, I'll kill them first!" Huaikong glanced at Fu Nanhua and the other two who were about to run away, and quickly chased after them. There shouldn't be any problems chasing after two powerful crossbows, right?

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