Super Sect System

Chapter 805 Huai Kong attacks Nanhua Gate

Above the clear sky.

Duan Hunshan and Fu Nanhua turned into black giants and shuttled between white clouds and blue sky, not daring to look back. Because behind them, the pursuing Huai Kong was getting closer and closer to the two of them.

After leaving the scope of the Immortal Sect, Huai Kong's strength fell back to the realm of Earth Unforbidden, but Duan Hunshan and Fu Nanhua, who only had the word "escape" in their minds, did not notice it at all.

Of course, if you still have the leisure to use your senses to attack Huai Kong, you will be intimidated by Huai Kong's huge demonic power. After all, the demon energy released by Huai Kong's demon pill is already comparable to the demon god in the upper realm of the Unforbidden Realm!

Seeing Huai Kong getting closer and closer, Fu Nanhua hurriedly said: "Hunshan, we must go separately, otherwise you and I will both perish here!"

"Goodbye Nanhuamen!"

Duan Hunshan didn't hesitate, and immediately flew in another direction, hoping in his heart that Huai Kong was not chasing him.

Otherwise, given his current situation, he will definitely die today.

To be honest, he doesn't want to die yet.

They have all reached the middle stage of the Earthly Unforbidden Realm, and the next step up is the Upper Realm. They see that the threshold of the Heavenly Unforbidden Realm is not far away. If he works hard in this life, he may still be able to stand on the threshold of freedom that day. If he dies here today, he will not rest in peace.

Same as above, Fu Nanhua thinks so too!

When he turned around and saw that Huai Kong was chasing Duan Hunshan, he suddenly smiled.

Best friends and brothers for many years, Fu Nanhua was glad at this moment that the person who died was Duan Hunshan!

At this time, Huai Kong used the power of the demon pill when chasing Duan Hun Mountain, and his speed suddenly increased. The two of them walked through mountains and rivers. In order to survive, Duan Hunshan kept digging into the mountains, trying to use rocks to block Huakong.

When passing by a city, he would fly to a crowded place and use other people's lives to gain his own hope.

I don’t know how many people saw this scene.

Everyone is curious about who the Earth-bound strongman is being chased by the demon god.

Just a quarter of an hour later, Duan Hunshan's body finally couldn't hold on any longer, and he fell in the air like a kite with its string broken.


The whole person fell into the river.

As soon as he emerged, his head was pinched by one of Huai Kong's sharp claws, like a soybean.

"Wait! I want to know who you are and your origin..." Duan Hunshan knew that his death was coming, but he didn't want to die without knowing it.

Huai Kong Yao stared at Duan Hunshan with wide eyes, and then responded calmly, "You talk a lot."

After saying that, Huai Kong immediately exerted his strength.


Brain flowers are in bloom!

Huai Kong flicked it and threw it into the river to feed the fish and shrimp.

"There is another person who ran away." Huai Kong felt a little panicked, "The first thing the sect master asked me to do in Chaotian Gorge was messed up, what should I do?"

Huaikong immediately thought of Chen Xie.

The person in charge of the Immortal Sect’s Jinzhi Building!

The sound transmission stone immediately connected Chen Xie and asked about the origin of the other person.

After learning Fu Nanhua's origin, Huai Kong immediately flew towards Nanhua Gate, vowing not to go back until he killed Fu Nanhua.

Nanhua Gate.

At this time, thousands of people gathered at the outer gate of Nanhua Gate, all of whom were new disciples of the sect. However, not all of the thousands of people can join Nanhua Gate, and 90% of them will eventually be kicked out.

Because the outer gate of Nanhua Gate only accepts 100 people a year!

In the square, thousands of people's faces were filled with excitement. After all, in their eyes, if there was one person left out of ten, there was a high chance that it would be them. If you can join the Nanhua Sect, you will be successful.

Then at this moment, a black terror fell from the sky and hit the square.

This man's clothes were in rags and his whole body was black. Injuries of flesh, blood and bones could be seen everywhere.

"Who is this person?"

"Why is it so miserable?"

While everyone was discussing, elders from outside rushed over and helped him go inside.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Master, do you want me?"

Under the concerned greetings of the elders, thousands of people were suddenly shocked.

This person turned out to be the master of Nanhua Sect—Fu Nanhua!

The elusive and unattainable powerhouse in the middle realm!

But how could such a powerful person be so miserable at this time? Who was injured?

If Fu Nanhua can be beaten like this, then how powerful the opponent is!

While everyone was talking about it, Fu Nanhua had been helped and disappeared from the square. Less than half an hour later, a giant beast covering the sky and the sun appeared in the sky.

The power of gluttony was so overwhelming that even a thousand people could not stand.

The huge demonic power swept through the entire Nanhua Sect instantly, scaring the Nanhua Sect disciples into thinking that the day of annihilation of the sect had arrived.

In the sky and in the sky, a cold voice shouted: "Fu Nanhua, do you think you can still live if you have offended the sect leader? If you don't come out, I will swallow up your Nanhua Sect today!"

An elder from the Nanhua Sect whose face was ashen, he probably guessed the origin of Huai Kong.

From the Immortal Sect!

When he thought of this, his heart kept beating like a war drum.

This Immortal Sect is so powerful!

There are no forbidden areas in Nanhua Gate, but only the gate owner has escaped.

But it seems that escaping back is useless.

The demon gods of the Immortal Sect are coming directly to kill you!

"Senior, we can talk. Whatever you want, I, Nanhuamen, will give it to you!"

"Senior, please let the door owner live!"

The Nanhuamen elder actually knelt on the ground in front of all the disciples, begging for help.

Thousands of disciples were all shocked!

They were all stunned for a moment.

The elders are like this, what else can they do?

Huai Kong looked down indifferently, and then said: "Fu Nanhua, do you want to force me to swallow the entire Nanhua Gate? Speaking of which, I haven't eaten for a while. There are thousands of people in your Nanhua Gate, plus these Shan, if you eat them, I should be half full!”

Thousands of people in Nanhua Gate were silent. Only a few elders were still pleading and expressed their willingness to pay any price.

However, Fu Nanhua did not appear!

Huai Kong didn't hesitate, and directly activated the devouring power, and the huge suction force immediately sucked a hundred-foot-high mountain into his belly. This scene was so frightening that everyone in Nanhua Gate turned pale.

How is this good?

This demon god can even eat mountains!

As for escaping?

How to escape?

Where to escape?

Can their legs outrun the magical powers of demon gods?

Just when thousands of people in Nanhua Gate were despairing, Fu Nanhua dragged his remains to the front of the main hall, looked at Huai Kong with a sad smile, and then said: "I'm out, you can take my life, but please don't hurt Nanhua Gate." people!"

Huai Kong immediately withdrew his devouring power, and then said indifferently: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms, but I didn't intend to eat your Nanhua Sect. If I just want you to die! Only if you die, the sect's anger will Be quelled.”

Fu Nanhua smiled sadly and said: "There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. I, Fu Nanhua, have been hiding for so many years, and I have forgotten such a simple truth... I admit defeat!"

"You do it yourself, or I do it!" Huai Kong's cold voice echoed in the sky above Nanhua Gate.

Touching everyone's heart!

After a while, Fu Nanhua spoke, "I'll do it myself!"

After saying that, the knife in his hand immediately pierced his chest, and then he slowly fell into a pool of blood and lost his breath.

Fu Nanhua, the sect leader of the generation, fell in front of the main hall!

At this moment, everyone in Nanhua Gate was in despair.

No one expected that the Immortal Sect could be so powerful!

No one thought that the beautiful Nanhua Gate would see such a day!

Seeing that Fu Nanhua was dead, Huai Kong no longer stayed and disappeared into the horizon in the form of a thunderous dragon.

The next day.

The disappearance of Nanhua Gate began to spread.

The many forces that had been watching outside Star Sword Mountain were eagerly anticipating the final result.

If the demon god of the Immortal Sect chases them out, what will happen to Fu Nanhua and Duan Hunshan?

Can Fu Nanhua fight back?

Or were Fu Nanhua and two others killed?

Regarding the outcome, the people who were most nervous were undoubtedly the five-star forces in Moon Worshiping City.

Because they are closest to the Immortal Sect!

Whether you kneel or stand in the future depends on Nanhua Gate.

Luo Shen also returned to Moon Worship City at this time, waiting for the results.

Early that morning, with the spread of Chen Xie's intelligence network, news of the deaths of Fu Nanhua and Duan Hunshan came.

The teacups in the hands of Cao Tianjue and others from the Moon Worshiping City shattered with a snap, because they were so frightened that they could not control their strength.

"Fu Nanhua lost too quickly."

"For the Immortal Sect, we will have to give in in the future."

A few people are somewhat uncomfortable.

Suddenly someone stood above them, ending their days of dominance, which was somewhat unpleasant.

When Luo Shen received the news, he did not panic, but his expression changed slightly.

Duan Hunshan is dead, he is happy!

The revenge of the broken arm is avenged!

But this Immortal Sect is so powerful, what should he do in the future?

In the face of absolute strength, conspiracy and tricks are useless.

Duan Hunshan and Fu Nanhua of Nanhua Gate are both dead, who dares to provoke the Immortal Sect?

"It seems we can only wait until the Hongye Sect notices the Immortal Sect." Luo Shen sighed, instantly becoming a few years older.

Then he looked at his broken arm and sighed again.

Before Hongyemen noticed this, the Luo family could only lie on the ground, unable to fight back no matter how hard the Immortal Sect whipped them!

Following that, Luo Shen immediately ordered the people to die and take a detour when facing the people of the Immortal Sect!

Anyone who dares to conflict with the Immortal Sect will be directly executed!

At the same time, the other five-star forces all smiled sarcastically after receiving the news.

There are those who are disappointed.

Some are happy.

In short, everyone has their own opinion.

But everyone has one goal - to hide if they can!

Before the Red Leaf Sect notices this place, the Immortal Sect must not be provoked.

Immortal Sect.

Yesterday, under Chen Xie's arrangement, the last two tokens used to recruit disciples were recovered.

The Immortal Sect has added two more geniuses!

But for Wen Ping, genius is not the most important thing now, what matters is the other two or three brands.

A brand used to attract strong people!

No one has come to the door with those three brands yet!

Wen Ping placed the first one at the entrance of a demon god's cave. To get it, alerting the demon god on the spot would inevitably start a war.

The second one was placed in a very dangerous swamp by Wen Ping.

The third one, Wen Ping placed at the entrance of Nanbujie.

The last two are in conspicuous places, and there will definitely be many people competing for them, and the one who will get them in the end will definitely be the powerful Earth Unforbidden One.

With three tokens, as long as you can find a powerful person with no power, you will make a lot of money.

Today is the last day of the seven-day period, and the person who got the token should come to the door.

(Just 3,000 words for today... See you tomorrow!)

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