Super Sect System

Chapter 806: The strong men from the upper realm attack (8600 words)


"Sword Demon, don't go too far."

"You have obtained three Immortal Fire Tokens in succession. Do you really think that you can do whatever you want just because you are powerful?"

Several strong men from the Earthly Unforbidden Realm stood outside a demon god's lair, accusing the man in black robes who slowly walked out of the cave in the distance.

The man in black robe just responded lightly, "If you feel unconvinced, you can have a fight with me. If you can block my sword, the three Immortal Fire Tokens will be yours."

After saying that, before the few Earth-bound experts had time to react, the man in black robe spoke again.

This time the voice was particularly cold!

Those who listen feel like they are being washed by a cold wind.

"If you can't stop it, your lives will be lost."

Upon hearing these words, several people withdrew their resentful gazes, and then disappeared into a startling roar.

The man in black robe slowly walked out of the cave with a token in his hand, and the light made his face very clear.

This is a middle-aged man with these lazy eyes. He looks like he hasn't showered for a long time. There are various blood stains on his clothes, making them very stiff, as if they have been thrown into the ice and snow. The beggar among them pretends to be the same.

"The material of this Eternal Holy Fire Token is really special. I have never seen it before. It cannot be deformed even by my strength." Holding the token in his hand, the man in black robe jumped up and turned into black light and disappeared into the horizon.

Speaking of this person, his origin is actually a mystery.

No one knew where he came from, and no one knew his name.

All I know is that no one under his sword has ever left alive, so everyone calls him the Sword Demon!

This is a very casual person who will kill someone he doesn't like, regardless of his identity.

30 years ago, he left Yuanyang Territory and went to the battlefield. The five-star forces in the 14 cities around the Xingjian Mountain Range breathed a sigh of relief. When the news of his return came, the shock was no less than the catastrophe at Nanhua Gate!

Taking three Immortal Fire Tokens in a row left many five-star forces with nothing to gain, but no one dared to complain. Only those who are extremely powerful would dare to say a few words, but they would not dare to say too many words.

If he talks too much, he is afraid that the sword demon will be displeased.

Once the sword demon is displeased, his sword will not show mercy.

30 years ago, the Sword Demon Land was in the Unforbidden Middle Realm!

Today, 30 years later, who knows how far the Sword Demon has grown!

The direction the Sword Demon was going at this time was the Immortal Sect.

The seven-day time limit was up, and he wanted to ask the people of the Immortal Sect what the purpose of the Immortal Fire Order was.

In the city of worshiping the moon.

High up in the attic, Luo Shen and others were standing there, looking helpless while chatting.

"I searched and searched, but I couldn't find a single Token of the Immortal Holy Fire."

"Not only us, but other five-star forces have not found one either."

"I knew I would have gone to Nanbujie."

Cao Tianjue and others were complaining and sighing.

However, Luo Shen's words made several people reluctantly accept the result.

"It's useless for you to go. The Sword Demon is back and has entered the Nanbu Realm. Most of the things in the Nanbu Realm will go into the Sword Demon's pocket. Do you have the ability to snatch things from the Sword Demon?"

Speaking of this, something suddenly flashed in Luo Shen's mind.

This kept him silent for a while.

Then he asked suspiciously: "Have you noticed that, except for those from the Immortal Sect, those who have found the Order of the Immortal Holy Fire seem to have a common characteristic. They are all top geniuses, and none of them belong to them."

"When you say that, it's true."

"How could those boys..."

Speaking of this, everyone also felt a little strange.

Those geniuses are just children from the Tongxuan Realm and Shenxuan Realm, but they are more powerful than many five-star forces.

Millions of people were looking for the Immortal Fire Token in Kazamahara. No one got one, but they got it.

No matter how you look at it, something is wrong.

Never noticed it before.

Looking back now, it’s really not normal.

Luo Shen made a bold guess at this time, "Tell me, could this Order of the Immortal Holy Fire be a part of the Immortal Sect from beginning to end, an overall plan that encompasses all the forces around the Xingjian Mountain Range!"

"No way?"

"The Immortal Sect has just arrived, how can it set up such a big plan?"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

However, Luo Shen's words made the doubts in the hearts of several people explode instantly, "The Immortal Sect can even make the Immortal Qingyun List, they don't look like they just came to Xingjian Mountain!"

"You mean, all of this was premeditated... that the Immortal Sect had already arranged everything before they came?"

The more Cao Tianjue said, the more shocked he became!

As he talked, he didn't dare to say any more.

Because it’s so incredible!

Luo Shen nodded, shook his head, and said: "It's hard to say, this is just my guess. It's just that it's all too coincidental, too much like a game. All the Immortal Fire Tokens are held by top geniuses. From beginning to end, none of us gained anything, but the Immortal Sect gained 10 top geniuses one after another, including a peerless genius who was born with two different bloodlines... This is all too abnormal."

"Yeah, it's really abnormal."

"Okay, so what if it's abnormal? Today is the last day of the seven-day period, so we can just wait and see. By the way, didn't the Sword Demon also get the Immortal Fire Order?"

"If it's a trap, the Sword Demon will definitely teach the Immortal Sect a lesson. We can't afford to offend the Immortal Sect, but the Sword Demon can!"

Luo Shen was about to agree, and then a black shock suddenly passed over his head.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared over the Moon Worship City.

"So fast!"

Luo Shen couldn't help but sigh.

This person flying over the Moon Worshiping City was naturally the Sword Demon himself.

In less than a moment, the Sword Demon came to the sky above Xingjian Mountain, and then looked down, and his senses touched it.

"Dare to establish a sect on the site of Lingxiao Sword Sect. I have to say that the leader of the Immortal Sect is really brave. I want to see what kind of characters your Immortal Sect has."

When the perception was suppressed, he suddenly stopped above Xingjian Mountain and could not move forward even a little bit.

This made Dao Mo suddenly reveal a meaningful smile recently, and the laziness in his eyes disappeared instantly, "Yes, I have some tricks, and I even arranged a dragon wall script formation that can isolate perception. Look. There is a whirlpool master of four or even five whirlpools in the Immortal Sect."

Four-whirlpool master craftsmen are rare among the top five-star forces, and even fewer can create a craft that blocks his perception. However, he is more inclined to think that this Uzumaki Master is the Four Spins.

Because the Five Whirlpool Master Craftsman has not appeared in Yuanyang Domain for a long time.

Even in the killing field, it is difficult to see a five-whirlpool master craftsman.

"In that case, let me try to see if your Longbiwen formation can block my sword."

The sword demon suddenly wanted to play.

The matter of the Immortal Fire Order is not that urgent.

The sword demon immediately took out a long knife from the hidden ring. The blade was silver, with dense dragon wall inscriptions on the back of the knife, and several eyes with golden pupils.

When the sword demon grasped it like this, the eyes on the back of the sword immediately released a faint black light, and a wisp of black energy flowed out. The black energy seemed to have eyes. They gathered on the blade and wrapped the silver blade.

Immediately afterwards, the sword demon swung his sword!

The black energy on the blade immediately turned into a crescent-shaped sword energy and struck at the Immortal Sect's formation.

In Tingyu Pavilion.

Wen Ping was practicing under the authentic Qinglian when he suddenly received a message from the Ghost Rider.

There is no limit to the attack by the powerful in the upper realm!

As soon as he heard that it was the Earth Unforbidden Realm, Wen Ping quickly stood up and looked far into the sky. Just in time to see the sword demon attacking the Immortal Sect's formation with sword energy, a loud noise was heard in the sky.

Of course, the Immortal Sect's defensive formation is fine because it has just been upgraded.

The Immortal Sect’s new defensive formation—the Polar Imperial Bell!

Can withstand the attacks of powerful people from all over the world!

Therefore, even if this is a mere place with no restrictions, it will be fine even if it causes trouble outside for a year.

However, this attack on the Immortal Sect's defensive array made Wen Ping somewhat unhappy.

When he was about to use the system to check the person's information, Chen Xie connected to his sound transmission stone.

As soon as Wen Ping picked it up, he heard Chen Xie say eagerly: "Sect Master, good thing, good thing. A strong man who just came back from the battlefield took three pieces of the Immortal Fire Token one after another, and no one dared to snatch it. My subordinates just investigated After all, this person has no name. Everyone calls him the Sword Demon. He is a character who made many five-star forces talk about him 30 years ago."

"He's already here." Wen Ping responded.

Chen Xie was stunned for a moment, "Coming?"


Wen Ping stopped talking and asked Chen Xie to listen carefully to the loud noise coming from above.

Chen Xie asked in confusion: "Sect Master, what's going on?"

"That sword demon is attacking the Immortal Sect's defensive formation."


"It's okay. It's just that the Di Wu Forbidden has reached the realm. It can't break through the Immortal Sect's defensive formation... You can go about your business. The Sword Demon Sect Master will deal with it personally."

Wen Ping's love for talents arose again in his heart.

I simply sat down and wanted to see how much power this sword demon could unleash.

As long as the other person is not like Duan Hunshan, Wen Ping will not do anything to him.

Under the constant attack of the sword demon, other members of the Immortal Sect ran out one after another. Seeing the sword demon constantly attacking the Immortal Sect's defense array, the new disciples of the sect were inevitably a little shocked.

However, Yang Lele found a stool and sat down, and then said calmly: "Calm down, everyone, it's just a strong man coming here. Don't worry, he can't even pull out a root of grass when he comes to our place. stand up."

The disciples looked at Yang Lele with horror in their hearts.

After joining the sect, they understood more and more that the extraordinary five-star forces of the Immortal Sect had only seen the tip of the iceberg!

If ordinary people said this, they would think it was blowing.

These days in the Immortal Sect have opened a new door to their worldview.

At the same time, in the sky above the Immortal Sect, the sword demon attacked more than a dozen times and then stopped.

Looking at the unscathed defensive formation, the Sword Demon frowned.

Although the pulse gate was not opened, his sword was made by the Five Whirlpool Master Craftsman. Even without opening the veins, you can still exert a power close to that of the Earthly Unforbidden Realm. It shouldn't be!

Is this defensive formation so strong?

The idea of ​​trying to open the veins came up in the sword demon's mind again.

The power of the Earth Unforbidden Realm is not enough.

What about the power of the Unforbidden Realm?

Just when the sword demon was about to open his pulse gate, Wen Ping's voice came.

"Senior Sword Demon, are you tired from playing? Come in and have some tea?"

Following that, Wen Ping directly added the Sword Demon to the white list, allowing him to freely enter and leave the Immortal Sect without being blocked by the formation.

When the sword demon heard Wen Ping's words, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It's interesting. Other forces avoid me, but this person from the Immortal Sect actually wants to invite me in for tea."

It’s just for tea!

Doesn't he still dare to go?

The sword demon immediately fell down, and then entered the Immortal Sect. After feeling the gap between the outside and the Immortal Sect, he was a little frightened.

The pulse energy inside and outside is actually different.

The concentration of pulse energy in this Immortal Sect is even higher!

"It's interesting." A smile flashed across the corner of Sword Demon's mouth, and then he fell towards the front of the main hall.

Wen Ping was already standing in front of the main hall. After Sword Demon landed on the ground, he made an invitation gesture, "I am the master of the Immortal Sect, Wen Ping. I am very happy to meet Senior Sword Demon."

The sword demon returned to his lazy look and replied lightly, "Very happy? You are the first person to say that to me."

"Those people are too superficial. They are afraid of this and that. I am different. I am not afraid of anything, so Senior Sword Demon is no different from a guest here." Wen Ping immediately wanted to lead the way and asked Sword Demon to have a drink.

"Sect Master Wen is a wonderful man." However, the sword demon did not follow him. He directly took out an Immortal Holy Fire Token and asked, "I wonder what this Immortal Holy Fire Token is."

Wen Ping smiled and did not answer.

"Senior Sword Demon, I am not responsible for answering questions."

The sword demon was stunned for a moment, then a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he said: "Boy, you are about to make me very unhappy."

Wen Ping responded, "I'm not a brothel girl. What can I do to make a man happy? This Order of the Immortal Holy Fire can be used as an opportunity to join the sect. I don't know if Senior Sword Demon is interested."

Wen Ping asked straightforwardly.

Because at this time he no longer worried about gains and losses.

It is good that the sword demon can land.

If you don't get it, it doesn't matter.

Because the world will never lack the next one.

The Sword Demon responded, "Many forces have recruited me, and you are the weakest among them."

"That's just for now." Wen Ping responded.

Upon hearing this, the sword demon smiled instead of being angry.

It had to be said that the Wen Ping in front of him was the most interesting person he had ever seen.

Wonderful man!

Wonderful man!

Sword Demon said again: "Sect Master Wen, I might as well tell you this. I have many enemies. There are no less than 10 top five-star forces who want to get rid of me, and there are even powerful people who want to kill me. Because of their people More or less, many people died in my hands. In the past, I could hold a position on the battlefield to prevent them from taking action, but now that I have left the battlefield, I am just a casual cultivator. Those who want me to die People, I can’t wait any longer. Does Sect Leader Wen still dare to recruit me like this?"

He didn't believe that Wen Ping dared to say solicitation words.

Because no matter who his enemy is, the Immortal Sect cannot provoke him.

Seeing that Wen Ping didn't speak, Dao Mo smiled helplessly.

He knew this was the result.

Sword Demon followed and said: "So, Sect Leader Wen might as well tell me the purpose of this Immortal Fire Token, and then we can make a deal. A deal that satisfies you and I am satisfied."

"I'll tell you after I join the sect." Wen Ping responded.

The sword demon was stunned for a moment, "How interesting. Take me in! Aren't you afraid of eternal damnation?"

Wen Ping said: "Senior Sword Demon, do you believe me when I say I'm not afraid of anything?"

The sword demon smiled and said, "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! Do you think I will believe it?"

Speaking of which, the Sword Demon didn't bother to talk any more.

After asking him what the purpose of the Immortal Fire Order was, he was ready to leave.

At this moment, the micro-sheng Xingyu on the upper floor of the main hall was dragging his newly awakened body down.

As he walked down, he murmured: "Am I Qi Xingyu... or am I Wei Sheng Xingyu?"

When I walked to the first floor, I happened to see Wen Ping outside the door.

The moment he saw Wen Ping, Wei Sheng Xingyu rushed over as if he had seen the answer.

Wei Sheng Xingyu immediately came over quickly, as if he had not seen the sword demon, and said: "Sect Master Wen, please tell me, who am I... There are two people's memories running around in my mind right now. . One moment I saw myself becoming a savior hero, and the next moment I saw myself becoming the owner of Zhetian Tower!"

When Wen Ping heard this, his expression did not change at all, and he said, "Get a good sleep when you're drunk."

Wen Ping didn't expect that Wei Sheng Xingyu would suddenly appear at this time and say everything regardless of whether outsiders were there or not.

However, Wei Sheng Xingyu's mind was filled with chaotic memories at this time, and he was already in pain. He couldn't even wrap his head around what Wen Ping said to him, so he knelt down on one knee and began to beg.

"Sect Master Wen, you said that I am the creator of Zhetian Tower, but my mind is filled with Qi Xingyu's memories. I am the second prince of You Kingdom, and I am the hero of You Kingdom...why..."

Wei Sheng Xingyu had a look of pain on his face.

Wen Ping had no choice but to use his mental power to knock Wei Sheng Xingyu out so that he could no longer speak.

After ordering people to send Wei Sheng Xingyu back, Wen Ping looked at Sword Demon with evil intentions in his eyes.

The sword demon can't leave!

Wen Ping was immediately removed from the white list of sword demon talents!

Dao Mo still didn't understand what Wei Sheng Xingyu meant when he said these words, but he felt something was wrong.

Qi Xingyu, that was the second prince of You Kingdom hundreds of years ago.

The great savior hero of You Country!

Weisheng Xingyu is the creator of Zhetian Tower and the creator of the current chaotic situation in Chaotian Gorge.

One good and one evil!

They are all big shots!

Now some people actually say that they are Wei Sheng Xingyu and Qi Xingyu.

Just when he was doubting, his back suddenly felt like a cat's fur had exploded, and a chill came over him.

Wen Ping, who he thought was quite gentle at first, suddenly had a malicious look in his eyes, and said: "Senior Sword Demon, I'm sorry, I have to keep you as a guest in the Immortal Sect for a while."


As soon as the sword demon sensed this evil intention, he immediately opened his veins.

However, just when he wanted to open his veins.

There was a sudden strong pressure on the top of his head, which made his blood run cold.

He had only experienced this feeling from the powerful Tian Wu Ban on the battlefield. That day, he was just glanced at by the powerful Tian Wu Ban from a distance, and he was so frightened by this huge aura that he did not dare to breathe.

This kind of pressure is simply unforgettable!

"What do you want to do?" Sword Demon asked.

Wen Ping responded, "Senior Sword Demon, I have no ill intentions. I can only blame you for being unlucky and hearing things you shouldn't have heard. However, you and I are not enemies, so I don't plan to kill you. But during this period, I can only I’ll keep you in the Immortal Sect for now, but of course, you can also choose to fight out.”

After saying that, Wen Ping pointed at the top of his head.

The sword demon slowly raised his head and looked at the top of his head.

What came into view were thousands of Qianwangshan swords hanging in the air, each one releasing a powerful sword intention. Together, they released an aura that was no less than Tian Wubao, causing the Sword Demon to extinguish his fire immediately.

Fight out?

Can you fight it out?

What if I can't fight out and die here?

But you can't just sit here and wait for death, right?

While the Sword Demon was thinking, Wen Ping spoke again, "Senior Sword Demon, to tell you the truth, this sword array can kill half a step without restraint. So I advise you not to be impulsive. After all, we are not enemies, and I don't mean to kill you."

"Boy, you are the first person who dares to threaten me." The sword demon didn't look good.

Wen Ping sighed, and then said to Yun Liao who was standing aside: "Elder Yun, find a place for Senior Sword Demon to live. During this period, Senior Sword Demon will be the honored guest of the Immortal Sect."

Yun Liao responded.

The Sword Demon raised his head and glanced at the sword array above his head, feeling the strong pressure of the sword energy, and finally had no choice but to compromise. Although I was very angry in my heart, I didn't dare to explode.

The mystery and power of the Immortal Sect exceeded his imagination, making him feel that this place was far more dangerous than the battlefield.

After Yun Liao took away the sword demon, Wen Ping went to the main hall and found Wei Sheng Xingyu who was slowly waking up.

"It seems I was right."

Wen Ping murmured.

Sure enough, this micro-star shower is both a micro-star shower and a rising star.

Be a hero!

It's the devil again!

This kind of plot that even novels dare not write about actually happened.

The hero of You Country saved You Country, but suddenly he wanted to destroy You Country.

what is this?

After Wei Sheng Xingyu regained consciousness, Wen Ping said, "If you want to know the truth, join the Immortal Sect."

Wei Sheng Xingyu responded, "Sect Master Wen, are you sure?"

Wen Ping nodded. Wen Ping had thought of the consequences of what He Nian had said.

If Wei Sheng Xingyu's identity is exposed, he will face two behemoths.


Cover the sky tower!

No matter who it is, they can destroy the Immortal Sect to pieces.

But Wen Ping doesn't care, what is he afraid of?

If there is a system to help, but we are still afraid of hands and feet, how can we establish a super sect that is nothing?

"Are you worried about me?"

"No...I just didn't expect you to be so brave."

"So do you agree or not? Because I know that I have no reservations."

"I'm joining!"

"Okay. From today on, you are the elder of our Immortal Sect, so I might as well tell you the truth. Based on the information that our sect master has and your current situation, we can conclude. You are both Qi Xingyu and Wei Wei. Shengxingyu. The former is a great hero of You Country, while the latter is a demon who wants to destroy You Country. It is very contradictory, but you are indeed such a contradictory existence. As for why, I am afraid only you know."

"I am a hero...and a devil..."

Wei Sheng Xingyu was stunned.

Wen Ping said nothing more, stood up and left the room, leaving Wei Sheng Xingyu alone in the room lost in memories.

At the same time, the sword demon was taken to an old house of the Immortal Sect and placed in it.

Because Sword Demon has not joined the Immortal Sect, Sword Demon cannot be kept in places like the dormitory area.

The sword demon was not picky about this, but began to think about the words of the man in the main hall after Yun Liao left.


Microbial star shower!

A bold thought suddenly came to mind, "Is Wei Sheng Xing Yu still alive?"

Speaking of which, it seems that the news of Wei Sheng Xingyu's death has been spread by word of mouth.

No one has seen Wei Sheng Xingyu’s body.

No one is sure who killed Wei Sheng Xingyu.

When he continued to think about it, Dao Mo quickly shook his head, returned to his lazy look, and then laughed at himself and said: "How is it possible... How is it possible that Wei Sheng Xingyu is alive... and still in this Immortal Sect."

Just when he closed his eyes and prepared to sleep without caring about the world, the Sword Demon suddenly woke up again.

"That's not right. If not, then why did he force me to stay?" Sword Demon began to be suspicious again.

"No, we have to find an opportunity to get close to that person and find out what's going on."

Facts have proven that curiosity can always defeat any strong person.

No matter it is Tongxuan realm.

It’s just that there is no ban on earth.

Curiosity will always get the better of them.

Just as he said, Dao Mo quickly got up from the bed and walked out, but he was suddenly confused.

Because I'm lost.

Perception can't go far in this Immortal Sect.

I had no choice but to fumble forward on my own, and then walked to a hillside outside the mountain.

Looking far away, the sword demon was stunned.

The mountains behind him didn't look familiar at all.

"This is not in the Xingjian Mountains!" Sword Demon looked at the mountains in the distance in surprise.

He had practiced in the Lingxiao Sword Sect for decades. Although he could not remember every plant or tree in the Lingxiao Sword Sect, he could remember the mountains, rivers and scenery. But at this time, those things could not be seen in the Immortal Sect.

Obviously the Immortal Sect is located on Xingjian Mountain!

"I'm afraid this is in the world created by the powerful Tian Wu Ban..." Just when he thought this, Sword Demon rejected his idea.

Because the world created by the powerful Tian Wu Ban, the concentration of pulse energy contained in it can only be 10% of that of the outside world at most.

This is eternal.

Otherwise, why wouldn't those powerful people from Tianwu ban move in all their own family members?

But he thought again, if this is not the world, then what is it?

Is there something else that exists above the world?

The sword demon was completely confused.

Looking at the road under my feet, I became confused again.

To the left or to the right?

The sword demon suddenly felt like he was about to collapse.

"too difficult!"

"too difficult!"

The pained cry of the sword demon echoed among the mountains.

At the same time, after Wenping accepted Weisheng Xingyu into the Immortal Sect, he did not immediately go to talk to the Sword Demon.

If a person like Sword Demon can be lured into the Immortal Sect with just a few words, then his cultivation of the Unforbidden Realm will be in vain.

So Wen Ping felt that he had to find a way to figure out first what the sword demon needed and what he longed for.

There are very few people who have no desires and desires, but that certainly does not include the Sword Demon.

After going to Jinzhilou to investigate, the origin of the sword demon will be clear.

Sword Demon's original name is Ping Xindao, a traitor to the six-star forces in Yuanyang Domain. As for the reason for betrayal, the information in Zhizhilou clearly stated that it was because he fell in love with a demon god who had a grudge against Qi's faction.

Because of love, he betrayed the sect without hesitation.

The funny thing is, it turns out that the so-called love is all fake. The demon god didn't like Ping Xindao and was only with him to obtain information. When Ping Xindao betrayed the sect for her, the usefulness of Ping Xindao ended.

From then on, Ping Xindao changed his name to Sword Demon, and he always looked lazy, seemingly uninterested in anything.

Thinking about it, my heart is dead. Can I still be interested in other things in this world?

The most noteworthy thing in the information is that the sword demon is actually less than a hundred years old.

A powerful person who is less than 100 years old and who is in the upper realm of Earthly No Forbidden Realm can be called a peerless genius!

This speed of cultivation is comparable to Yan Sheng's innate dual veins!

"What a piece of shit." Wen Pingjiang didn't look any further, but couldn't help but sigh.

Meeting a scum monster will ruin your life.

Regarding the demon god, there is also a record in the intelligence of Ji Zhi Lou, and it is quite detailed, even the location of the lair is written down.

As he continued to look down, Wen Ping could only see Ping Xindao's deeds after he changed his name to Sword Demon.

After putting down the information, Wen Ping was in trouble because he couldn't solve this kind of thing.

It has to be said that he offended so many forces!

Wen Ping counted twenty or thirty of the top five-star forces.

There are also more than a dozen six-star forces.

No wonder no one recruits someone as strong as him.

"It seems that my recruitment this time has left a good impression on the sword demon. At least I dare to do it." Wen Ping murmured.

As for completely defeating the sword demon, Wen Ping had no choice for a while.

At present, the only breakthrough he sees is in women, but when it comes to things like scumbags, he can only figure it out on his own. If killing the scumbag was useful, the Sword Demon would have done it long ago.

The sword demon didn't do this, and he must have known it in his heart.

"Maybe I should go and have a good talk with the Sword Demon. No one likes to be a wandering bird that keeps flying around."

Wen Ping murmured and left Jinzhilou.

Night falls slowly.

Everything is silent, the moon and stars are sparse.

The Sword Demon quietly walked out of the mountain and headed deep into the mountains, preparing to find a place to secretly leave the Immortal Sect.

After browsing through more than a dozen mountains and seeing the last building of the Immortal Sect left, Dao Mo felt that he should be free. Then I thought about trying to see if I could fly.

However, the result is - still unable to fly!

In other words, he is still in the Immortal Sect!

"How big is the formation of this Immortal Sect!" Sword Demon felt that there must be a five-whirlpool master craftsman in the Immortal Sect.

Only such a powerful whirlpool master can create such a huge dragon wall script formation.

Regardless of whether they have seen or heard of the Four Whirlpool Master Craftsmen, they cannot even make a Dragon Wall Wen Formation of the same size as this formation.

"Keep walking, I don't believe I can't get out!" The sword demon immediately continued walking forward.

But before walking too far, I felt a powerful aura coming from the front.

The breath of earth is boundless!

"Could it be the Earth-bound expert from the Immortal Sect?"

The sword demon was angry and wanted to kill someone, but he was afraid of disturbing the situation, so he could only choose to take a detour.

After walking around to the nearby mountain and looking down from a cliff, Sword Demon saw the Earth-bound strongman.

A woman!

He looks very young, and the aura he releases is only half-step uncontrollable.

"You lie to yourself." The sword demon smiled helplessly. When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw him holding a wooden stick, and then shouted "Listen to my call..." The trees in the surrounding mountains stood up at this moment.

The roots of the tree were feet and the branches were hands. They all stood up like people and slowly leaned towards the woman holding a wooden stick.

Then all the trees began to speak.

"At your service, my master!"

"At your service, my master!"

Seeing this scene, Dao Mo felt a little confused.

What the hell is this?


But how can a tree become a monster?

And he can also talk.

There was no evil spirit leaking out.

Each of these trees shows a power that is no less than that of the Earth without Forbidden. When gathered together in hundreds, they are invincible only within the realm of the Earth without Forbidden! The bottom of the Earth Without Forbidden Realm might be overwhelmed by them in an instant.

Just as she was thinking about it, the woman waved the stick in her hand again, and the trees went back and turned into trees again.

"Summoning the wood elf army was successful... My first level 4 magic was successful!"

The woman jumped with excitement.

This person is Long Yue!

When Dao Mo heard the word magic, he immediately remembered the news he got from Kazamahara.

The Immortal Sect controls a power that is more powerful than the sect's art - magic!

Is this magic?

Transform an ordinary tree into a warrior, and turn it into a warrior with power close to that of an unstoppable powerhouse.

This is a bit unbelievable.

Seeing this, the sword demon suddenly didn't want to leave.

He originally had many questions in his mind, but now he wanted to stay and see what this magic was.

He can control ice, storms, and turn ordinary trees into powerful warriors...

What is this!

(Chapter 800...

8500 words, that’s it.


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