Super Sect System

Chapter 807 The sword demon’s curiosity explodes

Just after taking two steps forward, the sword demon stopped.

Then he walked and stopped, which made the sword demon's face show a tangled expression again.


Still not leaving?

Although he doesn't have any big desires, he is still very curious.

Controlling storms, ice and snow is a power that not many demon gods can possess.

But magic can do it.

Now you can turn ordinary trees into powerful tree warriors.


The sword demon followed and walked down the mountain in a strange way, towards Long Yue, who was still happy.

As the sword demon walked down the mountain road and passed through the jungle, Long Yue heard the rustling of leaves. He immediately looked calmly towards the mountainside and slowly leaned over.

There were many strange beasts in the mountains, and Long Yue thought they were just approaching.

However, after taking two steps, Long Yue immediately shrugged in disappointment when he saw it was a person, and a stranger at that.

"I thought it was an animal again."

Long Yue's faint words made the sword demon look a little surprised.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Long Yue responded: "I'm fine. Why should I be afraid of my own people?"

"One of our own?" The sword demon was happy.

Are these people from the Immortal Sect really stupid or pretending to be stupid?

I haven’t even seen him before, so you just say he’s one of your own?

But this is exactly what he wants, so he just pretends to be his own person for a while.

"I just came." Sword Demon spoke again.

Long Yue said: "Congratulations, you found a good place. I don't know what you call it, senior?"

"I can't remember my original name, but over the years everyone has called me Sword Demon."

"Sword Demon... quite an interesting name."

"Have not heard?"

The Dao Demon was stunned for a moment.

It shouldn’t be.

Long Yue responded: "Senior, there are so many people in Chaotian Gorge, how can I know everyone?"

"You are quite outspoken. I haven't seen you like this for a long time. Outside, almost everyone is either afraid of me, flatters me, or wants to kill me." Sword Demon smiled.

I have to say, it's more or less comfortable to stay in a place like this where no one knows you.

After continuing to pretend to be one of their own and chatting for a few words, the Sword Demon began to ask about magic, "Can you tell me about magic? It's the kind you just used."

"Senior, haven't you been to the Mage Tower yet?"

"Never been."

Mage tower?

The sword demon secretly remembered this strange name.

What is a mage?

Long Yue said: "If senior wants to understand magic, I suggest you go to the Mage Tower. Because magic is a very complicated thing, and its complexity is no less than the practice of pulse gate. In the simplest way, people who practice magic are not called Practitioner, but become a magician.”


The curiosity in the sword demon's heart instantly exploded.


A very peculiar name.

"If you want to become a magician, you first need a wand, like the one in my hand. Of course, not all wands come with this kind of wand. There are also larger ones, like a scepter."

With that said, Long Yue handed the wand in his hand to the sword demon.

The sword demon slowly took it, then carefully felt the energy it emitted, and said: "It is a material that has never been seen also exudes a very strange energy."

Seeing that the sword demon kept playing with his wand, Long Yue quickly reminded: "Senior, be careful, if you use too much force, it will be broken. This is something I only learned after watching movies for a long time."


"Um...Senior, that's not the point. The point is that it's very rare. As for what the movie is, I won't explain it. Many people will go to the movie in the evening. You will know when you follow along."

"Oh..." Sword Demon asked again, "Then this wand is so fragile, why is it so rare? And why can it control such a powerful force?"

"Senior, how do I explain it? Let's put it this way, it is just like the chopsticks used for eating. The purpose of chopsticks is to eat with them, but you can eat without chopsticks because there is a spoon and you can even grab it with your hands. Therefore, it is just a tool that allows magicians to release magic quickly and more conveniently."

"In other words, even without this so-called magic wand, you can still release magic?"

"The sect master once said that there are indeed very powerful magicians who can release magic without tools. They only need to recite a spell. For example..." Long Yue took back his wand and recited a spell casually, and then With a wave of his wand, a lake appeared in front of him.

Then Long Yue directly picked up a stone and threw it into the lake.


The stone made a dull sound when it hit the water.

"Really!" Sword Demon exclaimed in shock.

Following Long Yue's wave of the magic wand, the lake under the moon disappeared and everything returned to its original state.

"What I just said was a spell. To release magic, you must say the spell."

"Just say a...spell...?"

The sword demon said the word "spell" awkwardly.

Long Yue responded, "Yes, you just need to master the spell, have a magic wand, and practice it repeatedly."

"Is it that simple?"

"Senior, this seems simple, but it is still quite difficult to do it. Because learning magic is linked to mental power. Without strong mental power, you cannot release magic. Even if you master the spell and have a wand... Oh, yes Yes. Mental power is perception."

"Rely on perception?"

The sword demon took a deep breath.

Long Yue continued to explain: "But perception is just a general term for mental power, and it is more accurate to express it with mental power. Because it can indeed become a kind of power, especially when mental power enters the second stage. It can not only cover twenty or thirty It can also be used as a means of attack."

After saying that, Long Yue directly released his mental power to roll up a branch on the ground and flew it into the air.

This scene shocked the sword demon.

Perception can actually be used in this way!

Protect objects from the air!

Long Yue continued: "With the spiritual power of the sect master, he can control a sword and fly dozens of miles to kill a person. Basically, anyone who is targeted by the sect master cannot escape. Because even if it is dozens of Inside and outside, the power of the sword will still not change in any way. However, these are changes that only occur when the mental power enters the second stage. In the first stage, the sword can be used for one or two miles at most."

"Killing people dozens of miles away?"

The more Sword Demon listened to Long Yue's words, the more surprised he became.

He couldn't believe what Long Yue said.

But seeing that Long Yue was serious and didn't look like he was lying, he had to believe this fact.

Long Yue suddenly smiled and said: "Senior, I'm sorry, I'm going too far."

"No problem."

The sword demon suddenly thought of getting to the bottom of the matter of mental power.

Long Yue said: "The stronger the mental power, the more advanced the magic that can be released. Generally speaking, the first stage of mental power can release at most third-level magic. The third-level magic only has the power of the Zhenyue realm. When the spiritual power When the power enters the second stage, you can release fourth-level magic, and fourth-level magic is the true earth-free level power."

"You keep talking..."

The sword demon didn't want to interrupt Long Yue's speech at all.

Long Yue continued: "To put it simply, that's it. When you have a magic wand and your mental power is strong enough, you can enter the mage tower to choose magic. The suggestion given by the sect master is that when you are not so suitable for cultivating the veins, you can Try to become a magician. Because not everyone has the talent to cultivate spiritual power. Senior, if you want to know more about magic, you might as well go to the Mage Tower, where there is a detailed introduction and training methods."

"I... we'll talk about it later."

The Sword Demon also wanted to go in and have a look.

But he is not from the Immortal Sect.

Long Yue said: "Senior, if that's the case, I will continue to practice."

"You go ahead and practice."

The sword demon responded, then stopped and looked into the distance. After retracting his gaze, he no longer walked in the direction of leaving the Immortal Sect, but returned to the residence arranged by Yun Liao.

He wasn't just interested in magic now.

I am also very curious about the so-called spiritual power.

What kind of method is this to kill people dozens of miles away?

What kind of place is this Immortal Sect?

He had never heard of the power it displayed.

Where does this Immortal Sect come from?

When these questions were slowly planted in his mind, the Sword Demon suddenly heard a loud noise in the sky.

A white lightning flashed across the sky.

Originally, the Sword Demon was not surprised by lightning and thunder.

But he suddenly realized that there seemed to be only one cloud in the sky, and it was hovering incredibly over the Immortal Sect. But outside the clouds, the moon was sparse, and it didn't look like it was going to rain at all.

"Is there something fishy about this thunder?"

Just as he was thinking about it, a bolt of lightning as thick as the mouth of a bowl suddenly fell from the clouds in the sky.


It fell in the forest not far away.

Followed by the second, third...

They seemed to have eyes and kept falling to the same place.

Just when he was feeling weird, Wen Ping Yujian suddenly appeared in the sky, hovering directly above.

"Sect Master Wen."

Seeing Wen Ping's arrival, Dao Mo suddenly had doubts in his heart.

Decided to go see where the lightning fell and what happened.

In the sky.

Wen Ping looked down at a piece of grass below. Yang Lele was standing on the grass, holding a wand and lightning. Lightning as thin as silk loomed around Yang Lele. The scene was extraordinary.

As Yang Lele waved his magic wand, thunderbolts as thick as a bowl fell down one after another.

Fortunately, the earth, flowers and trees of the Immortal Sect have been transformed, so there is nothing wrong with facing such a terrifying thunder.

But the power contained in the sky thunder made Wen Ping feel a touch of taboo.

Can kill Zhenyue realm!

"What magic did Yang Lele get in the mage tower?"

The system responded, "To be precise, it's not that Yang Lele got anything in the Mage Tower. Because forbidden magic cannot be found in the Mage Tower, it can only find suitable practitioners. Yang Lele was struck by the third-level forbidden magic—— I’ve fallen in love with the Heavenly Thunder Curse.”

"Third level forbidden magic, this kid seems to be able to become a great magician in the future."

To release third-level magic, one's mental power must reach at least the late stage of the first level.

How long has Yang Lele been practicing in Hai Nian Pavilion?

"How does this third-level forbidden magic, Thunder Curse, compare to the fourth-level magic?"

"50 or 50! Because it is forbidden magic, its power is uncontrollable, so it can be killed anywhere. However, the possibility of this is relatively small at present, because Yang Lele's mental power has just entered the first stage. In the later stage. If you want to use it to kill everyone, I'm afraid you have to wait until your mental power enters the final period of the second stage."

"This kid...the appearance of the Mage Tower has given him a huge advantage."

Wen Ping was very happy about this.

After all, Yang Lele is the eldest disciple.

If the eldest disciple is not strong, it would be too much to say it.

It's a good thing that Yang Lele is extremely talented in the field of magician.

On the mountainside.

When the sword demon came closer, many people from the Long Immortal Sect gathered here, watching attentively as Yang Lele controlled the thunder and lightning.

Among them is Long Yue.

"Senior, you are here too." Long Yue spoke, which attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing this, Yun Liao also called out to Senior.

Although the Sword Demon was imprisoned in the Immortal Sect by the sect leader, after all, the opponent was a powerful person in the Earth Unforbidden Realm.

Can't be disrespectful.

The Sword Demon simply said hello, and then asked: "Did he cause this movement?"

Long Yue nodded, "His name is Yang Lele, and he is a disciple of the Immortal Sect. Senior, he is now using thunder magic, which can control the power of thunder and lightning. It feels like it should be third-level magic, but this thunder magic is really overbearing. It’s just a third-level magic, but it’s so terrifying. If an ordinary Zhenyue Realm powerhouse were struck by this lightning, he would definitely not survive.”

"Thunder system, control thunder and lightning..."

The sword demon was secretly shocked.

It turns out that magic can not only control ice, snow and storms.

He can even control thunder and lightning!

What else can't be harnessed with this magic?

Of course, although the sword demon was surprised by his ability to control thunder and lightning, he was unfazed by the power that could only kill Zhen Yue, a strong man.

In the Zhenyue realm, he was killed with one punch!

But when he heard the next words, the sword demon suddenly changed his mind.

"It's over, Lele immediately threw us away."

"We agreed to work together in Tongxuan and Shenxuan and grow together, but he suddenly became a magician and mastered third-level magic."

After the disciples talked about it, the elders also started talking about it.

"It seems that Lele is destined to become a powerful magician."

"You have already mastered third-level magic when you are less than 16 years old. If you continue to practice in Hai Nian Pavilion for a long time, you will probably master fourth-level magic soon. This boy has a promising future!"

When he heard this sentence, the sword demon was stunned.

"He's not even 16 years old?"

Long Yue on the side responded: "A few days ago, when we were eating, we were still talking about when we could break through the Divine Mystic Realm. Today I control thunder and lightning!"

The sword demon took a breath and looked at Yang Lele, with a hint of surprise and solemnity in his eyes.

Being able to kill Zhen Yue realm is not something worth showing off.

But to have such power at the age of less than 16 is really unbelievable.

There is no such young man in the entire Chaotian Gorge!

The most important thing is that this is a step to reach the sky after practicing magic. A few days ago, Yang Lele was only in the Tongxuan realm.

Just when the sword demon was surprised, Yun Liao suddenly asked: "Long Yue, how is your mental strength?"

As one of the first three people to enter Hai Nian Pavilion, Yun Liao suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Long Yue responded, "I just broke through the second stage, and I have also practiced a fourth-level magic move."

Long Yue responded proudly.

Yun Liao's eyes suddenly showed melancholy, which made Long Yue lose his mind for a while.

The melancholy little prince Yun Liao couldn't help but sigh, "Oh, it seems that I am not suitable to take the path of a magician."

Long Yue quickly enlightened: "Elder Yun, it's okay. You can become very powerful by practicing your pulse gates and spells. Don't be discouraged, you must believe in yourself."

Yun Liao nodded, "Thank you, Miss Long, for your enlightenment. I understand... After all, the sect leader said a long time ago that not everyone is suitable for cultivating spiritual power."

"come on!"

Long Yue quickly encouraged.

At this time, the sword demon stared at Yang Lele until the end of Yang Lele's magic release.

But the sword demon's heart could not be calm for a long time.

Today, he seemed to have entered a new world.

Suddenly, he remembered Wen Ping's solicitation.

If you can join the sect, you can practice magic!

Can cultivate spiritual power!

But then he smiled to himself.

In his current situation, how could anyone dare to really accept him?

Who would accept him because of his long life?

Even the six-star forces dare not!

(I have been busy renting a house these days. Unfortunately, I just found a place to live today.)

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