Super Sect System

Chapter 828 Another dragon? (Third update)

Dongjin knew very well that Mulong's single impact could break through the pulse formations of thousands of people, and it was definitely not something that could be resisted head-on.

Everyone knows how hard the dragon body is.

Although their spirit bodies are good, they are not yet strong enough to compete with the body of a real dragon.

Unless you are cultivating a spirit body that is among the top 1,000 spirits on the spirit list, only such a spirit body can possibly compete with the body of a true dragon.

"Everyone attack from a distance, and we must not let him get close to us. Work together to consume it to death and see how many times he can withstand our attacks." Dongjin immediately gave the clearest order. As soon as the pulse gate opened, a hundred meters long The sword energy slashed through.

Immediately afterwards, the forty earth-free masters behind them also released their pulse skills, covering half of the sky. All kinds of pulse techniques were covering the wooden dragon like dark clouds over the city.



A fierce fight broke out in the sky.

The color of the world suddenly changed, as if the world was about to end.

Just drop a pulse technique randomly and hit the mountain, and a hundred-foot-high mountain will be instantly flattened and turned into a small mound of crushed earth.

Facing such an offensive, the wooden dragon was able to do so with ease. The dragon's tail and claws kept flying towards the Earth-bound warriors at the Red Leaf Gate, attacking them. The Earth-free Sect strongmen of Hongye Sect could not cause much harm to him for the time being, so he was not there to resist these people's attacks.

Even Tojin's attack was like this.

It's okay to block the wooden dragon with an offensive attack, but if you want to cause damage to the wooden dragon in a short time, Dongjin's strength is still too different.

Dongjin hurriedly said: "Attack his eyes!"

Longan must be a weakness no matter what, right?

He didn't believe it, his eyes were still so hard.

Following Dongjin's order, the forty Earth-bound experts immediately changed their attack frequency and target, and instead attacked Mulong's eyes. In order to prevent being approached by the wooden dragon, everyone still used long-range pulse attacks.

Someone bends his bow and shoots an arrow, and the arrow rises up from the invisible bow, and its power can destroy mountains, rocks, and rivers.

Someone was holding a long sword and slashed hundreds of times in a row. The sword energy was like a huge wave, overwhelming the sky and the earth.

Others summoned water and fire, which dyed the sky fiery red for a while, as if it was the end of the world; and dyed it sky blue for a while, turning it into an ocean.

Every blow from these people attacks the wooden dragon's eyes.

Dongjin was particularly surprised when he found that Mu Long was dodging instead of resisting like before, "He is hiding, he is hiding, his eyes are his weakness! Everyone continued to focus on his eyes and let him sit still. Blind dragon.”

Seeing this, the forty Earth-bound experts from Hongye Sect became very motivated.

Slay the dragon.

Only exists in dreams.

Who hasn’t fantasized about meeting a dragon when they were killing monsters in the past?

"Kill him!"

"Today our Red Leaf Sect will slay the dragon!"

One by one howling excitedly, Pulse Technique kept attacking the wooden dragon that was constantly dodging.

At the same time, Hirataki was surrounding Fei Zhou.

Under Hirataki's constant attacks, the Hongye Sect's talented disciples in the cabin shouted to Hirataki in horror.

"Elder Hirataki, no, we are still inside."

"Elder Hirataki, stop."

Under such an attack, the ship would be destroyed and they would naturally not survive.

At this point, they hoped that the elders of Hongye Sect would leave them alone.

His mood is very contradictory.

They had clearly seen the light of hope in the elders of Hongye Sect just now, but now they only felt despair.

Wen Ping, on the other hand, was still sitting relaxedly on his chair, watching Pingtaki and others keep attacking Feizhou's Liuyun Armor.

It's like watching a movie.

The only pity is that there is no popcorn.

Zhan Taiye and the others didn't care at all when they saw the sect leader. They were a little nervous at first but now they felt much more relaxed.

Standing a little further away from the boat gang, the three of them also sat down and watched with Wen Ping the siege by the strong men of the Red Leaf Sect.

"Didn't you eat?"

Wen Ping laughed lightly.

Immediately like a ignited explosive barrel, Hirataki and others began to attack more and more fiercely.

Then they gathered together and the vein gate was formed!

With the power of ten people, a golden light shot out from the huge pulse array gate and landed in front of the barrier of the flying boat.


The huge impact instantly shattered the vegetation and rocks below.

Within a thousand meters, it was a mess.

If it were an ordinary Earth-bound expert, his body would probably have been wiped out by this blow.

In Hirataki's expectant eyes, Feizhou did not move at all, not even a slight tremor occurred.

"How can it be?"

Hirataki didn't believe it and chose to continue the attack.

However, no matter whether the output of the pulse array was increased or decreased, the flying boat remained motionless, as if nothing had happened.

"Have you had enough fun?"

"Then you go ahead and wait for your deputy sect leader at Huangquan intersection."

Wen Ping looked at Hirataki and others indifferently, and then took out his wand.

Summon the undead again!

The sudden death energy began to fill and spread with the wind, forcing Hirataki and others to stop their offensive.

"Something's wrong!"

The Earth-bound expert beside Hirataki quickly looked around.

Along with his doubts, the bone dragon from hell slowly climbed out of the abyss and stood in this world of light.

Standing above Hirataki and others!

A roar of a bone dragon from the Hell of the Undead instantly swept across the world, attracting everyone's attention.

"Another dragon!"

Dongjin couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw this scene.

One real dragon is enough for them to deal with. Even if it can be killed in the end, the Red Leaf Sect will definitely suffer heavy losses. However, even if the loss is heavy, if a real dragon can be killed, the price is not unbearable.

But now there is a real dragon from the dragon clan, and its momentum is not weaker than the wooden dragon they are fighting now, so how can they fight?

Hirataki and others also stopped attacking Feizhou at this moment, and each of them looked up fearfully above their heads to make sure they heard correctly.

As soon as he raised his head, an earth-free strongman next to Hirataki was about to fly away, because the bone dragon had already opened its mouth and bit it.

He was the one who bit him!

However, speed is not of the same magnitude at all.

Only a hundred meters away, the Bone Dragon arrived in an instant, biting the Earth-bound strongman who had just taken off, and bit it in half directly at the waist.

The spirit body of the Earth-bound strongman couldn't even slow down the time of one breath.

Hirataki couldn't help but swallow his saliva, turned around and ran away.

At this time, Wen Ping's faint voice came.

"Don't destroy the body."

Wen Ping felt that the corpses of these powerful people could still be borrowed.

Currently, his Undead Summoning Technique can only control ten undead creatures in the Unforbidden Middle Realm, but it can control many corpses in the Unforbidden Lower Realm.

But he didn't have that many corpses.

These people from Hongye Gate can fill the gap.

(Thanks for the 10,000 reward regardless of the matter. Thanks to Eleven Su Ye and Yu Die Lianying for the 100 reward, and thanks to book friend 20161219175338892 for the 200 reward.)

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