Super Sect System

Chapter 829 The mob (first update)


Hirataki hurriedly turned into a Jinghong and retreated a thousand meters away. When he saw that the Bone Dragon was not chasing him, he stopped in shock.

Looking at the other Hongye Sect elders behind them, they all looked like scurrying rats, being chased by the Bone Dragon and running away. In a panic, he screamed unbearably.

Inadvertently, Pingtaki saw Wen Ping's mocking gaze.

"Aren't you going to fight now?"

Red leaf gate, is this it?

"Don't be complacent. If the other deputy sect masters and the sect master are here..." Hirataki retorted with great dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Wen Ping looked at Hirataki with a joking look, and asked loudly: "Is this why you are hiding behind alone and watching your own people being beaten?"


Hirataki was speechless.


How to help?

This bone dragon is of mid-level strength, and if he goes up there, it will just be one more cannon fodder.

By the way, how could the leader of the Immortal Sect be so terrifying?

He could win the submission of the Supreme Dragon Clan, which had disappeared for thousands of years, and it was two at a time.

Hirataki glanced at Dongjin, who was unable to do anything at all, and asked: "Deputy Master Dongjin, what should we do now?"

"Hold it first, and after we deal with this dragon, we can deal with it together!" Dongjin agreed anxiously, his eyes lingering on the bone dragon for a moment, and he knew that today's matter might not develop as he imagined. .

If the sect master is here, he will definitely not have to worry about the two mid-level dragons.

But the door owner is not here!

Hirataki on the side saw that Dongjin was fighting with Mulong again, and his heart was filled with despair, and he immediately wanted to escape.

Such an idea was also born in the minds of many Hongye Sect elders.

However, there is no use running away.

The bone dragon is in the middle realm of the Earth's Unforbidden Realm. It is superior to them in terms of strength, and its flying speed is even faster. Whenever someone is caught up, the bone dragon will grab it with one claw or knock it into the dust with its tail.

No matter how powerful their spiritual bodies are, they still can't stand up to such a fierce offensive.

If you want to escape completely at this time, I am afraid that everyone can only run in one direction. No matter how powerful the bone dragon is, it cannot create a clone to chase everyone separately.

Wen Ping could tell their thoughts from their flight trajectories, and then deliberately laughed loudly to the sky.

The more you laugh, the louder you laugh!

Wen Ping didn't stop laughing until all the Hongye Sect disciples looked at the sky.

"Are these the elders of Hongye Sect? When something happens, the first thing they think about is to run away, instead of protecting the sect and its disciples. It's ridiculous... Why do you dare to say that you will destroy my immortality? If Zong, why do you dare to be respected by the people in the Red Territory?"

The sound is like thunder, and it can spread ten miles.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Hongye Gate heard this sentence.

When Hirataki, who was about to escape from the Hongye Gate, inadvertently glanced at the Hongye Gate, the disappointed eyes made his heart skip a beat, and his old face suddenly turned red.

Someone stopped.

Someone is still on the run.

While he was still running away, Wen Ping directly commanded the Bone Dragon to chase him, caught him, and then mocked him again.

Murder and heart-wrenching!

Wen Ping will do this until no one from the Hongye Sect dares to touch the Immortal Sect.

Kill until they are afraid.

Kill them until they see the Immortal Sect and have to walk around.

"Do you cherish your life so much?" Wen Ping stared at the strong man from the Red Leaf Sect entangled by the bone dragon, his cold eyes directly hitting his soul.

The Hongye Sect strongman was angry and annoyed, and the fear in his heart was greatly increased by being entangled by the bone dragon, so he spoke uncontrollably, "It's ridiculous, how many people from the Hongye Sect die is none of my business. The lives of all of them All of them are not as valuable as me! Let me go! I beg you!"

In the face of begging, Wen Ping remained indifferent.

The bone dragon naturally did not hold back, and directly penetrated his spiritual body with one claw. In a moment, the strong man from the Red Leaf Sect lost his breath.

After putting it into the Tibetan Ring, Wen Ping commanded the Bone Dragon to pursue the other escapees again. At this time, those strong men from the Hongye Sect who had stopped and chose to continue fighting after seeing the desperate looks of the Hongye Sect disciples, all chased after them.

"An unknown person dares to act wild in Hongyemen!"

"You are here today, don't even think about leaving. When the sect master comes back, your Immortal Sect will be bleeding like a river, and no one will survive!"

Five or six people rushed over like crazy.

Wen Ping looked at the result of his oral pleasure with satisfaction, and gave Bone Dragon a look, and Bone Dragon pounced directly on him.

One claw flew away.

One tail swept away another one.

There were only five or six people, and when they met, they were all beaten to the point of being unable to stand up in the fight.

Within a hundred breaths, they all died under the claws of the bone dragon.

The Hongye Sect disciples who saw this scene started to flee in all directions with tears in their eyes and deep fear.

"I want to get out of here!"


Hundreds of thousands of people, all thinking about escaping from the Red Leaf Gate.

No one thought about staying to fight and defend the land of Hongyemen.

Because for them, Hongyemen is just a place of cultivation. They still have families, relatives, and a way out.

Looking at this scene, Hirataki, who was still in mid-air, let out a long sigh, with a little disappointment in his eyes, and then suddenly turned into determination. His eyes were fixed on the bone dragon flying towards him, his veins trembled, and he seemed to be looking forward to death.

Just because there is no way back.

Leaving Hongyemen, there is no home!

Let the Immortal Sect run wild at home?

How can it be done!

"Pathetic Immortal Sect, you dare to sneak attack when the sect leader is not around. When the sect leader comes back, you will die without a place to bury him!"


His pulse trembled.

Pingtaki's blood spear opened the way and killed the bone dragon.

Bone Dragon also gave him the highest respect and chose to kill him with a headbutt.



After being knocked away more than a dozen times in a row, Hirataki could no longer get up. There was blood in his mouth and he died painfully in the ruins.

When Dongjin saw this scene, he gritted his teeth with hatred, "Immortal Sect! I, the Hongye Sect, are at odds with you!"

"It sounds like if I don't come, you will let the Immortal Sect go." Wen Ping was too lazy to talk nonsense to Dongjin.

Let the slaughter begin!

Those who kill Hongyemen are afraid.

Let the people in the Red Territory be afraid.

Immortal Sect can save you a lot of trouble.

Only if you let them understand how big their fist is, will they be able to reason with you and talk about harmonious development!

"Go and help Mu Long, don't let anyone go." After Wen Ping said this, the Bone Dragon flew into the sky, roared angrily, and rushed towards the direction of Dong Jin and others.

This scene fell in the eyes of many Hongye Sect's Earth-bound experts, bringing them deep despair.

As the deputy sect leader, Dongjin did not despair at this time, but comforted everyone.

"Cheer up, we may not be able to defeat the two mid-level dragons! Hongye Sect is our home, we cannot retreat. After we retreat, what will those Hongye Sect disciples do? And what should we do with our relatives? "

These words immediately lifted everyone's spirits.

The light of hope was born in the eyes of everyone.

Wen Ping sneered and asked, "I can beat two, but what about the three?"

(Two more updates... later.)

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