Super Security in the City

Chapter 2088: Teacher Tong

The city of Dongjiang has undergone earth-shaking changes, and Luo Jun has deep feelings for this city. He knows his uncle and his parents have lived in this city for a long time. Including the memory of Luo Jun is also in this city. He and Wenrou Linger also spent their middle school career here.

There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and Luo Jun found that the air in 2040 has not continued to deteriorate, and that the greening of the city has been better. Although many scientists, or cartoonists and novelists have sketched out many future cities in their imagination.

However, Luo Jun discovered that in 2040, there will not be much change here. Just like the cultivation base of the human body, to a certain extent, there will be a limit. But there is infinite in the brain. Luo Jun knows that what he sees is the limit, but some things developed secretly by the state, such as the exploration of space, the upgrade of weapons, etc., will be a new field.

Luo Jun feels that people's lives are more convenient and the living environment has been improved.

In any case, living conditions are better.

But the gap between the rich and the poor has become even greater. The slogan that it's hard to get a good son again seems to be confirmed more and more.

It's not that I can't get out, but it's even more difficult for a poor family to have a noble son.

The upper barriers are getting higher and higher. People who have good conditions and good resources are moving faster and faster in front. The people behind are getting tired and tired!

Luo Jun didn't want to sigh, but when he returned to Dongjiang, he still couldn't help feeling full of emotion in his heart.

In this city, it is difficult to find the memories that Luo Jun was familiar with before.

Luo Jun walked all the way, he first returned to his original home. Later in Dongjiang, he helped his parents buy a house in the community again.

When he got there, he found that the residential complex was still there.

Luo Jun's heart agitated, and he wanted to enter the community. The security guards of the community stopped Luo Jun. "Sir, who are you looking for? Please register!"

The security personnel said politely.

"I'm looking for Chen Tianya of 2509!" Luo Jun said immediately.

"2509 There is no Chen Tianya!" the security personnel said, stunned for a moment.

Luo Jun felt tight and said, "How come there is no?"

"2509 is a young couple, I know them. I'm not called Chen Tianya!" the security guard said with certainty.

"Can I go up and have a look?" Luo Jun said.

The security officer said, "Sorry, if you don't know them, you can't go. This is our duty."

Luo Jun said: "Okay!" He will not embarrass a security officer.

Turn around now and leave.

But Luo Jun won't give up. He walked to the other side, took a quick breath while others were not paying attention, and ran a few steps with assistance, directly to the three-meter-high courtyard wall. Then he landed lightly. After landing, he walked towards Building 2 generously.

There is also an electronic gate blocking the downstairs of Building 2.

Luo Jun aimed at a resident who was entering, and he followed in behind. This is commonplace in the community. So the resident did not pay much attention.

The process of urbanization has made neighbors more strange to each other. After living for decades, you may not know who the opposite is. Therefore, there was an extra Luo Jun in the community, which did not cause any disturbance.

Luo Jun took the elevator and quickly reached the 25th floor.

He came before 2509, the door had already been replaced. Replaced with iris recognition lock!

Luo Jun took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock on the door.

A voice soon came from inside, the voice of a man, and he was very alert. Obviously, the people outside can be seen from the room.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?" the man asked Luo Jun.

Luo Jun said, "Excuse me, where did the original resident Chen Tianya go?"

"Original household?" The man inside said immediately, "We don't know Chen Tianya, nor is Chen Tianya who sold our house."

"Who is that?" Luo Jun asked immediately.

"It seems to be Zhao Songtao!" the man said.

"Bought it a few years ago, you guys?" Luo Jun asked urgently.

The man said: "Five years ago!"

"Okay, thank you." Luo Jun turned and left.

"Even things have happened here." Luo Jun's ominous premonition grew stronger.

He can still only think for the good, maybe it was his parents who sold the house and went elsewhere?

Luo Jun desperately wants to see his former teacher Tong Jiawen.

Luo Jun secretly said: "When I first saw Tong Jiawen, she was only twenty-five years old, and she was flourishing. When I left, she was thirty-seven years old. Now, she is almost sixty years old. I was like that. Through her life. Seeing her Fanghua pass away..."

The wonder of the world made Luo Jun feel that this life is truly wonderful.

Luo Jun then went to find the villa where Tong Jiawen used to live. Thankfully, the villa was still there.

It was ten o'clock in the morning.

The sun is shining to the extreme.

There is still chill in the air, but the sunshine makes people feel warm.

When Luo Jun walked into the courtyard, he saw two little girls in the courtyard, a little boy, about six or seven years old, playing.

In front of the villa, there is a man and a woman, who are in their thirties.

They are basking at the door.

Obviously, this woman is not Tong Jiawen.

"Who are you looking for?" The man asked vigilantly after Luo Jun walked in.

This man wears a black woolen coat and has a long and attractive figure. The man's eyes are very divine, and the woman is also very temperamental in wearing a red woolen coat.

Both of them stood up and looked at Luo Jun.

The three children saw the stranger and stopped to look curiously.

Luo Jun said in a deep voice, "I'm looking for Tong Jiawen."

"Are you looking for my mother?" The woman was taken aback. "What are you looking for my mother for? Who are you?"

"I am Tong Jiawen's deceased!" Luo Jun said.

"Old man?" The woman couldn't help but laugh, and said: "You are too unwilling to make up this reason. Old man, my mother is almost sixty. How old are you? Do you have twenty?"

Luo Jun said: "Is it an old friend, let your mother come out and see me, then you will know?"

"Okay!" said the woman, "I want to see what medicine you sell in the gourd."

The woman immediately turned around and entered the villa.

At this time, Tong Jiawen has gray hair, but she is in good spirits and is watching some news on the big screen projection.

The woman in the red woolen coat is her youngest daughter named Lei Wenwen. After Lei Wenwen came in, she called to her mother.

Tong Jiawen didn't lift her head, and said, "What's the matter, Yun Tong is naughty again?"

Lei Wenwen said: "What you said, my daughter is naughty, I will ask you to do it? I just can't help it." She then smiled, came to Tong Jiawen, took her arm, and said, "It's very fun. One thing, someone outside is looking for you."

"Isn't it normal for someone to find me? What's fun." Tong Jiawen said.

Lei Wenwen said: "He said it was your old friend..."

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