Super Security in the City

Chapter 2089: Yongquan Report

"The old man is the old man, your mother and my friends are all over the world. What's so strange!" Tong Jiawen got up and went to see. "Are people out there? Please come in soon."

"Mom, the point is that he is only a teenager. And, since he is an old acquaintance, why doesn't you have your phone?" Lei Wenwen said.

"Teenage? Old friend?" Tong Jiawen said: "This is a bit strange. Generally speaking, teenagers are juniors. I wouldn't call it an old friend!"

Lei Wenwen said: "That's why I said it was a little strange!"

Tong Jiawen said: "It doesn't matter, since they have already come to the door. Let's go and see."

Lei Wenwen said: "Okay, let's go!"

Tong Jiawen got up and went with Lei Wenwen.

Lei Wenwen was going to help Tong Jiawen, Tong Jiawen threw away Lei Wenwen's hand and said: "Get up, I'm really old for your mother?"

Tong Wenwen chuckled and said, "This is Fan'er, Mom, when will you understand it! If you are at the level of a prince, you have to have someone nearby."

"Get out!" Tong Jiawen said: "I don't love you, a fake fan with an empty head."

In the courtyard, Lei Wenwen's husband Zhou Ming did not invite Luo Jun into the house. Luo Jun looked so young that Zhou Ming did not regard him as a real guest.

The children went back to play in the house.

At this time Tong Jiawen and Lei Wenwen came out. Luo Jun looked at Tong Jiawen, he almost couldn't recognize it.

But he quickly determined that the old lady who was walking was the original Tong Jiawen.

"This is my mother!" Lei Wenwen and Tong Jiawen came to Luo Jun. Lei Wenwen arrogantly said to Luo Jun: "My mother said, I don't know you. Do you have anything else to say?"

Tong Jiawen was also looking at Luo Jun carefully. After a long while, she said: "Little brother, I really don't know you. You...have you been in trouble?"

Luo Jun has mixed feelings.

She is really old...

Is this the life of an ordinary person?

Luo Jun took a deep breath. He tried to calm his emotions, and then said: "Teacher Tong, do you still remember the story of the crane repaying favor? I'm back."

"The crane repays his favor?" At this moment, Tong Jiawen's body was shaken.

At this moment, her thoughts traversed the mountains and ridges, passed countless years, and seemed to have returned to that sunny era. The bright boy told her a story of a crane repaying his favor. Later, the boy saved their family's life.

That superstar boy!

That memory that will never go away in her heart, even, she has been in love for a lifetime, but never dared to say it.

"This... how is this possible..." Tong Jiawen's eyes were red, and she looked at Luo Jun incredulously. "This is impossible. He has been away for almost twenty years."

Luo Jun said, "Teacher Tong, is it convenient to talk alone?"

Lei Wenwen said immediately: "No, you can't lie to my mother."

Tong Jiawen looked at Luo Jun again, and she said, "Are you really him?"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "I came back this time because I saw a lot of changes have taken place here. I am worried that something will happen to Yi Nuo..."

"I still can't believe it, it's incredible. I ask you, what did I say to him on the eve of my wedding?" Tong Jiawen asked.

Luo Jun said in a deep voice, "A long time, that night, you and I, Lingshan, and Linger were drinking together. You drank too much, and you cried and said, you are a cowardly person, because you can't escape the worldly gaze. , So you married yourself."

"Really you?" Tong Jiawen suddenly took a step forward, and she tightly grasped Luo Jun's hand.

Luo Jun said: "It's me, Teacher Tong, I want to talk to you alone!"

Tong Jiawen said: "Good!"

"Mom, he is a liar!" Lei Wenwen said.

Tong Jiawen immediately said to Lei Wenwen sternly: "You shut up, everyone can be a liar in this world. Only he won't, without him, you would have long been gone."

"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm a dozen years older than him. If you don't have him, you won't have me. What kind of logic is this!" Lei Wenwen was extremely dissatisfied.

Tong Jiawen grabbed Luo Jun's hand, ignored his daughter and son-in-law, and then pulled Luo Jun into the villa. Then I went to the bedroom on the second floor and locked the door.

Tong Jiawen's daughter Lei Wenwen and Zhou Ming looked at each other.

"What's wrong with mom?" Lei Wenwen said.

Zhou Ming said in a deep voice: "Dad is no longer here, we can't let mom be deceived. You should notify the eldest sister, and the second sister will come back."

Lei Wenwen said: "Yes!"

In the bedroom, Tong Jiawen's eyes flushed with tears, and she said: "I didn't expect that you will come back. I thought that I would never see you again in this life."

Luo Jun said: "I didn't expect that I would come back one day."

Tong Jiawen said: "Your body?"

Luo Jun said: "My previous body is gone. This body belongs to a young man who has advanced blood cancer. I communicated with him and I helped him take care of his sister, and his body was lent to me."

"This is amazing." Tong Jiawen said. Then, she smiled and said: "But no matter how amazing things happen to you, I think it should happen to you."

She continued to feel a little sad, and said: "Look, I'm old."

Luo Jun said: "Your days are very happy!"

Tong Jiawen was startled slightly, and then said, "Yes, I should be satisfied in my whole life."

Luo Jun said: "I came to ask you, do you know what happened in Yanjing? I went to Situ Mansion, and the villa where I lived before was all blocked. Me too I only saw pictures of my daughter Yinuo to seven years old."

"This..." Tong Jiawen said: "I'm really sorry, Luo Jun. You know, the world in Yanjing is not the same world as me. So, I broke up with that side early. Including your daughter. , I only saw her once when she was five years old, and never saw it again."

"So that's it!" Luo Jun said: "There is nothing to be sorry for, I can understand." He was a little disappointed, but in fact, he knew subconsciously that these were expected.

Afterwards, Luo Jun said: "Teacher Tong, I just came here now, and I don’t have the resources. I don’t have any money. How much can you give me now? After a while, I will pay you back with the profit. !"

"Luo Jun..." Tong Jiawen scolded sharply. Suddenly her tears fell. "I’m in a different world from yours, but when I first met you, have I ever done anything to betray a friend? Do I have any sorry friends? You ask for money, let alone money. I will give you all my wealth and life. You can give it to you. But don't say anything to return me with a profit. This is the greatest harm to me, do you know?"

Luo Jun was startled.

He then smiled bitterly and said: "Teacher Tong, I understand, I really understand. It's just that we are friends. I don't want to embarrass friends, because you are not alone now, you have children."

"This home is still my home!" Tong Jiawen said.

Luo Jun said, "Well, Teacher Tong, thank you. If it is convenient for you, please give me 20 million first."

Tong Jiawen said: "No problem, give me an account!"

Luo Jun took out his cell phone and said, "You can transfer to this cell phone number."

Nowadays, mobile phones are integrated with ID cards, bank cards, etc.

Tong Jiawen said: "Good!"

She was very direct, and transferred 20 million yuan to Luo Jun in three minutes.

Afterwards, Luo Jun got up and said: "Teacher Tong, I have to go first. When I finish my work, I will come to meet you again."

Tong Jiawen suddenly reluctantly said: "Leave so soon?"

Luo Jun said: "There are a lot of things, something big happened in Yanjing. I am very worried about Yinuo..."

"If you need my help, just speak up. As long as I can do it!" Tong Jiawen said.

Luo Jun said: "Okay!"

"Yinuo will be fine." Tong Jiawen continued.

Luo Jun said in a deep voice: "I don't want to set off some unnecessary blood, but if anyone dares to hurt my daughter, I will make him regret it, why he is alive."

His eyes are firm and his voice is firm.

At this moment, Tong Jiawen looked at Luo Jun, and she felt that the appearance of Luo Jun in front of her was different. But the temperament is no different from the past.

"Mom, I heard it." Just as Luo Jun opened the door, Lei Wenwen and Zhou Ming stood at the door.

"You gave this person 20 million, didn't you?" Lei Wenwen said angrily: "Our family has money, but can't we give money like that?"

Luo Jun looked at Lei Wenwen, he felt a little embarrassed.

However, he didn't want to explain anything.

"Tong teacher, if you are inconvenient, I will pay you back." Luo Jun said directly.

Tong Jiawen took a deep breath and said, "Wenwen, Zhou Ming, I have always spoiled you. But there is a bottom line. I am not too confused yet, knowing what I am doing. If you don’t apologize to him now, Then, I promise, I will donate all the property under my name. I say it and do it. Over the years, you should be clear about my character. Say one more word, you will not get a dime in the future, apologies !"

"Mom, you..." Lei Wenwen suddenly became anxious.

Tong Jiawen said: "I count one to three, and the three words fall without apology, then my decision will take effect immediately. One...two..."

"Sorry!" Lei Wenwen and Zhou Ming immediately softened. The two bowed to Luo Jun and said, "I'm sorry, it was my reckless words that offended you, please don't blame it!"

This is what Lei Wenwen said. Zhou Ming also apologized!

Luo Jun didn't say much, just said: "Then can I go?"

The two men immediately gave way.

Subsequently, Luo Jun left.

On the same day, Luo Jun returned to Xilin City. At the same time, he gave Zhao Yuxin one hundred thousand yuan. And attach a sentence. "The grace of dripping water will be reported by the spring! More interest is counted!"

Then, Luo Jun gave Doctor Huang another one million. It is also the kindness of dripping water, and the spring is repaying, and the more is the interest!

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