Super Security in the City

Chapter 3436: Resolve

Hou Jianfei smiled and said, "Get up!"

Luo Jun stood up, and he treasured the Xuantian charm.

Hou Jianfei said: "Sit down, I have something to tell you!"

Luo Jun took his seat and said, "Yes, Master!"

Hou Jianfei said: "Luna also came to me."

Luo Jun was not surprised, and said, "This is what I expected."

Hou Jianfei said: "Want to hear my opinion?"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "To be honest, Master, I really want to hear. I just want to know what she is thinking. Although I...very smart. I can't guess Luna...I have you in the college now She should have been able to walk sideways. But I am still afraid of Luna. The look in her eyes makes my heart feel hairy. This feeling is too painful! I want you to take her away, but I don’t Dare to mention, this request is too much. After all, she is the princess of the council and the lover of Master Suffering."

Hou Jianfei said: "It's really bad to take her away for no reason. I can't explain to Master Ku!" He paused, and said, "He said that you are the reincarnation of Luo Jun and will destroy us. The entire eternal race."

Luo Jun was shocked and said, "This is a **** joke!"

He hurriedly said: "The disciple was agitated for a moment, but his words were unconformable. Master, please blame!"

Although he was apologizing, his excitement still seemed difficult to calm down.

Hou Jianfei smiled, and said: "Her thoughts are indeed beyond ordinary people's imagination. But, are you afraid? As the saying goes, as long as you go straight, you are not afraid of others saying it!"

"I'm afraid!" Luo Jun said bluntly, "In this world, if there are too many people talking about something, some people will believe it. Especially if someone looks at you not pleasing to your eyes, then you don’t believe it in your heart, and you have to Believe it. For example, I am your political enemy, Master. Some people say that you are colluding with Wuyoujiao and intend to subvert the original academy. I know in my heart that you are not, then I must believe it. Because I am your enemy, I wish You have been killed! Besides, I am indeed...a bit too good. This is not my boast..."

Hou Jianfei laughed. He suddenly felt that the boy in front of him was also humorous and lovely.

Not all that kind of calculation and gloomy.

Luo Jun looked sad and said: "Master, you are still smiling, I want to cry."

Hou Jianfei turned upright and said, "I absolutely believe in you. You can rest assured that there is a master, and these conspiracy theories will not be realized on you."

Luo Jun immediately said, "Thank you, Master, I feel more relieved with your words. I know that as long as I back to Master and Hou's family, I will be fine!"

Hou Jianfei smiled slightly, thinking that this kid was really good.

After Luo Jun left Hou Jianfei, he called Luna again.

"Let's meet, or stay in the old place." Luo Jun said directly.

Luna was surprised, but then she figured it out and said, "It seems that you have gone to Dean Hou."

Luo Jun said: "Yes, I also asked for the amulet."

Luna said: "Okay!"

In the corner hall of the library, there were only Luo Jun and Luna this time.

Luo Jun sat on the sofa, Luna came in, closed the door with her backhand, and stared at Luo Jun.

She did not speak!

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "I finally understand today, what on earth are you suspicious of me. You think I am Luo Jun's reincarnation, right?"

Luna is dressed in red, with a heroic spirit in her glamour.

Facing Luo Jun’s question, she said coldly: "What on earth are you trying to say? Do you want to dispel my suspicion? Or do you want to prove that what I guess is false? I also advise you not to say more."

Luo Jun said: "I'm naturally smart, so I also know that no matter how much I say, I can't dispel your doubts. Then can you tell me what the **** should I do? I know in my heart that I am not the fuck. You can't let me make my mind by death, right? I don't want to die! If I wanted to die, I would have been unable to stand the grievances and committed suicide many years ago."

Luna kept staring at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was frustrated by Luna.

Luna smiled suddenly and said: "You talked to me today, a little bit like you were back then."

Luo Jun rolled his eyes and said, "You can do it badly and lead me in the ditch. Back then? I only met you this year."

Luna said: "You are very cautious!"

Luo Jun said: "I really don't know how to tell you, anyway, you think I am a ghost anyway. I should be unlucky when I meet you!"

"Do you know why I am so sure that it is you?" Luna said.

Luo Jun said: "I also want to know, you can tell me, I can change."

Luna said: "No, you can't change it. I have been looking for Luo Jun for more than forty years. I missed it many times, but every time I felt it told me that you were wrong. So, I knew I was wrong. Only 16 years ago...Yuan Haixin’s affairs made me feel unusual. I felt very accurate that time, so I checked. As a result, something unusual really happened."

"Then what did you find?" Luo Jun asked immediately.

He knew in his heart that it was the problem that had occurred in Yuan Haixin. But what a shrewd character he is, he certainly won't reveal the slightest flaw in his expression management.

Luna was also secretly observing Luo Jun when she said this, but she couldn't find Luo Jun's flaws.

Luna said: "Huizitang!"

She talked about some things between Huizitang and the wife of Xunlan Nodules and Ku Ziyu's mother.

After hearing this, Luo Jun said silently: "Then you look for them and doubt them."

Luna said: "I didn't expect that they gave birth to girls."

Luo Jun said with a weeping face: "It would be great if you had a baby boy. I won't have to suffer your sins!"

Luna said: "So I suspect that Luo Jun also silently found another substitute."

"It's me, right?" Luo Jun said.

Luna said: "Yes!"

Luo Jun said: "I want to curse!"

Luna said: "You curse!"

Luo Jun said: "Hey, you don't know how to think about it... Forget it, I'll talk too much, and I don't know how to tell a stupid person like you. In fact, you still think that I am too smart, too powerful, and jealous of me. . You can’t even think about such a simple thing, so what else can you say."

Luna wasn't angry, she just said, "Really? You said I didn't think about it clearly?"

Luo Jun said: "First of all, you said Huizitang. Later, it turned out that Huizitang was useless for birds. Second, why did Luo Jun look for me when he was reincarnated? How miserable is my father!"

Luna said, "Perhaps, there is no good choice. You are fifteen years old, and Ziyu and others are also fifteen. It should be a certain situation, reincarnation also requires conditions. There is not much time for him to choose..."

Luo Jun couldn't help crying secretly in his heart, this Luna... is really Lao Tzu's nemesis!

Although outsiders saw her stunned, she was crazy.

But she actually guessed this seemingly impossible.

I really should have broken the contract and killed her!

In this way, there are so many things there today.

Luo Jun secretly said: "Unfortunately, I didn't expect to be reincarnated at that time..."

"Why are you not talking?" Luna asked.

Luo Jun said lazily, "Probably you are too right."

Luna's eyes lit up and said: "So, you admit it?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, I admit it."

Luna was stunned.

This plot is obviously wrong.

Luo Jun said: "However, there should be a lot of 15-year-old children. I don't have the memory of Luo Jun now. I think he is too stupid. If I were him, since there is not so much demand for his parenthood, then I will go to other planets to find a carcass of the eternal race to reincarnate. Of course, I don’t know how this reincarnation is done. You said, why did he find a carcass in the eternal city so close to you? ... and your parenthood is not prominent. It's hard to be insulted and slandered by you like this. Wouldn't it be nice to find a remote planet, be born there, grow up, and stay away from you?"

Luna was stunned.

Luo Jun said: "Also, if I were Luo Jun, the moment I saw you, I should pretend to be sick, resolutely quit, and not come to Primal Academy with you. Even if I came to Primal Academy, I would not cause trouble. , Honestly, what are you doing. You said that Luo Jun, with such a big plan, is not rigorous at all? Is he really good? I don't think he deserves your attention. Because the flaws are too great Too many, don't you think?"

Luna fell silent.

Luo Jun said: "Anyway, that's all I have to say. In the days to come, I will shine more brightly. Just watch it, and I will make you more admirable. If you want to doubt, doubt it. I was unlucky, and I was killed by you, and I accepted my fate."

After speaking, Luo Jun left Kakunodate.

After Luna waited for Luo Jun to leave, she also sat on the sofa.

After this talk, she began to doubt life again.

"Am I really wrong?"

Originally, she was convinced of her own feelings.

But now, her confidence began to waver again.

Shaking confidence is the most terrible thing.

She has the spirit of martyrdom!

There is also the spirit of dying at night!

As long as Zong Han is identified as Luo Jun, then she can kill Zong Han regardless of all consequences.

However, what if the real Luo Jun is still alive after Zong Han is killed?

This is something Luna cannot accept.

At the moment, if she kills Zong Han, she is bound to die.

If Zong Han dies, the real Luo Jun is still at large? Then, didn't she push the entire eternal clan to the point where it was impossible to recover?

Normal people will love their country!

In the Eternal Race, there are many factions...

However, these factions, as long as they are eternal races, love their race.

This is their glory!

Luna can be martyred for the eternal race!

After Luo Jun left Kakunodate, his heart was a little settled.

He knew he had shaken Luna's confidence again. Before looking for Luna, he didn't think about how to deal with Luna. But after they met, they made a move naturally, but they worked again.

Next, what Luo Jun has to do is to deal with the graduation exam.

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