Both Ku Ziyu and Yawen are preparing to take the three-story graduation exam.

Once they pass through graduation, they will all enter the four floors.

Regarding what to test for the three-story graduation exam, no one has made a fixed number.

The content of the exam will be different every year.

In previous years' big exams, the first item was the test of formation, the second rule, and the third battle!

Every year, the time of the big exam is different on each floor. It is also because all the exams are taken together, the school will be very busy.

The annual number of graduates in the three-story building is about two hundred.

There are about 4,000 students in the entire three-story building, and about 2,000 students take the exam each year.

This admission rate can be said to be very low.

In the graduation exam on the first floor, there are generally 12,000 people taking the exam.

Approximately three thousand people can successfully graduate each year.

The acceptance rate is still very high.

The Primitive College eliminated many students every year.

For example, currently, there are 2,000 students taking the big exam on the three-story building.

This is not to say that these students all want to take the big exam.

Some are in their eighth year and have to take the exam.

If you don't take the exam, you will be expelled from school.

It would be shameful to expel them directly from the school.

If you pass the exam, you will be more decent to apply for graduation.

About 1,000 students are eliminated every year on three floors.

Of the 2,000 students this time, about 200 students were still admitted.

Some of them will continue to stay in the college for further studies because they have not yet reached the eighth year.

Some will be eliminated directly because they are already the eighth year.

In fact, there are also some who knowingly fail the exam, just apply for graduation and leave the original college.

After applying for graduation, the original college will issue a two-story graduation certificate for the original college!

Although I attended three floors, but did not graduate, so I can only give a diploma on the second floor.

In the eternal star field, the gold content of this certificate is still very high.

Every year when the graduation season comes, the college will be very lively.

The students partyed all night in the bar on the first floor and in the square.

Some people suffer because they have to be forced to apply for graduation. They are drunk and scold their lost youth.

Some people graduated because they finally succeeded.

Everyone has their own joys and pains, but they don't prevent the wanderers from looking for drunken revelry.

Lovers kissed bitterly in the square and sang like crazy.

Generally at this time, the college will be more tolerant.

The day before the exam, in the canteen on the first floor of the college, Luo Jun, Ku Ziyu, Yawen, Zong Qin, Lan Qi, and Gu Xiaofeng were sitting together for dinner.

Luo Jun is very tolerant to several roommates.

This time, Zong Qin, Lan Che and Gu Xiaofeng will also take the graduation exam.

Except for Zong Qin, everyone else took the three-story graduation exam for the first time.

It was noon at this time, and the cafeteria was noisy.

Zong Qin tells everyone about the experience of the last exam.

"The first level of formation, the second level of rules, these two levels are based on everyone's qualifications, I think there is no problem in passing the exam. I also passed the exam smoothly..." Zong Qin then said bitterly: "The difficulty is The difficulty is in the third level!"

Yawen said, "I know a little bit about it. The third level is actual combat! Was it difficult? It seems that many people didn't take the exam last year."

Zong Qin said: "It's really hard!"

Ku Ziyu smiled and said, "Actually, when it comes to the graduation exams of three floors or more, the difficulty is all in actual combat."

"Isn't it!" Yawen said, "After all, the original college's diploma is a golden sign. No matter how good the theory is, you can't let the other party back away by reason."

Luo Jun drank fruit wine sparkling water and hiccuped by the way.

Lan Che smiled and said: "I know, Brother Han is not afraid of actual combat. His actual combat experience is very good!"

Luo Jun laughed and said: "I'm not telling you, I'm an absolute good at fighting. Not to brag, our classmate Zong Qin has learned."

Zong Qin was convinced and said, "Brother Han's actual combat level is indeed surprisingly high, but Brother Han, you can't be careless."

Luo Jun said: "Don't worry, I never underestimate any opponents. This kind of graduation exam, I will not be careless."

Yawen said, "By the way, Zong Han, where did you get your actual combat skills? Zi Yu and I are so sad. This actual combat is what our girls are not good at."

Lan Che asked with interest: "Brother Han, how did you practice in actual combat?"

Everyone looked at Luo Jun, looking forward to Luo Jun's answer.

Luo Jun said meaningfully: "The popular point of actual combat is fighting. If you suffer too many fights, this fight will naturally happen. I am different from you. I grew up in the Hero Growth Department. Everyone has no father and no father. Mother, some classmates are hostile. When I was a child, I was poorly nourished and thin, so I especially liked being bullied. At first I was beaten every day, then I practiced and studied hard, and then later, I beat others every day. Up."

Everyone laughed.

Only after Ku Ziyu listened, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, cherishing Luo Jun's childhood suffering.

There was a chat here, and suddenly, Hou Mingxue and a few elder brothers walked over here.

Hou Mingxue's position in the school is extraordinary.

He is the great-grandson of Dean Hou and the senior of the seven-story building.

When he walked towards Luo Jun, he immediately attracted the attention of many students.

After Luo Jun became Dean Hou's disciple, Hou Mingxue has not made any public remarks.

At the beginning, Hou Mingxue was at odds with Luo Jun. This was something all teachers and students knew.

So now, what is Hou Mingxue coming to Luo Jun for?

Is it provocative?

Now that Luo Jun has become Dean Hou's disciple, no one in the college dared to offend him.

However, if Hou Ming learns not to give Luo Jun face, he continues to bully him...

I'm afraid that Dean Hou is a little bit helpless, right?

The teachers and students all looked at Luo Jun with a good mood.

When Zong Qin and others saw Hou Mingxue coming over, they immediately dared not eat, so they stood up.

Luo Jun continued to eat, but Ku Ziyu did not get up.

Hou Mingxue and his group of four came over.

The whole cafeteria became quiet.

The atmosphere becomes very wonderful.

Luo Jun didn't even look up.

Hou Mingxue looked at Luo Jun, then smiled bitterly...

Then, Hou Mingxue said: "Uncle Shi, I used to offend you so much. Today, in front of all the teachers and students in the school, here, I solemnly apologize to you for my former recklessness!"

Then, he bowed deeply to Luo Jun!

This scene immediately shocked the teachers and students in the entire cafeteria, and it was boiling.

No one had thought that Hou Mingxue actually confessed to Luo Jun in public...

This scene was recorded by many communication machines and quickly spread to the Internet.

Facing Hou Mingxue’s public apology, Luo Jun did not continue to be arrogant, but stood up, came to Hou Mingxue, patted his shoulder, and said: “The past things, let’s not mention them again. The past is the past. Got it!"

Hou Mingxue immediately said, "Thank you, Master Uncle!"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "I think you call me Zong Han, and I call you Mingxue. This is better. In front of the master, we will have more seniority levels!"

Hou Ming learned: "I listen to you, Master Uncle."

Luo Jun laughed.

Obviously, Hou Mingxue is a very good person.

Luo Jun's status in the academy is once again rising.

On the second day, the big test officially began.

Facing the morning sun, candidates on the three-story building walked into the examination room.

Some are uneasy, some are confident!

The candidates are randomly arranged in each examination room after being disrupted.

Luo Jun and Ku Ziyu, Ya Wen, and Zong Qin are basically difficult to appear in the same examination room.

The first test at nine in the morning.

This time the exam was much more lively than Luo Jun's previous entrance exam.

At that time they belonged to transfer students, and they were deserted during the exam.

The atmosphere of the examination room today is the same feeling that Luo Jun had when he took the college entrance examination.

There are a total of twelve examination rooms!

Each examination room can accommodate one thousand people.

But there are only less than two hundred students in each examination room.

Everyone was sitting very open and blocked by formation.

It is impossible to cheat.

After Luo Jun took his seat, he saw the exam paper on the desk.

The content of the exam is not the formation, but the universe.

This is quite unexpected.

The subject of Cosmology rarely appears in exams.

In the universe studies class, most of them are theories.

For example, how to convert the cosmic force, and what changes will happen when two different cosmic forces collide...

Kind of similar to chemistry...

Luo Jun didn't think much, and began to answer the questions.

Although he didn't take many classes, he had read a lot of those books and Zhou Li's knowledge.

So there is no difficulty in answering the questions.

He can also answer many changes in cosmology.

Luo Jun went smoothly throughout the examination process.

In the second session, the test is the law.

The rule is that everyone enters a small space, puts out the rule they are best at, and then destroys the target unit!

The target unit is a piece of ice!

The more the ice is destroyed, the higher the score!

There is only one phone meeting!

The law that Luo Jun learned is not only the law of small flames. Although the law of small flames is powerful, it is easy to hurt.

Therefore, Luo Jun faced the cold ice and chose the law of the sun's sword!

He condensed his will and merged the profound meaning of Zhou Li and Lieyang Divine Sword.

At that moment, the Zhou Li in Luo Jun's hands condensed and formed a fiery sword!


Cut it down!

The ice suddenly became shattered.

The law can be used by every master of the eternal race.

The same power needs to be exercised through laws.

Different laws and comprehensions have completely different powers.

Luo Jun slashed with this knife, it can be described as perfect.

His comprehension of the law is the ultimate.

Right now, he had already mixed up to this point in the academy, and going to hide himself again seemed a bit false.

It is false to appear mediocre now!

In the first test of Zhouxue, basically all the candidates achieved good results.

In the second law test, a group of students were eliminated.

After all, even if you can't pass this rule test, there is no need to participate in the third session of the top priority.

The third exam is placed on the second day.

After the exam on that day, Luo Jun, Ku Ziyu, Yawen, Zong Qin and others also gathered for dinner.

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