Super Security in the City

Chapter 3654: Undyed weapon

The Bridge of Fallen Soul is black all over, only the size of a fist in the hand. But the bridge is lifelike, with countless runes and gullies on it. There is a black mist around the bridge, and there are two dragon sculptures on both sides of the bridge.

The blue-purple clothes ran the mana into the Bridge of Fallen Soul, and immediately felt the world in the Bridge of Fallen Soul and the dense, majestic power of the ocean.

The power of despair is very similar to the power of reincarnation.

Lan Ziyi has practiced the Great Soul Technique and the Great Reincarnation Technique, and has a very strong control over this type of power. Just like the previous Naihe Bridge, it will be particularly uncomfortable for others to use, and will be full of demons. But in her hands it is twice the result with half the effort.

The bridge of Naihe was destroyed in Vermilion Star, which became a pity for Lanziyi. Today, the quality of this bridge of desolation is still on the bridge of Naihe. The Bridge of Naihe is full of resentment and hostility, while the Bridge of Fallen Soul is full of an authentic taste of Xuanmen.

"How is it?" Luo Jun asked.

Lan Ziyi accepted the Bridge of Fallen Souls, smiled, and said: "I found that you like to send me bridges!"

Luo Jun laughed and said: "At a glance, I think this magic weapon is especially suitable for you."

Lan Ziyi said: "Very good, there are so many elixirs here, I come to live well to integrate with magic weapons and elixirs. I believe I can return to the peak state within a month!"

Luo Jun said: "You can rest at ease, and I will take you back. I think there will be no peace in the star field. The longer you come out, the more problems you will have."

Lan Ziyi said: "Okay!"

After that, Luo Jun also put away the Chonghuang Treasure. His black hole spar and the Eight Desolation Halberds were all in his hands. When I went back, I lived with the blue and purple clothes in the black hole spar. The black hole spar lightning flew towards the star field.

Luo Jun controlled the black hole spar with the Void Yuanshen, and walked around the Jie Xumi Big Villa with Lan Ziyi. Many things on the earth evoke the memories of Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi...

Then, Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi began to practice.

The purpose of Lan Ziyi is to restore vitality. This is not too difficult, but it is a matter of time. The realm is there, and other things are not a problem.

Luo Jun wanted to go to the next level.

He also stayed in the Seventh Layer of the Creation Realm for a long time, always touching the barriers between the seventh and eighth layers. He hadn't been able to break through before, but now he touched that layer of edge, and he seemed to be able to faintly feel the grand world behind the barrier.

Eightfold is the power of the beginning!

From the beginning, it was able to mobilize the power of dimensions and mixing holes.

Kunou used the divine power of the cave to be superb. Luo Jun could already feel the mysterious world behind Seventh Layer.

However, no matter how hard you try, it is difficult to open that layer of diaphragm.

Within the eternal star field, the situation is constantly changing.

The news of Tianzun's arrival also spread throughout the star field.

As the court is facing a major enemy, Shi Beiluo and others also set up formations with the court, ready to meet the verdict of the court at any time.

Tianzun personally went to the Eternal City, and released Master Suffering and Fire Lance in public.

She pardoned all the sins of the Council of Light and the Vatican of Darkness, and said that from now on, no one is allowed to mention old things. The offender is cut...

She even ordered the owners of the ruling office not to deliberately retaliate against the Light Council and the Dark Holy See.

As soon as this action was taken, the people of the world were still worried about retaliation by the ruling and the dictatorship, but now they have all let go of this worry.

Because the signal displayed by Tianzun is forgiveness!

After that, Tianzun again issued the second order.

It is against the court.

The ruling decided not to pursue the majority of the court and primitive academy, but only to blame for evil.

If Hou Jianfei, Reggae, Cang Hailan, and Shi Beiluo could take the initiative to confess their sins. The verdict will punish them accordingly. As for the remaining people, they will not be held accountable.

If these four people did not come out to plead guilty, whoever captured them from the Primitive Academy and the Court of Justice would have done a great job.

If the court and the original academy are stubbornly resisted, once the court breaks the court and the original academy, then the court will severely punish all of them!

Reggae and Cang Hailan, Hou Jianfei, and Shi Beiluo couldn't help being heartbroken after seeing this second order. Originally, they wanted to work together to fight the adjudication office, so there was still a chance. But after the second order came down, what they had to face was not the threat of the adjudication office, but the assassination of the elders and masters in the court and primitive academy who wanted to survive.

At this time, Reggae and others couldn't help but refuse Tianzun's methods. They knew in their hearts that Tianzun's move was only to dissolve the court and the peace of the world. When it comes time to settle accounts in the future, it will naturally settle accounts. This can be regarded as a conspiracy, but they are unable to resist.

Tianzun hasn't really taken any action yet, but his four or two tricks have already defeated the hearts of the Court of Justice and Primitive Academy.

They also knew that if Luo Jun was there, none of this would happen.

On their side, there is still no spiritual leader after all.

On one night, three o'clock in the morning.

Reggae and Cang Hailan each brought three henchmen to join Shi Beiluo, Hou Jianfei and others. After that, they left the dead starfish.

It can be regarded as completely conceding defeat, giving up all honor and status, and starting desperately.

The place they are going is a mysterious place similar to Wuyoujiao hidden. Reggae and Cang Hailan had already left a back road for themselves, so they just chose a back road right now.

On Shi Beiluo's side, Minghui, Tiannu, Toutuoyuan, Yuanfei, Jianshuang, Ying Xuefei, Xiong Feiyuan, and several old demons all fled with them.

Hou Jianfei brought two confidant elders, namely Wu Xingyun and Dubao elders.

They used the cloud shuttle machine that had been prepared for a secret trip, and then flew quickly towards the void.

The adjudication office has been monitoring, but it was still a step late when it found that the opponent had fled.

They first sent people to the court and the Primordial Academy to take over. In addition, Hua Tianhuang and Ye Donghuang personally led the team to chase Reggae and others.

On the court side, Yuanlong, Mojian Haishan, Xing Juesi, and Killing Division all came to take over.

The elders of the court were all restrained by magic power and imprisoned.

One by one, they did not dare to resist and let them be slaughtered.

There is no need to talk about the backbone of the Primitive Academy, and all the seniors have been arrested. Yuan Feng leads people to preside over the affairs of the original college. The teachers in the Primitive Academy were basically not punished. Yuanfeng asked them to continue to teach students. Therefore, for the students, their life, study and treatment are basically unaffected.

The adjudication office easily solved the biggest threat before, and the reason was the appearance of Tianzun and the departure of Luo Jun. Coupled with the disappearance of the world of secret techniques and the world of Hunyuan, the court has lost all confidence here. All these have created the inevitability of this result.

The ruling house brought all the masters in the court and the masters of the Primordial Academy back to the sky.

Whether these masters are dead or alive, they still have to listen to Hou Tianzun's outburst.

Ye Donghuang and Hua Tianhuang are still chasing Reggae and others urgently.

In the city of life in the sky, Yuan Feng asked Tianzun in the life hall.

Tianzun didn't show that he had actually met, only a voice came from the void to talk to Yuan Feng.

"Qiyi Tianzun, the elders of the Primitive Academy, the elders of the court, and the elder demons who ran out of the Eastern Wilderness Prison have all been captured by us and brought back. How can these people get out? Tianzun expressly!"

In the void, Tianzun’s voice was crisp and pleasant to the ears with coldness: "What do you think?"

Yuan Feng said: "Subordinates feel that they should all be killed!"

"Oh? Why?" Tianzun said.

Hara Kaze said: "If the ruling wants to maintain the supremacy all the time, these masters have to be killed. They have a deep foundation...not to be left. The gap between the latecomers and us will grow bigger and bigger."

Tianzun said: "Your gaze is only in the star field. The star field will have many internal natural disasters and external dangers. If you let the talented masters fault, it is undoubtedly the incense and seed to cut off the star field."

Yuan Feng was stunned, and then said: "The subordinate Rat is short-sighted, please Tianzun for punishment."

Tianzun said: "Don't blame you, you have been scared by that Zong Han." After a pause, he said: "Kill a batch, close a batch, release a batch. The people killed are with the people involved. No more than ten people."

Yuan Feng said: "Yes, Tianzun!"

Time flies, and a year has passed.

During the year, the court and the original college were very peaceful.

The adjudication office dispatched masters to guard the court and the Primordial Academy. Those in the court and Primordial Academy did not dare to resist at all.

The president of the court was replaced by the former vice president Gao Mingyuan. Gao Mingyuan swore allegiance to the ruling.

As for Reggae, because they fled in time, they escaped.

They fled to a void in the star field, and found the space hole they had prepared. This space loophole is as secret as the place hidden by Wuyoujiao...

After entering the space loophole, it is a huge cave.

In that cave, they began to build a new home.

They were not completely desperate, because they were still waiting for Luo Jun to return.

During this year, Reggae and Shi Beiluo talked a lot. Reggae and Cang Hailan asked the most about whether Luo Jun really did not come back? Shi Beiluo said: "The righteous brother will definitely come back. He went outside the territory not all because of what those people said. In fact, he is preventing Tianzun. He is pursuing the truth of some power."

After Reggae, Cang Hailan, and Hou Jianfei heard them, hope burned in their hearts.

Shi Beiluo said again: "From now on, the righteous brother is actually right to leave. Because even if he is here, Tianzun can't resist this method. After losing the Hunyuan world, he is not even my opponent. "

Reggae said: "This kid has always had conspiracies. Since he has led us to do this career, and now he is looking for strength, I believe he will come back and surprise us."

Shi Beiluo said, "I have a certain connection with my righteous brother. Even if we hide here, he can find it after he returns."

"That would be great." Reggae and others were overjoyed.

Although life is a bit difficult, as long as there is hope and light, you will not really lose your confidence!

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