Super Security in the City

Chapter 3655: Fight to the end

Reggae and others lived in the cave where the space leaked, and the cave was carefully built by them. Everyone sets up their own small world in the cave.

The small world and the small world are intertwined.

Although this cave is not big, it seems to be a good home under the reasonable space setting of everyone.

Among them, pavilions, sky gardens, birds and flowers, etc. are all indispensable.

And they also created an artificial lake and a forest.

As for resources, they are not lacking for the time being. After all, they are all people in power, and their accumulation is very rich. When I left this time, I brought a lot of them. Shi Beiluo has some of the treasures of the ancestors left by Luo Jun, so he is also rich.

Although everyone has no shortage of food and clothing, they have also made this home in a decent way. But everyone is still not very happy in their hearts. Because in the past, they were all dragons and phoenixes among people...except for Shi Beiluo and others, they still felt used to it. Reggae, Hou Jianfei, and Cang Hailan are extremely unaccustomed to them.

They are all thinking about how to return to the Court of Justice and the Primitive Academy, to the top.

In the dead of night, they will inevitably think about deeper things.

That is something they are reluctant to mention before others.

Even if Luo Jun does come back, can he turn the tide of the battle?

Reason tells them that it is actually impossible to reverse it.

The reason that Luo Jun was able to make a blockbuster before was because he created the Hunyuan World, and everyone joined the Hunyuan World to create such a miracle. But now, the Hunyuan world has disappeared.

They are gone!

And Tianzun also descended.

Luo Jun is only sixty years old after all! What can I do if I start practicing in the womb? It's impossible to turn things around!

The inner reason told Reggae and others that in fact, Luo Jun could not solve any problems when he came back. But they are unwilling to think deeply, because people need hope to live. They thought, Luo Jun has already created so many miracles, maybe this time they will also create miracles?

Days go by...

Reggae, they gave their cave mansion a name, called Tianwai Pavilion!

In Tianwai Pavilion, Shi Beiluo and others belong to a faction.

Hou Jianfei followed Shi Beiluo and others.

Reggae and Canghailan are a faction. Reggae's men are Yan Guhong, Huo Liantian, and Gou Wenjun. Both Huo Liantian and Gou Wenjun belonged to the Presbyterian Church, but they had always been particularly loyal to Reggae, so Reggae took them with them.

Huo Liantian, Gou Wenjun and Yan Guhong all have their own confidants, but this time Reggae and the others did not bring those confidants for absolute secrecy.

Cang Hailan brought Xue Xinyuan, Long Jue, and Lian Chengfeng with him.

It can be said that these people are absolute masters.

The weakest person is still Ying Xue Fei who belongs to Shi Beiluo.

But Concubine Ying Xue also arrived at the Zhou Xuan Realm.

Hou Jianfei didn't take his son and Hou Ming to learn from them, because time was urgent and the escape plan was too confidential, so he had to give up in the end.

Reggae didn't bring his own family, and their families have been closely monitored. It is impossible for them to leave with them all.

Although they care about their families, they can abandon their families at critical times.

On this day, Reggae and his party had a meeting with Shi Beiluo in the Tianwai Building of Tianwai Pavilion.

Reggae presided over the meeting.

The theme of the meeting is the future plan.

"Although Tianwai Pavilion is very hidden, I have read it carefully..." Yan Guhong first said: "Our space loopholes and the spatial loopholes of Wuyoujiao are not the same as whispers. There is still time in the space loopholes of Wuyoujiao. The loopholes are extremely hidden and change all the time. We have been tracking down for so many years and have not been able to track them down. But we, I am afraid that we can't stand the ruling agency's continuous investigation. We people are not punishable, and I think the ruling agency will not be relieved. So I think it is not safe to stay hidden here for a long time."

Cang Hailan couldn't help but sighed and said, "Zong Han has always been resourceful and resourceful. It would be easier if he was there." After a pause, he asked Shi Beiluo, and said: "Mr. Beiluo, did Zong Han say when he will come back? "

Shi Beiluo smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't say that."

Lian Chengfeng said, "I'll be honest, even if Zong Han comes back, I'm afraid he won't be able to return to heaven! Even if he is good fortune, young and promising, he has reached the realm of Tianzun. But with the power of Tianzun, that can't change much. The ruling house now controls the court, the parliament, the Holy See, etc. What are we fighting over here?"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone was silent.

This makes people sound particularly heavy.

And the vanity hope of everyone was completely shattered.

Cang Hailan’s hand, Xuexin, couldn’t help saying, “I knew this before. It’s better not to engage in the Hunyuan world. Now we don’t have the power of Hunyuan and the power of the secret technique world. Even the position in the court of justice. No more, become this bereaved dog."

"Yes!" Long Jue also complained, and said: "This Zong Han is still too unreliable. Why did he stop at the beginning? What kind of outside public opinion is afraid of! Can those **** public opinions be eaten? At that time, the ruling was given in a big effort. Completely kill. Then, even if Tianzun returns, she can only stare at her. This is a great opportunity, so I missed it, and now let us all fall here, I think he has an inescapable responsibility."

"Everyone, it's boring for you to say that." Tiannu said: "Joining the Hunyuan World was all voluntary. Our adults also brought you good times. It's just that people can stay beautiful for a lifetime. Didn’t the adjudication office almost capsize in the gutter? We are not yet desperate, and now we are going to hold this accountable. It is too unacceptable."

Shi Beiluo said: "Tiannu is right. Smile when you enjoy it. When you suffer hardship, you complain about my righteous brother. This is not the way of a big man. Besides, who says that my righteous brother will not be able to turn things around when he comes back. Now? He can accomplish the impossible miracle. Maybe, after he comes back, he will be able to repair the Hunyuan world, so that he will be caught off guard by the judge?"

Toutuoyuan also said: "I remember that my adult asked us at the beginning, saying that he wanted to create an existence similar to the world of secret arts, and asked if we believed in each other. We all thought it was impossible. What happened later, he did it. I believe that when he comes back, he will soon lead us to glory."

Reggae immediately said: "I also believe that Zong Han has this ability. Now everyone should not say some frustrating words, okay!"

Everyone still listened to Reggae's words, and they were quiet.

"We are not here to blame Zong Han for the meeting today. Besides, complaining will not help." Reggae made a conclusion and said: "Today's theme is, in the future, Zong Han does not come back in time, how should we go. Just now. Gu Hong is right. The confidentiality of this space loophole is far from what Wuyou teaches."

"Why don't we go to Wuyoujiao." Long Jue said.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

When it comes to this field, everyone will not feel embarrassed.

All they need to consider is whether this plan can be achieved.

Reggae looked a little embarrassed.

Tou Tuoyuan coughed and said, "The court of justice has never been soft on Wuyoujia before. You are the heads of the court. Now you go to join Wuyoujia. I am afraid that it will be difficult for Wuyoujia to accept it. Besides, we even have Wuyoujia. I don’t know in that direction."

Cang Hailan said in a deep voice: "The specific location of the Wuyou Sect is not clear, but the approximate location is still known. If they meet with each other, they can naturally see it. I believe they also understand our current situation."

Reggae said: "The Court of Justice was really unhappy with Wuyou Sect before, but in terms of benefit, we will join Wuyou Sect. It will be beneficial to Wuyou Sect. If we add Zong Han's participation, It’s not impossible to bring their Worry-Free Sect to an upright place in the future. Therefore, we want to join the Worry-Free Sect and it’s best to be led by Zong Han."

"I'm afraid that Master Zong Han has not come back, we will be discovered by the ruling first." Some people couldn't help worrying.

And this worry is also the worry of others.

But often, the more you fear, the more you will come.

A month later, the space loopholes in the Tianwai Pavilion were suddenly extremely unstable.

Then, energy fluctuations came from the outside world, as if someone was attacking this space loophole.

Reggae and the others immediately gathered together, using their eyes to look outside.

At this sight, they were suddenly shocked.

Because... outside the space loophole, where is a group of people standing, is attacking the space loophole.

The head of the crowd was...Hua Tianhuang and Ye Donghuang.

Attacking the space vulnerabilities is the Destroyer Dragon that kills Lusi, and the eight evil spirits under its black clothing are also attacking the vulnerabilities.

Among the great priests, Yuanlong, sword-sharpening Haishan, Chen Xiaoru, and Lingyin are here.

Among the life elders, Elder Yehe, Elder Wuxuan, Elder Yehe, Elder Xuanfang, and Liehan also came.

This group of masters is unmatched!

I came here because I wanted to kill Reggae and the rest.

"This space loophole cannot be hidden. It seems that today, we can only fight." Yan Guhong's eyes were blood red.

Please search for the "Heavenly Dao League" on Weixin. It's almost coming to an end, at least two quarters a day! Very important!

At this moment, there is no escape.

The bitterness flashed in Reggae's eyes, the bitterness flashed away, and then replaced by indescribable perseverance.

He turned to face the people and said, "Everyone, by this time, we have no retreat. If we still want to escape now, we will only die faster. We can only work together and fight together without fear of death. A **** path comes. In this way, there is still a chance to find a ray of life. Today, I and you all fight together in blood, even if my fate falls here, it can be regarded as a great stroke in this history!"

"Blood battle to the end!" The fighting spirit broke out and everyone shouted in unison.

After the Reggae group was ready, they quickly opened the space loophole.

Thus, the Void Gate appeared.

Then Ye Donghuang and his party saw the golden light dazzling in the Void Gate, among the golden light, Reggae and his team filed out...

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