Super Security in the City

Chapter 3754: Qingyao Tianzun

"Luo Jun, I know you are curious about what role I am playing in the destruction of the Tianhe Kingdom. Let me tell you this. They planned the Tianhe Kingdom and even decided to use the emperor to attack, I know. . But I have not appeared, I did not appear, it is acquiescence. This point, they understand. If I do not allow, I will definitely issue my will!" Yun Qingyao said.

"Damn you!" Lan Ziyi glared at him and said.

Yun Qingyao looked at Lan Ziyi, smiled faintly, and said: "When I was calculating the number of days, I found that the appearance of the emperor's attack would bring a turning point for the Star Territory. I don't know where this turning point is, but since this is the will of heaven , Of course I will choose to comply. I have never understood before, but in these recent days, I finally understand."

"Do you think I will shoot?" Luo Jun said coldly.

Yun Qingyao said: "I don't care if you take action or not. I have done everything I can, and the rest depends on God's will!" After a pause, he continued: "After the explosion of Tianhe Kingdom In the next year, I began to plan a fifth reincarnation. I set the chance of reincarnation and family background, etc... But after my body was destroyed and I entered the soul path, I made an unexpected discovery."

"What found?" Luo Jun suddenly became nervous and asked. Lan Ziyi also stared at Yun Qingyao.

Yun Qingyao said: "I found two souls wrapped together in the soul road, and their souls were shining with supreme spiritual wisdom. I approached them and observed that it was your wife Qiao Ning. There are your daughters and daughters. Of course, I didn’t know what their identities were at that time. At that time, they still existed consciously. Then Qiao Ning always protected her and wanted to bring her into reincarnation, but unfortunately, she was not strong enough to carry another person. A soul finds a suitable soul body, so it has been floating in the soul road. When I found her, she was almost dead and in a state of being about to disintegrate. On the contrary, the daughter was well protected. And in her soul With a very different aura, I merged with her soul..."

"Fusion? It sounds good, you swallowed my daughter's soul. It was you who killed **** it!" Luo Jun suddenly furious.

Yun Qingyao was unmoved, and said: "In the state of soul, swallowing the souls of others, there is a dead end. If you don't understand, you can ask the blue and purple clothes next to you."

Luo Jun looked at the blue and purple clothes.

Lan Ziyi said solemnly: "It's indeed unlikely to swallow it. Mutualism, coexistence and communion are the best way. So, if she didn't lie, then the soul of the nun may have really merged with her. This situation is a bit like you said. The situation of Suzhen in black and Suzhen in white. There are two souls, two consciousnesses, and two completely different personalities in one body. This situation is not an isolated case, and there are many such situations in ordinary people. ."

Yun Qingyao said lightly: "Let me tell you this, Yun Qingwu's daughter, the Yun Qingyao you usually see, is the character developed by the soul of the daughter. It's just that she is too young, right There is no memory in the previous life, so she is unlikely to awaken something. The reason why I merged with her is to use her aura and life style. After the two of us merged, it became what everyone called the emptiness of fate. It can be beyond the realm of heaven."

Luo Jun's body shook, and then asked with concern, "What about Qiao Ning?"

Yun Qingyao said: "I told her how to practice, and gave her some soul qi to make her strong. After that, she will stay in the soul path for a long time. As for when the birth is born, I I don’t know. But right now, I already know where she was reborn... If you want to verify the truth of what I said, find this person, and then use your originally prepared soul field to fuse. After she recovers her memory, she will tell You, whether my words are true or not."

"Where is she?" Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi asked immediately.

Yun Qingyao said: "This person, you all know, she is... Ku Ziyu!"

"Bitter Ziyu?" Luo Jun couldn't help but lose his color, then he was inexplicably happy, and then felt incredible.

At this moment, his mind was extremely complicated.

Lan Ziyi was more cautious and said, "How do you know that Ku Ziyu belongs to Qiao Ning?"

Yun Qingyao said: "Have you forgotten that I still have a nun's soul on my body. She is a born spirit body. Of course I can feel it for my mother's soul."

"It's great, great!" Luo Jun was inexplicably joyful, and then said: "Don't fool me, if you are not sure, I..."

Yun Qingyao said: "I will let it go!"

Luo Jun said again: "Also, what is the matter of my daughter's soul now? Between you and her? Will she always be suppressed by you in the future?"

Yun Qingyao said: "Originally, it was indeed planned like this. With the help of her spirit body and life style, I can complete the Nine Tribulations of Heaven in advance. That is to say, I have been practicing in this life, and my strength will not decline. But now If we can reach a cooperation, I can reincarnate again afterwards. Then your daughter, I will return it to you in full."

"What the **** am I?" Yun Qingwu couldn't help but said, "Is Qing Yao still my daughter?"

Yun Qingyao said: "Of course she counts as your daughter, she was born from your mother...but at the same time, she can also be counted as Luo Jun's daughter. It depends on what you think..."

"A baby..." Chen Wuji said at this time: "They have never realized that they started to grow consciously. If what she said is true, then Yun Qingyao, the girl, is indeed Yun Qingwu's daughter. But at the same time, she has a relationship with the boss, and she is indeed the boss's daughter. Because she has some past life consciousness, otherwise, where does the word 囡囡 come from?"

"After that soul grows up, it will be Qing Yao." Lan Ziyi said to Luo Jun: "This should be the best ending, right?"

Luo Jun sighed in his heart and secretly said: "This is indeed the best ending."

"So, what happened in the first time? Qing Yao had to go out for medicine when she was a child, and the golden handprint, etc.?" Lan Ziyi then asked Yun Qingyao.

Yun Qingyao said: "After the souls of my daughter and I merged, there were still some problems, which caused our spirit to be damaged. During that time, I had been trying to repair my body and spirit, but I also needed external medicine. Help. So, for a long time, I have been cultivating deep in the chaotic brain consciousness. The memory of 囡囡 is not very helpful to me, and there is basically no useful memory. So I don’t know what Luo Jun you are What kind of person... This body needs to be cultivated to a certain level in order to merge with my soul field. During the retreat, when I was fusing the soul field, it did not merge smoothly, which caused me a lot of internal injuries. . Yang Meng was chased by you. When he encountered a problem, he asked me for help. There has always been a space door of eight or nine profound arts between me and him, so I can save him in the air. For the first time, mine. One palm has already damaged me so much that I definitely can't use the second palm. The second time, although I was a little stronger, I continued to use force and it was very difficult."

"The second time, why is there a second time? With Yang Meng's character, he won't be able to shoot the second time. You let him shoot, right?" Luo Jun asked immediately.

Yun Qingyao said: "Yang Meng came to Gabriel privately and designed to frame you. He has never been quite sure what identity I am now, so he has always been afraid of me. I save him by the door of space, every time He was exiled outside the space. Later, Wuyoujiao asked Luo Jun about your identity, which was instructed by me. As a result, I want to find out what you are here for and what is the relationship with the previous outsider. The woman who passed by is obviously related to my mentor. Secondly, you are a heavenly catastrophe master. I know that you are a part of defeating the desolate god, so I will not let you die. In fact, everything is still in order OK! In addition, I only understood Ku Ziyu and Qiao Ning a few days ago. I didn’t know much about many things at first, but I kept thinking and trying to figure it out. Until now, I’m not counting. Understand thoroughly."

"You haven't said yet, why did you let Yang Meng venture to kill me the second time." Luo Jun asked.

Yun Qingyao said: "Find out your foreign aid, by the way, activate the tribulation. I calculated that the slower the tribulation urges, the stronger the desolate **** will be!"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized.

All the causes and consequences are already understood.

It's just that they still don't know who is responsible for the destruction of the Tianhe Kingdom. Is it heavenly or heavenly? Was it Ye Donghuang's or Huolence's?

If you continue to pursue it, it seems that you will never find the answer.

Lan Ziyi said: "In other words, when we arrived at the Wuyoujiao, you had already merged with the soul field and became extremely powerful. So did Qing Yao never notice your existence? And why did we not Feel your fault?"

Yun Qingyao said: "When she sleeps, it is when I appear. So, she knows nothing about my existence, but I know everything about her well. And when you come over, I will Hidden into the back. What you feel is the real Yun Qingyao, all my breath has been completely hidden, no one can feel me. Searching for the heavy sect of the Heavenly Dao League on the spiritual level, Suzhen in black appears and joins forces with Chen Yang Spiritual cultivation of the wild gods. This is my way of survival!"

Yun Qingwu said: "So, what are your conditions? What are your conditions for reincarnation? You have to make it clear!"

Yun Qingyao looked at Luo Jun and said: "My condition, I must not say it, you also understand. That is for you to kill the desolate god. Then, I reincarnate..."

Luo Jundao: "Are you at ease? You have always been afraid of interpretation and education, afraid of the earth. Now we know your true body and identity. If I kill the desolate god, you will not keep your promise... Yang Meng is not dead yet. When you wave the banner again... wouldn't it make me very sad. I know, you are very cautious. Are you not?"

Yun Qingyao fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Yun Qingyao...

Everyone knows that the person in front of him has lived for thousands of years and has always been the master of the star field. Her wisdom is unmatched...

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