Super Security in the City

Chapter 3755: Yang Mengfu Zhu

Everyone stared at Yun Qingyao.

Yun Qingwu also eagerly hoped that her daughter could come back. She would not think that Tianzun was her daughter.

After a long time, Yun Qingyao said: "Thousands of years ago, for this star field, I did not hesitate to kill my mentor. Now, for this star field, I can also die. If you don't rest assured, I can reincarnate first. As for whether you can find my reincarnation, whether it will kill me, whether it will expose my identity, etc., everything, I will give it to Heaven." After a pause, he said: "It's just Luo Jun. Before you make a decision, go to restore Qiao Ning's memory. Ask her if I am kind to you or hatred."

"When you saved Qiao Ning and Nanny, did you know that there will be today?" Lan Ziyi said.

Yun Qingyao said: "Perhaps in your eyes, I am a wicked person. But in fact, I have always had compassion and compassion. I have great love for this world. Even for a small person, I am also willing to extend my hand to help. Maybe you will say that I did not prevent the destruction of Tianhe Divine Kingdom. However, everything I will conform to the way of heaven. My great love is based on the peace of the stars... Tianhe Divine Kingdom was destroyed The huge vitality of the Star Territory can be bred in the process, so I must choose this way."

"You..." Luo Jun suddenly understood Yun Qingyao's identity at this moment.

Although Yun Qingyao is Tianzun, but at the same time, she can also be regarded as the same identity as the Dharma God Yuanjue on the earth. They are all guardians of heaven!

Luo Jun didn't make a decision right away, but said: "This incident happened suddenly, and I need to discuss it with them."

Yun Qingyao said: "No problem!"

Luo Jun immediately withdrew from the palace with everyone, and then all entered the black hole spar. This time, Luo Jun did not exclude Yun Qingwu.

Luo Jun asked Lan Ziyi first: "What do you think?"

Lan Ziyi said: "We took revenge this time, and the revenge only made us feel better. But for the dead, it is of no use. The so-called comfort is in the spirit of heaven. Will there be spirit in the sky? No!" After a pause, he continued: "Anyway, we want to keep the nun alive. It's very good now, we already know the identity of Qiao Ning. Promise her..."

Chen Wuji also said: "When is the time for retribution, I also agree to agree."

Xiaolong said: "Promise!"

Yun Qingwu naturally hoped that Luo Jun would agree.

Luo Jun sighed and said, "The way of heaven doesn't care how many people die. What the way of heaven cares is that it can function normally on this day... and the death of Mingyue Immortal..."

Lan Ziyi could not speak.

The sadness in her heart is actually more, Xiao Mingyue is her best friend for many years. There is also the girl named Chenxiang, as well as so many fathers and villagers in Tianhe Kingdom...

After discussion, everyone unanimously decided to help Yun Qingyao kill the **** of famine.

Luo Jun made two requirements to Yun Qingyao. The first requirement was that she must reincarnate first...Secondly, the fake Tianzun named Yang Meng must die.

Because Yun Qingyao puts the world first, but Yang Meng is not.

This star field no longer needs Tianzun, no longer needs such a powerful dictatorship.

In this world, there can be no second imperial attack.

Yun Qingyao agreed after listening.

"Yang Meng's death, you don't care!" Luo Jun couldn't help but said.

Yun Qingyao said lightly: "Today, I don't care about my own death, let alone him?"

After that, Yang Meng was killed.

Yun Qingyao asked everyone to hide in the palace, and followed her to send a summoning order to Yang Meng.

Ten days later, energy surged in the void outside.

Then, the door of the void opened.

Then, a boy in white appeared on the green grass.

The boy in white is...Yang Meng.

Yun Qingyao stood in the middle of the green grass, and the bright silver light sprinkled on her body, as if stained with a layer of holy light.

Then Yang Meng walked ten meters in front of Yun Qingyao, then knelt on her knees and crawled forward. Finally, he obediently fell on her toes and said in a low voice, "The disciple is a death penalty, please master!"

Yun Qingyao said lightly: "Get up and talk."

Yang Meng said: "The disciple dare not, the last time the disciple abandoned you, it was a big crime!"

Yun Qingyao said: "I don't blame you, it was useless to help me at that time. Get up!"

Yang Meng just got up, but after getting up, he bowed his head and bowed his waist, extremely docile.

Yun Qingyao answered and asked, "How is your injury?"

Yang Meng said, "Thank you Master for your concern. The last time you performed the Tianhuang Liuhe magical technique, it hurt some vitality. But these days have been made up. What Master wants the disciples to do now, the disciples will go through the waters and fire, and will not hesitate!"

Yun Qingyao smiled faintly and said, "You know you are still useful, so I summon you. You will come back without thinking about it, right?"

Yang Meng was also a human being. He was startled when he heard the words, and then he felt a little uncomfortable. He trembled: "What does Master mean by this?"

Yun Qingyao said: "For so many years, sometimes I don't know whether you are the Tianzun or I am the Tianzun? You have been so high for so many years, I am afraid that I am a little confused."

Yang Meng immediately said with sincerity and fear: "Master is here, and the disciples never dare to think too much about it. Please also Master!"

Yun Qingyao said, "Are you really loyal?"

Yang Meng said: "The disciple never dare to have two hearts. Everything about the disciple is given by you, the teacher."

Yun Qingyao said: "I once killed my mentor with my own hands, so you know in your heart that I have always been guarded against you and have always kept a hand on you. Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. Call today You come, it's time to repay you."

Yang Meng felt more and more uncomfortable, but still patiently said: "What does the master want the disciple to do?"

Yun Qingyao said: "I reached an agreement with Luo Jun and the others, and they will kill the Desolate God. There are two prices I have to pay, one is my reincarnation... the other is, you die!"

"What?" Yang Meng couldn't help but lose his face, and back again and again, saying: "This...Master, how can you agree? You and I join hands, what is there to be afraid of in this world? Would you rather believe that outsiders do not believe in disciples? ?"

Yun Qingyao said: "It is impossible for people in the Star Territory to defeat the Desolate God. You and I know this, don't talk nonsense. Are you self-deciding or wanting me to do it? I hope you can leave us some decent?"

"Master, are you really determined to do this?" Yang Meng continued to step back and asked.

Yun Qingyao said: "You don't have to want to escape, you can't go. This place has been closed by me... In this world, few people can deceive your secrets. But I can. In your early years, I will feed you. In the spirit pill, there is the celestial secret that I have injected. I want to blind your celestial secret easily."

"Master, I've always been loyal to you!" Yang Meng said, "This time, you called me, because I trusted you, so I came without saying anything."

"We don't have to talk so much nonsense between us." Yun Qingyao said: "If you really have no two minds, when I was dealing with the desolate **** before, would you rather run away than come to live with me? If not for Wuyoujiao The people came to die and blocked the desolate **** for a moment. The deity still has life there today. No matter what love we talk about, you owe me, not me. Your life is given by me, and I want to get it back. , Why not?"

Yang Meng was completely angry, his eyes fell into blood red, and said: "Okay, okay, since you insist on killing me, then I can only fight with you."

"Have you ever been able to fight?" At this moment, Luo Jun and others came out of the palace.

The group of them immediately surrounded Yang Meng.

When Yang Meng saw Luo Jun and others, he was desperate.

If he fights alone with Yun Qingyao, although he knows he is not an opponent, he still has a chance to escape.

But now, these many masters are waiting, especially this Luo Jun...

"Master, you and I can beat them together!" Yang Meng immediately rushed to Yun Qingyao: "Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, let's join hands. The disciple will be loyal in the future, you can control my life and death, you Whatever you want the disciple to do. Please give the disciple a chance..."

Yun Qingyao said lightly: "Don't talk nonsense, leave yourself some decent. I really don't want to kill you myself!"

"Is it really not given a chance?" Yang Meng begged.

Luo Jun and the others watched indifferently at this hero struggling in the end.

Yun Qingyao was cold and indifferent, but didn't say a word.

"Huang slave, Huang slave..." Yang Meng was furious, his eyes red, and said: "You kill your mentor, and now you want to kill your disciple. How can there be a femme fatale like you in this world, I hate, I hate it!"

After saying that, he suddenly raised his palm and slammed towards his Tianling cover.

Actually really want to self-discipline!

However, when he saw that he was about to kill himself with a palm, his palm suddenly deflected, but he moved towards that Yun Qingwu.

At that moment, the palm of the wind was like a knife, and the thunder was violent!

Yun Qingwu couldn't react at all, she was about to die under Tianzun's hand. Luo Jun had been prepared for a long time, and with a flash of figure, he stopped in front of Yun Qingwu, and then smashed it with a palm.


Two palms blasted together, majestic power, turbulent heaven and earth, thunder shock!

The aftermath was strangled fiercely.

Luo Jun and Yang Meng each took two steps back.

But at this moment, Yun Qingyao also slapped Yang Meng's back.

Yang Meng couldn't resist it at all, and that palm was directly printed on his back.

A seven-fold aperture instantly formed on his back, but Yun Qingyao’s palm instantly broke through the seven-fold aperture...


Yang Meng spit out a mouthful of blood...

Following that, the body shook as if drunk.

His face was flushed, he turned to look at Yun Qingyao, stretched out his finger to her, tears also flowed out, and said with difficulty: "Why? Why...I will die on your hand? You are me The most...most respected person in this life!"

After that, his seven-fold aperture began to loosen, and the energy in his body was violent to the extreme.

After a while, those energies were out of control and burst open...

In Jin Guangyao's eyes, Yang Meng became countless pieces...

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