Luo Jun also hammered Fu Qingzhu and said with a smile: "Brother Fu, it's been a long time!" Fu Qingzhu couldn't help but said with emotion, "No, it's a **** for a hundred years."

Luo Jundao: "Yes!"

Fu Qingzhu said: "Walk around, let's not get drunk or return today!"

He said that he took Luo Jun's hand to go inside... Luo Jun said, "Wait, Brother Fu, I'm back so far. The first person who wants to reminisce must not be you. I heard that we Jia Ling'er and Mo Nong have come to your side?"

Fu Qingzhu laughed and said, "Ling'er girl, my little niece and Mo Nong are indeed here, but if you don't accompany me to drink a good drink today, I won't let you see them." Luo Jundao "Damn, I think my wife and children are going crazy. After seeing them, it's okay to drink with you for three days and three nights!"

Fu Qingzhu had nothing to do with Luo Jun, so he said: "Okay, okay!"

Then he pulled Luo Jun and flew inward.

This time, instead of flying toward the island, it went toward the bottom of the sea.

The two of them plunged into the sea for about a kilometer, suddenly crossed a void gate, and then they saw the situation ahead.

There is a huge turtle shell ahead!

The tortoise shell measures 10,000 square meters, and there is a gate above the tortoise shell. Fu Qingzhu led Luo Jun into the tortoise shell.

Inside the tortoise shell is a gorgeous palace, from which you can see the wonders of the world under the sea, and the light of the sun and the moon from the outside is refracted into it through the magical instruments.

Luo Jun discovered that the sky can also be seen in this palace... he was surprised, and said: "This turtle shell is interesting, why would Brother Fu think of doing this?"

Fu Qingzhu smiled and said, "This turtle shell is called Bihai Xuangui, which has a very powerful protective effect. Above is my Xuanhuang Gate, and this is my private home. If you like, you can also let this turtle shell float... ...But since Ling'er and the others came, I haven't lived in."

Luo Jun hugged Fu Qingzhu and said, "Interesting, Brother Fu! I don't know how to thank you anymore."

Fu Qingzhu laughed and said, "Don't talk about these nonsense, we brothers, we can give up our lives, so what are these?"

On the periphery of the palace is a garden, where flowers are in full bloom, and there is no need to say more about the small bridges and flowing water.

In the sea water outside, marine life cruised around, setting off this place into a large ocean world.

The air is fresh and the breeze is blowing...

All kinds of beautiful scenery are really beautiful...

People walk in it and become drunk in it, hard to extricate themselves.

"This is really a good place, Linger must like it very much." Luo Jun said with a smile.

Knowing that Ling'er was doing well, he put a big stone down in his heart.

The palace is luxurious and magnificent. After entering the palace, Fu Qingzhu said to Luo Jun: "Ling'er lives on the third floor. I won't take you there. You can find it yourself."

Luo Jun nodded.

He can't stand it anymore...

Fu Qingzhu left first, and Luo Jun concealed his breath and sneaked in quietly.

Divine Sense was slightly released, but Shen Mo Nong and his daughter were not found.

I felt the Linger on the third floor.

He quickly came to the third floor...

There were many rooms on the third floor. He came to one of the rooms and quietly pushed the door.

"Who?" In the room, Situ Ling'er was sitting in front of the window looking at the...shark outside.

Here, she was not very alert, but suddenly felt as if the person pushing the door was not her daughter, nor was it Shen Mo Nong.

It's not someone who came to clean!

Generally, strangers will not come here.

Luo Jun concealed his breath, and Situ Linger couldn't feel it.

No one answered!

Situ Ling'er was slightly startled, her figure flashed, and quickly came to the door.

At the moment she came out, Luo Jun quickly cut through the void and entered the room.

Situ Ling'er has now reached the seventh level of the creation realm...

She is the body of the spirit body, she has been pure and low-hearted in recent years, and she hasn't practiced very seriously, but this cultivation level has been constantly increasing.

Therefore, these little actions of Luo Jun could not be completely concealed from her. She felt that the arrival had entered the room, and she couldn't help being furious.

"He Fangxiao is young, dare to trespass!" Situ Ling'er flashed into the room, and quickly sacrificed the magic weapon to cover the opponent. The eyes of the heavens emit a powerful and dazzling holy light...

Luo Jun became interested, but quickly blinded his figure with mana. In this way, even Ling'er couldn't see who he was, only a vague figure.

There is infinite wisdom in the holy light, which completely covers Luo Jun.

Situ Linger shouted coldly: "Who are you? Explain quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Luo Jun changed his voice, laughed loudly, and said: "I heard that there is a beautiful little girl Pi'er in this blue sea mysterious tortoise. Seeing it today, it really is true. Hahaha...Little lady, you better be good. I am from the uncle."

"Looking for death!" Situ Linger was furious.

She is still that beautiful, and she seems to have not changed anything compared to a hundred years ago.

But seeing her willow eyebrows upturned, she grabbed her bare hand, and immediately, the holy light burst from the eyes of the heavens quickly formed countless golden threads, like a giant net gathered towards the Luo army. And it is gathered with the supremely cut gold wire!

Luo Jun is now at this level of cultivation, and Situ Ling'er has no way to get him. He just turned the Wuwang Mixing Hole for a while, and immediately, the icy air surging out, and quickly frozen the golden thread of holy light.

Situ Linger immediately noticed that the ice power sent by the opponent was extremely strange, and it seemed to be endless, majestic and majestic!


In the next second, the Holy Light Gold Thread was destroyed!

Situ Ling'er knew that the other party's cultivation was absolutely above him, and he was secretly surprised at when such a master appeared on the earth. Knowing that she couldn't rely on her own strength, she quickly sacrificed the Slaughter Sword.

The slaughter sword cooperates with the eyes of the heavens to form a sword formation of the heavens!

The sword formations of the heavens are full of slaughter immortal sword aura, and the sword aura contains the divine power of Nirvana.

Luo Jun continued to operate the icy air in the Wuwang Mixing Cave, quickly freezing all the Slaughter Sword Qi, and then strangling it.

Situ Ling'er is ready to travel through the void and leave...

Luo Jun speeded up faster, broke through her door of the void, then appeared behind her, pointed his finger on the back of her head, and said coldly, "Don't move!"

Situ Ling'er's cultivation is indeed very powerful, but it's been a long time since he started working with others. Therefore, the actual combat experience is also much worse. Luo Jun has no difficulty in restraining her with the eight-fold cultivation base of the Creation Realm.

At this moment, Situ Ling'er's body was stiff, so she didn't dare to move.

Luo Jun closed the door and said, "Go to the bed!"

Situ Linger's eyes were cold and motionless.

"Do you want to die?" Luo Jun said.

Situ Ling'er trembled slightly, apparently struggling violently in his heart at this moment.

Luo Jun suddenly felt that he had gone too far.

It seems not suitable for making jokes like this with her...

But just now, when he saw her, he just wanted to tease her.

"Ahem!" Luo Jun suddenly covered her eyes and whispered in her ear: "Guess who I am?"

This time he no longer hides his breath and no longer changes his voice.

Situ Ling'er was shocked immediately, his eyes filled with disbelief, followed by ecstasy.

She turned around abruptly and saw Luo Jun clearly.

In an instant, the eyes were red.

Luo Jun was about to hug her into her arms, she suddenly turned around and threw herself on the bed, sobbing.

Obviously, this joke was overplayed.

Seeing her crying, Luo Jun immediately panicked.

When he came to the bed, he said softly: "Sorry, Ling'er, I... I just want to make a joke with you."

Situ Linger quickly sat up and wiped tears, but his eyes were still red.

Luo Jun hurriedly sat down, then put her in his arms.

Situ Ling'er did not resist.

Luo Jun apologized again and kissed him.

Situ Ling'er was still a little shy at first, and then became drunk in the kiss.

After a long time, the lips split.

Situ Linger lay in his arms and whispered softly: "I am very worried about you."

Luo Jun said: "I know, I was wrong, I ran out for so long."

Situ Linger said: "I really want to find you, but it is not convenient to have a baby. After giving birth, I have to take care of my daughter again, so... Fortunately, I heard Sister Mo Nong say that Sister Bai and Ms. Mu will leave together. I'm looking for you."

Luo Jundao: "They found me, and they also helped a lot."

Situ Ling'er got up, stared at him, and said, "This trip must be difficult, right?" After a pause, he said, "By the way, where is Sister Ning? Where is she and the child?"

Luo Jundao: "She, Susu and Ziyi go to Shennong World first, and Susu wants me to join you before going to Shennong World together."

Situ Ling'er nodded and said: "Okay!" Then asked, "Sister Ning gave birth to a son or a daughter?"

Luo Jun said: "It's a daughter, but...some of these are hard to say."

Situ Ling'er suddenly paled, and said, "There will be no accidents, right?"

Luo Jun said: "It's a long story, but it's all right, don't worry. When I am free, I will tell you more. By the way, I heard them say that you gave birth to a daughter? Where is she now? Grow up. Did you name it?"

Situ Linger said: "I haven't named my name yet. I want to wait until you come back. I gave her a nickname called Xiao Ran. Right now she should have taken Sister Mo Nong to play on the sea... These years, Mo Sister Nong has been helping me take Xiao Ran."

Luo Jun was also grateful for Mo Nong's dedication. At this time, he heard that they had all gone out, and looked at the sweet wife in front of him, and he was a little unbearable.

I want to go further now.

Situ Linger suddenly said with a serious face: "By the way, I want to tell you something."

Luo Jun was startled and said, "What's the matter?"

Situ Linger said: "My sister suddenly disappeared one day a year ago. She had been living in dreams before, and she could no longer distinguish between dreams and reality. She was very happy in her dreams. If I wake up She is kind of cruel to her. But a year ago, I don’t know why, she just disappeared out of thin air in my mind. I don’t understand... Sorry, I really... don’t know. What's the matter, I didn't take care of her."

She seemed to blame herself.

In her heart, this is the top priority, so she must tell Luo Jun the first time.

Luo Jun was shocked.

Of course he understands what's going on...

"Don't blame you!" Luo Jun comforted her and said: "I know what's going on."

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