Super Security in the City

Chapter 3778: I have a girl

Luo Jun immediately told Situ Ling'er what happened in the parallel world, and finally his daughter left peacefully in his arms until the entire parallel world was turned into ashes.

Situ Ling'er couldn't help but faded after hearing this, and said, "Why is this happening?"

Luo Jundao: "The parallel world existed at the beginning because we wanted to trap Linghui. Later, after Linghui's matter was resolved, the parallel world had no meaning to exist. Originally, after I left the parallel world, the parallel world should disappear. But I still have a daughter over there. If I die, that world should disappear too. I am not dead, then I am the one who knows the existence of the parallel world. So, as long as I still have concerns, the parallel world will continue to operate. Go on. When I didn't worry about it, the parallel world disappeared naturally."

"As for her... she also comes from a parallel world. Therefore, she will disappear with them too!" Luo Jun said at last.

Situ Linger said: "All of this feels very incredible. I originally didn't have a brain nucleus and could never wake up. But later, my sister's brain nucleus merged with me and let us all have life. Now she says she shouldn't Exist, it seems to be something like program code? Is she a character in a game? Shouldn't it!"

Luo Jundao: "In fact, you don't have to think too much. Many things are linked together. Ordinary people think that the earth is big enough, but the earth is just a drop in the ocean in the galaxy. We now know that the parallel world is like game code, etc. , But the nucleus of Ling'er in the parallel world can merge with you. What does this mean? It means that maybe we are also codes, characters written by someone!"

Situ Ling'er's mood could not be calm for a long time.

But Luo Jun was already impatient, and pushed her onto the bed.

Situ Ling'er reacted, blushing immediately, and said shyly: "Don't, husband!"

"What's the matter?" Luo Jun smiled: "Let's wait for a hundred years, don't you want it?"

Situ Linger said ashamed: "Xiao Ran and Sister Mo Nong may be back at any time."

Luo Jundao: "This is easy!" After speaking, he covered the whole room with black hole spar.

Situ Ling'er was even more embarrassed, and said, "If you do this, everyone knows what we are doing."

"Then I can't control that much." Luo Jun then put his hands on...

After all, Situ Ling'er couldn't reach Luo Jun, so in the end he had to half-push half-way through.

Although it's half pushing and half pushing, but it's also emotional...

The tide is surging and the world is turned upside down!

I don't know how long it took, everything calmed down.

Luo Jun embraced the beautiful woman in his arms contentedly, but at this moment, he wanted to say a word.

He couldn't help sighing, it feels good to go home.

Situ Ling'er didn't dare to lie down for a long time, urging Luo Jun to get up and get dressed quickly. If he was really hit by his daughter and Shen Mo Nong, he would be ashamed.

Luo Jun knew that she had a thin skin, so he quickly dressed.

After Situ Linger put on his clothes, he arranged in front of the vanity mirror, and waited for everything to be arranged. After seeing nothing unusual, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go find them!" Luo Jun can be regarded as full of food and drink at the moment, so he said to Situ Ling'er. Situ Ling'er nodded, and the two of them quickly left the blue sea mysterious turtle palace and came to the sea.

Situ Linger had a spiritual connection with her daughter, so she could accurately find Xiao Ran.

At this time, night had fallen, and there was a new moon in the sky.

Under the leadership of Situ Ling'er, Luo Jun flew quickly over the sea.

In the blink of an eye, he came to another island.

The island was densely forested and silent.

In the middle of the dark island, there is a tree house.

The tree house is brightly lit...

All modern lighting equipment...

Luo Jun and Situ Ling'er flashed before they came to the tree house. The tree house is not small, it is two hundred square meters.

The two came to the door and knocked.

The door opened soon, and it was Shen Mo Nong who opened the door.

Shen Mo Nong was dumbfounded when he saw Luo Jun, then his eyes were red. Before she could speak, there was a girl's sweet voice: "Godmother, is my mother here?"

Situ Linger rushed inside and said, "It's me!"

Luo Jun looked at Shen Mo Nong, and then hugged her.

He was very grateful to Shen Mo Nong for his tolerance and dedication over the years...Shen Mo Nong was stunned for a while, then tears filled his eyes.

Such a hug is what she really wants.

If Luo Jun met her and just nodded or said thank you, it would really hurt her heart.

Situ Ling'er quietly entered the house, but it was time for Luo Jun and Shen Mo to get along.

Luo Jun and Shen Mo Nong hugged for a moment, and then separated...

Shen Mo Nong hasn't changed much in the past 100 years. He is still so beautiful, generous, intellectual and mature. Wearing a red dress, elegant in grace and luxury.

"Through your hard work these years, my wife!" Luo Jun said softly.

Shen Mo Nong was already satisfied at this time, and felt that everything he had done was worthwhile, so he gently hugged Luo Jun and said, "Go and see Xiao Ran."

After speaking, we separated from him.

Luo Jun really wanted to see his daughter as he couldn't bear it, so he stepped forward quickly.

In one bedroom, Situ Linger was speaking with her daughter Xiaoran.

Luo Jun appeared at the door, and he finally saw his daughter.

The moment he saw it clearly, he was stunned.

Because... Xiao Ran and Chen Yinuo, the daughter of Parallel World, looked exactly the same when they were young.

Xiao Ran is wearing a white dress, and the whole person looks immaculate.

She is so beautiful, with purity in her beauty and a trace of baby fat.

At this moment, she also fixedly looked at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun stabilized his mind, and then came to Xiao Ran and Situ Ling'er.

"Dad..." Xiao Ran couldn't hide his excitement and nervousness in his heart, tried to open his mouth with a hint of timidity, but still shouted out.

Luo Jun's heart was extremely excited, and the whole person was a little at a loss. He responded, but he didn't know where to put his hands. I couldn't help but said, "I'm sorry, Dad only appeared now. It's so incompetent."

Xiao Ran shook his head and said, "You don't need to say sorry to me. I know you are a great hero. This time I went out to meet Aunt Qiao Ning. You have been out for so long, and my mother and I are worried about you. You are coming back now. ,I'm so happy."

Luo Jun was startled slightly, then he let out a long sigh of relief. The child didn't hate him and understood him, which surprised and happy him too much.

"Okay, okay, what a good boy!" Luo Jun couldn't help but red in his eyes.

At this time, Shen Mo Nong also walked in.

Although Xiao Ran was delighted with his father's return, he was a little shy when he saw each other. He stepped forward and took Shen Mo Nong's arm and shouted, "Godmother!"

Shen Mo Nong smiled and said, "Your father is coming back today. This is a great day. Let's go to the kitchen and cook some delicious food, and then we will drink some wine."

Situ Linger said: "Good idea, I'll help."

Xiao Ran said: "I'll also help."

Luo Jun asked Xiao Ran, "Xiao Ran, can you talk to me alone?"

Xiao Ran stayed for a while, then blushed, then nodded, and said, "Okay!"

Next, Situ Ling'er and Shen Mo Nong went to the kitchen together.

Luo Jun asked Xiaoran for advice and said, "Shall we go for a walk, okay?"

Xiao Ran nodded and said, "I listen to you."

Seeing that his daughter is so well-behaved and sensible, Luo Jun felt very comforted, and he was even more grateful to Ling'er and Shen Mo Nong. They not only take good care of their children, but also educate them well.

There is a tree-lined path in front of the tree house.

Luo Jun and Xiao Ran strolled in the forest.

Xiao Ran didn't know what to say to his father, tension and joy alternated in her heart.

Luo Jun could see that Xiao Ran was also a cultivator, and his cultivation was not bad, and he was already a master of Cave Fairyland.

He thought for a while, stopped, found out many magical artifacts from Jiexu Mili, and then let these magical artifacts float in the air.

"Xiao Ran, what do you like?" Luo Jun smiled.

Xiao Ran is not short of magical tools, not to mention pill, she is a properly rich second generation in the world of ascetics.

However, the artifacts that Luo Jun took out at this time were all top-quality good things. Xiao Ran was still very happy to see that, and did not be polite with Luo Jun, choosing a middle-grade Taoist tool.

That artifact is called the Dark Mandala!

"Thank you Dad!" Xiao Ran whispered after choosing.

She seems to be very quiet, but not as bored as Situ Ling'er. There is more or less the shadow of Luo Jun in his genes.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Silly boy, what are you polite to dad?"

After a pause, he said with emotion: "Time flies so fast, I remember the first time I met your mother, it was more than two hundred years ago. I was 24 years old at the time, a bit older than you. But at the time, I and Your mother's cultivation is far inferior to the current you."

Xiao Ran shyly said: "I am only successful because of my mother, godmother, and Uncle Fu who have given so many resources. If you grew up in such an environment like me, Dad, you must be better than me. Much more powerful."

Luo Jun smiled, turned around and faced her head-on, and said sincerely: "Xiao Ran, don't you really hate Dad? You don't have to suppress your own true thoughts. Dad does not do well. You hate Dad. It should be."

Xiao Ran looked at Luo Jun and replied seriously: "I don't hate you at all, mother and godmother, and brother Nianci, sister Yaluo, sister Moyu, sister Xiaoai, sister Baoer, they all say you. It is the greatest hero in the world. You are a great mountain in my heart. I also know that you saved the entire earth. If it weren't for you, we would no longer exist. Mother I also told me about those touching love stories between you and her. You can die for your mother, and your mother can die for you."

Luo Jun was stunned. At this moment, he was suddenly moved.

It's like feeling that all previous efforts have been rewarded.

He also said seriously: "I love your mother very much, and being able to marry her as a wife is the greatest blessing in my life. However, they said that I saved the earth, which is very inaccurate. Back then, in order to resist the spiritual deity. Thousands of cultivators on the earth have lost their lives. Those of us are lucky. We have our share of the credit, but more credit belongs to those who died!"

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