Super Security in the City

Chapter 3809: Wugu Sheji God Tree

In the Bihai Xuangui Temple.

Suzhen in black said: "Zu Sanqian is indeed very likely to be controlled by the old man Hongchen, but our botched performance just now can't deceive the old man Hongchen. Besides, if we haven't driven out, he will not I believe it."

Luo Jundao: "Leaving the earth, we are not even the opponents of Old Man Hongchen!"

Qin Lin said: "In recent years, although we have made a lot of preparations on Danube. However, we rarely go there on Tianzhou, and basically did not leave any clues about Danube. Therefore, it is almost impossible for the old man in Hongchen. Donau star found!"

"Where is Shennong World?" Fu Qingzhu frowned.

Everyone was surprised.

Shennong World is where they go more often, and they have also discussed some immigration matters with Danube with Huohongjin.

"We need to go to Shennong World immediately and transfer all of them over. We must keep all information about Danube from leaking out!" Luo Jun said immediately.

They are ready to go to Shennong World immediately.

"But..." Luo Jun felt wrong again.

Suzhen in black looked at Luo Jun and said, "I'm worried that the old man in Hongchen is throwing rocks and asking for directions? Although he can get a lot of information here, the information is messy and it is difficult to find out the clues. Once we act rashly, it is equivalent to giving him. Find the direction!"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "That's right!"

Qin Lin said, "But if it goes on like this, it will be a matter of time before he finds Shennong World."

Fu Qingzhu said: "Certainly, handle the Xuanhuangmen side first. Then we will take the masters to station in the world of Shennong. Leave some wrong messages here, let the old man go to the eternal star field of Lao Shizi as much as possible. Run. After we deceive Old Man Hongchen away, we will get away from the earth as soon as possible."

This idea is not bad, and it can be said to be the best way.

But even if it can all be implemented successfully, this is extremely useless.

But what can be done?

It is impossible for them to contend against the old man in Hongchen.

Fu Qingzhu, Suzhen Heiyi, and Qin Lin began to rush to arrange some follow-up matters for Xuanhuangmen.

Luo Jun was uneasy.

Fu Qingzhu didn't worry that the Xuanhuang Clan would be liquidated by the old man Hongchen. With the existence of the old man Hongchen's cultivation base, he would not cause unreasonable killing.

A few hours later, Fu Qingzhu arranged everything about Xuanhuangmen.

After that, they rushed to Shennong World together. When I went there, I took Su Yue and her husband with them, as well as some masters from the Xuanhuang Clan.

When we arrived in Shennong World, everything was fine in Shennong World. Luo Jun quickly summoned the fiery red scarf and some masters under the sect.

Luo Jun hides everyone in the black hole spar.

Following that, Luo Jun also told Huo Hongjin something about the old man Hongchen.

After Huohongjin heard this, he also knew that the matter was not trivial.

Luo Jun began to arrange the formation. He found the four profound swords in the treasure of the Insect Emperor, and used the heavenly gourd as a guide to set up an endless loop of infinite formation!

The core of this big formation is still the light of destiny. First of all, the formation must be enveloped by the purple mist of destiny. Only in this way can we attack Old Man Hongchen!

Let all the masters of the Galan Palace send mana in it.

It took three days for this formation to be completed. Although Luo Jun was extremely anxious, he could only be patient.

He can't imagine that the old man in the red dust already knows Donau.

Because once the Old Man of Red Dust really went to Dunau, then they would have no way to go.

After the formation of Jialan Hall was set up, all that was left was waiting in torment.

What are you waiting for?

Waiting for the unknown fear... This formation can actually stop the old man Hong Chen at best, but it cannot defeat the old man Hong Chen at all.

In this battle, it seems impossible to find a chance to win!

Time passed quickly day by day, and the old man in Hong Chen never appeared.

Luo Jun couldn't bear it, and moved all the formations into the black hole spar.

He also brought only some masters who knew the knowledge accordingly.

Then, Luo Jun and others came to Tianzhou.

Entering the Dakang imperial city, Luo Jun fired with his mind, trying to find the old man Hongchen.

But nothing was found.

In desperation, he had to go to find Zusanqian.

In the royal study room of the imperial palace, the emperor Zusanqian was respectful in front of Luo Jun and others.

Luo Jun said to the ancestor three thousand times: "The emperor, we know the methods of Old Man Hongchen. In front of him, none of us are opponents. Not to mention, in front of him, even the courage to resist cannot be born. I want to know now, the last time you went to see us, was it the old man instigated by Hongchen? I hope you can tell me the truth."

Zu Sanqian smiled bitterly: "Mr. Luo Jun, in front of you, I am an ant. In front of the old man in Hongchen, I am also an ant."

"We all understand your dilemma!" Fu Qingzhu said, "I just hope you can tell us the truth as much as possible while saving your life."

Zusanqian said: "I admit that the last time I went to your place, it was instructed by the old man Hongchen. He has determined that Mr. Luo Jun, your family is no longer on the earth. But he can't find where they have gone... After all, the universe is too big. In the vast universe, it is too difficult and too difficult to find them. And we really don’t know where they have gone. The old man Hongchen wants you to think that he has found a place to go and leave the earth. He will come to deal with it again. you guys!"

Luo Jun was overjoyed in his heart, and at the same time he was relieved.

Suzhen in black looked at Zusanqian, and said: "You tell us this now, are you afraid that the old man Hongchen will come to you for trouble?"

Zu Sanqian said: "He didn't forbid me to tell the truth. He seemed to not care about a lot of things. I think he seemed to be looking for a certain magical artifact, and then came to deal with you. When he found it, he would only I am afraid that neither of you will work."

Luo Jun's heart sank again.

Qin Lin asked, "Where did the old man Hongchen go now?"

Zu Sanqian smiled bitterly again and said: "He should be in Tianzhou, but I don't know where he went."

Luo Jun sighed and said, "Well, it's time to come, I can't escape! I have to see how he is going to concoct us."

At this moment, Luo Jun's heart was gloomy.

He has never been desperate or discouraged in many moments of his life...

Because he believes that he will eventually turn over.

But right now, he felt extremely discouraged.

Not only was he discouraged, but Suzhen in black and others were also discouraged.

Because it seems that it is not humans who are fighting with them right now, but the monsters who are incarnation of heaven.

The strength of the opponent is not understandable by their human flesh.

After learning that the old man in red did not know Danube, the anxiety in Luo Jun's heart finally eased a little.

After that, they left Tianzhou and returned to the Central World.

In the Central World, people are always familiar with the road.

Those in the Galan Palace can no longer take care of it.

I believe that the old man in Hongchen will not go to the Garan Temple for no reason, because that is of no use. Luo Jun couldn't hurt his daughter for other people.

Three days later, Old Man Hongchen came to the Central World again.

In the clouds, Luo Jun and others surrounded the old man Hongchen.

They immediately unfolded the Wuji Formation, and after that, the light of destiny released the purple mist of destiny, which completely enveloped the old man in red.

The old man Hongchen had a gleaming sword in his hand.

Facing the formation of the crowd, he was calm and calm, and said: "The old man's sword is tempered from the red world, and it can be said to be invincible! Today, the old man is still unwilling to do more unprovoked killings, persuade you to wait. Still think carefully about whether you really want to go your own way."

After that, the old man Hongchen looked at Luo Jun again and said: "The old man has found out that you do have a very suitable daughter named Chen Ruoran, right? It is her blessing that the old man can let her serve. Your blessing. This is not for the old man himself, but to find a way to survive for the whole earth. In the world of earth, the king will send his daughter to be married for his family and his country. You, can it be for the whole earth, Are you unwilling to enshrine your daughter to the old man? The old man will not kill your daughter, but will give her a lot of benefits. Why are you so stubborn?"

Luo Jun’s eyes flashed a cold killing intent, and said: "Needless to say, Old Man Hongchen... I don’t care what the big reason behind you is, the great mission. In short, as a father, I will definitely protect my daughter’s happiness. I don’t care who she wants to marry. But whoever wants to bully her must walk over my corpse first... If I can’t even keep my daughter’s happiness in check, I still talk about my family and the world, then It's really ridiculous!"

"Hey!" The old man Hongchen sighed, and said: "So many lives, you don't care at all. Are your friends and your wife's lives inferior to your daughter?"

Suzhen in black immediately shouted: "Old Hongchen dog, don't confuse right and wrong here. We will advance and retreat together with Luo Jun... if you have the ability, come and kill us!"

The old man Hongchen nodded faintly, and said, "Since this is the case, the old man can only...have his life."

After saying that, he lit the Red Sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the sword light flickered, and eight sword lights soared into the sky, attacking and killing Luo Jun and others.

Luo Jun had already set up the formation, so Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu both began to guard the formation.

Luo Jun immediately launched the black hole vortex, the great devouring technique, the seeds of the mysterious yellow valley, the yin and yang mana and so on!

A series of tricks are all displayed!

Eight sword lights cut into the black hole vortex.

Luo Jun desperately urged Yin and Yang mana, and the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds instantly burst into their ultimate state. But the ultimate state is also difficult to digest such supernatural powers.

Fortunately, the yin and yang mana was also changing, so the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds changed again, unexpectedly rushed out of Luo Jun's body, and began to grow into a big tree with Luo Jun's body as the root.

Among the big trees, golden light and thunder light surround.

Gradually, the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley finally grew into...

"It turns out to be the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji!" The old man Hong Chen paled slightly when he saw the sacred tree in the field.

"I heard that Luo Jun you got the sacred tree of Wugusheji, now it seems that the rumors are true. There are so many mysteries that emerge in your body!" The old man Hongchen sneered again and again.

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