Super Security in the City

Chapter 3810: Linger and Qingchen

The sacred tree of Wugu Sheji finally appeared.

Luo Jun also succeeded in dissolving all the eight sword auras of the old man Hongchen. He couldn't absorb so much divine power himself, so he integrated these divine powers into the rear formation.

In the formation behind that, everyone was struggling to support it.

In the formation, the energy is surging like a sea tide, and like an electric thunder, rolling and rushing...

The old man of Hongchen flashed his figure and slew towards the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji.

Luo Jun immediately received the Wugu Sheji sacred tree, and also offered a black hole divine sword to greet him.

He didn't immediately start a sword to the east, but was gaining momentum.

The old man Hongchen fitted himself up and pierced Luo Jun's eyebrows with a sword. Luo Jun wanted to avoid using physical combat, but found that the opponent's sword was too fast to dodge.

It seems that no matter how you hide, you will be pierced between the eyebrows.

At the moment of his hair, he also stabbed a sword.

This sword is to pierce the tip of the Hongchen Sword.


When the tips of the two swords touched each other, a splendid fireworks shot out. At that moment, Luo Jun saw the mortal world, the worldly hatred. All of his strength was consumed in this feud.

At the same time, a terrifying sword power came over.

His own power has been resolved by the opponent, but the opponent's sword power has been killed.

Luo Jun couldn't help but horrified the opponent's fierceness. In the crisis, he quickly shrank his hand. At the same time, the light of destiny greeted him.

The old man Hongchen saw a crystal ball appear, and his sword pierced into the crystal ball.

Suddenly, he also felt the civilization and inheritance of hundreds of millions of years in the earth, and various changes in the heavens were all in it. His red dust is so great that he can't break through the other side's earth and heaven.

At this moment, Luo Jun severely cut out a sword with his right hand.

Rather, it gathered the power of the masters, and contained the yin and yang mana of him and Suzhen Hei, as well as the mana absorbed by the Wugu Sheji God Tree.

With this sword coming to the east, Luo Jun has no reservations!

All the spirits and spirits are all sent out...

He was not afraid of running out of power this time, because there were still people and formations behind him, as well as Suzhen in black.

Hei Suzhen retained her mana.

The sword light flashed silently, but it was earth-shattering.


Although the old man Hongchen was arrogant, he did not dare to underestimate this sword.

He backed away with lightning, and once again presented a picture of the mortal world.

In the picture, the red dust vortex appears.

The sword light flashed into the red dust picture, and suddenly, Luo Jun felt that his sword power containing essence and spirit had entered the red dust world and had gone through thousands of calamities.

Finally, it melts slowly!

No matter how strong the power is, it will disappear day after day and year after year in the red dust!

The sword that Luo Jun had been brewing for so long was easily broken open by the old man Hongchen.

The old man Hongchen then received the Hongchen Wangzhang map, and he was also afraid that Luo Jun would enter the Hongchen Wangzhang map.

Because the power will be consumed by the world, but after a person enters, not only will it not be consumed, but there will be a breakthrough.

After the old man Hongchen thought about it, he condensed the sword of Hongchen and came.

The Red Sword is the main attacker, and the Wanzhang map is the main defender.

At this time, the old man in Hongchen killed Luo Jun again.

He came again with a sword, and Luo Jun took care of him three or seven and twenty, and greeted him with the light of destiny.

The old man of Hongchen plunged into the light of destiny, and his power was suddenly reduced.

Luo Jun absorbed the black hole vortex again, and within a short while, his power recovered again and reached the peak state.

The old man Hongchen snorted coldly, and slashed his right palm towards Luo Jun.

Luo Jun retreated quickly, and the black hole vortex became larger, absorbing all the strength of the old man in the red dust.

The old man in Hongchen felt annoyed, feeling that Luo Jun was like a dog skin plaster that could not be torn.

"The old man cut your five-grain shrine and sacred tree today." He roared and rushed over quickly.

The Red Dust is afraid of Luo Jun's entry, and Luo Jun's black hole vortex is also afraid of the Red Dust old man's entry.

So when the old man Hongchen came here, Luo Jun didn't dare to display the black hole vortex, the sacred tree of Wugusheji.

He and the old man Hongchen were caught in a fight, and they were both cautious about each other.

It is also difficult for each other's attacks to work.

However, this fight was a great test against the people in the formation. Luo Jun kept absorbing the strength of the old man into the formation. In the formation, some masters with weaker cultivation bases could not bear it.

When the formation was broken, it was even more difficult for Luo Jun to have a chance of winning.

Right now Luo Jun feels that it is a miracle to remain undefeated.

It seems impossible to win!

No matter how powerful Luo Jun’s Yijiandonglai is, the other party only needs to sacrifice a mortal figure, and it can be easily resolved.

Luo Jun knew in his heart that if such a struggle continued, he would undoubtedly lose.

The big golden pill that he has never wanted to use has to be used. This is his trick at the bottom of the box!

I didn't dare to use it at first!

But now with the support of Suzhen Black and the formation, he boldly used it.

"Old Red Dog!" Luo Jun roared, and then spit out a golden pill from his mouth. Jin Dan quickly bloomed and grew bigger, and then killed the old man in Hongchen.

The old man Hongchen didn't blink his eyes and slashed towards the big gold core with a sword.

The Golden Pill spins rapidly, absorbing energy from the four directions at the same time.

But under this sword, the big golden core still shook suddenly and almost broke apart.

Fortunately, after all, I persisted.

The Big Golden Pill was also absorbing the power of the old man Hongchen, because although Luo Jun could not understand the power of the old man Hongchen, the yin and yang mana could fuse everything.

At this time, the speed at which the Big Nine Pills absorbed the surrounding power had reached the extreme.

It was as if to **** up everyone's power.

The Big Golden Pill quickly grew stronger, and slammed into the old man Hongchen.

The old man in Hongchen simply used the Hongchen sword as a guide to turn a hundred sword lights into a sword storm.

Hundred Dao Jianguang slayed the Great Golden Pill madly, and the Great Golden Pill was not only not cut to pieces, but it was getting stronger and stronger.

Luo Jun felt that his strength was being quickly consumed, and so did Suzhen Black.

The masters in the formation also feel that their power is being quickly consumed...

This consumption is absolutely terrifying!

The Old Man Hongchen could no longer withstand the fierce impact of the Great Golden Core, and in desperation, he could only display the Map of Hongchen Manzhang again.

This time, Luo Jun didn't hesitate to let the Big Golden Core crash into the Red Dust Map.


The world is full of dust, and the world is rolling, and there are endless calamities.

The baptism of the years, the world is lingering!

Luo Jun's Great Golden Pill was placed in the dust of thousands of feet, constantly tumbling, despite the baptism of the years, but did not shrink back.

This is all the spirit and spirit of Luo Jun, it is his heaven and earth phenomena!

Will never be affected by this mundane world.

Not only has the Big Golden Pill not been destroyed in the red dust map, but it is even more powerful. Seeing the rampage, he is about to enter the core of Wanzhangtu.

The old man Hong Chen was taken aback, and quickly grabbed the picture of the great man.

In the next second, the Big Gold Pill appeared outside the Red Dust Map.

"Luo Jun, you are lucky today!" The old man Hong Chen said viciously, his figure flashed, and he left quickly.

He wants to go, but no one can stop him.

As soon as he left, the big gold pill immediately dispersed.

Everyone's formations also spread out, one by one, all stuck on the ground.

Including Luo Jun and Black Clothes Suzhen, they are all extremely tired.

If at this time, the old man of Hongchen went and returned, these people would be a dead end.

Luo Jun received the Golden Pill, but there was no feeling of joy in his heart.

Obviously, all his hole cards have been revealed.

But he still couldn't defeat the old man in Hongchen.

So next time, how should they respond?

They knew in their hearts that Old Man Hongchen would never let go.

After returning to the Bihai Xuangui Temple, Luo Jun and others quickly sat cross-legged and absorbed the medicine to restore vitality.

After one day, they all recovered.

Luo Jun and Suzhen in black, as well as Fu Qingzhu, Qin Lin, and the fire red scarf discussed countermeasures in the Bihai Xuangui Temple.

To negotiate and discuss to go, but the reason is that the negotiation can't come out.

Old Man Hongchen is not an opponent that can be dealt with at all.

"If he comes again, we can only deal with it in the old way." Qin Lin said.

Fu Qingzhu said: "But next time, he must be able to think that Brother Luo Jun’s big golden pill will not last. Next time, he will not leave directly. It is estimated that he will go back and return and kill us all at once. This The second time he hasn't figured it out yet!"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, next time he comes again, we really can't do anything. He can go, but we can't chase. He can't catch up... He can afford it, but we can't. His red dust Heavenly Dao is himself and can be unfolded at any time. Our Earth Heavenly Dao can only be unfolded in a small area. Once chasing it, it must be re-launched again. The speed is too slow. The mobility is far inferior to the old dog of the Red Dust. , If you catch up, you can't win."

"Does it really have to sit still and wait for death?" Huo Hongjin was very unwilling.

Everyone was silent.

It can be said that this is the most frustrated time for Luo Jun and Black Suzhen since their debut.

There is nothing to do, nothing to think about!

No matter how you think about it, you can't find a trace of life.

Unless... compromise!

There are already some masters who want Luo Jun to compromise, but they are lighthearted and dare not speak out.

Fu Qingzhu and the others would not want to compromise, Chen Ruoran grew up with them. They are all people who have daughters, and they know in their hearts that if the other party wants to attack their own daughter, they will never compromise.

Luo Jun suffered in pain.

He wanted to sacrifice himself in exchange for peace for everyone.

However, the other party will not give up because of his sacrifice.

The next day, the bad news came again...

Zu Sanqian is here.

He told Luo Jun, Fu Qingzhu and the others that just five minutes before... Situ Linger and Meng Qingchen had come to the earth together.

They have been captured by Old Man Hong Chen for the first time... Moreover, Old Man Hong Chen has found the traces and coordinates of Danube Star from them. The old man Hongchen had already grabbed Situ Linger and Meng Qingchen and went to Danube.

Luo Jun couldn't help being shocked upon hearing this.

He would not suspect that Zusanqian's words were false, because the words Meng Qingchen and Danube were rarely known by people on earth.

Zu Sanqian is even less likely to know.

This is his secret!

Right now, Zu Sanqian actually said Meng Qingchen and Danube Star, so there is no doubt that this matter is true.

Luo Jun was anxious, and he was about to go to Donau Star at once!

He didn't want to delay every minute.

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