Super Security in the City

Chapter 3859: Slaying fairyland

All the masters in the heavens were disdainful of Luo Jun to the extreme.

Luo Jun also has nothing to say, he has been upright and sitting upright all his life. The only thing I did wrong was to use strong against Ya Zhenyuan. But the incident itself is justifiable, plus everything has been smoothed out now. He and Ya Zhenyuan already have love, and also have a daughter Yaluo.

But right now, pretending to be a dirty child Xuanyuantai, he also felt that he really had nothing to say.

He took a deep breath, then snorted coldly, and said, "Forget it, I never expected you to help me. I always do things one person at Xuanyuantai. I will solve Lu Ya's affairs by myself, no effort. You bother."

" still have backbone!" The empty spirit sneered.

Princess Longji looked at Luo Jun and said, "Brother Xuanyuan Dao, although I am not good at it, since you are a member of the heavens, we should have moved forward and retreated together with you. I will only ask you, and Dao Lu will accuse you of your crime. , Is it true? If you take the reason, my Long Ji will fight to protect you."

She said categorically, her eyes were full of determination!

She cares about the honor of the heavens, but if what she is defending is a despicable villain, it will shake her confidence.

Luo Jun also looked at Princess Long Ji. At this moment, he wanted to deny everything. But he couldn't deny that, after a long silence, he said, "All what Lu Ya said is true. My life at Xuanyuantai has been willful and reckless. Why should I explain to others."

Princess Longji stayed for a while. She didn't expect Luo Jun to admit it so bachelor...

For a while, she didn't know what to say.

Elder Blackbeard said: "Since this is the case, go and deal with Taoist Lu Ya!"

Luo Jun said, "Hmph, I'm going now!" He will leave after speaking.

"Wait!" Princess Long Ji said.

Luo Jun faced Princess Long Ji and said, "What else does your Highness have to say?"

Princess Longji said: "Do you know that going out at this moment is a dead end?"

Luo Jundao: "Stay here will only harm Zhong Lingshan. I'm afraid this is something you are afraid of too? I am not welcome at Xuanyuantai here. I know that I still have this."

Princess Longji took a deep breath and said to the other masters: "No matter what, Brother Xuanyuan Dao should make any mistakes, it should be our Zhong Lingshan to deal with. Instead of handing him guys, do you think so?"

True Monarch of Beidou said: "His Royal Highness, what you said is correct. If the emperor is here, we should naturally handle it like this. But now that the emperor is not here, we are not the opponent of Taoist Lu Ya. Anyway, for Xuanyuantai. People are desperate, and I was the first to quit. The rest of them want to die for him, and I can’t control them either."

The old man with black beard said: "True Lord Beidou, what you said is like someone who wants to die for Xuanyuantai, I don't want to do it!"

The old man with white beard and the empty soul immediately stated that they did not do it either.

Princess Longji was speechless, feeling that Xuanyuantai's popularity was a bit too bad.

Xian Yulong didn't make a statement at this time, and he didn't support it anyway.

Luo Jun understands Xian Yulong very well, so he never talks to Xian Yulong, lest he be embarrassed.

"Okay, Your Highness, I take your kindness in my heart." Luo Jun gave Princess Long Ji a fist, then his figure flashed, he flew out and quickly entered the enchantment. With the jade card in hand, after Luo Jun entered the cloud enchantment, he could use the jade card as the center to sense everything around him. It's like taking a maze map.

In the blink of an eye, he left the enchantment.

As soon as he left the enchantment, Taoist Lu Ya, True Monarch Poison Corpse, and Guan Qing blocked them. Taoist Lu Ya had already locked down the periphery of Zhong Lingshan with his force, and would never give Luo Jun a chance to escape.

As soon as Luo Jun came out, Lu Ya Taoist Master and Disciple San stood in front.

True Monarch Poison Corpse sneered again and again, and said, "Xuanyuantai, you have done all the good things, and finally came out."

Guan Qing's eyes were filled with a kind of retaliatory pleasure.

Luo Jun ignored them and looked at Lu Ya.

There was an unfathomable aura in this handsome Lu Ya.

Luo Jun knew that Lu Ya was a real formidable enemy. He immediately put a smile on his face and said, "It turns out to be Senior Lu Ya, it's polite to be here!"

After speaking, he made a sigh!

With Luo Jun's own temperament, he actually didn't bother to be so inferior, but this was not to match the character of Xuanyuantai!

Taoist Lu Ya said lightly: "Are you Xuanyuantai?"

Luo Jundao: "It's right here!"

Lu Ya said humanely: "You killed my apprentice Feng Xian and insulted Qinger again and again? A few days ago, you almost killed them?"

Luo Jun hurriedly laughed, and said: "This is all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! When Feng Xian was killed, they knew that he was your old man's disciple. A few days ago, I was here just to protect myself. I don't know what the seniors will do to forgive me. The recklessness of the year?"

Taoist Lu Ya smiled coldly, and said, "Unless you die, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in the heart of the poor Tao!"

Luo Jun was dumbfounded, and then said: "Is there no room for negotiation?"

Taoist Lu said humanely: "You don't have to say more, do you want the poor Tao to take the shot yourself, or are you self-determined?"

Luo Jun sighed and said: "Since this is the case, then I have nothing to say. Although I have a low life, I will never judge myself. If you want to kill me, you may not be able to kill it, hum!"

Taoist Lu Ya laughed, and said, "You sound a lot."

Luo Jundao: "Soon you will know that I am not only good at speaking, but in fact, I am not bad at all."

Taoist Lu Ya nodded, and said: "Okay, okay, let me see how good you are!" After saying that, he made a big move and actually caught the Poison Corpse True Monarch and Guan Qing into him. In the magic treasure bag.

Then, the Taoist Lu Ya ordered Luo Jun lightning to cut the fairyland!

His dojo is the Sacred Realm of Slashing Immortals.

And his magic weapon is Zhanxian Gourd, and that Zhanxian Gourd is the seven gourds born from a spirit vine in the Hongmeng Period. What Lu Ya took was the third purple-red gourd... Later, Lu Ya refined countless essence sword qi, and also incorporated the Sun-shooting Divine Bow, etc. into the Zhanxian Gourd. At this point, Zhan Xian Gourd has a bit of Zhan Xian Flying Sword.

This slashing fairy flying knife is extremely terrifying!

So far, no one has ever seen the flying knife take a shot...whatever I saw, they have become the dead souls under the flying knife.

It is also because of this that people in the arena are very afraid of the Taoist Lu Ya.

The Sacred Realm of Slashing the Immortal was created by Lu Ya using his quasi-sage power and the energy of Slashing the Immortal in the gourd.

In an instant, black-red smoke filled the surrounding area.

It's all about a hundred miles away.

There are layers of killing intent hidden in the color of Xuan Hong, and that killing intent makes Luo Jun feel a little creepy.

Luo Jun knew that Lu Ya was powerful and his figure flickered, so he wanted to escape from the Sacred Realm of Zhanxian.

But as soon as he rushed to the sky, a huge sword light came and killed him. This Dao Mang was obviously not Lu Ya's real Slashing Immortal Flying Sword, but just spurred by the formation in the Sacred Realm of Slashing Immortal.

But even for a simple formation, the sacred power and sword aura in it were already scary enough under the impetus of the holy realm.

Luo Jun didn't say much, swiftly spurring the Sky Divine Sword, and slashed it violently.


The energy fluctuated violently, and although Luo Jun lost to the land pressure, it was impossible to be solved by the land pressure formation. The power contained in his sword is also quite terrifying!

One sword solved the sword light, and then continued to fly up.

But soon, there were more swordsmen slaying around. In all directions, densely packed, fierce knives!

Luo Jun had no choice but to adopt the old method to display the law of space. The whole person hid in the law of space, and the law of space only left a hole. In this way, the blades of all directions were cut in the same direction. When Luo Jun slashed into the law of space together, he quickly drove the mixed cave in the sky to capture it!

The inside of the mixed cave in the sky is an unreasonable mixed cave, which instantly freezes many sword lights!

This was not over yet, Luo Jun quickly drove the Mosquito King in. Demon mosquitoes quickly bite the blade light in the Wuwang Mixing Hole, swallowing the blade light.

After a short while, those blade lights became weak, and they were crushed by Wuwang Hudong and Mosquitoes.

"Sure enough!" Taoist Lu Ya changed his color slightly.

An eight-fold master of the creation realm, he originally didn't take it seriously.

Even Luo Jun, now encountering an eight-level master of the creation realm, can easily kill the opponent. Therefore, for a master like Taoist Lu Ya, that is even less of an eight-fold master of the creation realm.

Taoist Lu Ya knew that with the same method he used just now to deal with a normal eight-fold master of creation, ten of them could be killed.

Luo Jun came out of the law of space, sneered, and said, "Taoist Lu Ya, are you just this way?"

Taoist Lu Ya coldly snorted: "Nie beast, there are many ways to be poor!" After saying that, he suddenly waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, the red cloud and mist rolled violently in the Sacred Realm of Slashing Immortals, and finally gathered into a whirlpool to envelop the Luo Legion. Luo Jun immediately felt the surrounding molecules, factors, and magnetic fields were all sucked away by the cloud. He could no longer absorb mana from the outside world... and his whole body felt suffocated.

This is an absolute control!

It is the absolute suppression of Luo Jun by the dojo of Slayer Sacred Realm!

Afterwards, Taoist Lu Ya smashed towards Luo Jun's face door with a palm.

His palm strength is steady and simple, like a muffled thunder.

It seems ordinary, but in fact there is a monstrous magic inside.

Luo Jun didn't dare to underestimate him, and immediately waved his whole body mana to resist.

Invisibly, the nine snow-capped mountains also began to exert power. Luo Jun had difficulty mobilizing the divine power of the nine snow-capped mountains, but at this time, he felt that the mobilization was not difficult...

The mana in his body suddenly surged in terror!

"Hey, it really is a smart pen, knowing that if you don't help, everyone will not be able to survive, and you can't be lazy." Luo Jun was overjoyed. Because the current Tiandao Pen didn't need him to consume a huge amount of pills to feed, it could be moved. Swishing Weixing Gong Zhong on the Heavenly Dao League, Luo Jun has already beheaded Lu Ya.


Smash it with one palm!

The palms touched quickly, the mountains shook, the sky broke and the ground cracked, and the tsunami surged!

Even though Luo Jun had the help of the Heavenly Path Pen, after this palm, he only felt that the Venus danced wildly in front of him, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood came out. The blood in the body is as if boiled...

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