Super Security in the City

Chapter 3860: smart people

After Luo Jun and Lu Ya's palms were met, the blood in his body rolled, and Venus danced wildly in front of him. No matter how he carried his qi and blood, it was difficult to calm his body. His eyebrows, his face, and his skin are covered with blood.

This is because the blood rushes in the body too much.

At this time, Taoist Lu Ya's heart was shocked and it was hard to express.

Because he had already achieved eight success strengths with this palm, he thought he could directly smash Luo Jun to death. Knowing there, he felt as if he hadn't taken advantage when facing each other. The opponent's palm is majestic and majestic, extinction horror, and the blood in his body is also tumbling!

This is incredible!

You know, this is still in his Sacred Realm of Slashing Immortals!

In the Sacred Realm of Slashing Immortals, the opponent cannot use the magic power of the outside world.

"This evil thief has a low realm, but his mana is truly unfathomable. If Poor Dao does not kill him today, he will be a big disaster in the future!" Daoist Lu Ya secretly thought in his heart, and the murderous intent in his eyes was even greater.

Afterwards, he slapped another palm between lightning!

Ten percent of the skill was used this time!

When Luo Jun saw this, he cried out, "I'm going to die!" Quickly activate the mana in the body and the nine snow-capped mountains. Among the nine snow-capped mountains, the wind was surging suddenly, and the power of the invisible heaven burst out.

Although Luo Jun and Taoist Lu Ya had faced each other before, the blood in his body rolled and he spewed out a mouthful of blood. But in fact, he didn't get hurt, so he quickly released his palm and used Qiao Jin again. Just like the routine that escaped in Yuan Yuxian's hands...


His palm power and Taoist Lu's palm power hit one place, and then his figure flew out with lightning.

While flying out, the demon mosquito was in his hand, quickly gnawing at the fairyland.

Luo Jun stayed in the Sacred Realm of Slashing Immortals for a while and already understood something.

So at this time the mosquito shot, and quickly bit a gap...

Luo Jun escaped from that gap and was born...

Lightning rushed and fled the scene.

Daoist Lu Ya was startled slightly, then took the Sacred Realm of Slash, and quickly chased it.

He didn't use his real trick against Luo Jun, cutting immortal flying knives. It wasn't that he was reluctant to use it, but that he didn't intend to use it at first, but later found it difficult to control, he had already lost the best opportunity to use the Zhanxian Flying Sword.

That is when the two sides are fighting the most fiercely, unexpectedly, and kill them with one blow!

His Zhanxian Flying Knife has never been easy to shoot, every time he shoots, his opponent will undoubtedly die. As a result, Zhan Xian Fei Dao's own aura is extremely terrifying... Once Zhan Xian Fei Dao fails once, then Zhan Xian Fei Dao's energy will be broken. The power will be greatly reduced!

Therefore, Taoist Lu Ya would never use the Immortal Slashing Flying Sword without any certainty.

Either you don't make a move, and you must make a move without any exceptions!

Moreover, Luo Jun was flying in the void with lightning, and the nine snow mountains in his body were also bursting with terrifying power of heaven. As a result, his speed also became very fast.

But at this time, Luo Jun also felt an unspeakable exhaustion!

It is the exhaustion that arises from the depths of the soul.

He immediately understood that urging the Heavenly Dao Pen would consume too much mana.

It is equivalent to the oil of a car, but the engine of a large aviation aircraft is installed...

Although Luo Jun's car is very powerful and has not been scrapped by the high power of the engine, the fuel consumption of this thing is absolutely terrifying.

While fleeing, he grabbed a longevity fruit and sent it into his abdomen.

I didn't dare to swallow too much at once, my body couldn't stand it.

The Taoist Lu Ya is chasing after him, Luo Jun is about to be caught up...

As if it’s time for life and death again...

Although Luo Jun still has a lot of hidden methods, it is difficult for him to escape when encountering murderous people like Lu Ya. Maybe they can only use eight or nine profound arts, transform into a mosquito king, and then take the opportunity to escape. After transforming into countless mosquitoes, the Nine-turned Soul and physical power can be hidden in thousands of mosquitoes.

But at this step, Luo Jun didn't want to go.

This is the hole card!

Moreover, Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian were still monitoring themselves.

Once this skill is displayed, it is almost equivalent to admitting to them that he is Luo Jun!

But if you continue like this, you will undoubtedly die!

"Impossible. Since Yuansheng has been deliberately monitoring me, he definitely didn't want to watch me die. He did so much to see who I am and how many hole cards I have. That's why he let Lu Ya go. Deal with me..."

"If you continue like this, Lao Tzu's hole cards really won't be able to hide."

"Now it's a bet... It is estimated that Yuan Sheng is also afraid that I will really be killed by Lu Ya!" Luo Jun was really unsure, and could only continue to run away with a fluke.

Taoist Lu Ya pursued more and more closely, and at the most critical moment, a door of void suddenly appeared in front of Luo Jun. Luo Jun was overjoyed when he saw this, knowing that Yuan Sheng had finally made a move.

He immediately shuttled into the door of the void.

Then, the door of the void disappeared.

Luo Jun can also create a Void Gate in the process of escaping, but that has no effect, because the opponent bit too tightly, and he can build the Void Gate to chase it in the same way.

The Taoist Lu Ya saw that he was about to catch up with Luo Jun, but suddenly, the target disappeared.

Taoist Lu Ya came to the place where the Void Gate disappeared, very suspicious in his heart. At the same time, using magic power to explore...

But no trace was found!

"How is this possible?" Taoist Lu Ya was astonished again, and secretly said: "If this evil thief opens the door to the void, he will not be able to escape the eyes of the poor way. It is the other person who opened the door to the void for him, the space in this short time. Concussion will leave a trail. But right now, there is nothing here. The only explanation is that the person who opened the door of space is still above the poor road. Who did it?"

Taoist Lu Ya couldn't figure it out, but he was afraid of being born in his heart, and he didn't dare to pursue it anymore. He was also afraid that all the catastrophes would be over...He was always careful, even knowing that there were no tigers in Zhongling Mountain, but he also asked to see outside first, being polite and reasonable.

In the mist, Luo Jun saw Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian, as well as the cold black corpse.

Luo Jun already knew that Yuansheng made the shot, but at this moment he still pretended to be stunned and complicated, and then his eyes rolled, he went forward and bowed down: "The junior, thank you, the senior, for your help! Senior is the savior of the junior, and the junior will be in the future. Definitely be loyal to your predecessors! Go through all kinds of fire and water, you will never hesitate!"

Yuan Sheng's face was faint.

Yuan Yuxian sneered and said, "Last time I let you escape by a fluke in the girl's hands, do you think you can escape this time?"

Luo Jun sneered in his heart and secretly said: "You really want to kill Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu died a long time ago. If you have this intention, you don't have to do it. At this time, I'm still testing Lao Tzu...hehe..."

He is a smart man, so he knows that Yuan Yuxian is frightening, but he still pretends to be horrified, and said: "This...girl, I know I'm wrong! I'll be able to help you and seniors in the future. Lao, please give me the next way to survive!"

There are two kinds of smart people in this world, one is like the generation of Yang Xiu in the Three Kingdoms. Everything is clever, trying to figure out the meaning of the above, and also said it, proudly.

And another kind of smart people, like Luo Jun right now, knew what the other party meant, and knew that Yuan Yuxian was scaring him. But he still pretended to be frightened... Otherwise, Luo Jun would be content to say that the other party wanted to kill himself, so he didn't need to do anything else. Maybe Yuan Yuxian will become angry from embarrassment, and give him more suffering, why bother?

Seeing that Luo Jun was so low-key at the moment, Yuan Yuxian's anger disappeared a lot. She is also absolutely Bingxue smart, knowing that the servant in front of her is deliberately begging for mercy by herself. She felt that if this fellow was so content that he wouldn't kill him... then she would feel relieved. At least he will feel that he is not so difficult to control.

At this moment, Yuan Yuxian and Yuan Sheng knew in their hearts that this person's wisdom is rare in the world!

"Get up and talk!" Yuan Sheng said after looking at Luo Jun for a moment.

Luo Jun stood up immediately, but still stood respectfully, not dare to make any trouble.

Yuan Shengdao: "Xuanyuantai?"

Luo Jundao: "The junior is here!"

Yuan Shengdao: "With your wisdom and cultivation base, how did you do things that humiliated Guan Qing in the first place?"

Luo Jun was taken aback, and then he was ashamed, and said, "When the younger generation did not know the identity of Guan Qing, it seems that she did not worship the Taoist Lu as a teacher. Later, her Taoist couple had a verbal conflict with the younger generation, and the younger generation did not know the identity of Guan Qing. I am full of anger, the evil starts from the heart, so I don’t do it, and I just keep...I was planning to kill that Guan Qing too. I didn’t expect that she pretended to coax the younger generation, and there was a Zhang Dun character, and let her run away without a notice. So the younger generation had no choice but to escape from the immortal world!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "You can also do such despicable and shameless things?"

Luo Jun glanced at Yuan Yuxian and said, "I am a cultivator of my generation, and I pay attention to a carefree mind. I can't beat you girl, naturally only respect. Like a girl, you are so beautiful, if your cultivation is not as good as me, there is no Senior Yuansheng This backer. I don’t want to go down and want to taste it. It’s so happy in my heart. I am happy in my heart, so the cultivation base can go up!"

"You..." Yuan Yuxian was ashamed and angry, and said, "You lunatic, dare to speak frivolly girl me?"

Luo Jun bowed his head and said, "I'm just telling the truth."

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly and said, "Xian'er, calm down!"

Yuan Yuxian could only shut up.

Yuan Sheng said to Luo Jun: "The old man is worthy of your ability. Your character is not worthy of the old man. Your wisdom, the old man sees it, and he is confident that he has the certainty to control you."

Luo Jundao: "Of course, what kind of person you are, Senior. All the saints of the fairy world were almost planted in your own hands. Now, they still dare not do anything to you... You are the **** of heaven, playing against you. How powerful people are. Like a younger generation, he is so clever that he will definitely not dare to have strange intentions in front of you."

Yuan Sheng said: "Okay, you don't need to shoot flattery. The old man just wants to remind you that the old man has the means to deduce whether every word you say is true or false. You can just say it now, and then the old man will come to you. Reverse the trajectory. If what you say is different from your true trajectory, then the old man can assure you that no one in the world can save you!"

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