Super Security in the City

Chapter 3903: Law of Heaven

Emperor Fuxi said: "Of course, it's just that I was attacked by a man in black before, and I had to use the power of the heavens. It shouldn't be regarded as a violation of the heavenly law, right?"

Yuan Sheng hadn't spoken yet, and the others all said: "That's naturally not counted."

Yuan Sheng also said: "No!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's good!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun said astonishly: "Someone dared to attack the emperor, who is this person? We must find out, and then punish him!"

Taishang Dao Zu said: "The whole world of immortals seems to be uneasy these days, Nuwa Empress, how can you display the power of heaven?"

Empress Nuwa smiled faintly, and said, "Speaking of which, there are some things in it, but I still have to ask Fellow Yuan Dao for advice!"

Yuan Sheng hurriedly said, "Please speak, Niang Niang!"

Empress Nuwa said: "Before we had a traitor named Xuanyuantai. He tried to find out about my brother's situation. At the same time, he has an accomplice called Yuan Yuxian. I have seen this Yuan Yuxian, It seems to be your apprentice, right?"

Yuan Sheng's expression remained unchanged, and said: "The old man does have a disciple named Yuan Yuxian, but the words of the empress made the old man a little confused. Because the old man's disciple has always been in the holy city of the Yuan realm, and has never left the holy city."

Empress Nuwa sneered and said, "I know you won't admit it!"

Yuan Sheng said: "This is a big deal, and the old man dared not speak nonsense. If the empress has evidence that my evildoer did such things, the old man will definitely kill the evildoer in front of you!"

Empress Nuwa snorted coldly and said, "I have no evidence!"

Yuan Shengdao: "This..."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Niang Niang, who is it that forced you to display the power of heaven?"

Empress Nuwa said: "There was a pair of magical eyes in the Yuan Yuxian's eyes. They hurt me first when I was unprepared. Then another mysterious man in red came. The man in red came and went without a trace. Extremely weird. And the cultivation level is so high that it is unimaginable. I am not injured, and I can take it down. But after being injured, I am not an opponent at all. My demon refining pot was also destroyed by him, and finally I had to show the way of heaven. Power!"

Inviting the saint to say: "The empress has displayed the power of heaven, didn't she leave that person?"

Mother Nuwa said: "It was very weird when I left, something like a human body wormhole appeared, but my brother said that it could not be a human body wormhole. That person immediately left the heaven realm!"

Everyone can't help but lose their color.

Yuan Shengdao: "I wonder if the man in red and the man in black who dealt with the emperor are the same person?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "From the perspective of time, it will not be the same person."

Yuan Shengdao: "In this immortal world, there is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. It is unimaginable. I didn't expect that there are such hidden masters. The old man must try to find these two people."

Empress Nuwa sneered, and said, "Xuanyuantai was sent by you. Once you have found out the situation, you will start to attack us. What kind of garlic is installed here now? Elder Lingzun is in your metarealm, that spirit Long Xiaofeng among the nobles, his cultivation base was extremely high back then. One of the people who attacked my brother and me must be that Long Xiaofeng! If you have the skills, call out Long Xiaofeng... Yuan Taoist, no one is a fool here. , Don’t make fun of the big guy as a fool!"

Yuan Sheng said immediately: "The empress's words are very bad. When we gather together, we have to be responsible for anything we say, and we have to show evidence. Long Xiao sealed this person, and the old man never knows it. Among the spirits is that There are some people who live in the Metaverse, but they don't take refuge in the old man. They live in the windy city of the Metaverse. If the empress doesn't believe it, she can go to the Metaverse to investigate."

Empress Nuwa secretly said in her heart: "What's the use for me to investigate, you guy must have arranged everything a long time ago. Would you leave us with flaws?"

Taishang Daozu said in a deep voice: "The attack on the empress is absolutely true, but whether it was done by Yuan Daoist or not, this really needs evidence."

Yuan Shengdao: "The old man has always been with Zhunti in those days, receiving two saints to discuss together. On this point, the two saints can testify for the old man!"

The introduction of the saints and the Zhunti saints were slightly embarrassed, but they still said in unison: "What the Yuan Daoist friends said is true!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Pan Dao suggested that this matter needs to be thoroughly investigated. Before the truth is clear, it is not suitable to deal with Empress Nuwa."

Yuanshi Tianzun and the leader of Tongtian said in unison: "We agree!"

When introducing saints, quasi mentioning saints, and real people of good fortune, the fairy king Xiao Ling also said: "We agree too!"

Yuan Sheng faced everyone and said: "The old man believes that the truth must be thoroughly investigated. Justice must be paid back... But since the law of heaven has been signed, we must abide by it. If we don’t follow the law of heaven today, If you proceed, then others will have a fluke tomorrow. If the old man commits a crime, he will do the same. Therefore, the old man insists on depriving the Nuwa empress of the power of heaven. Of course, the old man is slight here, if you don’t agree...the old man I think that this heavenly law agreement is no longer in use. In that case, it is better to tear up the heavenly law agreement!"

Everyone immediately understood the meaning of Yuansheng.

The meaning of this guy is clear, simple, and understandable.

Either abide by the heavenly laws and covenants together, or stop abide by them at all.

"This..." The leading saint sighed.

The rest were silent.

Yuanshi Tianzun was also a hot temper, and he said: "Then tear it up, then tear it up."

At this moment, Emperor Fuxi said in a deep voice: "Thank you all for speaking to my sister. Yuan Daoist is right. The law of heaven is a good thing for the whole world of immortals. Since it has been signed, it should be abided. If it is. Everyone is like this, and the law of heaven will lose its binding effect. If so, then... Sister, let go of the power of heaven."

Yuan Sheng said: "The emperor deserves to be the emperor of the human race. This time he understands the righteousness, and the old man admires it!"

Empress Nuwa sneered and said: "What you mean, if I don't let go of the power of the heavens, will I be unreasonable?"

Yuan Shengdao: "Don't talk like that, the old lady has always respected her!"

Empress Nuwa nodded and said, "Okay, okay, okay! I will remove the power of the heavenly way today, what if I regain the power of the heavenly way in the future? You wouldn't say that I still violated the heavenly law and covenant?"

Yuan Shengdao: "If the goddess can regain the power of heaven in the future, it will naturally not be regarded as a breach of contract."

Everyone knew in their hearts that it was the Magnificent Purple Qi that loosened the power of Heaven's Dao, and everyone took advantage of this wave to gain the power of Heaven's Dao. Now everything is silent, and there is no force that can loosen the power of heaven again.

Therefore, Empress Nuwa can no longer have the power of heaven!

Everyone inevitably felt aggrieved in their hearts. They actually watched the Yuan Sage step by step to erode their vitality, but they were helpless.

Zhun mentioning saints and introducing saints heard that the ancestor of the Supreme Daoist mentioned Luo Jun, who broke the game, and knew that if the heavenly law covenant was torn right now, it would be detrimental to the overall situation. They felt even more that Yuan Sheng seemed to want to tear up the heavenly law covenant.

From this point, they could also judge that the Heavenly Way of Life of Yuansheng had become more and more tyrannical.

Moreover, they also saw from the fact that the Nuwa Empress was forced to display the power of the Heavenly Dao, Yuan Sheng's hands were definitely not simple. This Yuansheng has a lot of hole cards in his hand.

If everyone is attacking him right now, I'm afraid he will give everyone a big surprise!

The reference to the saints and the introduction of saints are more of the meaning of Taishang Daozu.

At this time, Tai Shang Dao Ancestor didn't say much, and they also kept silent.

After that, Empress Nuwa sat cross-legged, and then removed the earth and heaven.

From her body, countless earth elements began to appear, and these earth elements showed the color of earth yellow.

The yellowish mist surrounds the Nuwa Empress, the longer the time, the more intense it becomes!

Everyone felt the earth flowing under their feet, as if they were in a galaxy.

After a long time, the earth element on the Nuwa Empress disappeared.

Following that, purple air rose from the top of her head. The purple gas condensed together, and then became a purple bead!

This purple bead is the power of the heavenly origin of Empress Nuwa.

Taishang Dao Ancestor didn’t wait for the Yuan Sage to act, so he grabbed the Heavenly Dao Origin Pearl and said to Yuan Sage: "Friends of Yuan Dao, when signing the Heaven’s Dao Law Covenant, you said that you will never be contaminated with the power of Heaven’s Dao. We people come to divide evenly, don't we?"

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly and said: "Not bad!"

Tai Shang Dao Ancestor said: "Since I am waiting for the equal share, as long as I am willing, I want to deal with it. You should have no opinion, right?"

Yuan Shengdao: "Not bad!"

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Well, poor Dao wants to give this Heavenly Dao Origin Orb to Nuwa Empress, I don’t know if you fellow Daoists have opinions?"

"I have absolutely no opinion!" everyone immediately said in unison.

Taishang Daozu asked Yuansheng again: "Friend Yuan Daoist, isn't this a violation?"

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said, "No!" It seemed that this result was something he had expected.

Once the earth and heaven were lifted, it was absolutely impossible to control it again.

This Heavenly Dao Origin Orb has become a pure power. Everyone has the power of the Heavenly Dao. After the equal division, it can make the skill deeper and make the power of the Heavenly Dao stronger. But for people who don't have the power of heaven, it has no effect.

Nv Wa Niang Niang, at best, is equivalent to absorbing strong nutrition.

The ancestor of the Supreme Dao handed back the Heavenly Dao Origin Pearl to Empress Nuwa.

After Empress Nuwa accepted it, she thanked her softly!

Yuan Sheng glanced at the people, and said: "Next, we are going to proceed with the signing of the Heavenly Law Agreement by the Great Emperor."

When he finished speaking, he took out a golden rune silk cloth. That thing looked a bit like the imperial decree of the emperor on earth. But this thing is actually much more powerful than any imperial edict...

This rune is also known as the law of heaven!

In the law of heaven, there are various clauses and constraints of the law of heaven. In the end, everyone was stamped with blood handprints with their own spirits and even their blood!

Emperor Fuxi didn't say much, bit his finger, condensed his energy, and then printed a **** handprint!

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