Super Security in the City

Chapter 3904: Catastrophic

After Emperor Fuxi signed the heavenly law agreement, Yuan Sheng put the heavenly law agreement into his own magic treasure bag. Then, he clasped his fists to everyone, and made a round of thoughts, saying: "What the old man does today, the saints must have a lot of dissatisfaction with the old man in their hearts. But the old man is only dedicated to the ecological balance of the immortal world and is absolutely selfless. In the future, If the old man also violated the law of heaven, he welcomes all the saints to gather in the Yuan Realm to punish the old man!"

Taishang Daozu said, "You don’t need to say more about Yuan Daoist friend, I will all understand your painstaking efforts. Empress Nuwa had to use the power of Heaven’s Dao, in fact, it can’t be said to be wrong. In life and death, you can’t choose a dead end. But she has indeed violated it. The law of heaven, and she also obeyed the law of heaven. As for her unhappiness, we should understand it too! So I also hope that fellow Yuan Dao you don’t take it to heart!"

Yuan Sheng immediately burst into tears, and said, "If the old man can gain Dao Ancestor's understanding, he will die without regrets!"

Afterwards, he said: "The death of the old man in Hongchen is still unknown. Now Nuwa is attacked by the man in red, and the emperor is also attacked by the man in black. Behind this is a force that we don't know is making waves, old man I will always follow up. If there are any clues, I will share it with the saints as soon as possible.” At this point, he said: “The green hills will not change, and the green water will flow. The old man welcomes all the saints at any time in the Metaverse, and goodbye! "

Everyone bid farewell to Yuan Sheng.

Yuan Sheng turned and left, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The saints did not speak immediately, but they were all afraid of the traces or breath left by the original sage to eavesdrop on their conversation.

I am also afraid that Yuan Sheng has not gone far, and will return.

After half an hour passed, Taishang Dao Ancestor waved his hand and swept away the aura belonging to Yuan Sheng from the field. At the same time, it was confirmed that Yuan Sage had gone far, before he said: "Okay, you can talk now."

The sage was introduced and said: "Now it is certain that those people in black and red are Yuansheng people. Originally, the poor monk was still wondering why he suddenly went to my Western Holy Religion to discuss the truth for several months. Only then did he know that what he wanted was an alibi!"

The Saint Zhunti sighed and said, "The Nuwa Empress has given up the power of heaven. This is a huge loss for us!"

Empress Nuwa was silent.

Emperor Fuxi smiled faintly, and said: "Now it is a game between us and Yuan Sheng, and it is not without gain. At least we know that there are strong men in red and black under his hands. Our trump card, It's too obvious, so it's not good for us. Let him move step by step, let's see how to deal with it!"

Taishang Daozu said: "The emperor makes sense."

That good fortune real human said: "The poor Dao has always been aware of the changes in the emperor's proficiency in Hetu Luoshu, presumably the emperor should have some understanding of the future situation, right?

Everyone looked at Emperor Fuxi.

Emperor Fuxi said: "My ability to calculate this point, I dare to show my ugliness in front of Dao Ancestor."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Pan Dao had told all the saints about the future, I don't know if Nu Wa has mentioned it to the emperor?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "My sister did say it."

Taishang Daozu said: "Since this is the case, the emperor might as well talk about the calculation results for the future. Let's confirm each other, and maybe we can get some hints."

Everyone immediately agreed.

Emperor Fuxi smiled bitterly, and then said: "Then I will show my ugliness."

He went on to say: "Everyone knows that the future cannot be calculated. Because the future contains time, as long as nothing happens, there are billions of trillions of variables. A slight movement of time can affect it. The whole body. Therefore, it is impossible to really calculate the future. It can only be said that we can get a glimpse of the future without breaking the rules."

"It's true!" Taishang Daozu said.

Emperor Fuxi is about to continue talking...

At this moment, the Lord Tongtian snorted, then his face started to flush.

The whole body is suddenly hot...

Upon seeing this, Yuanshi Tianzun came behind him without saying a word, and began to work for the Master Tongtian to suppress the wind and fire heaven in his body.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help being surprised.

"What's the matter?" Nuwa Empress first asked.

Taishang Dao Ancestor sighed and said, "You don’t know, the last time my Junior Brother and Yuansheng competed, it was my Tongtian Junior Brother who won the test. However, Yuansheng quietly let my Junior Brother absorb the great purple qi in the competition. .. Hongmeng purple qi, you can absorb it. But the three poor brothers have Sanqing Qi in their bodies, and the fusion of Sanqing Qi and Hongmeng Ziqi is like a mortal drunkenness. Junior Brother Tongtian is difficult to condense, so it’s impossible. Suppress the Heavenly Way of Wind and Fire in the body, once it breaks out, it will be tormented like wind and fire."

"How can this be good?" Everyone couldn't help but lose their color.

"I have to try to solve this spiritual drunk for the Master Tongtian!" Immortal King Xiao Ling said: "Daozu, there is something I can help, Xiao Mou, please speak up. Xiao Mou is to take his life, and he should go. Find it for you."

The sage was quoted and said: "Just now, the Yuansheng is here. Wouldn't it be great if we directly ask him for an antidote? He is used to the posture of a hypocrite. In front of me, how can he shirk?"

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Ling Zui is still not fatal, if you really let Yuan Sheng come to **** the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Poor Dao is afraid that he will do other hands and feet, but will kill my junior brother. Now all of these, you should also know , Yuan Sheng’s methods are so terrifying. He is a person who takes one step and counts three steps. It’s not surprising that we might let him detoxify in public. Therefore, Pang Dao concluded that he would do other secret hands and feet when detoxifying, and it was more insidious. It makes me wait for undetectable means."

"That's true!" everyone said.

After a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun finally received his power, sweating on his forehead, which was obviously a lot of effort.

The Master Tongtian finally returned to normal, and he smiled miserably at everyone, and said, "Let the big guy laugh."

Everyone said: "Master, you have suffered."

Taishang Taoist ancestor said: "The emperor will continue with the unfinished topic just now."

The color of worry flashed in the eyes of the Great Emperor Fuxi, but this was because of the situation of the Lord Tongtian. But he did not show it in the end, took a deep breath, and continued: "Actually, my calculation is similar to that of Dao Ancestor. This time, the situation is different from the past, and even the entire history of the earth. Among them, Causality is an unprecedented horror... I don’t know if such a thing has occurred in the entire history of the universe. It can be said that all the antecedents are due to the disappearance of the arc element. The element is the heavenly destiny, and the arc element is eliminated. This is true It’s against the sky. If it disappears naturally in nature, there will still be trajectories and reasons to be found! And after Luo Jun and the others disappeared the arc element, a different cosmic trajectory appeared. If you keep going along this trajectory , It is the cosmos ruin. This is by no means alarmist...all of us here can be said to be immortal. But in the face of the real cosmos ruin, it is still nothing but a dust!"

After a pause, he continued: "The Primordial Sage is not the ultimate cause of the Great Disruption of the Universe, but he will be a key promoter of it. When it comes to that point, he can't control it. I only hope that we don't go. Go to that extreme point."

The sage quoted: "The poor monk believes in the inferences of the Great Emperor and Daozu, because the changes in the immortal world are unprecedented. Before that, who would have imagined that the power representing the heavens could be controlled by us? This is horrible. This is horrible. This power is taboo and should not be owned by humans."

Zhunti saint said: "Causal cycle, retribution is unhappy! The reason why the arc element disappeared is because of the slaughter of the spirits by the universe emperor. In the end, the spirits came to take revenge, and everyone on the earth had no choice but to eliminate the arc element. Yuan The saint masters the grandiose and purple energy, but it is because we waited for the massacre of the Kepler people by our ancestors."

Mother Nuwa said: "In fact, you don’t have to be too pessimistic, let alone blame yourself. The Spiritual Venerable will be destroyed by the Great Universe, and it is also a part of cause and effect. They were extremely prosperous on the earth back then, so they could There are no **** debts? Kepler people have been in the immortal world for many years, and they may not have original sin in their hands. I am guilty or not? I think so. Therefore, everything is a cycle. I wait to do my best and be ashamed of my heart. It is good. If one day, the cosmos collapses, you can accept it calmly! People will be born, old, sick and die, and the planet will die. The collapse of the universe is normal!"

"Niangniang has a good mentality and boldness!" Everyone smiled bitterly, but they also felt that Nuwa Niangniang was justified.

After that, the fairy king Xiao Ling said: "We accept what should be accepted. But before accepting, we must do our best, so that we can have no regrets. I always feel that we can't be so passive all the time, and we should take the initiative. The place where we live is too scattered. Daozu, you are the leader among us. I wonder if you have any plans for the next situation?"

Everyone looked at Taishang Daozu again.

Taishang Daozu said: "We people are indeed very scattered, but there is no other way at the moment. Because this is not an overnight thing, we can't gather together for a long time. Yuan Sheng plans very big this time, he is not in a hurry, he can. It takes hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of years to deal with us. And if we take the initiative to attack, it will be in his arms. The land of the metaworld is not easy to come out. The way of life is even more terrifying. Take today. Say, Yuan Sheng dares to come here alone, what is he relying on? It is the way of life. He is not afraid that we all besiege him... After his life is displayed, he wants to protect himself, and the problem is not big. As for how to break the way of life, There is no way at all."

Emperor Fuxi said: "I understand what Daozu meant, and it is a deadlock now. Yuan Sheng is slowly plotting to wait for me! I am not waiting with my hands and slaughtering. We still have...breakers!"

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