Super Security in the City

Chapter 3905: Goodbye Qingming

All the saints discussed together, but in the end there was no result.

This is also the biggest problem at present, that is, they don't know how to fight back. If we were to attack Yuansheng together, it was destined to be fruitless.

It is not good for both sides to ignite the war in advance!

And if they gather together, it doesn't help! Because Yuan Sheng has time, he can wait and consume it all the time. But these people have their own dojo and disciples, it is impossible to gather together, and it is impossible to bring the disciples to gather together.

After all, in the end Taishang Daozu and Fuxi both meant to wait for the breaker!

For example, the signing of the Dao Fah treaty today is conducive to the play of Luo Jun, the breaker.

No one can tell what the breaker Luo Jun can bring.

The future of the fairy world and Luo Jun's future are unpredictable.

They can only wait and see what happens!

After that, all the saints left.

Emperor Fuxi quietly hinted that the three saints of Kunlun had a secret conversation. So the three saints left pretendingly, and then returned to Zhong Lingshan.

Emperor Fuxi didn't mean that he didn't trust the other saints, but there were some secrets that were not suitable for too many people to know. Moreover, he and other saints are not very familiar, so he still has reservations!

After the trio of Taishang Daozu went and returned, Emperor Fuxi and Niangniang Nuwa led the three into the Hetu Cave.

In that stone room, Emperor Fuxi first performed his work to pump away the miscellaneous qi from his body.

Everyone watched him change from gray hair to a young man, and his aura became powerful and terrifying.

Taishang Daozu and the others couldn't help being surprised and delighted when they saw this change.

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "It's really magical. Pang Dao originally thought it was difficult to eliminate your miscellaneous qi, the Great. At this moment, it is simply turning decay into magic!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun said: "It turns out that the Great Emperor, you have already recovered. In this way, this man in black, man in red, etc., shouldn't make you so embarrassed!"

Master Tongtian said: "Could it be that the empress is still calculating when she removes the power of the heavens?"

Mother Nuwa said: "Let’s tell the truth with the three fellow Taoists. In fact, it’s unlikely that the man in red will force me to use the power of Heaven. And the Eye of the Sacred Heart of Yuan Yuxian, I already knew that I am Deliberately caught."

"This..." Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Pan Dao can't wait to know the truth. How did the emperor and the empress plan?"

Empress Nuwa said: "I have no plans, everything is acting according to my brother's plan!"

The trio of Taishang Daozu looked at Emperor Fuxi.

Emperor Fuxi said, "In fact, this matter is a long story. We have to start with that Xuanyuantai..."

At the moment, he talked about the various things Luo Jun had done by pretending to be Xuanyuantai. After that, Luo Jun helped the Emperor Fuxi take away the odor from his body and presented one hundred thousand longevity fruits.

Emperor Fuxi said: "You should have seen that those who broke the game are playing a role. And they are playing a miraculous effect. None of us expected that he would actually run to Yuansheng's hands."

Master Tongtian said: "So, I will be relieved a lot when I wait."

Emperor Fuxi said: "The reason why I want to let the girl be recruited this time, to relieve the power of heaven. One is that I don't want Yuan Sheng to doubt Luo Jun. Second, even if we defeat Yuan Sheng's attack this time, it will work. Not big. Instead, it will put Luo Jun in vain... But we will plan, so Yuan Sheng will at least underestimate the strength of my sister and me. Before, we were in the light, and he was in the dark. Now it is necessary to get his trump card step by step. Appears, but we hide our strength."

The Master Tongtian said: "But the price is still too great if the empress doesn't have the power of heaven."

Emperor Fuxi said: "No, I will share the Heavenly Dao with my sister in the future. The Heavenly Dao of Space is different from other heavenly paths. It will not weaken the power of me and her, on the contrary, it can make the space more powerful and ever-changing. But this is not the case. The method can only be shared by my sister and I, because we are related by blood. Others want to follow suit, but they can’t!”

"That's great!" The Kunlun Three Sages were sincerely happy for the Nuwa Empress.

Emperor Fuxi said: "Next, Yuan Sheng will still make moves at any time. We must be careful. In addition, I want to see the situation within the main body of the religion."

Master Tongtian said: "So, it's time to work!"

Emperor Fuxi came to the leader of Tongtian to get his pulse.

Empress Nuwa also came to find out the pulse of the Master Tongtian.

As a result, it is naturally undesirable.

Niangniang Nuwa and Emperor Fuxi also had no solution to the situation of the Master Tongtian.

Emperor Fuxi said: "Little friend Luo Jun has a demon mosquito in his body, and he has practiced eight or nine profound arts. If he turns into a demon mosquito and goes in and eats the grand purple energy, it is quite possible for the leader to relieve the suffering of spiritual drunkenness. !"

Niang Niang said, "It's a pity that this kid is probably already in the Metaverse now."

The eyes of Taishang Daozu and the others brightened, and Taishang Daozu said: "This method should be feasible. Since the little friend Luo Jun can absorb the emperor's miscellaneous qi, he can also absorb the grand purple qi. However, the primordial purple qi is closely related to the original holy breath. , If there is a change, Yuan Sheng will definitely be able to detect it."

Emperor Fuxi said: "So even if the little friend Luo Jun is here, he can't relieve the spiritual drunkenness of the leader for the time being."

Taishang Daozu said: "Not bad!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "But..."

Master Tongtian smiled slightly and said, "Senior Brother Yuanshi, it's okay for me. The old man Hongchen can be martyred for the sake of the overall situation. I just suffer some suffering."

After the three Kunlun saints talked with Empress Nuwa and Emperor Fuxi, they got up and left.

Everything seems to be calm again!

As if nothing happened!

Let's say that Luo Jun left the Metaverse, flew in the vast sea for more than a month, and then entered the Western world.

In the western world, Luo Jun didn't stop either, he still flew all the way forward.

After another month, I finally came to the Netherworld.

Luo Jun has a deep shadow over Yuan Sage in his heart. He always feels Yuan Sage is like a tarsal maggot, everywhere. Therefore, in the Western world, he is also insecure. He knew that the environment of the Netherworld was the most special, and it was impossible for the Primordial Sage to detect anything that happened here.

After entering the Netherworld, he didn't immediately ran to find Ye Qingming, but first found an isolated island and landed. Then take off the human skin mask for inspection, and use his own mana to penetrate into the human skin mask to observe the smallest details.

First understand the structure of the human skin mask, and then check it a little bit.

In the end, I found the weak aura stored in Yuan Sheng. If you didn't care about this weak aura, you might be able to monitor Luo Jun's actions.

But Luo Jun carefully studied it and felt that this breath was weak, and it could only have a monitoring effect at a relatively close distance. In this immortal world, there is a sea of ​​clouds, mountains and mists everywhere, no matter how great Yuan Sheng's supernatural powers are, he can't use this weak breath to monitor Luo Jun in real time.

Luo Jun thought for a while, and wiped out the faint breath altogether.

Regardless of what his mother's Yuan Sheng would think, I don't want you to keep watching like this.

Then, Luo Jun checked the other functions of the human skin mask and determined that the human skin mask could cover up his own breath. But there is no monitoring effect, so I feel relieved to use this human skin mask.

Luo Jun is a master of formations and runes, so he has a clear understanding of all the structures of this human skin mask. He is sure that if there is no monitoring effect, there will never be any monitoring effect again.

This is not over yet, Luo Jun checked the flame talisman he had taken, as well as various pills, magical artifacts, and so on.

After confirming that there is no problem at all, and there is no monitoring function, I can be relieved.

Even so, he still set up a big seal technique outside the magic bag to seal all the breath.

Anyway, it is necessary to be cautious and never let Yuan Sheng have any possible supervision over him.

After doing all this, he went to see Ye Qingming.

He hopes to see Mo Yu this time.

After spending more than a long time in the sea of ​​blood, Ye Qingming met him.

The place where Ye Qingming lives is called Qingming Quedi, and his palace is also called Qingming Palace!

Luo Jun returned to his original appearance.

Ye Qingming met him in the back garden.

"Why did you run here again?" Ye Qingming frowned slightly after seeing Luo Jun. She is still so beautiful and arrogant.

Her beauty and arrogance are not the same as other women, but she has an unparalleled confidence and aura. This kind of self-confidence is not the kind of expression, but the feeling of her strength, so that she is very confident.

Ye Qingming is indeed a rare beauty in the world.

That Yuan Yuxian is indeed very beautiful, but in front of Ye Qingming it is going to be overshadowed.

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said, "I want to know if Xiaoyu is back?"

Ye Qingming took a sip of tea, and then said: "I have come back, and I will give her the things you left."

"What about people?" Luo Jun was ecstatic.

Ye Qingming said lightly: "Go away again!"

"What?" Luo Jun suddenly went crazy and said: "Why did you leave again?"

Ye Qingming said: "You didn't say when you will come! She can't stay with me all the time!"

Luo Jun felt regretful, but soon thought that Xiaoyu already knew that he was coming, so he could feel relieved a lot. She knew that she hadn't given up on her, which should relieve her heart.

"Did you say where to go?" Luo Jun asked again.

Ye Qingming said, "I didn't say it!"

Luo Jundao: "Did she leave any words for me?"

Ye Qingming said, "Neither!"

Luo Jun was speechless, and said: "Forget it, there were a lot of secrets to tell you, I don't even bother to say if you don't know this question. Goodbye!"

"No!" Ye Qingming said.

Luo Jun originally wanted to go, but now he is a little bit unable to come to Taiwan.

"I went this time and fought against Taoist Lu Ya, met the Kunlun event, met Fuxi the Great, and had deep contact with Yuan Sheng." Luo Jun said: "Are you not interested in these?"

Ye Qingming said, "Just say what you want. I don't want to say it."

Luo Jun said helplessly, "You are so cruel."

Ye Qingming smiled slightly, then didn't say much, just continued to drink tea.

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