Super Security in the City

Chapter 3927: Corpse poison

As soon as the woman's words fell silent, the other two men also expressed their intention to coexist and die with the older brother. The demi-holy man struggled to resist the attack of the ghost-faced man, and said with sorrow, "Confused, confused, you guys!"

They besieged the Ghost-faced Man, still having the upper hand, not long after, hit the Ghost-faced Man again.

And all the tricks to kill the ghost face man.

But at this time, the figure of the ghost face man became illusory again, like a reflection in the water. Despite their fierce attack, they could only shuttle past the body of the ghost face man.

The Ghost Face Man exists like an image.

Taking advantage of this emptiness, the semi-sage man gritted his teeth and said: "Let's go!"

The other three people immediately understood, turned around and flew away quickly.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing didn't expect them to come this time. Bai Qing was in a daze... Luo Jun tugged at him and said, "Let's go too, don't watch a play and see that they are coming. This ghost face People are not normal, what if you come to trouble us?"

Bai Qing thought about it, so he quickly controlled the red silk fairy belt to escape!

The ghost face man quickly recovered, and then chased the three men and one woman.

He didn't notice the existence of Luo Jun and Bai Qing.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing sighed with a sigh of relief as the goal of the ghost face had not changed.

The speed of the ghost-faced man was very fast, and when he was flying, he drove the black mist of the black ghost.

After a short while, the ghost face man caught up with the three men and one woman.

If three men and one woman escape separately, there is a great chance that a few can survive. But once they separated and escaped, someone would inevitably die.

The feelings between the three men and the woman seem to be very deep, so they will never give up any of them.

After the Guimianren caught up with the three men and one woman, the fierce battle started again.

Three men and one woman can still control the situation, but if they continue to consume like this, they will never escape death. At this time, the semi-sage man spoke again and said: "Four sisters go and report to the fairy king, the three of us will hold this ghost-faced man."

"This idea is fine!" said another man in Tsing Yi: "Sister Si, our life and death are in your hands. Go ahead. If you drag it on like this, after all, it's no way!"

The only woman hesitated.

The demi-holy man yelled and said, "Go, do you really want everyone to die together?"

The woman cried out, and then said: "Big Brother, 2nd Brother, 3rd Brother, you must hold on, I will go right away! If something happens to you, I don't want to live alone." After that, she left and left. The battle circle, fly away quickly.

In the battle circle, without the help of the woman, the three men will have a harder time dealing with the ghost face man.

The four of them were fighting in concert before, and although the woman's cultivation base was slightly weaker, the effect was great.

The Ghost Face is still fierce and fierce, and has already begun to fight the three men on par.

In the sea, the energy is shocking and terrifying!

The sea water with a radius of hundreds of miles is always in a state of fierce tsunami!

At this moment, the ghost-faced man hit the man in Tsing Yi with a palm.

At the same time, the half-holy man and another man also hit the ghost face man.

The figure of the ghost face man became illusory again. And the Tsing Yi man with the middle palm showed a **** handprint on his chest, and after that, the Tsing Yi man spit out another mouthful of black blood.

Seeing this, it is actually poisoned!

There is poison in the palm of the ghost face man.

The man in Tsing Yi lost his combat effectiveness, quickly stepped aside, and began to heal his wounds cross-legged.

The response of the semi-holy man and his companions is even more difficult.

Bai Qing said to Luo Jun: "This ghost-faced man's methods are so strange. If they continue like this, I'm afraid they will all die here. Brother, do we want to help?"

Luo Jun said solemnly: "There must be a lot behind this ghost-faced man, but I can't control that much, please help!"

Bai Qing got the permission of Luo Jun and immediately cheered up. With a long roar, his figure flickered, and he entered the circle of battle.

After Bai Qing joined the battle circle, he displayed a pair of gold-winged meteor hammers.

The two hammers waved, the electric current wrapped.

This pair of gold-winged meteor hammers was given to Bai Qing by the Supreme Dao ancestor.

Bai Qing's combat effectiveness is extremely powerful. After he joined the battle, the semi-sage man and his companions felt relaxed.

The three of them worked together, but in a moment they hit the ghost face man again.

The figure of the ghost face man began to fall into a phantom state. Bai Qing continued to attack, but they all hit the air.

The semi-saint man and his companions were slightly relieved of pressure, and looked at Bai Qing with infinite surprise, and said, "Thank you, Xiongtai for your help."

Bai Qing smiled slightly, and said, "Everyone is a fellow, you are welcome! But, what is the origin of this ghost-faced person?"

The semi-holy man frowned immediately and said, "We don’t know very well. Our four brothers and sisters are the sea patrol messengers under the immortal king’s gate. We patrolled the sea today and found that there was a crack on the seabed here. When we were about to investigate this crack, The ghost face came out of the crack."

"So that's it!" Bai Qing said, "Why are you fighting again?"

The semi-holy man said: "This ghost-faced man is so unreasonable. I just wanted to ask him where he came from. How can I know that he didn't say a word and shot directly. I waited to fight him from the bottom of the sea to here."

At this moment, the ghost face man recovered again and began to take action again.

Bai Qing displayed the sacred state of the heart demon, entwining the ghost face.

"The holy realm has almost no effect on him." The half-sage man shot to suppress the ghost-faced man, and said to Bai Qing: "This ghost-faced man seems to have no heart. Any holy realm will not have any effect on him, space and time. According to the law, he can shuttle at will."

Bai Qing frowned.

His inner demon sacred realm has a great effect on people, but at this moment, the ghost-faced man is surrounded by the inner demon, but he doesn't move at all. This made him suspect that the ghost-faced man was a root of wood.

This war has been going on and it is difficult to end.

It is not difficult to hit or defeat the ghost face.

The difficulty is that the ghost face is immortal and fights all the time.

Soon, two hours passed.

Due to the participation of Bai Qing on the half-holy man, they have never been at a disadvantage. I don't know how many times the Guimianren was defeated, but the Guimianren later recovered their combat effectiveness.

This battle was so exhausted, Luo Jun suspected that Bai Qing would also be planted in it.

The semi-saint man comforted Bai Qing and said, "Xiongtai, my fourth sister has already gone to find the fairy king. If the fairy king comes, there will be no problem. We must hold on!"

Bai Qing said: "You can rest assured, I will not give up halfway and abandon you."

Luo Jun has been watching the battle for a long time, but he hasn't seen why. "There are so many weird things in this world. How can there be such power to never get tired and never stop?"

Luo Jun was puzzled.

But at this moment, in the battle circle, with Bai Qing once again hit the ghost face man's head.

The ghost-faced figure suddenly ceased to be ethereal, but suddenly exploded, and countless black ghost mists formed countless particles sputtering around.

Those particles are like blood again.

The ghost face has turned into countless particles.

"Be careful!" Luo Jun shouted, "It may be poisonous!"

Bai Qing and others were also very jealous. When the black mist particles exploded, they all used mana shields to block the black mist particles.

The Ghost Face Man was wiped out in this way.

The ghost-faced man appeared inexplicably, and when he disappeared, it was also inexplicable.

Luo Jun rushed forward.

The demi-holy man and his companions quickly collected those black mist particles, and at the same time thanked Bai Qing. And curiously looked at Luo Jun.

Bai Qing introduced: "This is my eldest brother, and it will pay off!"

The semi-sage man clasped his fist and said, "Don't ask in the next, this is my second brother Shi Sheng."

Luo Jun greeted them and also collected some black fog particles.

After the war, everyone felt a kind of aftermath.

Later, Mo Wen and Shi Sheng came to the injured man in Tsing Yi.

After the man in Tsing Yi was introduced, he learned that his name was Li Tian.

The previous woman was their fourth sister named Yang Sisi.

These four people are all under the sect of the immortal king, but are brothers and sisters who worship.

Li Tian's injury was very serious and he kept vomiting black blood.

Luo Jun also did an inspection for Li Tian and found that his blood, muscles and bones, and internal organs were being eroded by toxins. Inside his body, there is already a mass of black.

The blood also became black.

Li Tian's external skin also became black, and his face began to change.

"God!" Shi Sheng suddenly exclaimed: "The third brother's face...the third brother's face is about to become the same as that of the ghost-faced man."

"Doesn't the ghost-faced man wear a mask, so he has a ghost-faced face?" Bai Qing was surprised.

Mo Wen shouted in pain: "Third brother, third brother!"

Li Tian couldn't respond anymore, and then, his head crooked, and he died.

After he died, that face was completely black, but it showed fangs.

He also became a ghost face man.

Everyone shuddered when they saw this situation.

Luo Jun couldn't help asking: "What is the current situation of the crack?"

Mo Wen was silent for a long time before saying: "The crack is still open. We haven't had time to do anything, this ghost-faced man appeared."

Luo Jun was extremely worried, and said: "It is difficult for you to fight against this kind of ghost-faced people with your cultivation base. If there are so many such kind of ghost-faced people, with their toxicity, I am afraid it will be a waste of life."

That Shisheng ignored the others and felt sad.

Bai Qing said, "The cultivation base of this ghost-faced man is extremely weird and terrifying, I think, even if there are these weird existences in the cracks. But there should not be many cultivation bases such as the ghost-faced man!"

Luo Jun said: "If this ghost-faced person is only the only one, everything is easy to say, I am afraid that he is not the only one. And judging by my intuition, it is unlikely to be the only one."

Don't ask: "Anyway, we can't go to the cracks right now, we need to wait for the arrival of the fairy king. We can go only when the fairy king comes. This is responsible for the safety of the two, and also for our own safety. Responsible."

Luo Jun nodded and said, "It can only be this way."

Regarding the death of Na Li Tian, ​​Mo Wen and Shi Sheng were extremely sad. They guarded Li Tian's body, and then they said nothing.

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