Super Security in the City

Chapter 3928: Immortal King's Arrival

Li Tian's body became another ghost face.

Looking at this scene, Luo Jun couldn't help feeling worried. He remembered the scene he saw in the gate of eternal life many years ago.

After destroying the arc element by oneself, aura elements are produced as a result. Lingguangsu and Hongmeng Qi form Hongmeng Purple Qi. After the generation of Hongmeng Purple Qi, a new thing came into being, the Qi of the Undead.

All things grow and restrain each other, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi is the first aura in the world. The spirit of the undead is the only existence that can pollute the purple aura.

The human-snake tribe was invincible in the world, and there is a kind of five-grain, she-ji, sacred tree on the earth specially to deal with the human-snakes.

Luo Jun looked at Li Tian, ​​who had turned into the corpse of the ghost-faced man, and secretly said: "Could the undead aura appear? The undead aura can deal with the grand purple aura, but if the undead aura merges with the grand purple aura, death will occur. Tears.

The more it develops, the more it becomes uncontrollable, and until later, the entire universe may become a zombie universe.

Things seem to be moving towards an increasingly complex and terrifying situation.

This is a mess!

On the earth, human beings in the vast world are crazy to death, consuming all kinds of earth's resources.

In the world of immortals, the immortals are also frantically dying.

Mortals can only destroy the earth at best, but what the immortals do can destroy the entire universe.

Everyone had their own concerns, and they didn't speak any more.

At this moment, the dead Li Tian suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, Li Tian's figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

"This..." Mo Wen and Shi Sheng couldn't help losing their color.

Luo Jun shouted: "What a daze, chase after!"

Everyone immediately chased Na Li Tian.

Li Tian's speed is extremely fast, and his whole body is releasing a kind of dark power.

Everyone followed closely, and when they were about to catch up with Li Tian, ​​a black vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.

As if someone was responding to Li Tian, ​​Li Tian quickly entered the black vortex.

Everyone came to the black vortex, but they did not dare to get in.

The black vortex disappeared.

Afterwards, everything returned to calm.

At this moment, everyone already understood what it meant to be resurrected from the dead.

The poison on that ghost-faced man can make other masters into puppets!

Li Tian didn't really come back from the dead, but became a tool puppet.

Everyone didn't dare to act rashly at the moment, and had to return to the place to wait for the arrival of the fairy king.

A few hours later, the fairy king Xiao Ling finally arrived.

The four sister Yang Sisi who came with the fairy king, and one other person.

The man was handsome, with long hair and soft jade, but he was unusually tall.

When Luo Jun saw the man, he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised: "Senior Eternal?"

That person is the eternal demon!

The Eternal Demon King and the Immortal King Xiao Ling came together. He hadn't seen Luo Jun clearly. At this time, he heard Luo Jun call him and couldn't help but look over. Seeing Luo Jun's moment, he also raised his eyebrows and yelled, "Damn, it's your kid!" His figure flashed, and he came to Luo Jun and hugged him.

At this moment, the eyes of the eternal demon also turned red.

Xiao Ling and others looked at Luo Jun and Eternal Demon Lord, all surprised.

"Why did the predecessors come here?" Luo Jun asked curiously after embracing the Eternal Demon Lord.

The eternal demon said: "After I recovered my body, what I was thinking about was to avenge my wife and children. So it took me a hundred years to fly back to the immortal world! Why did you come to the immortal world?"

Luo Jun said: "Oh, this is a long story!" The two reunited after a long absence, and there was endless talk.

I completely forgot the people next to me.

Over there, Yang Sisi came to Shi Sheng and Mo Wen's side. She was happy, but soon discovered that San Ge Li Tian was not there. With an ominous feeling in my heart, I eagerly asked, "Where is the third brother?"

Xiao Ling came to them and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Mo Wen was so sad that he knelt down on one knee and said, "Return to the fairy king, my third brother Li Tian...he is in an accident."

The Eternal Demon Lord talked to Luo Jun for a long time, and then said: "I'll talk about it later." Then he came to Xiao Ling's side.

Mo Wen recounted the story.

He emphatically thanked Bai Qing and Luo Jun.

At this time, Luo Jun and Bai Qing also came forward to see Xiao Ling.

Luo Jun said: "I'm really sorry, I was originally called Luo Jun. I used to hide my identity, so I said it was called Su Huanqing."

"Are you Luo Jun?" Xiao Ling was also taken aback.

Luo Jun's identity is extremely complicated, Xiao Ling heard the Eternal Demon Lord say something, and he also affirmed Luo Jun's identity. He said to Luo Jun: "I'm very happy that my little friend is here. But for now, we have to deal with the ghost face person first."

Luo Jundao: "Yes, this is indeed the most important thing."

Xiao Ling then decided to take everyone to visit the wonderful crack.

With Xiao Ling, everyone had a lot of courage.

In view of Li Tian's accident, Luo Jun and Eternal Demon Lord are not easy to talk too much.

A group of people probed into the depths of the seabed.

After a few hours, finally came to the bottom of the sea.

In the seabed, seaweed is everywhere, and countless mountain peaks stand up like land.

In a place with dense seaweeds, Mo Wen pointed to it and said: "The fairy king, the crack is there."

Xiao Ling led everyone close to the seaweed, and when he probed it carefully, he saw that there was indeed a crack in it.

But the crack is not big, only three feet long, and only the size of a pinky finger wide.

If you don't look closely, you won't find a crack here.

The crack is very quiet.

The cracks are full of darkness, as if there is a lot of ink in them.

Xiao Ling pointed out a finger, and a golden thread bloomed on his fingertip. The gold thread immediately plunged into the crack...

He wanted to test first.

Unexpectedly, this temptation was like stabbing a hornet's nest.

A large amount of black mist suddenly emerged from the crack, and the black mist formed a vortex.

At the same time, the boundless black mist envelops everyone like countless tentacles, pulling them into the cracks.

Xiao Ling couldn't help frowning, but her body shook suddenly, and suddenly the golden light was dazzling, and this golden light shattered all the black mist.

The dark vortex also disappeared, and everything returned to a calm state.

"It's really weird!" Xiao Ling snorted coldly.

Don't ask: "The fairy king, I suspect that the third brother got in here."

Xiao Ling said solemnly: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger. You wait here, and this king will go in and find out."

"This..." Don't worry, and said: "This is too risky, Immortal King, should we go in together? Anyway, there is a caring for each other!"

Xiao Ling said, "No, it is more convenient for this king to come and go freely."

He insisted that everyone has no choice.

After that, Xiao Ling went directly into the crack.

The crowd waited outside.

Everyone is worried about the situation inside.

During the waiting period, the Eternal Demon Lord first comforted Mo Wen and the others, and then recounted the old times with Luo Jun. Luo Jun also introduced Bai Qing to the Eternal Demon Lord.

After Bai Qing came up, he was very polite with the Eternal Demon Lord.

The Eternal Demon King said to Luo Jun again: "Don't call me seniors anymore. If you look down on me, just call me eldest brother."

Luo Jun said: "Big Brother Eternal!"

Bai Qing smiled and said: "Then I, like my elder brother, also call you the eternal eldest brother?"

Eternal Demon: "That would be better."

Then, the eternal demon said: "Little brother, your body seems to be not right!"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "There is indeed a problem."

The eternal demon said: "Let me see."

After speaking, he probed for Luo Jun's pulse.

"Is this the Zhanxian Flying Sword?" Eternal Demon Lord said with a wide range of knowledge.

Luo Jun nodded and said, "It's Zhanxian Feidao."

The eternal demon said: "You are still alive if you have been hit by the Flying Sword, little brother, you are truly extraordinary."

He went on to say: "The fairy king has great ability. After he comes out, I will ask him to get your pulse for you. I believe he can help you get rid of the sword qi."

Luo Jun didn't count on it.

Bai Qing said: "We have seen Taishang Dao Ancestor, Yuanshi Tianzun, they have nothing to do. If you want to come to the fairy king, there is no way. We are currently looking for Chaos Spirit Vine in the void. Only Chaos Spirit Vine can absorb Big Brother's body. The sword spirit."

Eternal Demon King said: "In the land of nothingness, it is extremely complex, and all kinds of forces are vertical and horizontal. You want to find the Chaos Spirit Vine in it, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack." After a pause, he said: "However, everything is possible. There was only a trace of Lao Tzu left, and he still survived. So, brother, don’t be discouraged."

Luo Jundao: "Never frustrate!"

The eternal demon laughed and said: "This is the Luo Jun I know!"

There is a greeting here, but there is a miserable mist over there without asking.

The eternal demon won't be able to say more, everyone waits with peace of mind.

After waiting for about two hours, Xiao Ling finally emerged from the crack.

After he came out, he used a powerful holy power to seal the crack.

After a long time, the crack finally disappeared.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Ling was still dressed in a green robe, chic and elegant, and there was no sorrow or joy on his face. There is no way to judge whether his journey through the cracks went smoothly?

The crowd gathered around and couldn't help but ask Xiao Ling, what is inside the crack?

Xiao Ling smiled faintly, and said, "It's not a big problem, let's go back and talk about it."

Everyone dared not ask more.

The next step is to return to the fairyland together.

Luo Jun also learned that this Asura Realm was not originally the Asura Realm, it used to be the Cloud Sea Immortal Realm.

After Xiao Ling occupied the Yunhai Immortal Territory, he was naturally respected as the Immortal King.

A few hours later, everyone came to a deep place under the sea.

A door to the void suddenly appeared in front of him.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing walked into the gate of the void with everyone.

Along the way, the sea is full of darkness and sea, and there is fear in the silence!

But at this moment, when I entered the gate of the void, I saw the sun shining, the sea of ​​clouds, mountains and mist, and the mountains and plains of flowers.

That is really a spectacular and beautiful sight!

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