Super Security in the City

Chapter 3932: The Mystery of Lingvine

Although the nine masters of the creation realm walked everywhere in the entire fairy world, there were still not many people who became holy. Moreover, Bai Qing is also considered a super powerful existence among the semi-sages. So how could he tolerate Can Feng ancestors who have not even been half-sage in front of him?

The only person in the world who can be presumptuous in front of him, and who has not been sanctified, is Luo Jun!

The ancestor of Can Feng was slightly startled, but he didn't expect the semi-sage powerhouse in the opponent to be so tough. Among the three people in front of him, it can be said that the only one he is afraid of is Bai Qing.

Right now, he took a deep breath and said, "I have heard of the prestige of the Three Heroes of the East. Among the three of you, your ability is worth a battle. The boss among you can barely calculate the past. As for the second child, I’ve heard that it is vulnerable. It’s still white, my ancestor tells you, Fengming City is definitely not a place where you can go wild. If you want to fight, my eldest brother can accompany you. !"

Luo Jun was a little injured on the side.

He is the second child of the Three Heroes of the East. His pulpy combat power stems from the fact that they slapped a palm against an eight-fold master in the creation realm during a battle. With a palm down, Luo Jun was knocked out 300 meters away.

At this point, he was the name of the five scumbags in the Three Heroes of the East spread.

Everyone said that although the Three Eastern Heroes were very fierce, the second child among them was not enough to pay off, and even the masters of the Eighth Layer of Creation Realm could not beat them. It was brought by its boss and youngest.

Luo Jun was openly despised by the other party this time, and he couldn't say a word. I'm too lazy to refute. In case of refusal, people like Bai Qing to make a gesture like this, that is to find embarrassment and uncomfortable for myself. With a bitter smile in his heart, he secretly said: "I have never been so despised in my life. When it comes to fighting, who is the same level I'm afraid of? Now..."

Moreover, at this time, as soon as Can Feng's ancestor fell silent, Bai Qing laughed and said: "Can Feng ancestor, you are still really funny. You are not good at it, and have a big temper. Although my second brother is not good at it, but He doesn't make a sound anyway. It's like you, provocative first, but when you turn around you want me to compare with your eldest brother. Then my second brother can also say that you are a trash, and then let you have the ability to fight with me!"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly in his heart and cursed secretly: "Bai Qing, your uncle!"

The ancestor Canfeng was about to speak, but the ancestor Baiyun opened his mouth and shouted: "Third brother, don't be rude!"

The ancestor of Canfeng was scolded by the ancestor of Baiyun, and he just went down the slope. After all, he really couldn't do this Bai Qing.

The ancestor Baiyun smiled slightly and said to Bai Qing, Luo Jun, and the eternal demon: "My three disciples have always been reckless. If there is any offense, please don't take the blame. The old man apologizes to you on his behalf!" After speaking, he toasted: "This glass of wine is an apology for the old man. The old man will do it first."

After he drank it, Luo Jun and the others wouldn't really care about it, after all, they didn't want to fight this time. So they all toasted and drank them.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the ancestor Baiyun asked about the purpose of the three Luo Jun's visit.

And the three of Luo Jun had already discussed it, and they must not reveal to the outside that the chaotic spirit vine was used to treat the sword energy in Luo Jun's body.

Because once this sword qi was spoken out, it would be guessed that it was caused by Zhan Xian Fei Dao.

Taoist Lu Ya was dead, and Luo Jun didn't die after being hit by the Zhanxian Flying Sword. This was enough to attract people's guesses.

You know, there is a terrifying Donghuang Taiyi behind Taoist Lu Ya.

So at this time, the Eternal Demon Lord said: "The three of our brothers have been yearning for the legendary Chaos Spirit Vine. I heard that Chaos Spirit Vine appeared in this emptiness. I also heard that Brother Canfeng once appeared. I have been in contact with the Chaos Spirit Vine, so this time I came here for no other purpose, just to understand some characteristics of the Chaos Spirit Vine with Brother Can Feng. If the three of our brothers are lucky enough to find the Chaos Spirit Vine, we will definitely bring it back and share it with San Feng. An ancestor shared it together."

Ancestor Baiyun, Ancestor Canfeng, and Ancestor Blood Star glanced at each other.

They began to communicate with ideas.

After a while, the ancestor Baiyun smiled at the Luo Jun trio and said: "It turned out to be for the Chaos Spirit Vine. Let's not hide the three. We have always wanted to find the Chaos Spirit Vine. Unfortunately, there has been no news over the years."

Bai Qing said: "The Chaos Spirit Vine is a treasure of heaven and earth. It takes great opportunity to find it. The three ancestors have not found it for so many years, indicating that there is still a little chance. Maybe we join and search together, maybe there will be accidents. Harvest."

The ancestor of Can Feng said: "I persuade you, but I still rested my heart. I still have some fate with that chaotic spirit vine, and I have not been able to find it all these years. You have never seen a spirit vine, but want to find a spirit vine. , Isn’t this a foolish dream?"

Luo Jun smiled and said: "It's really a foolish dream, but everyone can't find it anyway. It's better to share the message together, so if someone is lucky, we find it? After we find it, we don't even get it. Share it with you. But at least it helped you find the Lingvine, and it’s not too late for you to come and fight with us at that time."

The old ancestor of Can Feng smiled and said, "Your Excellency is the second child of the Three Heroes of the East, right?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, I am. I think your second child is also the weakest in cultivation. Up to now, he hasn't said a word. Is it possible to be brothers with you, his cultivation is a little worse, ahead of others? Don’t even have the qualifications to speak?"

After the blood star ancestor heard this, his face suddenly looked strange.

The ancestor Can Feng snorted and said, "Naturally not!" He did mean that, but once Luo Jun said it, he couldn't say more. Otherwise, he would also hurt his second brother.

Luo Jundao: "That's good!"

The ancestor of Can Feng said: "I just want to remind you that if your cultivation level is poor, you shouldn't be so clever. In case you get an order that day, be careful of being missed."

Luo Jundao: "I also want to remind you that your cultivation level is not good, don't be so rampant as a human being. In case you are out of order that day, be careful to be missed by my third brother. My third brother is good at everything, just can't tolerate it. Others are disrespectful to his second brother."

Bai Qing said immediately: "Not bad!"

The ancestor of Can Feng suddenly became speechless.

"Everyone drink, drink!" At this time, the eternal demon raised his glass to resolve the embarrassment.

The banquet was actually not very pleasant.

Talking to each other is not so nice.

The other party has a stabbing ancestor.

Luo Jun and the others, whether it is Luo Jun or Bai Qing or Eternal Demon Lord, they are not a good persimmon.

Therefore, they want to be happy, which is almost impossible.

In fact, this is also a temptation on both sides.

If the other party is too weak, it will give the other party a feeling of opportunity.

The ancestor Baiyun also toasted, everyone finally resolved the current embarrassment by drinking.

Afterwards, the ancestor Baiyun said: "We are very happy to be here today with the three of us. As for what you said you want to know some details of the Lingvine, the three of us still have to discuss it. After all, about There is nothing trivial about the chaos spirit vine. I hope the three of you will understand!"

The three Luo Jun also expressed their understanding.

After the banquet was over, the ancestor Baiyun arranged for Luo Jun to live in a separate courtyard first.

This night, for the Fengming Three Demons, it was destined to be uneasy.

After Luo Jun and the three settled in the other courtyard, Bai Qing used his magical power to seal the other courtyard in order to prevent them from talking to outsiders from hearing them.

The door was closed, and Bai Qing said in the hall: "Looking at this, the three of them won't say anything about Chaos Spirit Vine. Even if they do, it may not be the truth."

Eternal Demon: "I feel this way too."

Luo Jun touched his nose and said, "What should I do? Is it necessary to use strong? I am also worried that this old ancestor of the wind does not have much useful information in his hands."

Bai Qing said: "You can't say that. From his words, we can basically conclude that he has really seen Chaos Spirit Vine. The most important thing is that you have a blood pill condensed by Chaos Gourd in your body. Chaos Lingvine’s perception is stronger than that of others. I think that the information that Can Feng ancestor knows is very important to us, so no matter what, we have to let them speak. And we must tell the truth!"

The eternal demon pondered for a while, and then said: "Xiao Bai's words are also reasonable. It is not easy to find the Chaos Spirit Vine. It must be extremely difficult. We can't give up any possibility. This Fengming Three Demon's The reputation is not good, it is not good, then kill them!"

Bai Qing smiled and said, "That's right! We can be regarded as giving them a face today. If they really don't know how to promote, then they have to use it strong."

Luo Jundao: "I'm still a little worried, what hole cards do they have. Don't be afraid of the open cards, what about the hidden cards?"

Bai Qing said: "Second brother, what do you want to do so much? After all, soldiers will come to cover the water."

Luo Jun is indeed a little fearful now. If he is sound and full of strength, he is not afraid of the Fengming Three Demons. But now he is a scumbag in his own combat effectiveness, and he always feels unbearable and inappropriate in his heart that he has to let his brother go to risk every time.

On the second day, the ancestor Baiyun and the ancestor of the blood star hosted a banquet for the three of Luo Jun.

The ancestor of Can Feng is not there.

The ancestor Baiyun said: "Last night our three brothers discussed for a long time, and we had some disagreements. Oh, my third brother used to have the opportunity to get the Chaos Lingvine. Over the years, I thought about the Chaos Lingvine day and night. The Chaos Spirit Vine is like his wife. Right now you all say you are coming to find the Chaos Spirit Vine, just like you are coming to grab his wife. In his heart, he is really unhappy. The old man persuaded him for a long time, but he still didn't understand."

The eternal demon smiled bitterly and said: "This is a bit embarrassing."

The ancestor of the blood star said: "You should not be impatient, my third brother has a bad temper, but he still listens to our advice. Give us some time, and we will definitely be able to persuade him."

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