Super Security in the City

Chapter 3933: Fierce Battle of the Three Demons

Bai Qing said bluntly: "I don't think Can Feng brother is a person who can listen to persuasion."

Eternal Demon Lord smiled and said: "In fact, we just want to understand some things that happened to Brother Canfeng and Chaos Lingteng. Other than that, there is no other intention. We want to understand a little bit and leave. And, in return, we also have gifts to give. This is something that everyone can enjoy, and it became complicated in the end, not what we want to see. Presumably it's not what you want to see, Brother Baiyun, right?"

There is something threatening in these words.

The ancestor Baiyun was startled slightly, and then said with a smile: "Of course the old man understands the pros and cons, and the old man likes to make friends all over the world."

The eternal demon said: "If you are willing to give us information, Brother Baiyun, Fengming City will win the long-lasting friendship of our three oriental heroes!"

The ancestor Baiyun said: "The three rest assured, we will give this information. Three days, at most three days. If my third brother really doesn't know what it is, the old man will not spare him! No matter how arrogant he is, can it be Does my eldest brother deny it?"

The blood star ancestor also echoed.

Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing felt relieved after hearing this.

The ancestor Baiyun went on to say: "Come on, drink and drink."

When the Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing were about to toast, Luo Jun, who had not spoken, suddenly spoke, "Hold on!"

Everyone was surprised, and they all looked at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "Brother Baiyun, Brother Blood Star, in fact, it doesn't matter if the remnant wind refuses to cooperate. I thought about it, he is your brother. He has to be as big as the Chaos Spirit Vine. I’m sure I’ll listen to both of you. So, you can just talk to us roughly. Then everything will be solved? I don’t quite understand it, it’s not a big secret in itself. . If it is really a big secret, or that this big secret is really valuable, shouldn’t you find the Chaos Spirit Vine long ago? Why do you want to make things so complicated?"

The ancestor Baiyun was startled, and then smiled bitterly: "If things are really as simple as you said, then that would be fine. The old man said earlier that my third brother regards Chaos Lingteng as his wife, and the relationship between brothers and sisters Okay, we can't share the wife. So we are also not clear about the chaos spirit vine."

Luo Jun said: "That's it, that's the way it is!" After a pause, he stood up and said, "Since it is like this, the three of us are indeed abrupt this time. There is a reason to come to share with other wives. This kind of behavior is too hateful. It is not easy for you to treat us with courtesy, Brother Baiyun. We are also really ashamed, so let's just leave it alone!"

After speaking, he said to Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing: "Eldest brother, third brother, let's go!"

Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing suddenly looked confused, wondering why they were reluctant to wait for three days?

What is it to leave like this?

However, although they were dumbfounded, they absolutely trusted Luo Jun.

Right now they are in front of people, and they naturally want to give the Zuluo army face. They stood up together right now.

The three of them clasped their fists to the ancestors of Baiyun and the blood star, and said, "I have been harassing for a long time, and I am very sorry to say goodbye!"

The ancestor Baiyun and the ancestor of the blood star were also dumbfounded, never expected that Luo Jun and the others would suddenly say and leave.

The blood star ancestor said anxiously: "Don't, three!"

The ancestor Baiyun also made a strong smile and said: "The three of us are leaving like this, we are really uneasy in our hearts!"

Luo Jun had a full view of the expressions of these two people, and he had already affirmed what he was thinking.

He smiled slightly and said: "We are leaving, you should breathe a sigh of relief. Why do you still seem to be reluctant? Could it be that you let the remnant wind find a helper? You want to kill us here just now? What you are talking about is just delaying time?"

The ancestor Baiyun and the ancestor of the blood star suddenly changed their faces when they heard this, and said together: "There is no such thing!"

"No? Then call out Can Feng. If he can come out at this moment, then it proves that my guess is wrong." Luo Jun said coldly, "Then we will apologize to you if he can't come out now. Come on, hum, then don’t blame us for making the move first."

Patriarch Baiyun and Patriarch Blood Star were silent for a while, and then Patriarch Baiyun snorted coldly and said, "It's really unreasonable. You come from afar and we treat each other as distinguished guests. I didn't expect you to be so rude and aggressive. !"

At this moment, Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord also affirmed that Patriarch Baiyun and the others were not at ease.

The eternal demon cursed: "Fuck your mother, originally we did not intend to deal with you three old demons. I didn't expect your heart to be so vicious. We are just here to ask about the situation. You secretly want us. life!"

Bai Qing smiled and said, "Then don't blame us for being cruel."

The war aroused in an instant...

The two sides really didn't agree with each other and started fighting immediately.

Bai Qing directly displayed the Soul Demon Sacred Realm, completely covering the hall.

The eternal demon king flashed his figure and deceived the blood star ancestor.

He must first kill the blood star ancestor with lightning, and then work with Bai Qing to deal with the white cloud ancestor.

At this time, the ancestor Baiyun also displayed his holy realm, which is the Vientiane Prajna holy realm.

In the Vientiane Prajna holy realm, there is ever-changing, full of energetic aura, but there are countless murderous intentions hidden. Those entangled auras sometimes turn into fierce beasts, sometimes into fairies, sometimes into beasts, and so on!

The ancestor Baiyun had all his hair and beard, and he didn't dare to keep the slightest bit of his hands.

Bai Qing's inner demon sacred realm is filled with countless black thick fog, and the black fog particles are also ever-changing, turning into countless inner demon gnawing past.

The heart demon changes with the fear in the other's heart.

Bai Qing and Baiyun ancestors did not directly fight each other, and the two first competed in their respective holy realms.

Suddenly, it is difficult to distinguish the outcome!

The Eternal Demon Lord kills the Blood Star Ancestor, and the Blood Star Ancestor is also the cultivation base of the Ninth Layer of the Creation Realm, so it is not so easy for the Eternal Demon Lord to kill him instantly.

At this time, Luo Jun showed importance.

He went to help.

Taking advantage of the moment when the eternal demon king and the blood star ancestors were battling their powers, Luo Jun deceived him and slapped the blood star ancestors back.

The blood star ancestor did not dare to underestimate Luo Jun, while resisting the eternal demon, while smashing Luo Jun with a backhand.


At that moment, Luo Jun only felt his internal organs shifted, the Venus danced in his mind, and his whole body flew out, and finally hit the ancestor Baiyun's Vientiane Prajna holy realm.

Following that, Luo Jun spit out a mouthful of blood.

That blood star ancestor is the nine-fold peak cultivation base of the creation realm, and his strength is not trivial.

Luo Jun was limited in mana, and he didn't dare to use the law vigorously. This was a big loss.

"Haha..." The palm of the blood star ancestor confronted Luo Jun, only feeling that his power was damaging.

He laughed and said: "The rumors of the rivers and lakes, the second child is always vulnerable. I didn't believe it, but when I saw it today, it turned out to be a big mess!"

Luo Jun was speechless, and said in his heart: "Your grandma is a ball!"

"You veteran killer!" The eternal demon yelled at the blood star ancestor, and said: "You are also qualified to laugh at Lao Tzu's second brother? If my second brother is not wounded, killing you is not the same Is it the same?"

He actually doesn't know how strong Luo Jun is now, but he just can't see others look down on Luo Jun.

While speaking, the offensive on the hands of the eternal demon intensified.

His magic weapon is the Soul Eater White Bone Spear!

Driven by him, this soul-devouring white bone spear turned into countless bone spears, and the white bone spears attacked and killed them, covering the sky and the sun!

The blood star ancestor also cast the magic weapon Wulingsuo!

Na Wulingsuo also transformed countless shadows, strangling fiercely with the Bone Spear.

The two sides fought a match for a while.

But over time, the Eternal Demon Lord prevailed. Just because the eternal demon master cultivates his mind skills and communicates with the outside world more smoothly. Moreover, his mentality is that the stronger the stronger. Because this is a competition of faith and mind.

The stronger the opponent is, the more terrifying the potential he is stimulated!

When he confronts the enemy, it is usually not that good at the beginning, and the stronger the opponent, the stronger his power.

After the Eternal Demon Lord suppressed Wu Lingsuo of the blood star ancestor, he pressed on every step of the way, and finally turned the bone spear into a divine spear, and violently smashed it.

The blood star ancestor had no choice but to dance Wulingsuo into a halo to resist!



The Eternal Demon slammed the bone spear ten times in a row. After ten times, Wulingsuo was finally smashed by the bone spear.

In the next instant, the bone spear pierced the blood star ancestor's body fiercely.


The blood star ancestor's whole body couldn't bear it, and it burst directly!

"The second child..." The ancestor Baiyun saw his brother die tragically, his eyes were splitting.

The eternal demon smiled coldly and said: "You don't need to be too sad, we will send you to see your brother right away!"

The figure flashed, dancing the soul-devouring white bone spear and slammed to the back of the ancestor Baiyun.

The ancestor Baiyun was suddenly frightened, and he quickly drove the Holy Realm to trap the Bone Spear.

The Vientiane Prajna Sacred Realm and the Heart Demon Sacred Realm were entangled, and Bai Qing gave out three palms in a row, and all three palms were comparable to the ancestor Baiyun.

The role of the Inner Demon Sacred Realm will not take effect immediately, but will begin to manifest in the depths of the battle.

So right now, Bai Qing did not have the upper hand.

However, although the Soul Eater White Bone Spear was blocked by the Vientiane Prajna Holy Realm, the Heart Demon’s Holy Realm was also in the Vientiane Prajna Holy Realm. This Inner Demon Sacred Realm is a perfect match for the Soul Eater White Bone Spear. With the help of the Inner Demon Sacred Realm, the Bone Spear transforms into a Demon Spear to attack and kill with lightning!

That Vientiane Prajna Holy Land is hard to resist!

The ancestor Baiyun had to deal with Bai Qing and the eternal demon, and he couldn’t help complaining again and again...

Seeing to continue like this, the ancestor Baiyun will die on the spot!

At this critical moment, the ancestor Baiyun suddenly flashed a breath of determination, and then cut off one of his arms. That arm quickly merged into the Vientiane Prajna Holy Realm...

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