Super Security in the City

Chapter 3940: Chaos

The drastic changes on Luo Jun's side immediately caused Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord who were cultivating on the side. When the two saw this, they were also pale, and immediately surrounded them to find out. Under the investigation of the two, they suddenly lost their color.

At this moment in Luo Jun's body, those sword auras were attacking the city and plundering the land, as if they were a traitor, taking advantage of the silence of the night to suddenly launch a general attack. Luo Jun's mana is the army, but this army has been completely controlled by the sword. The more his mana works, the deeper the pain. The sword spirit slaughtered in his flesh and blood indiscriminately...

In this way, Luo Jun has only a dead end.

Bai Qing quickly took out the Chaos Pill to give Luo Jun to take it, and Luo Jun took a million Chaos Pills all at once. The Qi of Chaos was surging and majestic in his body... However, the sword Qi did not give in at this time, but absorbed the Qi of Chaos to strengthen himself.

The sword qi has been dormant for a long time... After fighting side by side with the Luo Jun yesterday, he has a deeper understanding of the flesh and blood of the Luo Jun. This sword qi is indeed very spiritual, and I know that staying so peacefully is just waiting to die. So at this moment, as soon as he got the chance, he would launch a counter-offensive brazenly, wanting to occupy the body of the Luo army in one fell swoop, and become the master of the body of the Luo army from now on.

Luo Jun's physical body has become a battlefield, and mana suppression will make the battlefield more intense, and he will be more painful. This kind of pain made him unable to concentrate on suppressing...So, his defeat is conceivable.

The time and place are right and the people are not there!

Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord were on the sidelines, but they could only be anxious and could not help at all.

Their mana going in will only make Luo Jun's body worse. Because those sword qi and Luo Jun's flesh and blood have merged into one. To get rid of the sword qi, you have to get rid of the flesh and blood...

Luo Jun could not help but think bitterly: "I am still wondering whether the next life and death crisis can be passed? Will it be as immortal as Yuanshi Tianzun and them in the future... But he did not expect that the retribution is already in sight. ."

Just when he thought he was going to die, a miracle happened...

To be precise, it is not a miracle, but a necessity.

Because Luo Jun has three wills in his body, Luo Jun itself is a will, sword energy is a will, and there is another will that is the pen of heaven.

Tiandao Pen has also been coveting Luo Jun's physical body, and this big brother has been waiting for a good opportunity.

Dao Qi is just a little brother!

The little brother openly wants to occupy this piece of fat at the moment, can the big brother agree?

As a result, the nine snow-capped mountains in Luo Jun's body were activated instantly. The infinite power of heaven began to spread throughout Luo Jun's body. This power of heaven was so powerful that it instantly merged into Luo Jun's flesh and blood with supreme will. Help Luo Jun build a great wall of steel...

The power of heaven is different from ordinary mana, and it also overrides various mana and rules. Coupled with the fact that Tiandao Pen and Luo Jun have long been fused, it is equivalent to quietly stepping down the army in this body.

There is still a process for outsiders' mana to enter.

But the activation of Tiandao Pen is an instant full range of troops...

Luo Jun quickly grabbed the longevity fruit and took it in, let the Tiandao pen absorb it, and then suppressed the sword qi.

Dao Qi was frantically attacking the city and plundering the ground. After the power of the heavens appeared, it was immediately defeated.

Sword Qi's helplessness, quickly shrinking.

The power of Heaven's Dao attacked fiercely all the way, just trying to force the sword energy out of the body.

How do you know that the sword energy finally melted into a ball and retreated into Luo Jun's chest and abdomen.

The knife pressure controlled Luo Jun's Nine Turns Soul...Under such circumstances, if Luo Jun's body exploded, he would not be able to reconsolidate again.

Luo Jun quickly drove the mosquitoes, trying to absorb the sword energy.

The power of heaven also quickly attacked and killed.

Luo Jun and the power of Heavenly Dao want to work together to completely destroy the sword qi.

But the sword air began to show a crazy aura at this time, and there was a faint phenomenon of self-destruction. Once this sword gas exploded, it would be burned with jade and stone.

Luo Jun naturally didn't want to die with these sword spirits.

The power of heaven immediately wrapped Luo Jun's abdominal cavity quickly and completely sealed the sword qi.

After that, the war was completely calmed down.

Luo Jun's body was already dripping with blood, like a **** man. But anyway, the pain has disappeared.

He sat up quickly, then used his mana.

The wound on his body healed quickly, and all the blood reentered the body.

The clothes have also become clean.

It's like nothing happened...

"Second brother, how are you?" Bai Qing was very concerned, and his eyes couldn't hide the anxiety.

The eternal demon is also very concerned.

Luo Jun opened his eyes, looked at the two, and smiled bitterly: "It's okay for the time being. That day, Daobi used the power of Heaven to temporarily seal the sword energy in my abdominal cavity."

Eternal Demon: "What the **** is going on?"

Luo Jun said: "Big brother yesterday, you lost your combat effectiveness. Xiaobai also suffered serious injuries after killing Paiyun ancestor and other semi-saint masters. At that time I had to deal with Canfeng ancestor and another master... as a last resort, I chose I didn’t move. In the end, a few forces in my body compromised, so I successfully killed them. I didn’t expect that this sword spirit finally entered my flesh and blood because of the close cooperation with me yesterday. So I took the opportunity to cause chaos tonight. , I want to capture my physical body. Fortunately, Tiandao Pen has shot it, otherwise today, it is really a dead end."

The eternal demon said: "So that's the case, but haven't you practiced the eight or nine profound arts? How about cutting off all of your abdomen at this moment, and then forcing the sword energy out?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly, and said: "No, now the sword aura in my body is causing trouble, and it is no longer able to condense the nine-turned soul. The sword aura makes the whole body blocked. Once the lower body is cut off, the violent mana in the body is out of control and will make the whole body. When it explodes, I will be a dead end. I want to use the mosquito to force the sword qi in, but the mosquito moves too slowly and will anger the sword qi. Once the sword qi chooses to burn with jade and stone, I will still be a dead end."

The eternal demon said: "This... is it really the only way to find the Chaos Spirit Vine?"

Luo Jun said: "Even Taishang Dao Ancestor thinks that only the Chaos Spirit Vine can be found. I think there is indeed no other way to go."

Bai Qing said solemnly: "If this sword spirit feels hopeless that day, should I just choose to burn the jade?"

Luo Jun's heart sank.

This possibility is indeed there. When the time comes, even the power of the heavens will not be able to control this sword energy.

Bai Qing said: "We must find the Chaos Spirit Vine soon."

Luo Jundao: "It's not easy to find the Chaos Spirit Vine. But at the moment, the sword qi should not choose to burn jade and stone. The more spiritual it is, the more afraid of death. Now that the power of heaven has sealed it, it has no feeling at all. To the outside world."

Bai Qing's eyes were red and red, and said, "In short, this is too dangerous."

Luo Jun didn't say one more thing, that is, the power of heaven is always in the state of banning the sword energy, and the consumption of his vitality is also a terrifying value.

At the same time, Luo Jun also had to control the power of the Dao of Heaven, so that it would not control the sword qi too much.

To give Dao Qi the hope of breaking the seal, otherwise the Dao Qi finally feels that it is simply dead, not as good as burning jade and stone?

Luo Jun felt that his life was getting more and more difficult. In the next day, he would not only give hope to the sword qi, but also continue to feed the heavenly pen with nourishment.

He already felt that his body was exhausted, which was a manifestation of excessive consumption of vitality.

Time passed quickly, and another month passed in a blink of an eye.

One month later, Bai Qing's injuries fully recovered and he has reached the peak state again.

The body of the eternal demon also fully recovered.

Luo Jun's life was not very good, and he was a little groggy and muddy every day.

Excessive energy consumption, like an ordinary person who is overworked every day...

But he was helpless, unable to reverse this situation.

He hates that sword spirit...

At the same time, Luo Jun felt that he had to be wary of Tiandao pen. This thing is not a good bird either, and now Dao Qi and Tian Dao Pen are still restraining each other. After the sword qi disappeared, if the Heavenly Dao Pen suddenly attacked him that day, how would he resist it?

He felt terrified and terrified when he thought of the situation where the sword qi attacked his body on that day and his body immediately lost control.

On this day, the three of Luo Jun embarked on the journey to find the Chaos Spirit Vine again.

This time I had a little goal, which is to try my best to find some icy places.

Luo Jun, Bai Qing, and Eternal Demon have done a lot of analysis.

This Chaos Spirit Vine is now inaccessible to the world, and it loves the cold... and the ancestors of Can Feng are always looking for...

This shows that the place where the Chaos Spirit Vine is located should be far away from the red dust.

So they need to go to a place without people.

Although hope is slim, I have to look for it.

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, but you can't give up hope...

They went all the way north...

Flying out for a month in a row, but still encountering people, monks and so on on some islands.

Sometimes there are some icebergs.

Sometimes, they will dive to the bottom of the sea...

But there is no gain.

On this day, Luo Jun calmed down and felt that he couldn't just go blindly searching like this.

He said in his heart: "Didn't Lao Tzu find the treasures of the ancestors in the Eternal Star Territory, which is difficult for the world to find? Today I will definitely be able to find the Chaos Spirit Vine that the world can't find."

He began to think: "Where is my advantage over the world? Where is my advantage?"

"Yes, the sword aura in my body, it is my suffering and my advantage. And I have taken so many Chaos Pills, including the Chaos Gourd, which was swallowed by me. The Chaos Qi in my body is It’s closest to the chaotic spirit of the Chaos Spirit Vine. So, I can’t look for it, but I want to contemplate the chaotic spirit."

As a result, Luo Jun no longer searched wildly, but found an island.

He sits cross-legged.

Let Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord protect him.

Soon, Luo Jun entered into a state of meditation. He felt the chaotic air in his body, the chaotic air wandering through the flesh and blood, wandering in the mana, it seemed inconspicuous, but there was a special breath.

After this thorough entry, I not only felt the aura of chaos, but also felt the aura of agarwood pill left by Yuan Sheng...

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