Super Security in the City

Chapter 3941: Finally free

Luo Jun once spent four years on the Devil Star in search of the treasures of the ancestors. It was only with a trace of luck from the Heavenly Tribulation Master that he got a wonderful feeling with the Ancestral God Treasure, and then successfully found the Ancestral God Treasure.

So today, Luo Jun also believes that he will be able to find the Mother Vine of Chaos by relying on the Qi of Chaos in his body.

He was able to immerse himself in a state of extreme silence, sensing the world and everything.

Other people don't have this kind of chaotic energy from the chaotic spirit vine, and it is difficult to find the chaotic spirit vine even if it senses all things. But Luo Jun is different, Luo Jun already has many clues about Chaos Spirit Vine in his mind.

After he calmed down like this, he felt the flow of chaos in his body.

The many factors, molecules, and magnetic fields between heaven and earth all appeared in his brain.

Connected in the brain is the rich world of mana, and consciousness can be derived to endless places along these magical molecules.

That is the vast ocean, the boundless universe!

Everything is in it!

What Luo Jun is looking for now is that trace of resonance, something that can resonate with his chaotic aura in all things in the world.

It is not easy to find!

It was another month for Luo Jun to enter the Dharma. During this month, the Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing had been refining the pill and longevity fruit for Luo Jun to absorb.

Luo Jun's entering state has not been interrupted.

Finally, on this day, Luo Jun suddenly opened his eyes.

He found inspiration, and magically locked a distant breath.

That breath also felt the existence of Luo Jun, and quickly fled.

But this is useless, Luo Jun has completely locked it down, and it is useless for the opponent to escape to the ends of the world.

"How?" Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord immediately asked Luo Jun with concern.

Luo Jundao: "I have found the Chaos Spirit Vine. There is still at least a year away. Moreover, this female Vine can also move and escape by itself. It is still difficult to catch it. But its speed is always slow for us. Many, as long as there is enough time, you can still find it."

"That's great!" Bai Qing and Eternal Demon couldn't help being overjoyed. Bai Qing said: "I finally have a goal right now. It's far better than looking for a needle in a haystack."

Luo Jun thought about it, and finally said: "It's too difficult to find it like this. I think we have to chase it for a while, so that it understands a truth, that is, we can find it sooner or later. Then, I will talk to it again. negotiation."

Bai Qing said: "This is a good idea. We just want it to absorb the sword energy, and we don't want to kill it. Why should it be so scared?"

At the moment, Luo Jun and his team acted immediately.

Flying by Bai Qing is also because Bai Qing is the fastest.

If Bai Qing is tired from flying, the eternal demon will fly. Anyway, he couldn't rest for a while, he had to give the Chaos Spirit Vine enough sense of persecution.

Soon, another month passed.

During this month, the three of Luo Jun and his party were on a lightning march.

No matter how the Chaos Spirit Vine escaped, the distance between them and the Chaos Spirit Vine was quickly getting closer.

At this rate, they could capture the Chaos Spirit Vine in a year and a half at most.

So on this day, Luo Jun felt that the oppression was almost over, so he stopped tracking.

He began to enter concentration, and then tried to communicate with the Chaos Spirit Vine.

The communication was not smooth, and it took three days to get in touch.

The distance between the two parties is too far. If it weren't for the special channel between Chaos Qi, Luo Jun would definitely not be able to communicate with him.

At the moment of communication, Luo Jun first said: "I have no malice!"

The thought that came quickly from the Chaos Lingvine was the voice of a woman, sweet and beautiful.

"Everyone who wants me will say there is no malice!" Chaos Lingteng said.

Luo Jundao: "I was slashed by Daoist Lu's Slashing Immortal Flying Knife, and there was sword energy in my body. If you didn't help me absorb these sword energy, I would be a dead end. I have given your coordinates to my friend. , No matter where you go, we can find you. If I die, you will definitely die!"

"Don't threaten me!" Chaos Lingteng said angrily: "It's a big deal, I'll go back to Donghuang Taiyi."

When Luo Jun stayed, he almost forgot that the Chaos Spirit Vine still had a way out.

But soon, he recovered his shrewdness and said, "Presumably you don't want to be bound by anything. If you were willing to go to the East Emperor Taiyi, you would have gone too. I just want you to help me absorb the sword energy in my body. I will never pester you."

"How can I trust you?" Chaos Lingteng said.

Luo Jun said: "How can you believe it? I can do what you want me to do, and what kind of poisonous oath you make."

Chaos Lingvine went silent.

After a long time, Chaos Lingteng said: "I'll designate a place, let's go here together. After I **** your sword qi away, you take your people away."

Luo Jun said quickly: "No problem!"

Chaos Spirit Vine said: "I want you to swear again!"

Luo Jun said, "No problem."

At the moment, he made a heavy oath.

Chaos Spirit Vine designated a place for Luo Jun.

After that, Luo Jun and his party set off again.

This time the Chaos Spirit Vine didn't run away anymore, but rushed to the same place with Luo Jun.

In this way, the time will be greatly shortened.

During the time when he was going to rendezvous with the Chaos Spirit Vine, Luo Jun still had to confuse the sword energy with the Heavenly Path Pen, so as not to let the sword energy know that the end was coming.

Dao Qi didn't know anything about the outside world, and was still struggling hard every day, trying to break through the seal. For this sword spirit, it certainly doesn't want to die, especially since there is hope every day.

I went all the way, but it went smoothly!

Finally, after half a year, Luo Jun and his party came to the place pointed by the Chaos Spirit Vine. It was in a cave deep in the ocean floor.

Luo Jun promised Chaos Spirit Vine to go alone. So let Bai Qing and the eternal demon wait on the sea. They had discussed it countless times beforehand, so although Bai Qing and Eternal Demon Lord were worried, they didn't say much.

Luo Jun walked towards the bottom of the sea, speed like lightning, joy and anxiety in his heart.

Joy is that I can get rid of the sword energy that has tortured me for years, and I can finally live happily.

But he was afraid of Dao Qi's counterattack, and also afraid of Chaos Spirit Vine's deceit.

But no matter what, he doesn't have to retreat now, he can only move forward!

An hour later, Luo Jun came to the deep sea cave.

The sea cave is deep and surrounded by seaweed.

This place is extremely secretive, and there are enchantments outside. Luo Jun clasped his fist outside the sea cave and said, "Senior Lingteng, I'm here!"

The voice of Chaos Lingvine soon came from inside.

"come in!"

In front of the sea cave, a crack appeared in the barrier.

Luo Jun penetrated through the crack, but after going in, there was an ice cave inside.

Everything from the outside world is covered up.

There is no sea water inside.

Luo Jun walked out a few steps and saw an ice and snow tunnel.

This ice-snow tunnel is quite long, and Luo Jun does not doubt that he has him, and moves forward quickly. After walking for a while, I saw nine bends and eight bends inside, like a maze.

After about half an hour, I finally reached the depths and saw a towering iceberg.

Surrounding the iceberg is an ice crystal palace, with countless luminous pearls shining, making this place seem like a dream.

Luo Jun also saw a young girl at this time.

The girl was dressed in a white dress, and her beautiful face was extremely white, without a trace of blood.

The girl's eyes were dark blue, and her hair was very long. From her appearance, she looked a lot like Snow White in the fairy tale.

Luo Jun knew in his heart that this woman was Chaos Spirit Vine.

"Meet the predecessors next!" Luo Jun was very respectful.

Chaos Lingteng stared at Luo Jun and said, "I can draw sword energy for you, but..."

Luo Jun said: "As long as the sword qi crisis is resolved, I will immediately turn around and leave."

Chaos Lingteng nodded and said: "Okay!" Then, he said again: "Stretch out your hand."

Luo Jun immediately stretched out his hand.

Chaos Lingteng's hand also stretched out, and the two were more than ten meters apart. The hands of Chaos Spirit Vine suddenly turned into green vines. The vine stretched quickly and directly wrapped Luo Jun's arm.

Luo Jun didn't dare to move.

The vine continued to stretch, first wrapped around Luo Jun's hand, then wrapped around his entire arm, and even his entire body.

Luo Jun quickly became a vine person.

At this time, if Chaos Spirit Vine wanted to kill Luo Jun, Luo Jun would definitely be a dead end.

But Luo Jun also left behind, that is, he left his companions outside. If Chaos Lingvine kills, then she can't live by herself.

After the spirit vine wrapped Luo Jun, Luo Jun immediately felt like he was in a furnace of chaos.

The majestic and majestic Chaos Qi circulated in the vines, and then, a Chaos Qi intruded into his body. This chaotic air came to Luo Jun's abdominal cavity and quickly replaced the power of the heavens, enveloping his abdominal cavity.

The power of the heavens dissipated immediately.

Infinite sword energy rushed out quickly, trying to escape the seal.

When it came out, it encountered Chaos Spirit Vine.

The sword gas wailed, but it was irreversible. Chaos Spirit Vine quickly absorbs these sword qi...

The sword energy that made the saints helpless, at this moment, under the absorption of the Chaos Spirit Vine, it has no resistance at all.

After a long while, all the sword energy was absorbed by Chaos Spirit Vine.

Following that, Chaos Lingvine recovered the Chaos Qi.

Those spirit vines were also withdrawn from Luo Jun. In the end, the spirit vines retracted and returned to the arm state.

Luo Jun’s abdominal cavity was severely damaged, but this is not a problem, and he can recover with a little self-cultivation.

He immediately clasped his fist to thank him, and said, "Thank you, senior, for your righteousness. The junior has left."

Chaos Lingteng nodded.

Luo Jundao: "Senior, please rest assured, juniors will never reveal your whereabouts."

Chaos Lingteng said lightly: "I have taken all the chaotic energy from you, and you will not be able to find me if you want to find me in the future."

Luo Jun was not depressed at all, and said, "That would be better."

"Go!" Chaos Lingteng said.

"Yes!" Luo Jun turned and left, and soon went out of the sea cave.

In the darkness of nothingness, several pairs of eyes are staring at this sea cave.

After Luo Jun left the sea cave, he immediately flashed into the sea cave...

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