Super Security in the City

Chapter 3942: Strong enemy behind

When Luo Jun left the sea cave, he also knew in his heart that Chaos Spirit Vine had made perfect preparations. The iceberg behind that must be the hiding place of the Chaos Spirit Vine. Once it is hidden, it is difficult to catch it. He felt that the iceberg was not easy.

When they came to the sea, they met with the eternal demon king and Bai Qing.

The two of them had already waited anxiously, and immediately greeted them when they saw it, both of which were extremely concerned.

Luo Jun sighed with emotion and said with great joy: "It's all over, the sword energy has been completely sucked away. I only need to rest for three days to return to the peak state!"

Bai Qing and Eternal Demon were extremely happy when they heard this.

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Then Luo Jun, you will cultivate quietly in our magic treasure bag, and we will go back to the Asura world with all our strength. The matter of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is always a hidden danger!"

Luo Jun knew the importance and nodded now. Afterwards, he entered Bai Qing's magic treasure bag to practice.

Bai Qing unfolded the red silk fairy belt and hurried back towards it.

There was an endless distance from the Shura realm here, and it flew at the speed of light, and it would take at least three years to return to the Shura realm.

And there are no wormholes to go through, and there are no shortcuts!

Besides, in the sea cave deep in the sea, after the Chaos Spirit Vine helped Luo Jun **** away the sword gas, he was still worried that Luo Jun's words were not good. But later seeing Luo Jun leave happily, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Chaos Lingteng has his own thoughts, this time it is to help Luo Jun **** away the sword qi, and at the same time **** all the Chaos qi from his body. In this way, she quietly left through the iceberg, after which no one could feel her anymore.

She finally got this comfortable body, because she hated being restrained by others, and didn't want to be anyone's magic weapon. Moreover, her body itself is also a good tonic, once it is obtained by others, it is very likely to be fatal.

She wandered between the ice and cold, not wanting to come into contact with any creatures, human beings. As far as she is concerned, after she was born, she did not want to experience human love, but to have a free life, where she wanted to go, without being bound.

At this moment, before the Chaos Spirit Vine could breathe a sigh of relief, a crisis suddenly came...

She was shocked and horrified at once, and secretly said: "Sure enough, a despicable person, I believed him wrong!" Then, she changed quickly, and her whole figure plunged into the iceberg.

The iceberg here was only found after she spent countless energy. After finding it, it took nearly a hundred years to build it.

The iceberg is extremely strong, and there is the solidification of Chaos Qi inside, no matter how strong the mana is, it will take time to break the iceberg. Inside the iceberg, she set up a teleportation array that can teleport her to billions of miles away in a short time...

When the danger came, Chaos Spirit Vine couldn't think about it, and immediately dived into the iceberg and quickly came to the teleportation array.

In front of the iceberg, the three figures came quickly.

After they settled, they could see that it was three men.

The head of the three men, who looked twenty-five or six-year-old, was dressed in a golden robe and had a face like a crown jade. His cultivation was exactly...quasi saint.

He was called Emperor Qingxuan, and he was a major disciple of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Following Emperor Qingxuan were two masters of the Ninth Layer of Creation Realm, who were also the third apprentice and the fourth apprentice of Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Donghuangtai has five disciples, the first disciple Qingxuan, the second disciple Lu Ya Taoist, the third disciple is called Cai Yuanzhi, and the fourth disciple is called Qingling.

It is worth mentioning that the fifth disciple of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is the famous demon saint in the immortal world, whose name is Jiuying. The Nine Infants have nine heads, and each head masters a Dao technique, which can breathe poison, turbid current, thunder and lightning, hurricane, raging fire and so on. Nine heads also represent nine lives, and even if eight heads are cut off, they will not die.

Unless nine of its heads are cut off at the same time, it can be completely killed.

Di Qingxuan brought two junior disciples to the iceberg, and Di Qingxuan immediately noticed that a teleportation array was being transmitted inside the iceberg.

"Want to go..." Di Qingxuan snorted coldly, and said, "Dreaming!"

Then, he quickly drove his Tianluo Holy Realm. That day, Luo Shengjing woven a big golden net, which quickly merged into the many molecules in the air and into the magnetic field.

Chaos Spirit Vine was about to leave through the teleportation array, and suddenly discovered that a golden net appeared in the teleportation corridor needed by the teleportation array. The golden net trapped some necessary molecules and magnetic fields. In this way, the transmission will be difficult to succeed.

This hand is not something ordinary people can do.

Chaos Spirit Vine is also a wise person, and he knew immediately that the cultivation base of those who came was definitely sanctified. Only a master of sanctification can use the divine technique to block her teleportation formation in an instant.

Afterwards, the big golden net quickly struck towards the Chaos Spirit Vine.

Chaos Lingvine was sweating all over, and his figure fled back, trying to escape.

But everything was too late, and in the next second, she was covered by the big golden net.

No matter how she changes, the big golden net is getting tighter and tighter.

Then, a flashing, golden big net left the iceberg and returned to Emperor Qingxuan's hands.

Emperor Qingxuan received the Tianluo Holy Realm, and grabbed a blue spirit vine in his hand.

This cyan spirit vine is the chaotic spirit vine, and the chaotic spirit vine has been transformed into its original form under the damage of the Heavenly Luo Holy Realm.

The third younger brother Cai Yuanzhi and the fourth younger brother Qingling couldn't help being overjoyed when they saw this.

Cai Yuanzhi said, "Brother, is this the Chaos Spirit Vine Master wants us to find?"

Emperor Qingxuan nodded and said, "Yes!"

Qing Ling said: "It's great, I don't pretend that we have been following that group of people for so long."

Di Qingxuan said solemnly: "The death of the second junior brother has a great relationship with the three of them. If it weren't for the chaotic spirit vine, they should have been sent to the west. Today the spirit vine has been found, and then we must pursue that with all our strength. There are three people."

"Yes, big brother!" Cai Yuanzhi and Qingling responded together.

Luo Jun took the longevity fruit in Baiqing's magic bag, and the injured part of the body absorbed the longevity fruit and quickly recovered.

The power rushes fiercely in the body, unimpeded!

Luo Jun couldn't wait to look up to the sky and howl, he felt the joy to the extreme.

It's been a long time since I had such a joy.

Without fetters, the world can travel freely!

After that, within one day, he pushed the cultivation base to the ninth peak of the creation realm in one fell swoop.

This is a logical thing, he could get there back then, but he didn't want to be too conspicuous. Now that I have experienced a lot of Nirvana pain, it is not a problem.

Then, Luo Jun counted his pills. After this tossing, there are still 1.9 million longevity fruits left.

What is visible to the naked eye is decreasing!

This longevity fruit is an absolute divine tool. With 5 million longevity fruit, he could force the old man Hongchen to display the power of the heavenly way.

But right now, after the Tiandao Pen merged with himself, it would not be so ferocious to consume the longevity fruit. This is also the reason why his combat effectiveness has been compromised since the old man in Hongchen.

If it were so ferocious, it is estimated that the longevity fruit would have been used up a long time ago.

Without the longevity fruit, it is not a fart.

There are still more than ten signs of pure Yang Pill, which was originally used a lot, but after sweeping the autumn breeze in Fengming City, I gained some more.

The ten trillion pure Yang Pill was nothing but drizzle to Luo Jun today.

Those 1.9 million longevity fruits are the absolute horrible wealth.

After the injury was fully recovered, Luo Jun came to the red silk fairy belt.

Bai Qing was riding the wind and waves, and Luo Jun looked up to the sky and roared, showing his joy.

Eternal Demon Lord and Bai Qing were infected by his happy emotions, and felt extremely happy.

After that, Luo Jun brought out good wine and drank with them on the red silk fairy belt. Bai Qing was not driving the red silk immortal belt, and was still walking freely in the void by the immortal belt.

Anyway, the journey is still far away, no matter how urgent it is, this moment.

Luo Jun raised his glass and said: "When I first cut the Immortal Flying Knife, I thought it was bound to die. Although it was later said that the Chaos Spirit Vine could solve the qi, but it was also a needle in a haystack, and the hope was slim. Thanks to Xiaobai, and thanks to Eternal Brother, Without you, I guess Luo Jun would be dead."

After he finished speaking, he did it first.

The eternal demon smiled slightly and said: "I can't drink this glass of wine."

Luo Jun and Bai Qing were both startled.

The eternal demon said: "This little thing I did for you is not worth mentioning. I want to thank you. I want to thank you. I want to toast, and I toast you! Back then, I was harmed by Gaia. I'm not afraid of death, but the vengeance has not been reported. It is hard to be reconciled. Fortunately, you helped me, my brother, that made me reborn from the ashes. Not only did I get my life back, but I also avenged my blood and blood."

Luo Jun stayed for a while, then said: "Well, Brother Eternal, then we won't say anything, don't thank anyone, drink!"

"Okay!" The Eternal Demon Lord responded.

Bai Qing didn't say much beside him, anyway, he just followed to drink.

After that, the eternal demon said: "I can count on people in my whole life. I have looked for the friend of Luo Jun brother. I also understand very well... As for Xiaobai, I also think you are a very trustworthy person after getting along for the past few years. Brothers. It’s just that sometimes, I don’t seem to know you very much. You act innocent in front of us, but how can you be an innocent person? Here today, Xiaobai, would you like to open your heart and talk to us? chat?"

Bai Qing was stunned.

Luo Jun also felt the same as the eternal demon.

He also thinks that Bai Qing is a trustworthy brother, and Bai Qing has always been very simple.

However, he also felt that Bai Qing could not be so innocent.

How can a genius who has cultivated to a semi-sage at a young age, and a person with a heart demon as a holy realm, be innocent?

Luo Jun said to Bai Qing: "Between brothers, life and death are nothing but leisure. If you have any purpose for us, you might as well say it. Whether you want us to do things or our lives, you can just say it. Because we are brothers, yes. friend."

The eternal demon said: "Yes, my fate can also be entrusted!"

Bai Qing did not speak immediately. After a long silence, he smiled bitterly, and said, "You guys are talking so well, why did you suddenly come to me? Dadao Zhijian, in fact, I am a very simple person. If I have nothing to do with the two brothers Good intentions and goals will prevent me from dying, and forever to live beyond life!"

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